Yet this Bloomberg guy vows to FIGHT it! Imagine that! This guy wants to FORCE his will on the people of New York, much like how the Obama Administration want's to force health care down our throats! What's next? Limits on sex? Limits on how many horsepower you vehicle can have? Limits on how many times a day you can use the bathroom?
Seriously people! That's how INSANE this stuff is! No longer can anyone say I am wrong because if they force health care and then dictate what size our soft drinks can be sold then the sky is the limit with these people! You can EXPECT more silly bullshit rules to "trickle down" to hard working Americans!
These two Judges have re-affirmed my faith in the American way and I only WISH the Supreme court would have had the BALLS to stand up to Obama care! New York is far from a nanny state! It's turning into a damn Nazi state!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl