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The place for gun news

Wanted to make sure our gun enthusiast had a place to post up specific threads on their favorite weapons,

Also wanted to dedicate this thread in the DH area for casual reference, if only because it will bug the $hit out of the Liberals! LOL

-- Edited by Stellar007 on Sunday 29th of April 2018 03:16:53 PM



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Yeahhhhh! More gunz!!!

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Maybe all the liberals on DH plan on just crawling back under their rocks come April 9th?


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What can be done about school shootings? Some say kids will be safer if some teachers carry guns. President Trump said that ... Trump was mocked for suggesting teachers have guns ... but Trump's critics probably don't even know that many teachers have brought guns to school for years. In Texas, teachers carry in about 200 schools. This high school advertises that.

At Keene Independent School District (ISD), the parents interviewed by Stossel appear to like the armed teachers program created by Superintendent Ricky Stephens.

sassy lassy

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Shawnee_B wrote:

Yeahhhhh! More gunz!!!

 If the weather wasnt being indecisive, Id be taking my Savage 64 out for some fun.


Of all the .22 lr options out there, it seems this is the only model that has virtually no aftermarlet support. Like chassis/stock upgrades or extended magazines.

it only comes with a 10 rd magazine, and you can only get factory Savage 10 round magazines for it. but I am already working on the design for an extended version. Ive found some manufacturers who make springs, two of which already supply the industry, so getting that shouldnt be too terri difficult.


so, should I do 20, 25, 30, 50?

-- Edited by Stan_147 on Sunday 29th of April 2018 03:24:16 PM

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Love Savages. I have many. One a 22 mag, 30:06, 223. One favorite also hard to get parts for is a Russian Baikal. Winchester also makes it for $350. Got the baikal under $100 when available. I use targets that are bees and flies and it nails them! Like my Henry 001 model lever 22 also.

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Printable targets. several categories, go to fun targets and here is this one. (flies)


There are more, google "free printable targets. 

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I am currently researching some materials in order to print a self-healing reactive target. Think geometric shapes that bounce and move when you hit them. Forcing you to readjust for the next shot. Im thinking bright neon colors, so they can be seen at a fair distance. I have a couple of materials in mind, I just need to look at ease of workability ,amount of flex (self healing) versus rigidity (bounce).

TPU (thermal poly urethane) looks good, so far. Now, to find it in neon orange or pink.

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I have some store bought semi self healing (orange). Lot's of fun they really roll. The other Stan here also loves Savages!

I have a steel target from Sportsmans guide. 4 small diamonds that flip up. Then hit the fifth big diamond to drop them. Awesome target.

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There is another Stan? From DH? Who is also a Savage shooter?



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Yup, he is here! Many Savages, dedicated shooter. He is making that 3d printer butterknife for Falcon

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Did my pic confuse you? Or did I need to wear the hat?


I got a new hat last week btw, it is an Outback Trading Company Grizzley. I already put a genuine Cody Wyoming Silver hat band on it.

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Stan_147 wrote:



Did my pic confuse you? Or did I need to wear the hat?


I got a new hat last week btw, it is an Outback Trading Company Grizzley. I already put a genuine Cody Wyoming Silver hat band on it.

 Yes it did! Just figured it out!biggrin

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Shawn posted the doctors report on supressors somewhere here and on DH, and I retorted on DH and dammit if I can find it here! Newbie blues.


So, here tis:


120 DB is still harsh enough to cause substantial damage to the inner ear. 

I think this is a travesty that idiots believe a suppressor works the same as a Hollywood Silencer. I believe suppressors are demonized by the gun confiscation crowd, due to their complete lack of knowledge and experience. Suppressors should be removed from the tax stamp issue and treated like any other firearm accessory, Id even go so far as to have the same background check needed to buy the firearm it will be installed upon in order to purchase one. Having to fill out all the extra forms, pay the stamp, and wait months and months for approval is silly government red tape. 

To the last question, yes, they would.

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It's in "the place for gun news" on DH and 2nd page Claritys thread here.

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Suppressors do work. Holly wood quiet? NO!!!! BUt cuts a 223 down to 22/22mag. 22lr is pretty good. Especially like on the Ruger 22lr's, Mk 1,2,3. Hold the bolt with your thumb so no action sound and use subsonic.

