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Post Info TOPIC: Free Hack Mechanic work in Brampton Ontario Canada! Chan is your man!


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Free Hack Mechanic work in Brampton Ontario Canada! Chan is your man!

I wanted to take the time to inform anyone who needs work done on their Ford Trucks to be ware of this mechanic by the name of Michael Chan. He claims to be a Ford Master Tech, but really he is just a Ford Masterbater.

Apparently this hack of a mechanic likes to run his mouth in other forums about how we like to be paid for working. Aparently he must perform FREE repairs at his dealer!
Yes thats right!

Take your truck to Michael Chan and he will fuck up your truck, then return it to you free of charge!

I think he uses the handle Pogo Possum in this forum, so anyone who has wasted time reading his drunken babble should know what I am talking about.

Michael Chan claims that you can bring your Ford SuperDuty Diesel to his shop and get $12,000 worth of parts and labor FOR FREE!!! Thats right folks, when the time comes to pay the bill just tell the service manager that Michael Chan said to release your vehicle because he would never dream of holding a persons vehicle.

I myself dont live in the Brampton Ontario Canada area, but if you do, go on down there and tell em' SELLC sent ya! Dont forget to skip on your tab, and if he doesnt release your vehicle WITHOUT PAYMENT make him pull up these threads-

Oh wait, that second thread he claims to be a service writer... Oh well, better luck next time Chan! Guess you must REALLY SUCK as a mechanic! No wonder he isnt used to getting paid for his work!

His signature on one form is-

Ford Diesel/Senior/Master Tech

....who works at a dealership that employs the most hideous looking female employees

....but loves hot women with big boobies

....and hates working on E-Series with 6.0L

What a chump this guy Chan is... Talking shit about stuff he has no first hand knowledge of, then going on multiple sites trying to run down my name and business. This guy is so green with envy and the best part is he thinks people work for free. No wonder he never made it as a business man, or a mechanic for that matter!

Go kiss some more ass M-Chan, I bet thats why they made you a Service Writer!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Let me guess... You stumbled across his posts while you were trolling the public Diesel boards for information on how to fix yours right???

Ah it's good to be back.



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I dont think I will be asking for any help on any of them PowerStroke forums ever again. While I gave them the bennifite of the doubt the first few days, I soon realized they didnt have a clue what they were talking about. Thats when I started to take the photos and show them how it was done. Only problem was they banned me for telling them they were full of shit, so I never got to finish the thread.
I suggest you do the same PowerStroker, as forums try and take advantage of people in the name of the "Team", but thats all bullshit because everyone has to eat and no one wants to be taken advantage of.

Good to have you back PowerStroker! I hope you understand that I had to do something.

Welcome back!

-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 2nd of December 2009 10:17:24 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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I absolutely agree with you "buddy"! The Powerstroke forum is NOT a place for YOU to go asking for help! The Professional, respectful, honest techs that frequent that forum don't know how to PRETEND to fix vehicles, let alone how to steal them. That is your expertise!
Now if you are looking for good and sound adivice on how to FIX your vehicle, the Powerstroke forum is the site to go....
I am sure that Michael Chan, Pogo AKA Jim, Big Angry Hillbilly AKA Aaron & others will be more than willing to help!

BTW: I missed you!matrixfight.gif
Did you miss me?

Just because  you can't fix it, doesn't mean you should steal it!


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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Rex... we've been over it before...

I'm not Mike and Mikes not me...

It isn't about releasing a truck without having the bill paid... it is about performing a multitude of repairs that you cannot fully justify... Effectively, you billed your customer for training you.

It is about trying to repair the single most complex light truck diesel without any manuals - without any training - but having the audacity to solicit help on what is essentially DIY forums...

That's OK... you can go back into daddys shop now and finish pulling your fenders of so you can remove the motor.... that just proves a point about your comprehension skills...



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Didnt this guy Pogo just say he was "Out of here"? Guess he never did say for how long.

