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Post Info TOPIC: Things could get interesting in PowerStroker's shop


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Things could get interesting in PowerStroker's shop

The union contract is almost expired.  Tomorrow we see the new proposal, Friday we vote to accept it, or strike.

I'll keep you posted.  It is really nice weather for a strike though!  It may be fun to sit by the highway with picket signs and beer and watch car accidents all day until ownership realizes what we're worth.  Sometimes they tend to be really slow learners though.furious  Once in a while it requires 1600 employees walking off the job to help educate them.  This may be one of those times.

To be continued...

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Wednesday 14th of April 2010 09:22:58 PM



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I wish you guys the best of luck! Perhaps you should invest in one of these to ensure you can hold the sign, give hand gestures and drink at the same time!

It's just too bad them unions you keep paying couldnt have gotten it fixed without having to take to the streets with signs. I think the Union should have to pay their members out of dues money when they can't work things out. Most of my family worked for either GM or Fords so I remember what it was like to have to strike. It was hard on everyone in the family because there was that uncertanty.

The weather has been most pleasent here the past few days. It's been dead for the past two weeks but things just picked up. I got a lot of projects in order the past week and a half but progress grinds to a hault when the coffers dry up. It's feast or famine in the auto industry.

Not many people want to work on big diesel trucks, let alone know how to.

This whole issue is prolly either Bush's fault, or Obama's.


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Anyone know who this guy is?

I think he represented the Unions at one time. If you got a guy like him representing you there is a chance you will be asked to do a little more than picket.


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Jimmy Hoffa, founder of my union

Don't fuck with the Teamsters motherfuckers.



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Aw man... I hope your speaker has a silver toung the next few days...

Or it could get ugly

By the way, does the union tell you guys what you are striking for? More money? Pelosi grade Insurance? Better looking parts counter women?

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 15th of April 2010 01:37:46 PM


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Well, I still have to scour the new proposal, but my expectation is that it will pass... though I may vote against it just because I'm a belligerent prick who likes to instigate problems.

It has a general across the board increases in wages, though some specific types of tasks will see pay cuts. The union is actually recommending we vote to pass it because they feel things are only going to get worse at the negotiating table if we reject it this time and strike.

You never know, I may come around and listen to my union... It's just so hard to fight off my natural instincts to declare war on my employer.

Nothing like democracy in the workplace eh?



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Well, I tried to stick it to myself by voting to strike, but I was outnumbered and will remain on the job as the new contract was ratified. 

At least by voting the way I did I reserve the right to bitch about the contract as much as I want.

PowerStroker must now put the picket sign and beer helmet back in storage for another 3 years. 



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Gee that's kind of how I feel about my vote against Obama.... See that's the only thing that sucks about a Democracy, sheer numbers out rank reason. It's just a good thing for the Democrats there were a lot of idiots. I am sure the same holds true for your new contract and quit lying about putting the beer helmet in storage, you are prolly wearing it right now. LOL

Even though the media is trying to psyche people into thinking the economy is turning around, people arent buying it. Because of the economy and many people not having jobs it prolly wouldnt have looked too good striking when so many are without jobs. Then again Obama has had the unions in his back pocket since day one. Around here there are many Ford and GM plants, and with them many union halls. All of them were pushing Obama hard core. In return he gave the Union GM who coughed up a new Caddy for the Bamster to floss. I really need to do a thread about Obamas new Caddy I bet its got all the bells and whistles.


Let us hope your union rep was not being penny wise and pound foolish. From what you said the new contract entailed Cuts which I hope were more than offset by gains in other areas. That is one of the main reasons that I never liked unions, everyone is looking out for their own including the people who have the job of being union representative.


