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Post Info TOPIC: Fukushima radiation - Isn't this the REAL crisis facing the world?


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Fukushima radiation - Isn't this the REAL crisis facing the world?

All these international problems abound with downright ridiculous administration both domestic and foreign. Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Obamacare, and let's heap Russia in there too..

But really... What could be more important than 3 damaged reactors spewing radiation all over the world? Why has media coverage of the REAL progress been all but silenced? When is the last time you have heard anything significant regarding the situation in Japan? Would you be surprised to learn that Fukushima is pouring dangerous radiation into the land, air and sea? Well from all that I have been told, it still is!

I can't think of a single thing bigger than the widespread radiation that is currently being emitted by Japan's damaged reactors! Not one single global crisis seems to come close in terms of a "grand" crisis that will effect EVERYONE in the ENTIRE world!

With reports coming in that at it's peak, radiation levels toping 30% have been present in neighboring countries and the mass rush on radiation detectors, it's clear to see many either just don't care, or they are helping to keep a lid on the situation. This brings me to the United States current administration and why WE have not insisted on intervening and minimizing the damage.  I'd imagine other smaller neighboring nations are unable to take such measures given our agreement to defend Japan, however if that's the case, then why in the world aren't we stepping up and holding Japan's nose to the grindstone to rectify this situation? 

It is very frustrating to get emails from friends in other nations asking why we are letting this happen, all the while knowing the current leadership is inept when it comes to the real problems. I can only point these friends to the massive failure known as Obamacare and say with disappointment that the current administration can't even handle business at home, so how could one expect a different result on a global level?

Anyone have anything to add?




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, it seems like you've summed it up. I don't know that it's Obama's fault, and as I recall, he did offer help.

I think we should seriously re-think our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear energy. It wasn't that long ago a massive drilling disaster soiled our Southern coastline and did enormous damage to the aquatic ecosystem, to say nothing of the fishing and tourism industries. Has anything changed? No of course not, because the Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations are people and therefore entitled to Constitutional protection, and money is speech. So since corporations have the most money (speech) they bought congress and get to pass any legislation they want, and to hell with the envirionment.

What we need to do is amend the Constitution to say that corporations are not people, and money is not speech. We should also have public financing for political campaigns such that equal money is given to candidates who reach a threshold of petitions. Keep the corporate money out of politics. Only then will the policies of our government actually serve the citizens. This isn't a Republican or Democratic problem, it's an American problem.



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Yes folks,

Nuclear energy is BIG BUSINESS...And even bigger business is being able to store the HUGE & growing amount of nuclear waste...Did you know that I could only count four states in the US that didn't have nuclear waste storage facilities ! And these storage facilities are apparently only temporary sites...Lot's of BIG DOLLARS to be made for A VERY LONG TIME ( 250,000 years is approximately the time taken for this shit to become safe (?)). If you own land & are prepared to sit on Toxic Radioactive Waste, countless generations of your family will remain very wealthy, not least of which by selling some of the stuff-off to be used for "dirty-weapons" in war-fare in other parts of the world...

I think you mentioned somewhere SELLC that your president was more interested in supplying Africa with electricity than the USA, that's probably very true, as by giving them Nuclear Power, they'll also have to find some-where to store the waste, & if you happen to also own the land...I think you get the picture...But at least the US potentially doesn't get anymore contaminated...Not sure what I mean ? Just google Hanford & take your time reading about things & follow the links. It seems that Du-Pont didn't just make paint for cars LOL !

Anyhow, regarding Japan, what's there to say ? Follow the attached link for the "real" problems facing the clean-up of the plant, & current state of the pollution of the Pacific Ocean & its fish. Apparently TEPCO has paid over 36-Billion dollars in the last 3-years to citizens that were evacuated & relocated to temporary shelters. Now they're going to pay the residents $9,000:00 each to move back into their homes, whilst radiation levels are 300-times more toxic in the area than before the holocaust. That's right, they're paying the local Japanese families money to move back into their contaminated homes. That's a death sentence...Apparently the Japanese want to hang-on to the remaining 60 or so Nuclear reactors they've still got operating, so they're trying to convince the International Atomic Agency that everything's fine by moving people back.

Japanese people are now bound by Law not to speak about this matter, as it's considered a State Secret, & you will face jail-time for speaking about Fukushima & other so-called State Secrets ... That's just great, jail or death...Free democracy ? Oh yeah, it's also been revealed that the Japanese were in the midst of en-richening their Nuclear-waste for weapons use, probably because of possible threats from China & North Korea. This is also why the fall-out coming from this disaster is so much more bad for you, as it has Plutonium isotopes in it, as well as Uranium isotopes.....

Should you wish to know about the United Nations report into this matter, google UNSCEAR & follow the prompts.

Should you wish for a day-to-day up-date on matters, google ENENews.

Should you like to understand more about these matters in simplified English, not scientific speech, google FairwindsEnergyEducation.

Should you wish to see why all of this is a scam & sadly a money raising exercise, google & follow whatever prompt interests you the most. ( Possibly the most interesting item is" Browns Gas" that it is claimed effectively cleans-up all of this highly toxic waste ).

Thanks for reading folks, I'll post soon the things that we as breathing & living people should be aware of next time, unless you already are aware of the real dangers facing us already.


-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:13:22 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 1st of May 2014 03:15:08 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hey folks,

I guess all you good American folks will get to have your say soon enough with elections fast approaching in a few short years. You raised some good points-of-view PowerStroker in your last post, I hope that more than a few people take notice...

Anyway, it's been a difficult process to break-down fact from fiction, speculation from proven known facts etc etc when it comes to this Radiation Issue were all facing world-wide from Japan. I'm only a mechanical engineer, not a Nuclear Scientist, so I can only post what I've come to know after lots of time searching & researching answers to this on-going nuclear holocaust, & I say holocaust, since that's what it will most definitely in the future be called once world-wide, we all potentially begin to suffer.

The facts regarding how this radiation fallout will effect us all as best as I can source to this point in time are in simple terms this.....

* Apparently the most dangerous radiation fall-out for the world, & particularly the USA that's been dumped from this accident occurred back in March, 2011, right after the cores melted & sent forth "unknown" amounts of radioactive particulates into the atmosphere.
* The particulates have their own Fukushima signature, & that's how scientists can determine their source.
* It's the "hot particles" that continue to be released & breathed by everyone that's essentially the most concern for us. These particles are microscopic highly radioactive debris spewed from the reactors that we eventually will breathe into our lungs - if we haven't already. These then over time cause the cells in our lungs to deform & cause cancer. It's similar to having asbestos in your lungs, in that it can't be removed surgically, & in time will make us ill.
* Radiation is typically measured based on exposure over time, & the unit of measurement is "milli-seiverts". Most of us are exposed to normal back-ground radiation levels of 2 - 2.5 milli-seiverts a year. The Fukushima residents are being asked to move back home where average readings are 670 milli-seiverts PER HOUR....
* Your Geiger Counters are designed to measure this quantity of radiation level over time for you, & alert you to changes.
* Scientists have been debating what exactly the safe threshold exposure value actually is, & based on continued studies & findings from the Chernobyl accident from 1986, state that there is a "grey area" in-between 0 to 100 milli-severts exposure, where the radiation exposure may actually be beneficial to you, by reducing the likeliness of cancer.
* Generally speaking, the closer you are to the source of Radiation, the very-much greater chance of cancer & death etc. So keep out of Japan folks.
* The NY Times had an employee take samples of soil in Tokyo from parks, apartment high-rise gardens, & roof-top gardens, & found that by US standards, the results indicated Tokyo to be the equivalent of a Highly Toxic Nuclear Waste Dump.
* The biggest concern now for us all is the accumulation of radiation in the food chain, year after year, with quite honestly NO forecast of sealing the affected units up safely. Latest projections indicate the year 2020. That's a lot of time for this radiation to get everywhere & into everything, potentially messing everything up for all plants, animals, & humans living ( glowing ) on this planet. Governments world-wide will be adjusting / increasing the safe radioactive limits to be found in food accordingly, to keep us fooled that everything fine....So we won't hear a thing about it.
* A specialist engineering firm from the UK has been brought in ( AT LAST !!!) to aid the Japanese & this disaster.
* The other 54 Nuclear plants in Japan will be returning to on-line service again shortly.
* There are other Nuclear Reactors in Japan that are still damaged as a result of the earthquake / tsunami, though their cores have as yet not melted so we don't hear about these ones.

That's enough of an update from me I think LOL, & at least there is "some"progress being made, if no sign of closure to this HUGE INTERNATIONAL MESS. Lots more to come next time...


PS Regardless of what I say / post, what you read, hear or otherwise, just remember that there are 3 Nuclear reactors that have melted down, so don't be fooled otherwise that everything is fine.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 8th of May 2014 08:35:17 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 9th of May 2014 01:32:04 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This is real interesting and helpful information Rastus! I also find the information about "some" radiation actually helping to prevent cancer, to be VERY interesting!

It's hard to grasp the reality that such a global problem could be dismissed by the entire world, and all the while greedy pencil neck politicians are trying to instate a "carbon" tax! I mean REALLY!?

There is not a SINGLE doubt in my mind that the combined wisdom of all the great minds in the world, backed up by all the hard working people out there, that this any ANY nuclear problem could not be contained in very short order! Between all the nations in the world, we could easily limit our exposure to this known problem, yet round and round the world goes as we all have more important things to do than seal off a few leaky reactors. It does not have to take until 2020 in order for this problem to be resolved! With a coordinated and joint effort, I feel this problem could have already been contained. 

The irony in all of this, I suppose; is the fact the USA had to nuke Japan into submission many years back, so what other country would have a more intimate knowledge and understanding of radiation and it's effects than Japan!? That said, it brings to mind the question of "Is Japan purposely trying to radiate the world", in some twisted desire to see us all living in a nuclear dump? I have come to terms with the fact Japan is unable to deal with the problem, but that doesn't mean we can't! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

Well, it seems like you've summed it up. I don't know that it's Obama's fault, and as I recall, he did offer help.

