2006 Hayabusa
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Hey folks, As you may have read somewhere in here, I acquired a 2006 Suzuki Hayabusa back in May this year, & have so-far had a pretty-good run with it, having clocked over 10,000k's already through winter. Surprisingly, it's actually really easy on the tyres, as the original set fitted to it were...
Kubota U17 Mini Excavator - Rent at Home Depot
Well, seems I dodged a bullet by renting a Kubota U17 mini excavator for $211 and then some new pipes and fittings for $80. Just finished up and I am proud to say the $hitter is no longer full. [img]http://www.autotrend.us/photo/sewer1....
Husqvarna ST 224 Snowblower
Having lived off a main road where the plow trucks routinely plow you into your freshly cleaned driveway (in my case two driveways) and having literally worn out three snowblowers since my time here I decided this year to spend on a nicer one. Picked up the Husqvarna ST 224 with dual action auger to chop...
OK not an auto but you guys would know
Old Cub Cadet heavy duty, shaft drive. Kohler in it. It "hunts" I blew gas lines out, replaced a 2" x 1.5" HD fuel filter, removed tank and flushed it. Carb is not a regular mower carb, looks like a single barrel or something. It had a big filter on it before it started acting up so not sure if carb float bowl....
Yamaha FX SHO Cruiser! 73 MPH on the water! SWEEEEET!
You want to talk about some fun? Strap on one of them Yamaha FX SHO Cruiser Wave Runners with the 1.8 Liter SuperCharged engines with 210 HP and you'll know fun. The thing has the exact same engine as the Chevy Colbolt SS and the pick up on this thing is CRAZY! If someone was riding on the back and you nailed i...