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Too bad we cant just copy the original thread here, there was a ton of good advice, links and photos.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:

Too bad we cant just copy the original thread here, there was a ton of good advice, links and photos.

 We can repost anything

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It looks like Vista Outdoors is selling off Savage and Stevens to focus on ammunition.



I hope somebody good buys them. furious

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Wonder how good of a sale?

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Good for her.

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Hmmm, interesting opinion piece from The Washington Examiner:

This Democratic congressman wants to take your guns away. At least he's honest

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.Like many gun confiscation advocates, Rep. Eric Swalwell points to Australia as an example. It is tempting for some to make that one-to-one comparison. It is also dangerous.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

At least Rep. Eric Swalwell is honest about his authoritarianism. 

The California Democrat writes in USA Today that it's not enough to ban so-called assault weapons. Reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994, Swalwell correctly points out, would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come. 

Its time to institute a buyback program instead, he argues. And to go after resisters" who refuse to sell their rifles back to Uncle Sam. But the arithmetic and the character of the country makes that proposal especially authoritarian. 

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Like many advocates of gun confiscation, Swalwell points to Australia as an example. They banned assault weapons in 1996 and then proceeded to buy back 643,726 rifles and shotguns. Confiscation was pulled off without a shot a fired in anger. 

It is tempting for some to make that one-to-one comparison. It is also dangerous. 


Banning the assault weapon in the U.S. like in Australia requires defining them, an already daunting and arbitrary task. Although Swalwell would make allowance for assault weapon ownership by gun clubs, plenty of law-abiding citizens would bristle to discover that their legally purchased firearms had become illegal overnight. 

They would do what Swalwell expects. Plenty of people without any criminal record would suddenly own criminal weapons. Armed with pocket Constitutions and recently-banned assault weapons, they would become resisters.

There are more guns than people in the U.S. 310 million according to an outdated 2009 analysis by the National Institute of Justice, and surely many more today. At the time, the domestic arsenal included 110 million rifles and another 82 million shotguns numbers that exploded during the Obama administration. 

(It's worth noting that although these long-barreled weapons account for roughly two-thirds of the privately owned guns in America, they are used in only 4 percent of annual U.S. murders. The preoccupation with one particular style of rifle, in that context, might seem a bit unscientific.)

Granted, not every household has a gun. Varad Mehta noted at The Federalist that a third to half of the population packs heat in America, about 105 to 160 million people. Of those who were willing to shell out the money and go through the background check, a sizeable number wont take kindly to being disarmed. Statistically, some of them are your neighbors. 

Taking away their guns, doing what Swalwell admits is necessary, will require nothing a military operation against millions of American households, as armed tactical units from federal law enforcement go from door to door. It would turn this country upside down, assuming it ever got past Congress, the president, and the courts. 

There has to be a better way, a measure that actually reduces gun violence and doesnt invite a civil war. 

Over at National Review, David French proposed one such measure: The gun-violence restraining order. In the aftermath of the Parkland Shooting, Florida Sens. Marco Rubio, R, and Bill Nelson, D, introduced bipartisan legislation to that end. It doesnt fire up the progressive base like the buyback and enforcement Swalwell suggests. It offers a real bipartisan solution to stopping real tragedies before they happen.

Swalwell deserves credit for his honesty. He proves once again that, contrary to what gun control advocates often say, there actually is someone talking about taking your guns away.


I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Hypocrisy at it's finest...



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Exactly: The Top Three Reasons To Own A Modern Rifle





Why The Second Amendment Protects The AR-15 by Kimberly Morin


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Shawnee_B wrote:

Love Savages. I have many. One a 22 mag, 30:06, 223. One favorite also hard to get parts for is a Russian Baikal. Winchester also makes it for $350. Got the baikal under $100 when available. I use targets that are bees and flies and it nails them! Like my Henry 001 model lever 22 also.

 My dad has a pair.  He has a turn-of-the-(last)-century 300, which he has willed to me.  Peepsight.  Whatever gets in that peepsight is going down, I promise you.

He also has a matching 303 with an octagon barrel.  By the end of the day carrying that around, you'll know if you're a man or a mouse, because your shoulder will hurt like fuck.