I think we should seriously re-think our dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear energy. It wasn't that long ago a massive drilling disaster soiled our Southern coastline and did enormous damage to the aquatic ecosystem, to say nothing of the fishing and tourism industries. Has anything changed? No of course not, because the Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations are people and therefore entitled to Constitutional protection, and money is speech. So since corporations have the most money (speech) they bought congress and get to pass any legislation they want, and to hell with the envirionment.

What we need to do is amend the Constitution to say that corporations are not people, and money is not speech. We should also have public financing for political campaigns such that equal money is given to candidates who reach a threshold of petitions. Keep the corporate money out of politics. Only then will the policies of our government actually serve the citizens. This isn't a Republican or Democratic problem, it's an American problem.

 Is it Obamas fault? Of course it is! He's the damn President of the United States of America!  He should damn well be encouraged to live up to that title!  Everything is Obamas fault, just as everything has been Bushes fault for so many years! Obama owns this and any mess made or left on his watch! Only time will tell if Obama and his team have been working diligently over the past several years! For all our sakes I hope it's not as being reported, that Obama is living  it up on tax payers to finance what appears to be his non-stop summer vacation. Obamas ideas make my dick itch, when are we going to start seeing some real leadership that unites, instead of divide? 

Your ideas that "ordinary" people are less likely to become corrupt are laughable! In governance it's the nature of the beast to become corrupt if only because the basic law of self survival will naturally start any human down that path. Accountability, my friend; seems to be an age old tool in keeping people honest. It's the accountability that is being taken out of government, much the same way a prosecutor in a criminal case is protected. I don't see the problem with corporations funding advertisements because in the end an uneducated voter is still going to be an idiot in the voting booth, take for example all the people who voted democrat the past few years! LOL

I agree more needs to be done to allow more than one angle in an election, and I agree that $$$ should not outweigh the truth when it comes to elections. Perhaps the solution to the American problem is as simple as voters having the "real" information on ALL of the players, or politicians; including their backers both  individual and corporate. 


-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 10th of May 2014 05:48:35 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hello folks,

You make some great points SELLC & ask some great questions that I think all of us would like answered ! I might be able to shed some light on a few things, but there's a lot left unanswered, as that's just the way the Big People in power choose to play this thing out....Put simply,"Out of sight, out of mind"... So by not putting regular up-dates up for news broadcasts, we think everything's fine ! But it isn't....

* The radiation coming out of the melted reactors is so intense, that death is imminent within 20 minutes. Many volunteers have died already.
* There's actually not much left of the reactor-cores as they've melted through they're containment vessels, & have sunk deep into the earth. This is why there's great concern for artesian water supply, & why they're thinking about ways to freeze this underground water to prevent further uncontrolled world-wide contamination.
* Huge structures are being built that will hold cranes in place so that they can look from & operate from above the exploded reactor-buildings that are ready to collapse at any moment. Another earth-quake & we're all ****ed.
* The Japanese are proud people, & would not ask anyone for help, especially when they're seeking to gain even more Nuclear Power Plants for their Power needs.
* There are over 200 new Nuclear power-plants confirmed to be built within the next 20 years, with 100 of them going to China alone.
* Would you believe me if I told you that Westinghouse Electric Co. (USA), Toshiba (Japan), & Shaw constructions (USA) make these Nuclear power plants ? And guess who made the Fukushima Power Plants ?
* The reason I suspect for the push for a carbon-tax is to up-set the tax-paying public, & so instill favor for Nuclear Power Plants as they're "environmentally friendly" & don't pollute the atmosphere with green-house gasses LOL!!!
* Apart from the immediate health dangers from close exposure to radiation sources, it will take approximately 20-25 years for the full-impact of human, animal & plant life to come into statistically proven numbers from this Fukushima holocaust, so until that time, it's full throttle to keep building these ****ers.
* There's concern at the moment with problems at the Nuclear Waste Facility in New Mexico. Apparently there's some sort of chemical reaction going on with some of the highly toxic waste...No bull...Check it out...
* Apparently the Obama Administration put a halt on plans to develop the Yakka Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump. I wonder where they decided to place this stuff ?

* The UK recycle Japans Nuclear waste, & then send it back to them for further use.

Anyhow, I'm starting to wander a little off-topic, so sorry about that ( & probably some typos LOL ), but there's an interesting site called wnn, that stands for World Nuclear News, & basically reads like a new-car sales brochure with all the gossip about all the new Nuclear power station models coming out...Reading about the recycling of this waste is interesting also.

Take care & speak soon,


PS A Geiger counter would be a FANTASTIC investment to check your food with folks, if not so much now, but in the years to come !

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 12th of May 2014 03:30:39 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 12th of May 2014 03:34:00 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hello people,

Geez this forum has been busy ! - Though not with new posts of late LOL...Anyhow, time to up-date this horrible thread that everyone doesn't want to know about...There's not too much to say actually, as not a lot has really changed over at Fukushima, so no great surprises there I suppose, but it has been a little over a month, so here goes...

* The USA has made an effort to aid the Japanese in this on-going World-Wide tragedy.
* The 3-400 tonnes ( that's 30-40,000 liters ) of contaminated, 4,000 times over the WHO safe-limit, radioactive water is being filtered & it's toxicity reduced by US supplied mobile de-tox stations. This is the approximate quantity of toxic-water that enters the Pacific Ocean every single day, & has done for over the last 3 & 1/4 years, & continues to do so...

Thanks very much USA !!!!!!

* About 2-weeks ago, approximately 1/2 of the fuel-rods in reactor No.4 were safely removed. This reactor was off-line at the time of the earthquake in 2011 for maintenance repairs, but suffered damage when hydrogen gas from the other 3-melted-down reactors blew away No4's pipe-work etc allowing "x" amount of "who knows what" into the environment.
*The other reactor buildings are now filled with a neutral natural gas so no more explosions can occur... Nice...
*Apparently the 2-robots inside plant No2 are doing a splendid job of wiping away spewed radioactive nuclear-fuel within the building. That's wax-on-wax-off type of cleaning folks...
*This effort will hopefully allow scientists to enter & view the area, to hopefully work-out-some-sort-of-method of fixing this problem...
*We still do not know what has happened to the fuel-rods in these 3-reactors......
*It appears that animal-life both at Fukushima, the Pacific Ocean & the USA has been affected by something unusual, though no-one wants to say that it stems from Fukushima & its 3-melted-down nuclear reactors...
*Efforts were started about a week ago to freeze the ground at the plant, to prevent the ground-water etc entering the ocean. The drilling had started.
*A few days later, these efforts were abandoned fearing concerns of the reactor-buildings collapsing due to possible ground shrinkage from the freezing process.
* An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 hit the area near Fukushima a few hours ago.

On a more positive note...

WWN ( that's World Nuclear News ) has announced the successful start-up of a number of brand-spanking-new Nuclear Reactors all around the world...South America, Kazakhstan, China etc etc etc. So it's business as usual...One company was happy to announce the projected 100-Billion Dollar profit forecast in the next 10 years...Oh yeah, you want Nukes but can't have them from the USA ? No problems, Russia & China will be more than happy to help you out !

So as you can see, not all the news is bad...



PS. If you're genuinely concerned, enenews is all you'll need for your day-to-day up-dates.

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 17th of June 2014 09:08:56 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 17th of June 2014 09:15:39 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yes, lots of problems for such a small island!

I just really hope they can figure out better ways of dealing with the waste. It would be nice to know the people near by were being compensated well, as they are fucked and it's the least Japan can do. Still, people need power, so nuclear plants will keep popping up. We can only hope that the people building this stuff are learning and improving on designs. Feels like a real life global version of SimCity sometimes as I sit here and get a world wide sloth of news.

We got a few Nuclear plants close to where I'm at, which is to say 40 minutes south-east of here. I guess there are a lot of ways to go... Everyone is dying a little bit every day anyway, so lets not mope about, fix the shit and have some fun.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hi people,

Once again, I thought it was time to address & up-date where possible this crazy man-made-world-wide disaster that affects us, that stems from what is in reality, "lost" Japan....To answer some of your queries SELLC,....

* They have as yet, not worked out ways to deal with the waste, it's just being juggled around, or stored where-ever these tanks are not leaking or corroding away.
* The people I think are not so much being compensated, in as much as brain-washed into thinking that all is well, though sickness, contaminated food, dying animals etc are forcing them to demand from the government the truth, & the results that are being provided are revealing only the extent of the known cover-up from both the government, & TEPCO. The actual results of measurements of the dangerous radiation are still "adjusted" to moderate fear.
* Apparently the numbers of these measurements are so great, that they're "off-the-scale", so there's actually no accurate data available !.........
* The people building, designing, & currently manufacturing these Nuclear Power Plants  is now being dominated by the Chinese....With both the U.K. & other European countries investing in Chinese copies of perhaps USA & Russian deigns....So even with this devastating & horrific tragedy still going on in Japan, it seems that all the world wants to do is sell itself out to the lowest bidder...That's got to be a bigger crime than the holocaust in Japan, & just proves how stupid we all really are....Check out WNN for your Nuclear business up-dates to confirm this statement whilst I pick my jaw off the floor for the up-teenth time...F***ing sad man...
* Sim City did you say ? Yep, let's start building some safe cocoons....
* I would say that the Nuke-plants close to you are safer if only because of lack-off-earth-quakes & there-fore more sound geology...But nothings ever for-sure mate !

So what's been going on at Fukushima you may well ask ?....