You know I had manuals, and you know the repairs I did were justified. I did not bill my customer for training, it was pretty much straight forward. The questions I had asked about pertaining to the check engine light had nothing to do with the vast amount of major work needed. I had already told the customer he needed exhaust, injectors and pump work, but he was convinced that once the check engine light went off, the truck would be fine. He was wrong, and ended up burning the starter out prior to authorizing the major repairs. When finished it ran like a raped ape, but the customer vanished for 4 months, and when he finally did contact me he said "Hey dude, I cant afford that truck anymore, keep it." At first I thought he was joking, then after two months of the truck sitting I realized he wasnt. Even back then I could not even sell the truck for what I had into it!

Pogo was right... You cant eat an F250, and I have learned a whole lot from that fiasco. Never again!

And then you guys come in here and other forums to pour salt on the wound.

Thanks guys.... oh... And gals.

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 3rd of December 2009 12:46:41 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PogoPossum wrote:

Rex... we've been over it before...

I'm not Mike and Mikes not me...

Yes we had been over this before, but I thought you may have been pulling my leg. Bring this Chan guy to me! The pussy can run his cock holster in other forums, but lacks the balls to face the man.

I created a handle of Tony Soprano on to address his coments but I got banned within 2 hours.

I also see that HillBilly has been busy over there too. The best part was when someone tried to tell him the tensioner bolts were 8mm rather than 10mm... LOL What a monkey house is!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

LOL What a monkey house is!

I agree completely, I only joined yesterday to check out the Tony Soprano drama but it was already deleted.  There are some serious nut jobs on that site.  I much prefer the secret Mafia site so I think I'll stay there.  Don't worry Rex, I'll still hang out here for entertainment purposes.




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Fuck it, you dont have to drive to Brampton, you can get the same quality of work that Mike turns out, right across the ditch, in Windsor, Ontario.

I'm 'a come over there to Canton this weekend and take a dump on your porch.

-- Edited by Big Angry Hillbilly on Thursday 3rd of December 2009 11:05:58 PM

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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Oh look... Hillbilly is trying to get in on a little of this free advertisement now too! LOL

What is that old saying again? "No advertisment is bad advertisement!"

So since Pogo isnt Chan, then who is? Hillbilly? PowerStroker perhaps? He may already be here!

Oh and one more thing Hillbilly, if you come see me Im going to put your ass to work! You might want to re-consider.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Pfft. With 6 fucked discs in my back, I ain't gonna be doin' much.

Pogo, Chan, and Hillbilly are all different people, I can assure you of that, and they range in size from little to holy fuck, that guy looks like he's gonna hurt someone.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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PowerStroker is a different person too, and so is Larry, but Mike has been here before, just not recently.



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This Chan guy.... What a little #ucker he is.

I bet he is Disgruntled, but really you guys prolly wouldnt tell me anyway.

I got my money on Pogo, or Disgruntled, given the amount of info I have now.

Then again, Chan is somewhat of a little bitch, so he.she could be Ford Girl given her Female gender admission.

One thing is for sure, once we find him


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Ouch Rex, what happened to the rest of you?


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PowerStroker wrote:

Ouch Rex, what happened to the rest of you?


The rest of him? The best part of him ran down his mommas leg. This guy spends most of his life back-pedalling... the rest of his time he spends telling us he never said what he said...

In the truly amazing department...

We repair these vehicles and return them to the customer because they can afford to pay the bill... sadly, we do not have any idea  - we couldn't fix a sandwich, I ithink is the term

Rex, OTOH, will insist that he has very good manuals (if you want to call public internet amateur forums on the internet "manuals"). He has lied to our faces time after timne after time and yet has the brevity to consider us as his inferior...

It's a sad state of affairs...

But then going from having a "successful" business in a non descript , flea bag strip mall to removing the fenders from our truck (for absolutely no reason at all) in our daddies garage will prove to be traumatic...

I sold out my business and this dweeb thinks I am inadequate... He's working in Daddies driveway and thinks he is "wise"...




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If Pogo wasnt such an idiot I might not laugh so hard every time he "Thinks" out loud. As usual he is wrong, yet he keeps trying.

