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Post Info TOPIC: The DOW crests 20,000 for the first time ever thanks to President Trump!


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The DOW crests 20,000 for the first time ever thanks to President Trump!

Yes ladies and gentlemen... The DOW has crested 20,000 today thanks to the phenomena known as "The Trump Bump".

You can not deny that for months the DOW has been flirting with 20k and it sends a STRONG message that investors feel good about investing in America with Trump in power! It didn't happen under Obama, or during QE 1,2 or 3... It happened because people have confidence in President Trump!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Bitch please, what was the Dow when Obama took office, and what was it when he left?

It was 7,949 when Obama took office, and 19,830 when he left.

Are you suggesting that the DJI being up a couple hundred points and happening to hit the 20K mark this week is somehow because Trump took over. It would have happened even if Obama was still president. A couple hundred point swing can happen in a normal day. What's really impressive is how much the DJI improved over the last 8 years if you ask me. Actually it may be time to start selling stocks if the Trump presidency is going to be anything like the last Bush one.



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I should also mention the first time the Dow crested 15000, Obama was President.

I should also mention the first time the Dow crested 16000, Obama was President.

I should also mention the first time the Dow crested 17000, Obama was President.

I should also mention the first time the Dow crested 18000, Obama was President.

I should also mention the first time the Dow crested 19000, Obama was President.

I should also mention the first time the Dow crested 19830, Obama was President.


I don't remember you starting a thread each time one of those records were broken.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Bitch please, what was the Dow when Obama took office, and what was it when he left?

It was 7,949 when Obama took office, and 19,830 when he left.

Are you suggesting that the DJI being up a couple hundred points and happening to hit the 20K mark this week is somehow because Trump took over ?... It would have happened even if Obama was still president. A couple hundred point swing can happen in a normal day. What's really impressive is how much the DJI improved over the last 8 years if you ask me. Actually it may be time to start selling stocks if the Trump presidency is going to be anything like the last Bush one.

 This makes sense, & it has a trend to back it up.

I'm sure it will start to spiral downwards, sooner or later, as all trends do.

The world has yet to see Mr.Trump & his international diplomacy in action...I'm sure we'll be in for a real treat then.






"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Really PowerStroker and Rastus?? (Had to edit it after seeing Rastus post lol)

Bitch please... It's easy to get the market going up when you're pouring countless tax payer dollars into the market... I think they called it QE - 1, 2 and 3!

So tell me PowerStroker, why must we discount the fact that the market was artificially inflated? Do you even understand what I am talking about? I bet you don't!

-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 25th of January 2017 07:58:55 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Bitch I'm the one that taught you about quantitative easing years ago. It is one of the measures that were taken by the Federal Reserve during the Obama administration to help get us out of the Bush recession. It and many other measures I should say. Yes QE does tend to de-value our currency, but the alternative would have been an all out depression which would have done worse. Obama didn't exactly inherit a thriving economy like Trump did. Often Obama had to choose between the lesser of evils, I'd say he did pretty well.

I will agree with your statement that the DJI is artificially inflated relative to what it was prior to the Obama administration. But you should know that it is because one of it's core companies - General Motors was booted out of it because they went bankrupt at the end of the Bush administration and they were replaced by Cisco Systems. Citigroup was also booted in favor of Travelers insurance group so the DJI would be less reflective of the horrible subprime mortgage mess that was weighing down the DJI. By removing of GM, the DJI became less reflective of the entire economy because it no longer had a big industrial stock weighing it down. Obama doesn't make decisions about which companies are on the DJI, that's mostly your buddies.

Have they made America great again yet?



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Bush didn't only mess America up you know, he messed the whole world up, in such a way, that we're going to be talking about him forever....


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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If you liked Bush, you're going to loooooooooove Trump.

Excuse me... President Trump.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Bitch I'm the one that taught you about quantitative easing years ago. It is one of the measures that were taken by the Federal Reserve during the Obama administration to help get us out of the Bush recession. It and many other measures I should say. Yes QE does tend to de-value our currency, but the alternative would have been an all out depression which would have done worse. Obama didn't exactly inherit a thriving economy like Trump did. Often Obama had to choose between the lesser of evils, I'd say he did pretty well.