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I have several old mil rifles. Yup, heavy! Fav is a Finn M39. Had a old lever Savage in 300, cool rifles.

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Whoa! From infowars:



Springfield Armory will cease to do business with sporting goods store


Major gun manufacturer Springfield Armory has announced it will cease business dealings with Dicks Sporting Goods after the company lobbied Congress for a gun control bill.

On Thursday it was revealed Dicks Inc. had retained a lobbyist in April to advocate for gun control, according to Bloomberg News.

The move is unusual for a firm in the retail sector, where few brands tackle such a politically-charged issue for fear it will turn off customers, Bloomberg reported.

Following the revelations, Springfield announced via Facebook it would sever all ties with the sporting goods retailer, indicating the split was over Dicks attempts to deny the Second Amendment.

Springfield Armory is severing ties with Dicks Sporting Goods and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, in response to their hiring a group for anti-Second Amendment lobbying, the gun company wrote in its post.

This latest action follows Dicks Sporting Goods decision to remove and destroy all modern sporting rifles (MSR) from their inventory. In addition, they have denied Second Amendment rights to Americans under the age of 21. We at Springfield Armory believe that all law abiding American citizens of adult age are guaranteed this sacred right under our Constitution.

Springfield was referring to Dicks decision in the wake of the Parkland, Fla. school shooting to stop selling AR-15 rifles at stores across the nation.

It is clear where Dicks Sporting Goods and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, stand on the Second Amendment, and we want to be clear about our message in response, Springfields post states.

Their position runs counter to what we stand for as a company. At Springfield Armory, we believe in the rights and principles fought for and secured by American patriots and our founding forefathers, without question. We will not accept Dicks Sporting Goods continued attempts to deny Second Amendment freedoms to our fellow Americans.

Springfield Armory has received multiple Golden Bullseye Awards from the NRA, an award annually presented to manufacturers with the best innovative gun products.

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Good for Springfield!

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From the K-Var blog:


NSSF Gives Dicks the Boot

The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF®) Board of Governors unanimously voted to expel Dicks Sporting Goods from their organization. The Board cited Dicks for conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Foundation in a press release today. The NSSF is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting, and shooting sports industries. The decision by the board was unanimous and was based upon the fact that Dicks recently hired lobbyists pushing for gun control measures, though the specific measures are not stated.


Dick's Sporting GoodsBy Mike Mozart from Funny YouTube, USA (Dicks Sporting Goods) [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsIn February, the NSSF issued a press release  expressing their disappointment with Dicks Sporting Goods decision to raise the purchase age to 21 for all firearm sales in its stores. Dicks did a lot more than that, however. In their media statementreleased February 28th, they called for a ban on assault-style firearms, raising the minimum age to 21 for purchase of firearms or ammunition, banning high capacity magazines and bump stocks, requiring background checks including mental health information and interactions with the law, a database to store all that information, and closing private sales and the alleged gun show loopholes. See our take on this from our post in March.


Dicks is taking things even further, by apparently destroying all its remaining firearms and accessories pulled from their shelves. They declined to comment on how much merchandise this included in their statement to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article published in April.

I guess Dicks (a sporting goods store) no longer considers shooting as a sport. With over 600 stores in 47 states, maybe their business model supports that decision.

What do you think? Do you support their stance?

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Fuk dicks

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Lt. Col. Oliver North to become NRA president, organization says

Lt. Col. Oliver North is set to become the president of the National Rifle Association of America, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated Monday, the group announced.

North will be retiring from his role at Fox News effective immediately. He will be taking over the position occupied by Pete Brownell, who did not seek a second term as NRA president.

"I am honored to have been selected by the NRA Board to soon serve as this great organization's President," North said in a news release.  I appreciate the board initiating a process that affords me a few weeks to set my affairs in order, and I am eager to hit the ground running as the new NRA President.

In this May 4, 2018 photo, former U.S. Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North speaks before giving the Invocation at the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action Leadership Forum in Dallas. The NRA announced today that North will become President of the National Rifle Association of America within a few weeks, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated this morning. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)

The NRA announced that Oliver North will become President of the National Rifle Association of America within a few weeks, a process the NRA Board of Directors initiated Monday morning.  (AP)

NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre called North a "legendary warrior for American freedom, a gifted communicator and skilled leader." LaPierre called the North announcement "the most exciting news for our members since Charlton Heston became President of our Association."