* More earth-quakes have been noted, though their severity has thankfully not upset the delicate balance of the integrity of the temporary building structures keeping the pollution sort-of secure...
* There was a hurricane a few weeks ago of catastrophic proportions with winds of up to 170-mph measured...This storm basically moved straight through & over the top of all of Japan & its islands, including Fukushima...It seems that everyones prayers were answered once again , as the storms intensity moderated enough to leave these structures at Fukushima in-tact. But who knows for sure with all the BS being spoken & the fire-wall the Japanese government has about the truth surrounding the 3-crippled plants...
* On a positive note, the Japanese are now going to remove the structure around Nuke-plant No 1, & have a look inside, to see what mess there is hopefully to clean-up. The down-side being more radiation will escape & dramatically pollute our whole planet further...At least they're starting to do something, even if it is possibly too late already.
* I only guess at this delayed response to being that the average fuel-life-cycle of these Nuke-plants is approximately 4-years. It's now been around 3 & 1/2 years since the disaster, so maybe they're hoping that the toxicity has been reduced ? I don't really know, & it's probably a bad guess.
* From what I can gather, our worst fear out of this, is a certain possible situation, & is something that's been coined a "China Syndrome"...I guess that this is where the melted core has basically melted its way through the earth to a certain unknown point, & the over time, vents like mini-volcanoes will appear at an unpredictable & random  locations, allowing free passage for highly toxic radiation to freely escape into our environment. Let's all hope that there's something to find inside these reactor buildings, & send lots of prayers to the brave people sacrificing their lives to try & fix this situation if possible, so that we all get to live a little longer ! Don't forget that there's 3-cores we hope aren't in a "China Syndrome" state...And who knows how long it will take to find out ?....

Thanks for reading, & I hope I haven't spoiled your day. If anyone can add more to this, go for it ! Any news is good news, & hiding away doesn't help, even if there's not a heck-of-a-lot we can do.


PS I would once again recommend that everyone avoid purchasing any goods made in Japan since March 2011. This includes cars, or any product what-so-ever.

EDITS because of typos sorry !

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 20th of July 2014 03:21:40 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 20th of July 2014 03:28:09 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hello everyone,

SELLC, that post of yours above has so much truth in it, it makes me sick ! Yes folks," keep out of Japan " sadly is an understatement, with all their radiation finding each & everyone of us all by itself ! Anyhow, here's the latest up-date if your interested into the progress ( or lack there-of rather ) that's going on over there...

* Attempts to freeze the ground-water finding its way into our Pacific ocean have inevitably failed, so the super-toxic water remains free to discharge into it on its own accord, at the guestimated 400-tonnes per day, at levels approximately 4,000 times over the "safe-threshold". This will potentially occur for-ever.

* Apparently scientists are now using "space technology " to try & source where the fuel actually is. This is kind-of-like x-raying the enclosure to source what's still in there...

* The whole incident is now ( finally ) being recognized by people & governments all around the world as a major screw-up, with the former Japanese Prime Minister saying-so himself, on TV for all the world to hear & see. Unfortunately, "I'm sorry" is NOT GOOD ENOUGH, though I give him some credit for saying so, that he messed-up, responded poorly, & has now affected the well-being of everyone around the world, including all the plants, animals & earth for eternity. Not easy to do that. He's also now completely opposed to Nukes & their use.

* Apparently a "Wall-of-death" was noted by Canadian fishermen that was essentially 15-miles long, & approximately 6-ft deep on average, that was essentially the debris that's floated all the way from Japan after the earthquake, & has taken the 3&1/4 years to arrive, with probably a whole-lot-more to follow. I would guess that all of the differing fish in the sea have at some stage had a nibble of something, & then passed-on all the resulting toxins & poisons up the food-chain, which is why there's been so many wild-life deaths, concerning mammals, birds, & fish on the West Coast of all North America. Did I mention the mutations ?....Whales with two-heads ?...WTF ?...

* It seems that irregular readings of radiation-spikes have been independently recorded across North America, & at times these have been up to 1,000-times over normal, & this is happening on a regular basis. But don't worry, everything's fine !

Well, that's about it as far as anything "new" has happened. I guess it could be worse. But on a more positive note, it would appear that hopefully, & this includes the US government, that a change in thought processing is happening where the governments around the world are saying "You know what ? Nukes are not so good after-all"......

There's a great documentary to watch called " Nuclear Exodus, Pandora's promise was a lie " that I feel everybody who breathes on this planet should take the time to watch, as it fully explains what's happened, the cover-ups & lies, & the possibility of a safe future without asking for donations to a charity etc etc. All you have to do is watch, & make your own mind up about not only this event, but the disgrace that all our governments & the Nuclear Industry actually are. I don't feel great saying all of this, as it's my Australian government that's failed everyone also, as it's pretty-much Australian Uranium that's not only in our Nuke Weapons, but our Nuke-Power-Plants also !

NUCLEAR EXODUS, PANDORA'S PROMISE WAS A LIE Watch this one people on You-Tube, but your going to need a few hours, & a bucket for when you want to throw-up.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hello people,

I was going to let this update wait a little while longer, but there has been some "interesting" developments in the last week or so, so here comes the latest news about this situation, & some other surprising information...Sorry if I'm repeating myself here & there from previous posts, but I just take notes every so often & try to make each post complete in itself, so you don't have to re-read too much.

* The Nuclear reactor(s) have been breached, & there's Plutonium in the ground water.....

* The firewall that the Japanese government & TEPCO have in place, still to this day make it difficult to determine exactly what happened & in what sequence. This is important to know to help determine the "real" amount of pollutants that were released, & not the false claimed amount.

* TEPCO have begun removing the panels of the temporary cover of the damaged reactor building at Unit 1 reactor. This will allow the rubble to be removed / taken down & away so that nuclear fuel can be removed from the fuel pool.

* The removal of this cover is expected to take over 12-mnths, & of course, increased radiation will again be released into our atmosphere.

* Equipment will then be installed for the removal of the fuel, & strengthening of the distraught structure will also take place. A new version of the cover is also being made.

* Decommissioning & fuel removal activities are more advanced in Units 3 & 4.

* At Unit 4, some 1,342 out of 1,533 fuel assemblies have so far been transferred to a central storage pool on-site.

* Doctors in Japan are being threatened for telling the vast amount of patients that their illness is radiation related.

* All medical Data, statistics, reports etc etc have to be filed with the IAEA first ( that's International Atomic Energy Agency ) before they're issued / released.

* It's not just the Ceasium 134 & 137 ( that are bad enough ), but Strontium ( a bone seeker / settler that causes all sorts of cancers & other illnesses ) & Plutonium that have been released for all of us to enjoy.

* US Navy sailors "have won the Major battle" in a Fukushima lawsuit. Now 200 young Navy & Marines personnel with leukemia, that have had organs removed, brain tumors / cancers, blindness etc etc will be hopefully compensated before it's too late for them. The lawsuit was against TEPCO, GE, EBASCO, Toshiba & Hitachi. ( I wonder what our opportunities will be like when it's our turn to make a claim ?....).

* Up to 70,000 US citizens were potentially effected by the radiation & will be able to join the class-action-suit.

* Back in the mid 1990's, there was a huge public push to stop all atmospheric Nuclear Testing namely due to epidemic rises in cancer rates & birth defects world-wide. With Fukushima today, we're about 3-times over that threshold already, & the problem is just as bad now ( possibly worse ) as it was when the reactors first blew up....

Have a nice day,



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Just read that Japan is planing to restart two nuclear reactors -- right next to active volcanos! 

I think it's plain to see these silly fuckers haven't learned from their first lesson! 

It is clear to see that Japan could care less about nuclear safety! And depending on the proximity of these active volcanos to the  nuclear plants, I'd say something needs to be done! Does anyone know just how close these volcanos are to the reactors!?


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No, I'm not sure how close these reactors are to the volcanoes, but there are about 60 nuke-power-plants for them to choose from that have been sitting idle for a while now...It seems that the cost of fossil-fuels that they're using is putting pressure on the re-start of some of these things...Don't forget that japan design these things to sell them on the market, so it doesn't look good leaving them in an idle state. It doesn't look good either knowing that your country is ****ed, so maybe this is to help remaining citizens with the big-move away ?... Check out wnn ( World Nuclear News ).

Also, in the time prior to my previous post, Japan has endured approx 4-earthquakes of magnitudes from 5.o to 8.0 on the scale, & at least 3-severe hurricanes...When will our luck run-out ?...

Hillary Clinton recently signed a pact saying that she agreed that there are no problems with Japanese food......So US officials are NOT sampling the food as it comes into the US, since the government has made a decision to down-play it......Decisions like these make me wonder how gullible ( I could have used other words here LOL ) your government thinks that the citizens of the US actually are. Regretfully, it was the US that built these reactors at Fukushima Daiichi in 1970, so there seems to be some concessions in blame & responsibility, not to mention you guys are business partners in manufacturing these babies...

Don't trust your government USA !!! Your life ( & your families ) will be the price you pay for belief in the words of your corrupt ( miss-informed ) officials.

Florida ( by-the-way ) has the highest fall-out of radiation from this accident next to Japan.

Russia is on the verge of releasing a new Nuclear Reactor that's actually built to operate at sea...This way, no earthquakes or tidal-waves should cause any issues should mother-nature decide to flex some muscle...If anything happens, you can just dump all the shit in the ocean....( Like we always have )...

You've just got to love how undeniably crazy & stupid this world is !!!



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Hello folks,

I thought I should bump this thread, & try & up-date it a little, as it's been a while, & we all should be following the goings-on over in Japan. I'll keep this brief & only stick to the facts, & where possible, lift some fog, since as usual, if the facts aren't being turned into crystal-ball forecasts, they're hidden from us !...

* It seems that more ground water is entering the facility than what is able to be filtered or stored. This means even more pollution is freely entering the Pacific ocean.

* Scientists at Wood's Hole Institute have confirmed that all the pregnant Killer Whales ( Orcas ) in the North Pacific have aborted their pregnancies, & that there has not been a new-born whale noted now for the last 3-years. The whales do fall pregnant, but the babies don't make it through to birth. This is not a good sign.

* TEPCO have admitted to being overwhelmed with the amount of contaminated water they have to deal with, & are planning a large deposit soon into the Pacific.

*Continued earth-quakes are regularly making themselves known, often reaching the 7.0-8.0 mark on the intensity scale.

* The "radio-active plume" toxicity near California is well above what scientists expected, & will continue to rise for years to come.