I will agree with your statement that the DJI is artificially inflated relative to what it was prior to the Obama administration. But you should know that it is because one of it's core companies - General Motors was booted out of it because they went bankrupt at the end of the Bush administration and they were replaced by Cisco Systems. Citigroup was also booted in favor of Travelers insurance group so the DJI would be less reflective of the horrible subprime mortgage mess that was weighing down the DJI. By removing of GM, the DJI became less reflective of the entire economy because it no longer had a big industrial stock weighing it down. Obama doesn't make decisions about which companies are on the DJI, that's mostly your buddies.

Have they made America great again yet?

You act like the national debt isn't soaring over $20 trillion dollars! It's like bragging about a million dollar credit card limit all the while knowing you owe $980,000.00! LOL

I am willing to bet President Trump will not only rally the markets (without infusing it with taxpayer dollars), but he will also lower the national debt. If you can't understand the difference between that and what has happened the past 8 years, then buddy, I don't know what to say! The bottom line is Obama's attempts to change America backfired and it cost this nation over $10 trillion dollars for a community organizers approach to business. You claim Obama saved the economy, I say he just took out a big loan to smooth it over while he wasted time trying to get men into women's bathrooms and making sure gay folks could get married.

Have Republicans made America great again yet? Buddy they haven't even gotten started! Hold on to your hats, there will be a strong headwind as you're thrust upward in prosperity! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

Bush didn't only mess America up you know, he messed the whole world up, in such a way, that we're going to be talking about him forever....

 Bush is an American hero who did a job no-one else had the balls to do!

If 9/11 happened on Obama's watch we would have apologized to everyone before sending them billions in cash money... 

It's an outright joke, really... Maybe someone will run a few Jumbo jets into Melbourne sky scrapers and you can tell me how to best handle it...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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9/11 was a false-flag event, used to bring forward the agenda of the "Elite", & nothing more. Hitler used the same tactic by blowing-up the German-embassy in Poland, then using that as the reason to invade the country, & effectively start WW-II.

The "Elites" agenda was manifold in that it reduced an American Citizens Rights from your Constitution, whilst increasing the powers of Presidency to dictatorship status, which is why folks like myself & PowerStroker are concerned about a President like Mr.Trump holding so-much-power, & not being able to use it wisely, since it appears that he's not a far-seeing person, but only an abrupt mouth-piece of the moment. And this could land everyone into deep-shit...

Mr.Bush is a murderer, & bases his crimes-outcomes on false evidence, whilst deceiving the whole world by using shock-tactics. And anyone who disagrees that demolition explosives & thermite were used to bring down both World Trade Centers is either a fool, hasn't seen the footage, or is too scared to speak out against such obnoxious & blatant treachery, since they're still in shock about the event & can't comprehend that the evil stemmed from your president himself...And Mr.Tony Blair is just as evil too, no doubt, among many others too....

And it's this very real evil that exists, that will either destroy Mr.Trump via assassination or other means, or he is part of, & working together with that evil. This evil has not disappeared simply because Mr.Bush went away......

The agenda of the "Elite" will always be moving forward to its ultimate end ( New World Order ), it's only a matter of how fast or slow in time it takes.



NB. If someone flew jumbo jets into the sky-scrapers of Melbourne, I'd believe ( for now ) that it would be a legitimate accident, & you'd watch for days the burning of the buildings, though they'd never collapse...They'd likely be rebuilt if it was cheaper to do so...And this is also why maybe your World Trade Center buildings in NYC were chosen, since they had been attacked a number of times already over the years, & it would be cheaper & safer to remove the threat / buildings all together...The owner didn't mind at all, he even said it was fine to pull building-7, that wasn't hit by a plane, but apparently had a fire....And CIA + FBI historical data...Convenient or what LOL !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here you go.....

And that's just the start....




Evidence of thermite demolition charges used to cut steel columns at ...

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 25th of January 2017 10:40:22 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hindsight is 20/20 Rastus.

The World Trade Center was the marquee of the New York City skyline! Two jumbo jets full of fuel struck both towers. It's just foolish for people to act like there was some conspiracy to preserve human life and ensure as little collateral damage to the surrounding area after the fact. It's just more or less an insult if you ask me.

If you're so confident of your Melbourne buildings, may I suggest you guys try it... Then get back to me.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I never thought I'd say this SELLC, as I thought of you as a friend, but you are a fool. A really big ignorant one. And I hope that one day, you realize that your whole life is sadly based upon bullshit. And you are so compelled to believe in fantasy, that I pity you, & your family, & wish you the sincerest best for the future, as you really do need help, that I can't offer you.