Its funny that you mentioned a strike as on Monday I rented the movie Hoffa. Your misfortune made it more interesting to watch. Have you seen it?
I been using this song for awhile myself after the Obama win, but you can borrow it PowerStroker.LOL


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I haven't seen the movie, but actually the new contract isn't that bad at all. There are cuts in our pay rate for recalls that take less than 1 hour (most recalls), and now I only get a HD truck differential on F350 and larger vehicles... I used to get that for F250's too. But there is a 2 percent increase in the guarantee pay rate each year for the next 3 years. And a 4.25 percent increase in my incentive rate for the first year, and then 2 percent increase for the following 2 years. Since Ford doesn't have many recalls now days I think I'm actually going to end up ok on this deal. But the Toyota guys down the street (in the same union) are going to be fucked hard because they are spending all day doing recalls at a about a $5 per hour reduced rate.


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Union? My fuck, man... you can be replaced by someone less able because he's been there longer... Union... fuck, I can't believe you said that...

Yeah, I have a problem with unions...

Thinly veiled communism is my first thought.... and it goes downhill from there.



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I am glad everything worked out for you PowerStroker, but for once I have to agree with Pogo on this one... Too much politics in the Union, perhaps thats why you like them, I dont know.

It's a good thing you guys got it handled otherwise you could have had a problem with scabs.


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Personally I think I could make more money at a non union shop, but the Union provides a pension plan which would come in handy later in life. Certainly the Union isn't a perfect system, but they have raised the standard of living for all middle class people union or not.

Thanks for the inspiration for my new avatar by the way!
I think good old Jimmy pretty much embodies my attitude most of the time.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Saturday 17th of April 2010 06:03:16 PM



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Yeah that is a pretty cool photo of Hoffa.. Love that suit he is wearing! Wonder what something like that cost? $1000.00 in 1970's money? Eh no big deal, his union workers will buy him 3! Then again he may be worth it, my grandmother did pretty well in retirement and she was a union worker at GM.

It's not for everyone, I myself am a Union of one when it comes to business. My job is to fix the stuff the manufatures couldnt design to last. Your job is to fix the stuff the Union factory workers botched up on the line. It's a give and take...

Regarding the people down the street at Toyota.... FUCK TOYOTA... Thats my take.  


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I giggle when I see that Hoffa picture. I'm thinking he's probably being grilled in some congressional investigation of his mafia ties and is flipping some senator the bird :)

Ah good old Jimmy



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See timing is everything...

You guys should have held off until about 3-6 months after the new 6.7 liter Diesel engine hit the market... That way when the stalls started loading up with design problems you would have had some leverage. Ford's dont want another 6.0 on it's hands.

Then again the unions have changed since Jimmy...

For example, can you explain to me how the UAW can honestly be looking out for it's empoyee's now that the government has basiclly turned over GM and Chrysler to the unions? I mean how does that work for GM and Chrysler workers? I mean how can the Union own the company, charge dues for the workers, and yet still remain un-bias? How can they be serving the better intrest of the workers when they now have a majority stake in the business? I mean am I the only one who ponders these sorts of things?


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The union only got a couple seats on the board of directors. Think of it as giving a limited share of stock to the employees... This usually yields great results for the employees and the company. Some companies are entirely employee owned as you are uniquely aware. Has Auto Trend suffered in any way by having it's only employee call the shots.

...on second thought, that might not be the best example ;)



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We have helpers.

-- Edited by SELLC on Tuesday 6th of September 2011 11:35:41 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Sold a few pieces off that 6.0 already I see.

You should take a really close look at that Delphi electronic throttle body and figure out what that's worth.  I'll bet you it's missing a pretty important piece.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Saturday 24th of April 2010 10:58:10 PM



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You claim to be a PowerStroke mechanic... You should know all that stuff has to come out in order to remove, at least with the cab still on.

I am well aware there is no butterfly in there and that it's not technicly a throttle body. May I remind you I am 1/2 bottle in on the NyQuil. Lets pick this up after the head clears as it hurts to look at the white screen.


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I'm feeling a little better finally... Now where were we?

Something about the union collectively ramming it up your arse without lube? Or could it have been the whole Built "FORD TOUGH WITH CHEVY STUFF"? Or perhaps it was it more to do with the fact you werent familiar with the process because you could never muster pulling a 6.0 Diesel without removing the cab?