* A former WHO expert ( World Health Organization ) warns of a dramatic "cancer spike" occurring right now, & there's been residents in California concerned about the rise in "heart defects", & see Fukushima radiation as the likely cause.

* Some Nuclear Scientists have been quoted as saying that "Fukushima is an apocalyptic disaster, that will haunt us for generations to come. The world is now an experimental lab with humans as guinea-pigs".

* It is thought that much of the remaining nuclear fuel in the 3-melted-down-reactors, is now in the water...(I suggest that water samples being taken are revealing fuel particulates).

* Scientists have also found "Corium" in the ocean. This element appears after being exposed to hydrogen ( think water disassociation here folks (H2O) as hydrogen dissolves Nuclear fuel ), & has been found in the ocean along with Plutonium. This is why it's suggested that there are no cores actually left...But no-one knows, or they're not saying anything.

* On a more positive note, all the fuel from reactor No.4 has been safely removed from the reactor building. That's over 1,500, 2-tonne-each Fuel Rod Assemblies. So I hope we can find some of the other 4,500 fuel assemblies in reactors 1,2 & 3...

Thanks for reading & showing your concern, feel free to add more if you know of any more news !



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Hello folks,

It would seem that TEPCO & the Japanese government have not been idle since the last up-date of this thread, & at least some of the BS has been easy to see through...Anyhow, some interesting developments have been going on, & are worthy of mentioning here, since progress is positive news at least...Read on if interested !

* A "snake-like" robot has been built & is ready to examine the inside of what remains in "probably" reactor No.1....

* By using the information that will be discovered, TEPCO plans to repair the damaged reactors chambers enough, so as to be filled with water to keep things cool & without leaking out.

* Expectations are high for this robot since the use of "space technology" a little while ago produced limited results at best in surveying the remains of the reactors contents. This technology could only reveal what remained above the containment chambers, & not below them.

* When finished the survey, the robot will be sealed away in a radioactive proof container & never used again. ( I hope they have a few of these things available...).

* Computer simulations have indicated that qt." All of the fuel-rods in No.1 probably melted & fell to the bottom of the containment chamber, but until now, there's been no way of confirming that". ( It seems that there's been no way of confirming almost any information given so far from TEPCO or the Japanese government, & only the contents of what's been flowing into our Pacific Ocean have been discovered by independent researchers & scientists ).

* Large volumes of water continue to leak from the reactors causing contamination & hampering the clean-up process.

* It's widely believed that during the melt-downs of reactors 1-3, the overheated fuel flowed out into the ocean, & hence all the wild-life deaths.

* Apparently cancer rates have increased by a whopping 6,000% in Japan, with 1 in 60 people that live in Fukushima now having a form of the disease.

Let's all hope that this robot can find something to remove from these reactors, or else there's been around 9,000 tonnes ( 200,000 lbs ) of Uranium & other nasties released into our ocean.

Thanks for taking the time to read, & feel free to add anything else that you may know !



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You're fighting the good fight Rastus! Fight on my friend! Fight on!


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Hello folks,

Thanks SELLC ( I think ), as I really don't like bringing this news to everyone !!! But knowing that it's all being held "hush-hush", does make me want to keep shining a little bit of light onto this disgraceful event, as the real side of human nature ( as far as greed & politics go ) is being revealed to the fullest, but sadly, there's in truth very little that can be done to change this, or the greater threat that is Fukushima Daiichi in Japan.

So, 4-years have now passed, & in brief, apart from the obvious on-going effects of this disaster, we're still very much dealing with nothing but BS from not only TEPCO ( Tokyo Electric Power Company ), but our governments world-wide on this issue, as they continue to turn their backs on this issue at the expense of not only our lives, but everything's on this planet ! But we already know this, so on with the latest revelations about this event. Read on if interested, but little has changed except for the growing amount of deaths & BS.

* Japanese "experts" are claiming the melted reactor cores are still very much active.....

* Nuclear Waste on top of Reactor No.2 is flowing directly into the ocean. Officials have kept this secret for at least the last 12-months, & have done nothing about it.

* Corium "may" have also melted through the reactor building, & radiation doses of 200,000,000 micro-seiverts an hour are happening. ( This statement seems strange to me as scientists have found the stuff in the ocean a few months back, so see previous posts for further enlightenment)...

* Japanese officials are still lying to us about the amount deaths occurring from this event, with many more children getting cancer. A report suggests that 1,200+ deaths have resulted as direct consequence from this disaster. ( Remember here that the IAEA filters all medical data before it's released ).

* TEPCO employs sub-contractors ( often the homeless on the streets of Tokyo & elsewhere ) & then claims that the mortality rate for its employees is less than what it is, since these sub-contractors aren't technically TEPCO employees. ( Talk about washing your hands of being a decent human being for the sake of keeping up appearances. These homeless people are heroes aren't they ? ).

* Apparently there are now over 500 sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan that have "fallen ill" from their mission near Japan. ( They sailed under instruction South to North about 250 Nautical Miles away from Japan in the Pacific ocean when the first radio-active plume headed East towards the US-of-A back in 2011 ). Interestingly, one of these veterans was thrown-out of hospital by a physician in Hawaii claiming that he was faking-it...( Can you believe that ?!!!).

* A study has revealed that already, Fukushima "overwhelms" the peak-radio-activity from Nuclear bomb testing in ice-core-samples that have been tested, & has affected the global environment.

* More earth-quakes registering up to 7.0 on the intensity scale have been noted off the Fukushima coast. I guess we're still lucky they haven't reached a 9.0 or 10.0.

* Approx. 15,000 baby sea-lions ( & assorted wild-life also ) has washed-up dead so far this year on the Californian coast. Officials are still puzzled as to why this is happening. ( Anyone want to help them make a lucky guess ?).

* Fukushima fall-out has been detected in US-of-A fish, with radiation levels equal to that of fish caught 100-miles away from Japan.

Thanks for reading, & if you haven't already done so, it looks like it's time to get yourselves those geiger-counters to check your food with, since our governments won't be doing it for us !!!! A CRM-100 is all that's needed at around $300:00 USD.



-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 11th of March 2015 09:12:50 PM


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Hello folks,

Realizing how grave this matter is, & how it continues to grow, I've found an "Australian Government Document / Report" that basically outlines the initial investigations undertaken here in Oz, but regretfully, no further up-dates have been made, since our government too is also complying with the corrupted Nuclear Industry, & its associates, that have put a pretty good closure to the releasing of information on these events. ( We must remember here that entities such as the UN, WHO, IAEA & others all signed an agreement that no information shall be released to the public about "the other", without" the other" allowing it first. (That's the United Nations, World Health Organization, & the International Atomic Energy Agency)).

The reason for posting is that it "does" contain official numbers & measurements that you can all use as Safety Guidelines when monitoring your own radiation levels / status in your part of the world. It also has a wealth of other information to help explain radiation, its types, & analysis etc etc that's brought to you in a much better way than how I've tried to present it.

The numbers given within it should at the least provide you with some basic guidelines as to how to determine the status of your own results, as these are really all we have to go by.




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Hey people,

Another month or so has past, & well, there's been a few things going on over there in Japan, but possibly more unusual has been the things going on along the coast-line of the US-of-A...But still, here's the most recent up-date as to what has been going on at the crippled Nuke-Plants in Japan...

* The Chief Engineer of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has suggested that the technology to decommission the crippled power-plants does not exist..........

* Japan now faces a 200 year wait to start the clean-up...( Think about this for a moment...In 200 years, will anyone be around still ? And if they are, who's going to want to clean-up that place ? And who will pay for it ? What will we do with the land, build a golf-course ?......).

* Why has no-body been held accountable & sent to jail for crimes against humanity, yet alone polluting air, land & sea ? This is the worst industrial accident in our entire history !

* British state-of-the-art imaging technology has been deployed at the plant, with some results...Where the "muon" technology could only provide a visual representation of the fuel contents above the containment vessel, the British technology has been able to provide 3-D imaging of the area being surveyed, & identify hot-spots of radio-activity. There has been no information released as yet as to the contents, if any, remaining in the containment vessel...

* More than 4-years later, radiation levels remain way-to-high for humans to enter the crippled structures.

* A robot was introduced to survey the inside of a crippled structure, but regretfully it failed after it moved about 10-meters inside.

* Maximum radiation levels inside have been recorded at more than double than 2012 results...(I guess this means something is still going on in there)...

* Fishing has been banned on the whole West Coast of America...There's no fishes to catch anymore...They're gone !

* Officials remain puzzled as to the reasons of the sudden change in the marine environment, & have nothing to offer concerned citizens as to why.

Let's all hope that a solution to our troubles is found soon, as I can't see how a 200-year wait in science to find a solution is plausible...We should have never ever been playing around with this stuff, certainly not until we knew how to deal with accidents like this one. As humans, we are very very stupid !!!!!! And we're even more stupid for allowing our governments to continue to build more of these things, world-wide.

Am I crazy or what ?

Until next time, cheers,


-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 20th of April 2015 06:53:57 AM


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You know Rastus, I read this stuff and wonder to myself why in the hell Obama and the Democrats are pushing this climate change taxation agenda knowing full well the REAL immediate threat is this radioactive sewage destroying the West Coast! 

Japan could care less about the rest of the world, they are pretty much at ground zero. I can only imagine what sort of horror stories are being swept under the rug by the Japanise government. There has to be serious harm to the people living in and around that area in Japan, but not one peep have I heard thru the media.

Meanwhile I avoid any seafood from the Weat Coast and I'd think there would be more people, at least in California and Washington state, that would be speaking up. WTF is going on?


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SELLC wrote:

You know Rastus, I read this stuff and wonder to myself why in the hell Obama and the Democrats are pushing this climate change taxation agenda knowing full well the REAL immediate threat is this radioactive sewage destroying the West Coast! 

*Scientists have noted a steady increase in the yearly average temperature for over 100-years. There's absolutely no proof that the use of fossil-fuels is directly responsible for this natural occurrence. All of the US-of-A's  Nuclear reactors are aging, & passing their used-by-dates. Your government wants you to believe that Nukes are the answer, when clearly they're not !!! Renewable energy has to be used, however, since a vast amount of the US-of-A's wealth is now bound to the "Military Industrial Complex" & associated companies that manufacture these bastard-things, the truth about Japan is being hidden from the public to try & make the "sell" of building new Nuke plants easier..."Out-of-mind, out-of-sight" sort of thing.