The only insult SELLC, is to me, believe it or not, as I actually thought you had an open mind that sought out the truth, but clearly you are blinded by bull-shit, & would rather defend bull-shit, than face the facts. This is really, really as sad state of affairs.

What are you going to do when your vision of Mr.Trump turns into a likely nightmare ?...

All the best,



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus, it's really a shame you feel that way. I don't know if you been reading this forum the past 8 years, but I think it's always been quite obvious..

I am very open minded, maybe too open minded for my own good. It's a shame you are so very frustrated with President Trump, and it seems you have come unraveled somewhat in your anger, or perhaps you have always felt that way... I don't know, but it's your problem.

The real pity here is that it has taken you this long to either admit your true feelings, or you are suffering from the early onset of a bi-polar disorder. But it's okay Rastus, you can let it all out... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Mr.Bush jr & his administration are accountable for mass murder under false alleged intelligence. If that doesn't bother you as a human being, & you won't even take a look at the amazing amount of evidence that proves gross miss-conduct & violations of the privilege-of-office with regards to the events of 9/11, then the problem regretfully remains with you my friend, in your conscience & whom-evers ass you decide to keep your head in... At this moment in time, I'd say it's Mr.Trumps.

As for me being bi-polar ?...I doubt it, since I'm usually in a pretty neutral state-of-mind at most times. Rarely to I go violent, & hardly do I ROFLMAO. I let any build-up of emotions out through my music, & through the throttle of my motorcycles. I decided many tears ago, that the world was a far too unpleasant a place to raise a family, & I didn't want to have to lie to my children that everything's fine & dandy. People like Mr.Bush only ensure me that I've made the correct decision.

I've always whilst been on this forum had a soft spot for you to be honest, as everyone appeared to always be attacking you. I admired the fact that you're a self-employed trades-person who runs his own business, & raises a family too. I always felt that with most of whatever disagreements were had here, were ultimately dealt with discussion to find the middle ground, hence communications with PowerStroker.

I like PowerStroker, as he does have an open mind, & is prepared to change it if proved incorrect, & go with the flow peacefully. Regretfully SELLC, from what I can tell, you would rather go down with the wrong team than admit to being incorrect about something. That's a scary way to live your life, as your stubborness will start fights for sure, though you can't end them, even if you know you're out-of-place. This means you place yourself in a corner that you can't ever move away from, even though your loyalty may be miss-placed. I suggest a lot of Europe still remains this way, & why the stupid war in "Yugoslavia" started & couldn't be resolved in the 1990's.

I'm so glad that my dear Grand-father chose to immigrate to Australia, & not the US-of-A or Canada when the opportunity was offered after WW-II, as he had the foresight & brains to realize that it's all bull-shit, not worth getting caught-up in.

Believe it or not, Australia is the best place in the world to live, & once again, you're more than welcome to come & live here. That goes for everyone.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Have you ever been to the USA Rastus?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Have you ever been to the USA Rastus?



Yes, I have been to the US-of-A. It was with my grand-parents in May of 1974, during the Watergate scandal. I remember plenty even though I was only 4-years-old, but I had no choice in the matter, as my Grand-father wouldn't go on the trip if one of the grand-children didn't go with them. My older brother had already been twice overseas by this time with my parents, & since my little sister was all of 2-years old, I was the pick to go jet-setting around the world...

From what I do remember, the people were no different to anywhere else I traveled to, & everyone was really excited & happy to see each other again after so many years away from one-another, & their common home country of Poland, that was actually still called West Germany at the end of the war, before the lines on the map changed again...My grandparents are now sadly long gone, & I can't remember exactly the place / town we stayed with friends was named in the US-of-A, except to say that it was in the South, & I clearly remember chasing fire-flies around at sunset time, & the strange green glow from their bodies. I'm 90% sure it was Alabama that we stayed a while with friends.

I remember plenty of Europe, the sights, ferry's traveled, lots of airports & aeroplanes. We mainly flew with KLM for the international flights, & TWA for the US-of-A domestic ones.

Ultimately, my recollections as a child were that Europe was a very sad place, everywhere you went, including Germany where my Dad's side grand-parents resided. People were happy to see & meet you, but sad at heart. The US-of-A, & the folks we met there were more like home, & I would have been happy to stay for-ever. In fact, I remember not wanting to leave the place & the fire-flies lol.