I am starting to think the only way a Ford F250 Super Duty will be reliable is if I slide one of these big V8 Mercedes engines in there. Did I ever tell you about the time my Mercedes had to pull my F250 out of a snow embankment? I always wanted to feel what the 5.6 liter M117 engine felt like behind 4:10 gears! If anything it's sure to piss off you Ford guys! LOL

-- Edited by SELLC on Tuesday 27th of April 2010 02:51:06 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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Are you guys finished doing 69?
Inquiring minds want to know?????



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Nothing wrong with being supportive in the face of adversity. Now that he is thru the thickets the game is back on.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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PowerStroker wrote:

Personally I think I could make more money at a non union shop, but the Union provides a pension plan which would come in handy later in life. Certainly the Union isn't a perfect system, but they have raised the standard of living for all middle class people union or not.

Thanks for the inspiration for my new avatar by the way!
I think good old Jimmy pretty much embodies my attitude most of the time.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Saturday 17th of April 2010 06:03:16 PM

I have my own "pension plan" Last year I put over 10 large in my RRSP.... I didn't need to pay union dues for that to happen... 

People pay union dues so that the union can tell them they are mediocre.... so that the union can replace a good worker with little seniority with a poor worker that's past his prime and been on the books for far too long.

At one time, the union fixed problems... now they cause them.




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This is very interesting to me... Don't you belong to a union Pogo? Arent you getting up there in terms of years?

I find it interesting that a dealership guy like Pogo who is somewhat old would be saying these things about a union..

I am willing to say that the unions were always for the union, and not the other way around. The people who are getting paid by the union are also workers, looking out for their best intrest. Just look at Jimmy's suit!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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He doesn't have a union at his shop/.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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No? I thought Pogo was saying something about techs in Canada having to have their Journeymans card? Is that not the same thing as a union, basiclly?

Good to see you back BAH, I think of you every time I pour a bowl of Captian Crunch.

Not to change the topic, but how have the new 6.7 liter Scorpion engines been holding up thus far?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

 how have the new 6.7 liter Scorpion engines been holding up thus far?

I fixed one for an oil leak from the oil filler neck o-ring having been torn.  So far that's it.




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Defective oil cap o-ring must have been made in China and assembled in Mexico. Prolly a Canadian who twisted it on! LOL

Still I think the 6.7 liter has only been in the hands of the general public for a month and two weeks. The big test is still to come... WINTER.

Havent seen any on the roads yet, but I am sure more and more they will be popping up.

Keep us posted!


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We had some up at the diamond mine. It was cold up there.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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You had some 6.7 liter Scorpion engines in them trucks at the diamond mine? How long ago did you work there? I thought these Scorpion engines were new?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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They are new, but several pre production trucks were given to various fleet and contracting companies across the country to prove out the engine for several million miles before regular production started.



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Interesting... Wonder if there are any photos of the 6.7 engines (pre-production) in some of these massive earth movers and shakers. That would be an interesting sight to see, at the very least for the purpose of comparing them. I wonder if they had the single shaft dual turbos on them as well?


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The green truck in the photos from school was a pre production truck. It was pretty much the same as production models as far as I can tell.



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I've seen a bunch of pre-production ones...there are not MUCH differences. A few though.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?


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What key words would I use to search for photos of these monsters?

Were they using Peizo Crystals in the injectors back then? Or were they basiclly testing the bottom ends?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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They are pretty much exactly like the production trucks you can buy on the lot right now. I heard there were some wiring harness changes for sure, and some other minor differences depending on how early the pre production unit was built. There was some evolution throughout the process untill the final product was mass produced. Yes the fuel system components would be the same Bosch common rail system as you would find on the production trucks. It's not like Ford was going to prove out a vehicle with different components than the ones they intended to sell to everyone, that just wouldn't make sense.

Here is the FoMoCo site that tracked several pre production trucks:

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Monday 23rd of August 2010 12:59:35 AM



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Perhaps I mis-understood Hillbilly, but how long ago was it that he worked at the diamond mine? Seems like a lot of the test on that link are within the last year or so. I got the impression Hillbilly worked at the dealer now.

My personal favorite is the Florida Everglades test where they list "9" Alligator encounters! LOL Now that's Ford Tuff!