Japan could care less about the rest of the world, they are pretty much at ground zero. I can only imagine what sort of horror stories are being swept under the rug by the Japanise government. There has to be serious harm to the people living in and around that area in Japan, but not one peep have I heard thru the media.

*It's not that Japan doesn't care at all, it's just that there's nothing that can be done..........The Japanese are actually grateful that fate has all the pollution naturally circulating to the US-of-A, their friend, than be having all the stuff flow West where their "enemies" are...Such as Russia, North Korea, China etc etc...Aren't you gald to be their friend ?...

Meanwhile I avoid any seafood from the West Coast and I'd think there would be more people, at least in California and Washington state, that would be speaking up. WTF is going on?

*It's hard to believe that in 4-short years, all the North Pacific ocean has died. So I wonder how long we all have left ?...This approximate US 10,000-gallon-a-day of toxic pollution that freely flows into the Pacific, is also evaporated by the sun, & then transported by clouds to then fall wherever on land as rain. There's no way to avoid or hide away from this, regardless of where you live in the world, we're all being poisoned a little-bit every day.

Until these reactors are secured, the toxins being released are only compounding everyday that passes...






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Some might say it's ironic, even poetic justice that a country the USA bombed is now polluting our shores with toxic radioactive runoff and claim to have absolutely no ability to stop it. With friends like Japan who needs enemies?

Still I think the greasy little bastards blew their own fault line. I think they did it on purpose knowing full damn well the natural tides of the oceans would send it over here! It's a cold thing to say but it's been 4 years now! There is such a thing as willful neglect! I don't buy the BS story that they can't do anything to stop it! And I think if they don't perform -- WE SHOULD! 

Take for example Chernobyl -- I've read reports that the site of that failed operation is in need of repairs soon or it too will start leaking! 

Meanwhile our current administration that is making a big push for a carbon tax is trying to facilitate a deal with Iran to let them build more of these time bombs! 

It's like ole' Cascade used to say - "I feel like I live in a trailer of common sense and stare out the window at a tornado of stupidity!"



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SELLC wrote:

Some might say it's ironic, even poetic justice that a country the USA bombed is now polluting our shores with toxic radioactive runoff and claim to have absolutely no ability to stop it. With friends like Japan who needs enemies?

* I don't think they're doing this on purpose, or for pay-back, though they were once-upon-a-time a major force in the "tri-axis-of-evil" during WWII. The bottom line is that the situation remains out-of-control, & there's nothing that can be done to stop it, apparently for another 200-years....


Still I think the greasy little bastards blew their own fault line. I think they did it on purpose knowing full damn well the natural tides of the oceans would send it over here! It's a cold thing to say but it's been 4 years now! There is such a thing as willful neglect! I don't buy the BS story that they can't do anything to stop it! And I think if they don't perform -- WE SHOULD! 

* The Nuclear Industry is above the law, & pretty much unregulated when shit-happens...All the international agencies that claim to oversea the Nuclear Industry are employed by the industry itself. Why does no-body do something about this set-up ? As an example, the on-going tragedy that is the "Three Mile Island" incident way back in 1979...Your government claimed that everything's fine, & yet well-over 1,000,000 deaths have occurred as a direct consequence of this accident, & all the surrounding land remains contaminated, so DON'T eat Hershey's Chocolates, as the cows eat the grass, we milk the cows, & Hershey's make the toxic chocolate...

I would love the US-of-A do step in & do something in Japan, but that would be an invasion LOL...You'll just have to wait for the lying little ****'s to ask you for some help.


Take for example Chernobyl -- I've read reports that the site of that failed operation is in need of repairs soon or it too will start leaking! 

* Apparently a new sarcophagus is nearly ready to be fitted here...Yes nearly 30-years on, & they might be able to secure the reactor a little more safely...Let's not forget here that the Nuke-Industry claims that only 57 people died as a direct result of this accident. Newer figures released claim that the number is closer to 1,000,000 people, whilst independent doctors & scientists can factually confirm that the number is 60,000,000 people & still growing... So we have some problems over-there too...

Let's remember that Russia "sealed" this reactor within 3-months of it exploding...It's been 4-years now in Japan, & we have 3 x reactors still polluting the world...

Also worth noting here is that the USA secretly helped Russia for over 15-years in sealing-up areas where Russian Nuclear tests were held, so as to prevent terrorist activity acquiring & using the waste. Thanks US-of-A !!!


Meanwhile our current administration that is making a big push for a carbon tax is trying to facilitate a deal with Iran to let them build more of these time bombs! 

It's like ole' Cascade used to say - "I feel like I live in a trailer of common sense and stare out the window at a tornado of stupidity!"

* I can't say anything about this madness, except that maybe ole' Cascade was onto something....We could always sent Stoma over to fix the Japanese problem though lol.





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Well I can tell you I eat lots of Hersheys chocolate -- and I'm still kicking. The little Hershey kisses are my favorite. LOL - Of course I do enjoy Cadbury as well, but Hershey now owns that company also, at least as it pertains to U.S. sales.

I totally reject the notion it will take 200 years to fix this problem. I don't doubt for one minute that GE (The maker of the reactor) isn't vested in keeping the negative PR to a minimum but the fact still remains that we are an energy hungry society. Sure, there are other ways to produce heat, but currently the nuclear process is by far the most powerful. I myself don't care much for GE, if only because their credit department (GE capital) has never given or loaned me a dime. That being the case I think the company is greedy and not worthy of my respect. LOL

What I can say with relative certainty is that the Japanise are either ignorant or just plain inconsiderate. Im leaning towards a little of both. Their decision to place reactors at the shoreline next to a major fault line was and is ignorant. I'd give them the bennifit of the doubt regarding the poor choice of location except the ignorant bastards now wish to build another reactor next to an active volcano! It will only be a matter of time before Japan's inaction will no longer be containable -- which is to say that sooner or later not even GE will be able to give cover to the fact that their inaction has caused irreputable harm. It's one thing if they want to kill their own people, which fits the bill given their actions in Pearl Harbor to kill themselves -- but it's another thing to be inconsiderate and allow their mess to spread. They got what they deserved in WWII and they will also get what's coming to them should they fail to clean up their mess. 200 years is not an acceptable timeframe by any stretch of the imagination. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Well I can tell you I eat lots of Hersheys chocolate -- and I'm still kicking. The little Hershey kisses are my favorite. LOL - Of course I do enjoy Cadbury as well, but Hershey now owns that company also, at least as it pertains to U.S. sales.

* The Nuclear toxins build up in your body over time, & simply speed-up your life cycle by destroying your cells & their DNA, so where you may have normally lived to say 75-80 years, you might only see-it-out to 60-65 years, depending on how much of this stuff your body has accumulated over your life-time. Freaky stuff, & you only have to compare the average life-span of a Marshall Islander to anywhere else in the world to compare what exposure etc does/can do, & what folks die from. Also watching that CNN documentary "Nuclear Exodus, Pandora's Promise was a Lie" will give us all a glimpse at what your / our grand-children will be faced with, as even more affected people will evolve yet from Chernobyl, yet alone Japan......


I totally reject the notion it will take 200 years to fix this problem. I don't doubt for one minute that GE (The maker of the reactor) isn't vested in keeping the negative PR to a minimum but the fact still remains that we are an energy hungry society. Sure, there are other ways to produce heat, but currently the nuclear process is by far the most powerful. I myself don't care much for GE, if only because their credit department (GE capital) has never given or loaned me a dime. That being the case I think the company is greedy and not worthy of my respect. LOL

* I hope it doesn't take 200 years either, since their won't be too much left of the planet to protect or save. I'd say our little blue planet will look somewhat like our moon does...That being said, that's the price we have to pay for our freedom & democracy, at least that's the honorable way to see the sacrifice that was made by the approx. 250,000,000 lives lost in the WW's.


What I can say with relative certainty is that the Japanise are either ignorant or just plain inconsiderate. Im leaning towards a little of both. Their decision to place reactors at the shoreline next to a major fault line was and is ignorant. I'd give them the bennifit of the doubt regarding the poor choice of location except the ignorant bastards now wish to build another reactor next to an active volcano! It will only be a matter of time before Japan's inaction will no longer be containable -- which is to say that sooner or later not even GE will be able to give cover to the fact that their inaction has caused irreputable harm. It's one thing if they want to kill their own people, which fits the bill given their actions in Pearl Harbor to kill themselves -- but it's another thing to be inconsiderate and allow their mess to spread. They got what they deserved in WWII and they will also get what's coming to them should they fail to clean up their mess. 200 years is not an acceptable timeframe by any stretch of the imagination. 

* Yes it does seem like they're "putting out the fire with gasoline", & trying to hide this event has only created many, many more issues for all of us today...Apparently they were guided at the time of building these reactors in 1970 by American Engineers to build these close to the shore-line to avoid increased costs, & not higher up the land-scape, as Japanese scientist had warned. These scientists did mention that 165 ft high tsunamis were common to Japan, & that the reactors need to be built higher-up...That responsibility lies at the top for accountability, so that's a Japanese government skimp-out I'd guess.....

The result of war, (death & holocaust) is often the result of poor government decision, often being made from miss-leading propaganda from the media. I don't think the Japanese people deserved the end result of WWII, or what they're getting now. No one deserves what we're all getting now !!!



-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 26th of April 2015 02:10:29 AM


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Rastus, I'd like you to prove these claims regarding Japanies engineeres suggesting that the plants needed to be on higher ground. I'd also like you to show me proof that Americans had ANY influence whatsoever about the location of said plant.

After that I'd like you to tell us who's idea it was to propose building abother plant in Japan next to an active volcano.