Times change however, & no doubt different parts of America are as different as countries in Europe.

I have a US-of-A visa, as I need it for my job as a marine engineer, though there's been no need to go there as an adult for work reasons as yet, & the industry seems to be dying rather than blooming, so I doubt a visit in the future will be possible either. This is sad too, because I completed my cadetship with a Canadian company known as TK shipping, though they proved to be nothing more than a globalist company that bought Australian vessels & crew, to then sell-off when needed to make a profit. I guess at least I can say I sailed on a few Oil Tankers LOL !



-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 26th of January 2017 09:53:17 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Fair enough...

But I still disagree with you on Bush. I am sure many things would have been different had he been able to finish reading "my pet goat" to the kids at school that day.

Don't let your hatred for Bush carry over to Trump, you aren't even giving the man a chance! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You wanna know a secret... The first time I was old enough to vote for president was in the 2000 election, and I voted for Bush because I was raised by a Republican family.

I didn't start out hating him, and I don't hate him as a person. I hate what his policies have done to the world. I hate that half of this country, people I truly consider friends, continue to support those policies to this day. I hate when ideology "trumps" science in the minds and hearts of so many people.



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I don't hate anyone !!! I'm outraged at the lack of follow-up to the worlds most disgraceful false-flag event, & aftershock....

Everyone knows that Mr.Bush Jr. wasn't exactly the brightest guy around, that's what made him a truly great puppet. The funny(?) thing is, when you see how much damage the man caused using scams, false intelligence, & then a war decimating a country for ever, & then compare that to his own personal Military Service Record....Oh yeah, that's right, it's conveniently disappeared...

The man was President, & that makes him accountable.

PowerStroker, I just hope that there'll be someone left to pick-up & repair the broken pieces.



-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 26th of January 2017 11:03:32 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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PowerStroker wrote:

You wanna know a secret... The first time I was old enough to vote for president was in the 2000 election, and I voted for Bush because I was raised by a Republican family.

I didn't start out hating him, and I don't hate him as a person. I hate what his policies have done to the world. I hate that half of this country, people I truly consider friends, continue to support those policies to this day. I hate when ideology "trumps" science in the minds and hearts of so many people.

 Blaming your parents for voting Bush? LOL... You defiantly are a Democrat PowerStroker! LOL - I'll give you that!

I had to edit this because you are definitely and defiantly a Democrat. LOL

-- Edited by SELLC on Friday 27th of January 2017 12:09:06 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Looks like the Dow is back down to what it was the day Obama left office - 19,864. How do you explain?



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I was actually hoping that no one would notice... The market has been sliding the past few days...

IIRC this is typical "correction" that would be seen under any conservative leadership, the difference here being that Trump has some ideas that could spur it well higher than 20k...

It is no secret that the markets will rise and fall, such is the natural order of things and honestly we can not discount the fact that the market has not ever been artificially inflated or propped up under Trump, unlike when Obama had the luxury of QE 1-2-3.

I don't play around in the market, never have... Probably never will unless I take a company public. 

And lets not forget PowerStroker, traditionally the markets sag a little around this time but rebound in tax seasons. I got a feeling what we are seeing is nothing more than the classic "Christmas and New Years hangover". Outside of a war flaring up, I bet the market will rebound to unheard of highs although at some point they will have to come back down. The artificial quantitive easing method was just that... Artificial! Welcome to the big boy market PowerStroker!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:


I never thought I'd say this SELLC, as I thought of you as a friend, but you are a fool. A really big ignorant one. And I hope that one day, you realize that your whole life is sadly based upon bullshit. And you are so compelled to believe in fantasy, that I pity you, & your family, & wish you the sincerest best for the future, as you really do need help, that I can't offer you.

The only insult SELLC, is to me, believe it or not, as I actually thought you had an open mind that sought out the truth, but clearly you are blinded by bull-shit, & would rather defend bull-shit, than face the facts. This is really, really as sad state of affairs.

What are you going to do when your vision of Mr.Trump turns into a likely nightmare ?...

All the best,







LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Yeah, it took a long time for Rastus to show his true Liberal colors... But by gawd once Trump got in office he couldn't take it no more! LOL

And Gerry... lol, he was logged on the other night but never posted anything.. Probably trolling the AFR.

These individuals sure seemed to enjoy reading my post when I was down, but now that I have somewhat gotten up they have turned on me... 