You have already said you are a poor business man. You are a sell out. Why should anyone follow your advice? Your a spinless old codger who has nothing better to do than make up shit about the people.

Go beat your wife some more Pogo.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Disgruntled is Mike Chan.

I can tell you that for sure.

I also know who Ford Girl is, but I'm not at liberty to divulge that information.

Powerstroker and Larry are also different people, I can verify that also.

Shit, Rex, you KNOW WHO LARRY IS!

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?

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SELLC wrote:

If Pogo wasnt such an idiot I might not laugh so hard every time he "Thinks" out loud. As usual he is wrong, yet he keeps trying.

You have already said you are a poor business man. You are a sell out. Why should anyone follow your advice? Your a spinless old codger who has nothing better to do than make up shit about the people.

Go beat your wife some more Pogo.

Whooo-eee... musta been somethin' real bad to make you that bitter....

You are quite presumptuous, Rexy-boy... Here you are amongst those that have been working with 6.0s since their introduction... pretending that you are wise.

I'm a sell out? I have maintained my integrity... I am not a back alley hack working out of daddys garage... I have access to the latest information and tools for those vehicles that I have chosen to specialize in...

You just don't get it, do you?

With the new generation of products moving down the pipe, you will need to get with the parade... or you will have a driveway full of cars you have "fixed"....

You can call me what you want... but it appears that you are the only one getting excited about it.




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Ill say it again Pogo...

It is a fact that people leave the dealer parade/circus once the warranty runs out. Then guess where they go!?

It sure as hell isnt the dealer!

Keep kidding yourself Pogo. Your skill is limited to what Ford's gives you. You dont have the understanding to perform repairs outside the box. What I mean is you are a high dollar parts changer.

It is doubtful that you could perform outside your dealership as I can. Thats because you lack the ability to think on your own. Too much time spent trying to understand things that are just diffrent ways of doing the SAME thing. Good for Fords that people like YOU and the customer buy into it! Othewise you would all be out of a job! LOL!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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You really, really need to proof read your work....

My skill is "limited" to what Ford gives me.... "Your" skill had you labouring on some poor shmucks truck for how long before you understood HEUI injectors?

As it stands, you are presumptuous enough to make a mistake about where customers go after warranty... Oh, you are right that they head for the aftermarket... simply because the aftermarket low balls their pricing....

Once the truck is in the bay, you guys shake out all the old parts and fill it full of new ones... when the customer finally gets pissed at you, he comes back to us... c'est la vie....

It isn't me that is kidding myself... I have heard of a "professional tech" that gave up a reasonably equipped shop (so he indicated) to go work in a relatives garage at home... someone that told me he is busy and runs a successful business.... but not successful enough to keep a storefront.

Me? The biggest reason I sold out is because my wife required medical care that our system didn't fully address.... When the boss wasn't at work, not much got done..

FWIW, how many employees have you had?



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POWERSTROKERS FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Edited by SELLC because Stoma dont know how to read!

-- Edited by SELLC on Tuesday 16th of March 2010 04:48:42 PM


LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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stoma wrote:


POWERSTROKERS FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should know Stoma, that was POGOPOSSUM, not PowerStroker.

Why dont you take the time to read next time?

Not only do you know NOTHING about vehicles, you dont know how to read.

Looks like it is STOMA who just got OWNED!


 Next time take the time to read you idiot!

-- Edited by Administrator on Wednesday 17th of March 2010 02:58:11 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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LOOK AT HOW LAME AND STUPID REX IS........................ NOT ONLY DOES THIS HYPOCRITICAL PIECE OF MAGGOT SHIT EDIT MY POSTS BUT ALSO USES MY PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW UNORIGINAL AND LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO FUCK YOURSELF REX................ EAT JIZZ AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I apologize to everyone, especially the late Pogo... Stoma is a special needs member and somehow managed to wander into the forum. We honestly didn't even know he could read, let alone communicate for more than a sentence at a time... Please do not make fun of the special needs members as we try and integrate them into society.

Now Stoma, you need to go see your Dr. soon and get your prescriptions re-filled... It's obvious you're not keeping up on your regimen.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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