For all we know it was Austrailian influence that saw the plant built on the shoreline of a major fault line! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Furthermore, when 200 kamakaze Japanies fighter planes come smashing into Austraila's shores killing 2000 of your people -- then, and only then can you even begin to imagine what the Japanise deserved in WWII.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Rastus, I'd like you to prove these claims regarding Japanies engineeres suggesting that the plants needed to be on higher ground. I'd also like you to show me proof that Americans had ANY influence whatsoever about the location of said plant.

After that I'd like you to tell us who's idea it was to propose building abother plant in Japan next to an active volcano.

For all we know it was Austrailian influence that saw the plant built on the shoreline of a major fault line! 


I'll try another way of posting this stuff with quotes, just so it reads easier. ( I hope ).

Q1. You folks have an Nuclear Engineer / Chief Engineer who's actually one-of-only-a-few people capable & licensed to start, operate, maintain & keep running a Nuclear Power plant, up-to & including certain classes / grades of plant. His name is Arnie Gundersen, & he is the main source of the information that I use to "clear the fog" with all the other stuff out there. He's very helpful & honest IMHO. When the "Three Mile Island " accident happened, he was sent by the Nuke Industry as a media spokesperson to let everyone know that "all is well, & there's nothing to worry about " on the TV etc etc. Anyhow, as time passed, & he started reading the facts & figures of these events, he soon realized that all was not well, & that he was miss-leading everybody...

The short version is that he was sacked, taken to federal court, & bank-rupted by the US-of-A's Nuke Industry for being a "whistle-blower" & trying to bring the truth about this disaster out into the public to try & save lives, - yours included...

He has a self-funded website called "Fairewinds Education", & that's where I received the information about how the Japanese Nuke plant was built & designed, & also from some of the many documentaries out there about this. People all around the world look up-to-him for his incredible ability to bring the reality of all this crap for us to understand in a very easy-to-digest way. US-of-A involvement in the building of Japans Nuke plant at Fukushima Daiichi may even be stated in that documentary from CNN "Nuclear Exodus, Pandora's Promise was a Lie".

If you haven't yet seen this documentary, please make it a must see on your time-table !!! Just You-tube the HD version & watch !

Q2. As with he info in Q1., that documentary & many others will provide you with the "proof of American influence" as to the Nuke plants location. Alternatively, if you google "enenews", once the page is up, on the right-hand-side of the screen, you will see a quote from Arnie, & should you click on this, that's where you will find much information about everything. I've only ever tried to bring this forum the "snips" & up-dates.

Q3. I have absolutely no-idea who's idea it was to build a Nuclear Powerplant next to a live volcano...That's just as stupid as building one on / next to the San Andreas fault-line...Which we have by-the-way...

Q4. That's possible too, can't prove or dis-prove that Australians weren't involved here. No doubt it's Australian Uranium in their power-plants.


Good questions SELLC, I hope that I'm not sounding like a smart-ass, & if you're getting up-set by all of this, you should be !!!!! It's up to the folks in the US-of-A to try & bring some sanity into the crap decisions being made by your politicians. I wish I could help, but my vote is forfeit ! Only in war as ANZAC's do we have some float together.



-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 26th of April 2015 07:19:02 PM

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 26th of April 2015 07:25:42 PM


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SELLC wrote:

Furthermore, when 200 kamakaze Japanies fighter planes come smashing into Austraila's shores killing 2000 of your people -- then, and only then can you even begin to imagine what the Japanise deserved in WWII.



What I stated was from the point of view that war is the domain of soldiers, not regular people, though everyone seems to die in wars. I don't think that women & children deserve to die because of a bad political decision, unless the whole country has turned into army, & then of course they are soldiers & can expect their due.

It was thought that by dropping the "Bomb" on Japan, over approx.100,000 lives could be saved on both sides if regular warfare continued, so I guess some lives were spared. I have no problem with history & some of it's poor results, as long as we can learn from it & move forward. I also have nothing against Nukes, they had their place, & their time has come & gone I hope, since there are alternatives. Look at what happens when things go wrong !

I'm sorry if my answers sound stupid, war has just never made sense to me at all, nor pay-backs, though I'd be the first to pull the trigger & shoot some bastard who invaded my country with the intent to kill me & my fellow Aussies.




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Hey folks,

As asked, find attached a link that confirms GE involvement with the building of the Nuke Plants at Fukushima. There's a whole lot of important if not interesting stuff also to be found here, so I hope you take the time to read through when you can, as it's up to you to look after yourselves & your family. Don't think that your government is doing so, they're just hiding behind a huge wall of BS, hoping that you don't take a peek...




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I read that article and find amazing that the only thing cited was cutting down 25 feet of cliff for the plant to be built. This is absolute horse shit -- as it clearly states that 145 foot waves have been known to form as a result of a Tusnami. Furthermore the suggestion by the author that US arrogance in the wake of WWII somehow allowed this plant to be built is something else that is complete BS. The author also states as a MAJOR reason for the problems were Tepco and Japan! Citing greed and money -- this sounds more like the truth to me.

Now Japan's PM wishes to offer their condolences for the loss of US lives during WWII? What exactly is Japan trying to say? I can only imagine it's probably Japan's ignorance that would see 200 of their fighter planes sent on a one way mission to bomb Pearl Harbor. The fact here is that these fighter planes never had enough fuel to return home -- and its that type of idiocy and carelessness for human life that led to the situation in Fukashima -- and not that of Americans! 

Just keep that in mind.. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

"I read that article and find amazing that the only thing cited was cutting down 25 feet of cliff for the plant to be built. This is absolute horse shit -- as it clearly states that 145 foot waves have been known to form as a result of a Tusnami. Furthermore the suggestion by the author that US arrogance in the wake of WWII somehow allowed this plant to be built is something else that is complete BS. The author also states as a MAJOR reason for the problems were Tepco and Japan! Citing greed and money -- this sounds more like the truth to me".

* I agree here too, regardless of what "may" have been decided by either party, as if the knowledge of 145-ft tsunamis was known, then the appropriate action should have been taken at the very least. ( NB. It takes 1-Bar of pressure to move water every 10-meters upwards...The expense & maintenance of these higher pressure pumps may also have been a "cost" reason for skimping-out ). Don't forget either though SELLC, that in 1965, if you were offered a deal where you were going to have your own super-duper state-of-the-art Nuke Plant, you'd happily kiss the US-of-A's ass & do as they said so that you got your toy to play with, & got to make nuclear bombs of your own to keep the USSR, China & others away.


"Now Japan's PM wishes to offer their condolences for the loss of US lives during WWII? What exactly is Japan trying to say? I can only imagine it's probably Japan's ignorance that would see 200 of their fighter planes sent on a one way mission to bomb Pearl Harbor. The fact here is that these fighter planes never had enough fuel to return home -- and its that type of idiocy and carelessness for human life that led to the situation in Fukashima -- and not that of Americans"! 

* They're just being courteous & respectful towards the honorable soldiers that died defending freedom. I'd suggest that they've learned that lesson SELLC, as Japan being a "free" democracy also has / had one of the strongest world economies today. - ( As with Germany ! ).

War is war, & back in 1942, something was needed to coax the US-of-A to officially enter WWII. Maybe it was a pressure tactic to show that Uncle Sam had better watch his back too, as the war was not only going on in Europe. But this is long-gone, & thankfully peace & friendship won over for us today. It was Russia that was our allie in WWII, & that has been our enemy ever since, namely due to the "communist" way-of-life that they once held dear.

"Just keep that in mind".. 

* Too many good people died to defend our way-of-life, I won't forget that, & will always appreciate their sacrifice.



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Hey folks,

Another month or so has passed, & I had intended on waiting longer before up-dating this thread, but a few more important things have happened worth posting, both in Japan, & around the world, US-of-A included. Not all of it's bad news, but once again, with all the lies from Japan's government & TEPCO, I'm not so sure that the first point I'm about to put-up is fantastic news....Read on if you dare....

* Apparently 97% of all of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-plants contained / stored water has been filtered of Strontium & "other" toxins.....( I'm not sure if they've released this water yet into the Pacific ocean, but there were / are so-many of these HUGE containers being built & stored on-site, I'd say it's all been released, & they'll continue to do so. I can't tell you how much water this is, except that it's in addition to the regular 400-tonnes-per-day of regular untreated / filtered toxic water )...

* Apparently there's a risk of an explosion at any of the crippled reactors due to gasses forming from sediment below the containment / cooling water. A static electricity discharge could see everything go "ker-boom" once again.

* There's been a confirmed further 6,000% increase in children's thyroid cancer...

* There's also been a 600% spike in brain & heart disorders / diseases. ( This has been predicted for a while since scientists continue to use statistics-over-a-time-frame & compare results to the on-going Chernobyl accident ).

* The most powerful earth-quake since the accident has been noted in recent weeks off-the-coast-of Japan.

* Further mutations of birds have been noted in Japan, with the birds either blind, or just unable to fly.

And around the world...

* Within a 3-week period this May, 5-whales have washed-up dead on the Californian coast-line.

* Officials ( thankfully ) are now admitting to Fukushima fall-out having an effect on all fishes & animals in the North Pacific ocean, with regards to cancers, rotting sores, strange growths & an even more unusual "black fungas".

* Radiation levels on the US-of-A's West Coast are apparently 30-times-worse than scientists first predicted they would be. Scientist qt."This is just the beginning"...

* A United States university has been testing animals in the Pacific for Fukushima radiation. Typically the bodies of animals have been riddled with tumors, eye's bleeding, lesions, & skin is peeling off / disintergrating.

* There have been concerns over a huge bush-fire near the Chernobyl nuclear plants & contaminated areas in the past few weeks. The reasons being that the contaminated bush once ignited by flame would send huge radioactive smoke-plumes to wherever the wind blows, & further contaminate regions of land abroad etc etc.

* Poland has bought & is building a Nuclear power plant from Japan....

It seems that there's no-end to the on-going drama's that plague Nukes when things go wrong. I still can't understand that these problems will persist for thousands of years. Fingers crossed that this bastard industry dies an early death !!!



