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Post Info TOPIC: 3000 Miles - Detroit to Miami and back in 88 hours driving C4 Corvette!


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3000 Miles - Detroit to Miami and back in 88 hours driving C4 Corvette!

In an apparent act of self destruction and midlife crisis I recently up and decided to take a trip to Miami and back, stopping over in Daytona Beach for a nights rest in-between. 

Got to roll into Miami with the temps at 81 degrees with the top down on the Corvette wearing my new red "USA" Trump 45 hat. On the A1A in Miami I had some people pointing, some trying to run into me and some supportive. I got some complements on the Corvette at a few valet places but really they pretty much have a Lamborghini or Ferrari sitting just about everywhere you look. Apparently if you drive a Lamborghini in the 1700 district of the A1A you can do a massive burn out and the police will just laugh and applaud, although I didn't test my luck doing such things in the Corvette. They really get you for parking in Miami, as there is not much parking. 

I more or less had about a 5 day opening where I just decided to hit the road. I went by myself since everyone though I was joking the morning I decided to go. Had a gallon of JD, a fifth of Skyy Vodka and an OZ. I literally partied every second... In fact when I arrived in Daytona after over 20 hours on the road I passed out in the hotel room and when the fire alarm went off I just covered my head with another pillow! Thinking back it probably wasn't a good idea! LOL

Still, it was just enough for me to shake the vacation bug, but not too much to where I was sunburnt and beat after the trip. After 3000 miles in a C4 Corvette dealing with every pan-handler from Detroit to Miami, I can honestly say that buying the car I always wanted as a kid was worth every penny! Not even the Lamborghini's or the Ferrari's there were able to spark that nostalgic feeling like the Corvette. I was, and still am feeling blessed and thankful, especially considering I had won over $400 at the casino the night before on New Years! So it was pretty much free!

As always, Atlanta was total gridlock thru the entire city. I have no idea why they all like to park on the expressway but they do it.... every time I roll thru it feels like! LOL

This is when I arrived in Daytona, right before this photo was taken I was dumped off by Apple Maps to a real salty part of Daytona, you know, before the bridge... Anyway, I had to ask a hooker at 7/11 how to get to a hotel! Talk about an awkward moment. But look how nice the Mcdonalds is there!

My last night in Daytona.

Only in Miami...

Seen more of these in Miami in 24 hours than I have seen my entire life combined! No kidding!

All in all, it was a good trip and I didn't get a single ticket, although I kept it at the posted limit at all times with the help of cruise control. Not a single problem with the Corvette on the way down or back and I wasn't even sore from sleeping in the car here and there at rest areas on the way home. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Awesome ! Simply awesome.

You'd better treat the wife real special over the next little while I'd suggest, & definitely take her out to dinner. ( Or let her go on a holiday for a few days too ).

I'm glad New Years Eve treated you well at the Casino, usually the outcome is very different !

I'll keep my fingers crossed that no salt saw its way onto the floor-pan of the Corvette, though no doubt you've taken care of business.

Happy New Year for sure !




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Thanks Rastus! It felt very good to take a few days to go and drive around, and that's pretty much what I did for 4 days!

I offered the wife to come along but she wasn't interested in spending that much time in the Corvette to just cruise around. I had taken the wife out to dinner on New Years just prior to my little trip, plus I was being GPS tracked by the entire family the entire time thanks to my bright idea of getting everyone an iPhone so I could GPS track them. lol - odd how that really worked out where I ended up being the one tracked all the time. lol

Im a regular at the Greektown district in Detroit. I'm absolutely in love with this restaurant there called Fishbones and I always try my luck at the roulette table for at least $20 when I'm in that area. I never spend more than $100 between the both of us gambling and that usually includes drinks, parking, my favorite roulette numbers and a few goes on the one arm bandits for the wife as she likes them games. It just so happens I got lucky on New Years, and one of the main reasons we go to the Greektown casino district is because it's the only place left in Michigan where you can smoke! I hope they do away with the smoking bans here in Michigan because it's got to be killing all the bars and restaurants! People can thank them liberal jackasses for that ignorance! I mean who goes to the bar and doesn't want to enjoy a smoke while kicking back a few drinks?

I did run into some dried salt on the road when I hit Kentucky on my way back but most of the Corvette is made of plastic anyway. I'll just have to lift the car up on the hoist and clean real well under there this Thursday when we're expecting 50 degree temps. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I really do like that car. It almost makes you look respectable ;)



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Oh, gee... I was "almost" about to say thanks! LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Smoking over a few drinks go hand-in-hand, I must agree. They banned smoking here in Oz in indoor places a long time ago, & there's less people that smoke now than ever I'd have to say...

But our government is a pretty cruel fascist dictatorship (like yours), & they also boosted the price of a packet of cigarettes too, & do so every 6-months or so...In fact, all cigarette packaging is the same here, so it makes it really hard for the salesperson to find your packet when you ask for them.

No joke, a packet of 20's here in Oz will set you back about $25:00...That's about $01:25 per cigarette...So you can see that hardly anyone offers them out anymore LOL !

In a lot of ways, Oz has become a testing ground for the US-of-A with regards to introducing stupid rules & laws, because in all honesty, the minute you folks think-them-up, & start to filter them through your country, we've enforced the same laws instantaneously. This has been going on for a while, including our gun-laws, where you basically can't have one anymore.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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$25 a pack? You got to be kidding! What does that work out to be in USD?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hey mate,

As we speak, the exchange rate is 1 x AUD = 0.75 USD...( $01:00 Oz = $00:75 US-of-A ).