North served 22 years as a Marine and was part of the National Security Council staff during the Reagan administration. He hosted a documentary series titled "War Stories with Oliver North" and was a contributor on Fox News.

NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch congratulated North on his new position.

"Thrilled about the Oliver North news. A total warrior for freedom, this is the last person that anti-gun advocates would want as the new President of the NRA board," she tweeted

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^^^ that is sure to chap some leftist asses.

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-- Edited by Stan_147 on Monday 7th of May 2018 05:23:12 PM

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:

^^^ that is sure to chap some leftist asses.


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Mossberg And Others Severing Ties To Dicks

Posted at 8:30 am on May 10, 2018 by Tom Knighton





Dicks Sporting Goods may have thought it was making a great stand when it decided to cut off all AR-15s from all of its storespreviously they had been relegated to the Field and Stream locations. It figured itd signal its virtue to show it was a good company, it would weather the inevitable boycott, then offer a few deals that were just too good, and gun owners would come running back.


Well, thats not really going to happen.


First, Springfield Armory cut off Dicks, vowing to not sell to the retail chain. Reading that, I called for other manufacturers to do the same.


I dont know if anyone at Mossberg read that, but it did it anyway.


Mossberg® Terminates Relationship with Dicks Sporting Goods


NORTH HAVEN, CT O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc., a leading American firearmsmanufacturer, announced today its decision to discontinue selling products to Dicks Sporting Goods, and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, in response to their hiring of guncontrol lobbyists in April 2018.


Effective immediately, O.F. Mossberg & Sons will not accept any future orders from Dicks Sporting Goods or Field & Stream, and is in the process of evaluating current contractual agreements.


It has come to our attention that Dicks Sporting Goods recently hired lobbyists on Capitol Hill to promote additional gun control. said Iver Mossberg, Chief Executive Officer of O.F. Mossberg & Sons. Make no mistake, Mossberg is a staunch supporter of the U.S. Constitution and our Second Amendment rights, and we fully disagree with Dicks Sporting Goods recent anti-Second Amendment actions.


Consumers are urged to visit one of the thousands of pro-Second Amendment firearmretailers to make their purchases of Mossberg and Maverick® firearms. Firearmretailers can be found through the Mossberg Dealer Locator by visiting


The kicker is, its not the only one.


Ohio-based MKS Supply, best known for Hi-Points and Inland 1911s, has also joined the effort.


MKS said the recent move by Dicks to hire a government affairs group for the purpose of gun control lobbying, coupled with the big box retailers past choices to destroy their existing inventory of AR-15s and refuse firearm sales to those under age 21 put the two companies at odds when it came to the right to keep and bear arms.


In recent months, Dicks Sporting Goods and its subsidiary, Field & Stream, have shown themselves, in our opinion, to be no friend of Americans Second Amendment, said Charles Brown, MKS president. We believe that refusing to sell long guns to adults under age 21, while many young adults in our military are not similarly restricted, is wrong. We believe that villainizing modern sporting rifles in response to pressure from uninformed, anti-gun voices is wrong. We believe that hiring lobbyists to oppose American citizens freedoms secured by the Second Amendment is wrong.


Founded in 1992, Hi-Point specializes in economical handguns and pistol caliber carbines while Inland, launched in 2014, produces a series of classic military firearms including variants of the M1911 pistol and M1 Carbine. According to federal regulators, MKSs Ohio production partners Haskell Manufacturing, Iberia Firearms, and Strassells Machine produced 147,400 handguns and 58,600 rifles in 2016, making it one of the largest gun makers in the country by volume.


Now lets just hope this continues.


Dicks made what it thought was a calculated decision. What it didnt account for is that the firearm industry has principles, as well. It, like its customers, believe in the Second Amendment.


While anti-gunners pretend that the industry is all about putting guns in everyones hands and damn the consequences, the reality is quite different. It believes in the right to keep and bear arms, and while it wants to enable those who can to do so, it isnt beholden exclusively to profit.