At least you have always been an a$$hole Stoma... If there is one thing we can all count on...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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stoma wrote:


 You "Da" real deal alright...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

Looks like the Dow is back down to what it was the day Obama left office - 19,864. How do you explain?

 How about that DOW PowerStroker!?

Up there at 20,172!

How do you explain?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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It's because the US court of appeals but the kibosh on the immigrant ban so now our economy can keep chugging along with the remaining Obama momentum that it still has. Thanks for playing though!



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SELLC wrote:

Yeah, it took a long time for Rastus to show his true Liberal colors... But by gawd once Trump got in office he couldn't take it no more! LOL

And Gerry... lol, he was logged on the other night but never posted anything.. Probably trolling the AFR.

These individuals sure seemed to enjoy reading my post when I was down, but now that I have somewhat gotten up they have turned on me... 

At least you have always been an a$$hole Stoma... If there is one thing we can all count on...


Should you see "Liberal colors" as "Equality colors", then that's me, at least in your eyes...

My nastiness comes from the disgraceful Bush administration, that should be made accountable for 9/11, judged & punished accordingly. Not so much Mr.Trump..I believe he has a steep learning curve ahead of him...

Turned on you SELLC ?...No,...Saddened to learn how cold you are, & ignorant to others sufferings based on Republican loyalty....This makes me vocal for sure, as I've been kidding myself...

Stoma, well, you're just Stoma...There's enough posts around the forum already to get your ideas...





"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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YO RASTA..... IM DA ONLY TRUE RED-WHITE-AND BLUE-BLOODED REPUBLICAN ON DIS HERE FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REX AINT NOTHIN BUT A FUCKIN POSER............... AINT EVEN LEGALLY ALLOWED TO VOTE, FUCKIN CAWK SUCKKKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIVIN OFF DA OBAMA IPHONE........... GETTIN GOV'T CHEESE AND BENEFITS........... BET THAT CAWK SUCKKKA EVEN HAS OBAMACARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious





U-S-A!!!!!!!! U-S-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!U-S-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!U-S-A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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SELLC wrote:
stoma wrote:


 You "Da" real deal alright...



LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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PowerStroker wrote:

It's because the US court of appeals but the kibosh on the immigrant ban so now our economy can keep chugging along with the remaining Obama momentum that it still has. Thanks for playing though!


When Hillary Clinton recently tweeted 3-0, I heard that meant MI, WI, and PA... The three traditionally blue states that cost her the election.

In other news, the DOW is up yet another 140 points! Hovering nearly around 20,500... This without any forums of quantitive easing or tax payer infusion. I am starting to think QE was more or less an affirmative action by the Federal Reserve, much like how lower performing students get allowed into prestigious collages over others with higher grades, because of their minority status. 

I think it's clear... The Democrat "party" is over. The days of them spreading their misery to everyone else are over, now they can wallow in everything they been shoveling, by themselves.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Oh yeah, Wall Street is very excited because Trump is de-regulating everything again. You know, like how it was when Bush did it which resulted in the Great Recession. Enjoy the bubble while it lasts bro.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Oh yeah, Wall Street is very excited because Trump is de-regulating everything again. You know, like how it was when Bush did it which resulted in the Great Recession. Enjoy the bubble while it lasts bro.

 Actually PowerStroker, I don't recall anything being deregulated when Bush was in office... In fact I recall living in my business, doing my thing until along come Obama and the banks couldn't fund their own checks... And trust me when I say I've checked the timelines more than once!

Think about it... Lots of American people had hope for change, but the banks and the rest of the world were like "WTF"!? It wasn't until the 2th term where we had already thrown some $6 trillion behind the kid (Obama) before things started to even get close to plaining out! And we would still see more quantitive easing all thru his 2nd term! Let's face the facts, Bush had it under control, and he even left YUUUGE chucks of cash for Obama to right the tide... Obama did what could, could it have been more? I'd like to think so! 

But it all worked out, and judging from what I see in town and in the markets, people are finally back out in the stores... I even had to wait 30 minutes at a restaurant I enjoy eating at whereas I have never had to wait before. There is a sense of confidence, the bars are even doing better although I think they should allow smoking at all the bars and restaurants that want to allow it... Right now you can only smoke in the Casino's here in Michigan, so obviously that's why I prefer going down to Detroit when going out to eat.