-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 29th of May 2015 03:20:41 AM


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I just started on the DVD you sent. It's going to take me a while to get through, but the first documentary on how the Chernobyl accident is still causing horrible birth defects was very eye opening. All of those teenagers with thyroid cancer, all of the babies born to this day with holes in their hearts in poor countries that can't afford the surgeries is terrible. I just watched them perform a tonsilectomy on a child in Belyrus without anasthesia, they just tied him to a chair and covered his eyes then started cutting. Equally disgusting is how the proponents of nuclear power fail to factor in these costs, as well as the costs to an economy when an entire chunk of a country is no longer habitable when calculating the costs of nuclear power compared to other sources.

It is a tough watch, but a necessary one. I'm convinced that Nuclear is not the answer. Thank you for the information, and keep up the good fight.



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Hey PowerStroker,

Thanks very much for taking the time to watch "Nuclear Exodus, Pandora's promise was a lie", as it is very much an eye-opener as to the aftermath of what happens when things-go-wrong with a Nuclear Power Plant. It seems that the general consensus has been to compare both Chernobyl & Japan against one-another, with the result being the on-going & ever-growing tragedies in Belarus & surrounding areas, with things only beginning in Japan....

Also, the Russians managed to cement the crippled reactor at Chernobyl within the first 3-months of it melting down...Japan still has 3-melted down Nuclear Reactors that remain out-of-control now well over 4-years after their destruction, & still, we have 3-400 tonnes of the most toxic pollution flowing into the Pacific Ocean everyday, & no cement in the enclosures.

To explain further...Engineers in japan have been filling the crippled reactors with water, to keep the remaining contents cool. It was hoped that they could recirculate this water much like the cooling water that circulates in any car - ( eg, water-pump to circulate water around cylinders & heads, to then be cooled via radiator, & circulated again in a closed system ), but cracks in the containment enclosure means that the now leaking toxic-highly-radio-active water flows into the Pacific freely like rain-water does. They can't seal up these cracks as it's too toxic, & who knows how much Nuclear fuel has leaked out with it ? Perhaps the extinction of wild-life in the north pacific ocean is the indicator for that one...

Here's to things to come !!!

A special thanks is very much in order also for the fairness & openness displayed for "freedom of speech" by the moderators of this forum, namely SELLC, for with whom-without, little to no information or up-dates would be possible about this event.

Should anyone wish to grab a DVD for free, send me a PM via this forum with your mailing details, & I'll send one ASAP.




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Hello folks,

It looks like a few people are gaining interest in this thread, so I thought it best to keep on bringing the bits-&-pieces of this mess together here so you can continue to form your own picture, of how this catastrophic disaster continues to ****-us-all-up. There's been not too much to reveal with regards to Japan & the crippled plants, as activities there remain slow & steady. However, the "strange" anomalies of this disaster are really starting to hit other places around the globe, & hence, here's in brief what's been going on...

* Unexpected difficulties at the Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Site have made it almost impossible to not further release radioactive isotopes into the atmosphere. There were no estimates provided as to the quantities of pollutants released, though the effects are showing themselves around the world...

* Delays of up to qt. "Three more years" are now expected with regards to the removal of the used fuel ( approx. 1,500 2-tonne assemblies if they're still there ) that's stored above the actual No.1 reactor. The strategy has been altered to qt. "Risk reduction over speed"...

* A Japanese scientist has revealed a quantity of 30-Bq/m3 of Ceasium 134 & 137 is present in the waters offshore in Japan. ( That's 30 Bequerels per metre cubed )...And we're wondering why everything's dying ?....

* Japanese authorities are realizing that they're losing this fight, their land, & their people. Considerations are being made for mass evacuations.

And elsewhere around the globe...

* The average background radiation levels here in Australia have settled at the moment to a 14% increase since before the accident.

* The IAEA has now decided that they will start taking water samples of the Pacific Ocean... Every three months. ( What a ****ing joke, & like we're going to believe their numbers LOL).

* NASA says that the South Eastern US-of-A has been hit with "anomalously high levels of polonium"... ( Polonium is a radioactive metallic element, that can disguise itself like radium, & as such, lead...Check your water for lead content world-wide people, as this shit just keeps getting better & better...).

* A "non-profit-group" quotes "Everybody we interviewed in Japan has health problems, ranging from beds stained with blood, nose-bleeds, thyroid problems & eye problems"...

* Over 10 more deaths of giant whales have been noted off the coast of the US-of-A, along with further mass-die-offs of walruses, sea-birds, & everything else that lives...

* The Canadian government has finally admitted to recent discoveries of air-borne radioactive particulates stemming from Fukushima Daiichi.

* A study in the US-of-A has revealed that the radiation risks are "orders of magnitude" greater than first projected by "official" estimates.

* A CIA agent has revealed that the US-of-A government has been & will continue to down-play the seriousness of this event. He hope that qt."the public becomes aware of the great threat to their health".

So, in finishing, it would seem that the US-of-A government has no solution to these problems, & would rather keep quiet, & continue the push on Carbon Tax for Co2 emissions, citing that green-house gasses are causing global warming, & that America needs more Nukes. This is bullshit, as the facts to global warming are as follows....

1st. The Sun, & it's own activities & laws determine global warming via sun-spots & solar flares. Are our cars causing the polar caps to melt on Mars or Jupiters satellites also ?

2nd. In all recorded history, the gradual rise in temperature first, has always been followed by a rise in Co2, not the other way around. This is natural.

3rd. Most US-of-A government officials are serving themselves & their own private enterprises. The folks in government rotate in-between private enterprises & government jobs to suit there own needs. ( Monsantos anybody ?...Now who works there ?). It's a revolving door open for a select few folks, nothing more. Just like many other "Corporations".

4th. Many thousands of scientists, who's names have appeared on Government documentation to support Global Warming issues, have been fraudulent, in the fact that they may have worked or studied on this issue, but do not support the results as "doctored" to suit officials. They can't get there names removed !!!

Take care, until next time,


PS. Don't forget about "enenews" people ! Follow the real going's on there for your own benefit !!!


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Hello folks,

It seems that less & less information is being released to us with regards to updates in the progress of trying to gain control of the 3 x crippled Nuclear plants in Japan. However, some not-so-good news has presented itself, & gives us more concerns to worry about in the short-term...Also, there's been a couple of incidences in the US-of-A to cause concern for all of it's citizens, especially since it's a mother-nature issue with regards to the integrity of a dam & it's water retaining function that has been compromised...The problem being the number of nuclear power-plants down-stream of the dam & the future effects of its failure....Anyhow, here's the latest news, & I've tried not to repeat myself from previous posts too much, but what do you do when the problem remains the same ?...


* Buildings next to the crippled reactors are sinking, & have sunk on average so far 2.2 feet...Molten fuel is thought to be eating away at structural materials.......

* Plutonium levels 10,000,000 times "normal" is being sourced in water found below the reactors...

* Every water sample taken in Japan's rivers that flow into our Pacific Ocean has had Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, & Pu-242 found within it...

* A long list of plant & animal mutations continues to grow in Japan...

* At least 2 x typhoons have passed over Japan since my last up-date here. The torrential rain is too much for the plant to handle, & hence, even more pollution flows into our Pacific Ocean.

* Strontium found in the waters off Japan have hit record levels in recent weeks...

* It appears that our Pacific Ocean is still getting a constant hammering of toxic waste, every single day, with no end in sight...


* More marine animals have been found dying on the coasts of Canada & the US-of-A. The numbers are great...

* Unprecedented Emergency State-Wide fishing closures have been instated with a near 100% infection rate...

* A Japan official quotes "Fukushima posing reproduction risk to marine life, with on-going concern over bio-accumulation of radioactive material"...


* A third person has died from illness in relation to the USS Ronald Reagan. The victim was a child born 2-years ago that had both brain & spinal cancer, who's father sailed on-board the vessel.

* A Nuke-Crisis unfolded at a plant approximately 100-miles away from St.Louis when a steam-pipe burst. There have been no further up-dates, & Government sources say that radiation levels are normal. ( Off course they are, what do you expect them to say ?).

* The integrity of a major dam in the US-of-A is causing concern to the Nuclear plants down-stream of it, with bog-holes, soil erosion & water leaks threatening safety.

There's not really too much more to mention, except that you can find more specific information / video-updates etc on "enenews" at your leisure. WNN has all but nothing to say about Japan with so many more Nuclear Plants coming into service around the world...



-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 1st of August 2015 12:53:14 AM


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Hello folks,

It's that time again, when we revisit the on-going world-wide non-sense, that is this Nuclear Holocaust, with pretty much all the worlds politicians ignoring the fact that we're being ****ed... And still, there's been no blame made, or accountability for the BS that will plague the people, plants, & animals of this world, for centuries to come...There's been some developments around the globe, including Japan, but I for one really start to wonder when our "luck" will run out...And when our stupidity will stop...Here comes the latest up-date for the month of August, 2015......


* Damaged Fuel Containers have been found in Unit 3 fuel-pool, after the successful removal of a large piece of debris.

* A death was noted during the removal of this debris, as the radiation-level was too high, & prevented the workers from carrying-out the removal smoothly.

* Mid-month, the likely eruption of a volcano had all but gob-smacked Nuke-Plant-Operators at the only restarted Nuke Plant in Japan, after only 2-days of supplying power back to the grid...

* A typhoon on the 24th, with 159 MPH winds, & 40 ft waves struck the southern island of Japan where the above mentioned volcano is also on the verge of erupting...The government warned of land-slides & flooding...

* Official figures are now appearing, as to the current death-toll of people in Japan, as a direct consequence of radiation exposure, from Fukushima Daiichi....2,000 deaths so-far, with 5,000 in the near future from cancers, & other radio-logical related illnesses...

* There's also been a 15% drop in annual birth-rate figures in Japan.

* The Japanese Government want to now raise the official annual radiation exposure limit for people, from 1-mSv per year, to 20-mSv per year......

* A map has shown that Nuclear Waste is rising up from the sea-floor, well off-shore from Japan...(Could this be the result of "venting" from a China Syndrome state reactor ?) ...