This means a packet of smokes in Oz to buy with US-of-A dollars is $18.75, for a regular packet of 20's...

All brands of cigarettes here in Australia are sold with the same packaging & coloring, meaning you can't identify the brand a person smokes, as they're all identical. You're forced to read the package for a brand-name.

I feel that if a government really wanted to help its public's health, & stop people smoking, they should out-law tobacco sales entirely. Not smoking will not kill you apparently. Instead, as you can see, they make a ****ing lot of money out of people who are apparently "addicted" & can't quit. This money is apparently used to off-set the expense of medical treatment for smoking related illnesses. I wonder what they'll charge us for nuclear related illness's when that starts to appear in great numbers ?....




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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OMG! That's just INSANE!

Being a heavy smoker myself I can say that such prices would be VERY hard to enjoy smoking! Unless of course you were ultra-rich.

Seems kind of odd to be talking about the dangers of radiation while I sit here and puff down a pack of smokes, but you seem very passionate about this nuclear situation. All told people may not be getting all the information they need. Perhaps another thread on the issue pointing out some of the known early signs of radiation exposure, along with links and photos of where to buy and how to use a gigameter may prove useful to people, myself included. You seem to want to speak of this radiation a whole lot, I'm just trying to give you an outlet that can help, and heck, I wouldn't mind reading a well put together article on such issues myself.

That said, a pack of cigarettes here is about $6 or $7 per pack at the moment. It used to be around $2 when I first started smoking my senior year of High School. I admit that smoking is not probably a good thing, but I also realize that in my line of work (automotive) I am exposed to all sorts of seriously more toxic chemicals and particulate matter - even when wearing proper respirators during heavy exposure situations. I also understand that the wife and kids may not like my less than laid back approach to life prior to smoking, as honestly everything was about me prior to that time. It was wonderful, but not what I can be right now.

It was nice to take this little break, and honestly even though it was all me, I still smoked twice as much because hey.... Everyone hates a quitter! LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hey folks,

Plenty of people still smoke over here, but the numbers are well down I think when compared to say 10-years ago. I've smoked on & off all my life, & have to admit that when you're younger, the ill-health effects are barely felt. Now I'm older however, I do feel that every single cigarette is taxing my health. I'll only buy a packet or two to enjoy over the Christmas period, whilst having a couple of drinks. I'm lucky that I can just stop, & not worry about it any further. It's likely that work, & associated medicals mean I have to make the effort to stay healthy, or I miss-out on the job...It's also funny to think that the job includes hazards such as breathing Diesel fumes all-day-long, & everything your surrounded by can either electricute, burn, blind, deafen, scald & cut you in 1/2 LOL ! Yet you still need that medical LOL !

The radiation issue is a bastard issue....You can't see it, touch it, smell it, hear it or acknowledge its presence in any way, & yet it's combination of over 2000 man-made-toxic-pollutants are the death-bell itself ringing, though we can't hear it. Very difficult to describe, yet even more difficult to convince folks that we're surrounded by more & more of it every-day, & that it will hang around for millions of years. And even more difficult is it to try & explain what has happened in our past, & present, to allow such continued treachery to happen to the whole planet, & everything that lives upon it.

And all our political leaders deny any problems, by hiding facts, & lying, knowing that we'll silently pass away whilst the extinction continues...And they're going to die too, which is the more crazy part !

I'm not sure if another thread is needed, as there's actually an abundance of good information & links in the Fukushima thread already. In fact, you can see over time, how the available information to the ongoing & still every bit World Extinction Event, has been watered down, & harder & harder to find...That's what I call censorship ! Though worse IMO, is the fact that folks don't want to know, & are happy to let this bastard murdering industry to grow further...We're very foolish.

On a positive note, Dr.Chris Busby & his supporters from are on the verge of winning a court case in Europe, that will see the demise of the Nuclear Industry in Europe, as it's broken its own guide-lines, & failed to keep the General Public safe from the effects of "Low-Level-Doses of Ionizing Radiation", as stipulated by its own mandates, & International Law. This is a big deal, so check out the site, as it was updated only recently. Fantastic News IMO.

All this being said however, if you'd like to ask the questions in a new thread, I'll be happy to provide answers where-ever possible. It is a huge subject however !!! Though better to discuss & learn, than not.

Enjoy your smokes SELLC !!! But more than 10-per-day will see your health decline IMO in a drastic way once you hit the 45-mark, so I'd be aiming for the 6-per-day mark, if you have to do it...Alternatively, you can "roll-your-own" with super-small-filters, & roll 3-cigarettes for the contents of 1 x "Tailor-made-cigarette". So even if you smoke 10-of-these a day, you've actually consumed a little over 3 x packaged cigarettes. Much better for your health. And if you give-up all together, 2 nights of crap sleep is all you have to contend with, & you'll feel healthier within a week.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I had to clean the car 3 times to get it back to good looking shape, largely in part due to my smoking. It's a real pain to have to clean the windshield all the time, as the smoke will make it hard to see at night when lights appear blurry thru the tobacco stained glass. Still, I do enjoy smoking at the moment, but I wouldn't mind quitting if I could get the wife to do the same. I am certainly not going to quit and still inhale second hand smoke all day at home. So it is what it is...

Smoke here are about $6 a pack, sometimes even $7. You can roll your own for about $1 a pack, give or take a quarter depending on how much tobacco you waste in the process of rolling a carton. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Figured I'd move this thread to the LT1 forum since it is basically a Corvette thread. Hope this doesn't bother anyone.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Man, I had so much more energy and spunk back then...

I blame it on COVID! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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