I also like the Wyoming Mesa Hallibutron test with almost 2000 Coffee's and damn near 2000 Energy Drinks. I would have loved to be present for the 259 off road excursions! The near 6,000,000 total pounds pulled was impressive as well. This week they slept in the truck 30+ hours! Gee I hope they did away with the turbo up-tube design because if not, some of them guys might not be waking up!

-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 23rd of August 2010 01:40:50 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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A bump for our Union guy PowerStroker


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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SELLC wrote:

This is very interesting to me... Don't you belong to a union Pogo? Arent you getting up there in terms of years?

I find it interesting that a dealership guy like Pogo who is somewhat old would be saying these things about a union..

I am willing to say that the unions were always for the union, and not the other way around. The people who are getting paid by the union are also workers, looking out for their best intrest. Just look at Jimmy's suit!

 Revisiting a very old thread ( and trying to generate some traffic for our buddy Rex).


No... I do not belong to a union... I would rather drink a cup of buzzard puke than join a union. Trade unions are about the purest form of communism that you could ever hope to find. Trade unions will put talented people at the same level as those who should have chosen a different career path.

I'm 61 years old. This is my chosen vocation. I will not retire. People that stop working are people that are waiting to die... While it is an eventuality, it isn't something I am looking forward to.


The reason I returned to being a dealer tech has everything to do with training.... documentation... tools.....

In this modern age, there is no way in hell a tech can be an "all make superstar". Do not pretend to try and tell me different. The first time you work on a 2011 Super Duty will open your eyes.... Without what you regard as "spoon feeding" you will be reduced to experimenting on your customers.

I chose to avoid that. I picked a make and I picked a dealer... That was nearly 10 years ago. Even at my tender age, I have been sent to spoon feeding school twice this year. Remember the trouble you had figuring out HEUI injectors? I had the benefit of someone explaining that to me... Do I need to spell out the benefits?



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PogoPossum wrote:

I chose to avoid that. I picked a make and I picked a dealer... That was nearly 10 years ago. Even at my tender age, I have been sent to spoon feeding school twice this year. Remember the trouble you had figuring out HEUI injectors? I had the benefit of someone explaining that to me... Do I need to spell out the benefits?

 I am glad we agree about Unions, or at least what Unions have become.

With regards to HEUI injectors... I never had a problem understanding the system Pogo, my complaint was with the cost involved vs. the amount of time they lasted. I am willing to bet that even with ALL your vast spoon feeding skills you have NEVER rebuilt a HEUI injector, so what gives? The manuals you get taught from by an instructor are made available to the aftermarket by Fords, or in the HEUI 6.0 PowerStroker engines case, INTERNATIONAL (Now Navistar).

Yes you need to spell out the benefits, but be sure to do so AFTER the manufature warranty runs out. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The parts required to rebuild a 6.0 HEUI injector are not available to technicians. There is special equipment involved in the process also. It's not like rebuilding a carburetor Rex, there are very specialized machining processes involved in rebuilding these properly.



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You just wait and see PowerStroker... In another few years they will be selling kits to rebuild them. Still needs to be a bit longer for all the proprietary BS to expire.

I am glad you decided to chime in though, because as you said Ford does not offer a rebuild kit, and a dealership tech can not rebuild them. Now tell me how having to replace a set of bad injectors equates to someone not knowing how an HEUI injector works!

You will have to excuse me, I need to get back to double stacking my Piezo wafer crystals for my newer generation injectors I'm rebuilding. wink


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Sometimes a set of them does need replacement. That fact has no bearing on whether or not you know how they work or why they failed.

Good luck with those common rail injectors you're building. Double stacking piezo wafers eh? Wouldn't it be easier to just get an aftermarket programmer to command more injector on time? Aren't you concerned about fuel economy and engine noise?



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How many flashes did Ford come out with in just a few short years?



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The trucks we had at the mine were P356 trucks with the 6.7 d-train in them.

We do PRECISION GUESSWORK based on vague assumptions and unreliable data of dubious accuracy provided by persons of questionable intellectual capacity. Now what can we fix for you today?
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