* Countless more wild-life deaths are occurring each & everyday, found all along the West Coast of America.

* 8.4-Bq/m3 of radioactive Ceasium has been detected near beaches, off-the-coast of L.A., & San Diego. This is just the start of things, it will grow & grow as time goes on.

* The official US-of-A government response to all the animal deaths is still qt."We don't know what's going on"......( ****ing pathetic ).


* A new Safe Containment Structure is in place at the Chernobyl crippled Nuke-Plant. It's expected to be fully secured by 2017...And will offer protection for up to 100 years, it is hoped.

* A similar structure is being built for Japan's crippled Nuke Plants.

* Australian Tax Payers have funded a Royal Commission, into the viability of Nuclear Power for electricity generation for South Australia...(In truth, I believe they'll build a Nuke Plant, & then the door will open for all the worlds toxic high-level Nuclear Waste to be dumped here in Oz)...



-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 30th of August 2015 12:45:29 AM


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I sure hope they figure out how to use all this toxic stuff as space craft fuel or something productive in the future. The way it's mounting up you would think eventually there would have to be something done or we would run out of room!

Thats real good news on them "domes", at least something is being done! Keep us posted on them domes!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hey folks,

Hopefully this attachment will inform you bout these structures they're building for these blown-nuke-plants...They're basically like huge air-craft-hanger constructions, designed to keep mother-nature out, & the radiation in...

This attachment is an older document, but it's the most complete I could find for you all, & there's quite a bit of information too, about banks & different companies that are involved with it all. Also, don't forget here, that as great as it all is, it's taken nearly 30-years to get this, & unofficially 60-million affected lives. ( And this number is still growing, yet alone Japans )....





chernobyl25.pdf (882.6 kb)

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From the looks of that attachment it appears there is really some positive efforts being made to contain the mess. I guess that does little after the fact, as the cat is already out of the bag. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yes, the Russians didn't waste any time in trying to "secure" the situation....Apparently over 95% of all the possible pollution was contained inside...That's why it's so important to ensure the "junk" stays there, & why they've built another enclosure. Don't forget though, that all the lands surrounding the place remain toxic for hundreds of miles, from country to country, & since all the food chain has been exposed, is the reason why the "real" figure of affected people is closer to 60,000,000. Even eating your own home-made jam is a sure source of you ingesting the Ceasium 134 & 137 toxins, that ultimately give you cancer. ( Plus the countless other toxins...)

Over 40% of the U.K.'s farmlands remain contaminated from Chernobyl's fall-out !!! Yet alone the contamination found in closer surrounding countries...

Our governments are pretty pathetic when it comes to revealing the truth about matters. They're nothing but a disgrace to the human race. But our problems are greater still now, as it's becoming well known that the ultimate corruption of our governing officials will remain forever, as their careful manipulation of laws & the general public ensure that they stay in power. We can only hope that they realize that they themselves will suffer the fate that is cause from Nuclear Fall-out.

Even in "enenews" today, it was revealed that the US-of-A government deliberately let-off a Nuclear device outside of Los Angeles in January 1965, just to "see what happens"...It looks like President Johnson was an even bigger ass-hole than I ever even thought of him to be. Are you going to believe what your government tells you about all this ?... They have some fact & figures, & have already estimated what the collateral damage is / could be, & frankly they couldn't give a damn about you or your family, regardless of who is in power. It's not part of their agenda. It's quite clear to me, that as a US-of-A citizen, by default, you are expendable, pending your governments needs.

I sometimes do honestly think that the Russians are more "humane" than the leaders of the US-of-A have shown themselves to be...




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Hello folks,

There's been quite a bit of activity regarding the world-of-Nukes so far this month, so I decided to update the thread sooner than later...Unfortunately, the bulk of the news is not good news, though our "luck" seems to be holding out for the moment !


* Radiation fears continue to grow with a near 100% "morphological defect" found in Japans Fir-Trees within the Fukushima Perfecture. It seems that "top-buds" have failed to grow, & a fork in the stem has resulted. It's been suggested that this deformity will kill-off the trees.

* Researchers have been prevented from continuing their studies on the above Fir-Tree mutation....

* Typhoon Etau, brought torrential down-pours & flooding to our crippled Fukushima Nuke Plant...Not only does this mean that further pollution has entered our dying Pacific Ocean, but areas that have been decontaminated, are now toxic again, & will need to be decontaminated once again...The vast amount of rain simply overwhelmed the capacity of the transfer pumps...

* These floods are also threatening the integrity of the plant structures further...

* An expert at the site has been quoted as saying that "a lot of Nuclear fuel has already melted into the ground, & will now resurface"...

* Radiation numbers within the Pacific Ocean have been observed as being much higher, though no amount has been provided.


* 150,000+ Antelopes have died within 4-days, & within 200 miles of "Semipalatinsk" Nuclear Test Site in Kasakhstan...Over 498 Nuclear tests were conducted in 1989 by the USSR, with a number of tests being vented underground. Many other plant & animal species have completely disappeared...


* It was revealed over a week ago, that the US-of-A Government in 1965, detonated a Nuclear device near Los Angeles California, to "see what would happen"......

* Countless dead birds have been reported off the West Coast US-of-A, & nothing is eating the bodies...

* Many animals have also been reported as acting weird, being too weak to fly, or too weak to run...

* The first of mutated fish have been caught & sighted off the West Coast US-of-A this month. Star-fish mutations & other marine abnormalities have been sighted.

* A truck carrying Uranium has caught fire at the Honeywell Nuclear Facility on the 24th of this month. No radiation emissions have been revealed to the public, though the fire has been put out...

It kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it ?......Are there any anti-nuke politicians for the folks of the US-of-A to vote for in the coming elections ?......(I thought so).......................

Later, ( I hope )



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Hey folks,

In the interests of keeping points-of-view fair, I've attached here the latest IAEA bulletin for 2015 ( No mention of Fukushima LOL ), & the official TEPCO plan of attack for dealing with the crisis, & how they go about getting the work eventually done...

Make your own minds up, & don't forget about ENENews to deliver the day-to-day on-goings around our little globe with regards to our Nuke issues.



PS Sorry folks, the IAEA attachment might be too big to attach at 18mb...You'll just have to search yourselves I'm sorry...(But there was nothing about our problems to speak of anyhow)....

-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 26th of September 2015 12:06:57 AM

TEPCO Bollox.pdf (1,265.1 kb)

"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Fear not Rastus, now that they have found flowing water on Mars we can simply migrate to Mars when our planet starts glowing.

However, it would seem some want to "nuke" Mars before we even set foot on the planet. Apparently they feel doing such would create an atmosphere and oxygen... Oddly enough, I seen this exact theory on a movie called "Total Recall" back in the 90's... Yet they (The aliens - of the interstellar variety) didn't resort to actually nuking the planet, they used nuclear reactions to heat up barbs that melted the ice, creating an atmosphere and oxygen.

Not trying to be funny... You can't even make this stuff up!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Thanks for your post ! I was hoping that the IAEA attachment would have worked, as it does show how Nukes can work in other ways...

There's other products / fuels you "can" use in Nuclear Power Plants that are "safe"(?) & don't use Uranium as a fuel source. Uranium is is used for the exclusive extraction of Plutonium for Weapons Use Only. Generating steam from this process is only ever a by-product that we use to turn generators. But when things go wrong....

I'm not sure I'd want to try drinking that water on Mars without it being checked-out for solar radiation levels etc etc. It's probably as toxic or worse than our fresh water is becoming LOL !

I remember scientists in the early 2000's ( or earlier ) suggesting that the idea of finding water on Mars was hoped so that the Hydrogen & Oxygen could be extracted from it & turned into more rocket-fuel for the next voyage...

Even the Aliens film ( Alien II ) has nuke plants processing stuff to create a breathable atmosphere in it, & that was in the mid-1980's. There might be something in that ! Our whole little planet lives & evolves from the solar rays from the sun, so it's plausible.

Our biggest problem from getting to Mars though ( & the Moon too ) is a band of super strong radiation that surrounds our planet known as the "Van Allen Belt"...It's this radiation belt that's he center of controversy with regards to the moon landings of the Apollo Missions in the 1960's & 1970's. Many people believe they were faked, & I tend to believe that they were faked....There's so many facts that point to the lunar landing being a Hollywood Studio Set it's amazing....From this perspective, the Apollo capsules were never lined with lead or other substances to keep the radiation out, & neither were the space-suits worn by the astronauts...Russia was well ahead of the US-of-A as far as the "Space Race" was concerned, & it was the "Van Allen Belt" that stopped them getting there first...

Anyhow, it's looking like the Modern Times "Noah's Ark" is shaping up to be a space-ship destined for Mars, & sadly, you'll need to be a Rockefeller, Rothschild, Windsor, or a high level Bilderburger for the ticket LOL ! ( What are we going to do with all the animal shit ) ?...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hello folks,

I knew I should have waited until the end-of-the-month, because now more news has presented itself, this time in the US-of-A....

* An investigation by KNSD-TV Channel 7, has dropped a "bombshell" regarding efforts to cover-up poor handling of toxic waste, beach pollution, & radiation leaks at the San Onorfe Nuclear generating stations, near San Diego...

* The investigation found that the high radiation levels endangered workers at the site, & in their trailers.

* The levels detected were so high that the Nuclear Regulatory Inspectors refused to continue the surveys...

* Radioactive waste has been found & stored at either side of Interstate-5 near the site...

* Employees at the plant have been forced to sign non-disclosure documents about the on-going breach of public safety & to prevent negative information from ever becoming public.

* It is thought that the atrocities were so great, that Edison will make sure that nothing is heard about it.

* Concerns are for future citizens establishing houses & suburbs near the area where contamination is present, but the facts covered-up.

Like you said SELLC "You can't make this shit up"......




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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California is going to break away and fall into the ocean soon anyway Rastus.

The land masses are still going to shift, as they always have. There is literally nothing you or I can do about it or the spread of Nuclear power.

Well maybe I could sue somebody, but we all know my docket is full at the moment.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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