You can not deny that confidence is higher under President Trump, if only because people feel like they can rely on him doing what he says and doing everything in his power to keep his promises. You have to admit, you feel better when you almost know what to expect from someone, whereas with Obama, hell... Who knows what he was going to brew up from day to day. Hell I thought he really was a muslim plant for at least 6 years of his term! I couldn't understand or know what to expect! I feel much better! I don't know about you!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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This is why the banks blew up and GM, AIG, Lehman brothers and many, many others went bankrupt:


This is exactly the de-regulation that caused the housing bubble and Great Recession. Might want to recheck that timeline eh?

In fairness it was Bill Clinton who ended up signing it in to law, but many Dem's like the Bernie Sanders/Powerstroker wing were against it. So there is some blame on my side of the aisle. The difference is my side learned from it, yours didn't.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Tuesday 14th of February 2017 05:32:37 PM



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LET ME PHRASE IT FOR YOU, TAILPIPE...................... THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF PEOPLE HERE. THE HAVE NOTS............................ AND THE HAVE'ERS. YOU BE A HAVE NOT..............SO SUCK MY CAWK BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Stoma, you only exist in here because I allow it...

So before you go getting your little bird chest all puffed out, just remember... Stoma ain't nutt'n but a b1tch!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Bitch ?...I thought he was a "Tail-pipe" ?...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So true... I think Stoma has one too many bananas in his tailpipe.

You did see that thread where I came up with his pet name of "tailpipe" didn't you? Lol wink


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Stoma! evileye


LOOK AT IT! biggrin

Good Morning America! Feeling excellent after being down 3 days with a nasty cold!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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DOW crest the 30,000 mark today under President Trump, even with the Democrats efforts to steal the election.

Should the Democrats manage to pull off the scam then I have no doubts that come January 20th the market will start it's decent. 

The markets have been pumped for quite awhile now and it's about time for the dump.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You could well be right, but since the Federal Reserve is now in the business of buying stocks, the DOW isn't really an indicator of economic health anymore.



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The Federal Reserve has been in the business of buying stocks since QE1 under Obama! But now, out of the blue and under Trump you seem to think it's a bad idea?

I have always said the Government has no business in the "free" market... but I am sure other Governments around the world have been doing the same thing, except we can't trade on their markets. We're the only dumb fucks in the world that will let foreign investors buy out our entire business sector, Democrats that is.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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REX UMNEY ROGGED THE ELECTION!!!!!!!! Cock suckkka aint even legal to vote and cuzin all sorts of shit!!!!!!!! Fuck you rex!!!!!!!!


LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Welcome back Stoma! This place just isn't the same without you.



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I just thought I'd update this since we are nearing the end of the Biden administration. The Dow currently sits at an all time record high 43,077.70. Which is more than TWICE what it was when this thread was started.

The more you know!



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Meahwhile... what used to be $1 cartons of eggs are now $5... what used to be $700 a year for home insurance is now $1,700... what used to be $80 a month per car for good full coverage insurance is now $140.

Just who exactly does an inflated market benefit? Where did all that money come from PowerStroker? The Government? 

I'm priced out of the market at the moment... and that is fine with me because I'm not an investor! Neither are people with 401k's, but even still -- I'd sure hate to be buying stocks right now at these prices just because I had to! You know as well as I do what goes up, must come down! And that sure is a LONG WAY TO FALL! Is it even possible with these new markets that have breakers and just hault trading whenever the going gets rough? I dunno!

I don't wish the market bad, I just know a perpetual bull market is not feasible... it would be like going to the Casino and always winning more and more each time. The market is going to do what the market is going to do regardless who is in office! When Democrats are in office we sell a lot of bombs! What can I say! Just look at Boeing! They have a massive strike going, are bleeding red ink from poor quality labor (doors falling off, bolts missing) and yet the workers want more money. They want more money because of inflation -- which a white hot market is creating! It's a double edged sword, cuts both ways! I see both sides -- same with the longshoremen awhile back, I knew why they wanted raises -- inflation! They were only on strike for a few days and they got immediate raises! That is totally cool! But it's just a tariff on imported items that will be handed down to the consumer -- thus KEEPING inflation high regardless who gets in there... and round and round it goes! 

Of course, there is this one guy around here that claims that markets historically do better under Democrats -- but be careful, this guy is extreemly left of center!

The more you know!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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