In other words, its willing to lose a few bucks in order to make a stand.


If others join inand really, why wouldnt they?then Dicks will find itself in a tough spot. While its main locations may well be able to withstand a lack of firearms due to all the other sporting goods it sells, its Field & Stream stores really wont. This is especially true if a large number of other outdoor brands join in. Its hard to have a store if you dont have things to sell.


The overall effect would be devastating.


Frankly, it should be. Dicks effectively declared that it really doesnt care about our rights. Not only did it unilaterally declare its intention to discriminate against law-abiding citizens based on age, but then it hired lobbyists to push a radical anti-gun agenda that would infringe on our right to keep and bear arms.


Further, it expected the gun owners of this country to simply allow this to stand. Well, were not.


More importantly, though, Dicks suppliers arent either.

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CMP Releases Surplus 1911 Prices


When the federal government finally announced that, yes, the Civilian Marksmanship Program would get hold of surplus 1911s, I and a lot of other people were pretty stoked. Finally, all those 1911s that were sitting in storage could finally get into the grubby little paws of us in the civilian sector, no longer to be ignored and neglected.

Its taken a few months, but now the CMP is just about ready to start selling.

However, some might be less than thrilled about the prices.

Some of those are anticipated to be unusual and worthy of being auctioned, said Mark Johnson, CMPs chief operating officer on Wednesday. The remaining number will be sold based on a computerized Random Number Generator.

The guns will be in four grades:

Service Grade $1050. Pistol may exhibit minor pitting and wear on exterior surfaces and friction surfaces. Grips are complete with no cracks. Pistol is in issuable condition.

Field Grade $950. Pistol may exhibit minor rust, pitting, and wear on exterior surfaces and friction surfaces. Grips are complete with no cracks. Pistol is in issuable condition.

Rack Grade $850. Pistol will exhibit rust, pitting, and wear on exterior surfaces and friction surfaces. Grips may be incomplete and exhibit cracks. Pistol requires minor work to return to issuable condition.

Auction Grade (Sales will to be determined by auctioning the pistol). The condition of the auction pistol will be described when posted for auction.

It should be noted that the grade is close to, if not under, current market prices for U.S. military 1911s. For example, the current Blue Book value of a Remington-Rand made 1911 the most common maker who cranked out more than a million such pistols in WWII is listed as $900 in 60 percent condition.

This is true. However, lets also remember that the Blue Book value is more of a factor for collectors, not shooters.

The CMP is supposed to be a program about putting guns in the hands of Americans so they can practice shooting. The idea is that this would increase American marksmanship as a whole, which would naturally benefit the Department of Defense in the long run. Its not about putting guns in collectors hands.

As such, these prices are more than a little high in many shooters minds. A Rack grade is about the same for a new Inland 1911, one that doesnt have rust and is a pretty faithful reproduction. A Taurus PT1911 is a couple hundred buck cheaper and has more bells and whistles. The downside to that one is that its a Taurus.

Dont get me wrong, there are a lot of people who will jump at these guns. Hell, Im probably one of them. The history aspect alone will drive many to buy them.

However, I also see the point of those who arent going to pay this kind of money for what is ultimately a used gun. Those folks dont care about the history, theyre looking for shooters. At these prices, though, thats not what the CMP is providing, not by a longshot.

For those interested in one of these guns, the CMP has eligibility requirement for purchase. Check them out.

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North Carolina Republican U.S. Rep. Richard Hudson on Friday spoke about his plan to sidestep the patchwork of concealed carry reciprocity laws and agreements between states.


Hudson addressed the Leadership Forum crowd at the 147th annual National Rifle Association meeting in Dallas the only Congressman asked to do so and spoke on both the Second Amendment and his bill, which he said he expects to be signed into law this year by President Donald Trump.

Concealed carry reciprocity is already well-established across our country with the average state recognizing permits from more than 30 other states, Hudson said in a statement given to National concealed carry reciprocity is simply common sense, and Im proud to lead the efforts to make it a reality.

The proposal, H.R.38, slid through the House on a GOP-heavy 231-198 roll call after a brief debate last December while a companion bill in the Senate sponsored by U.S. Sen. John Cornyn a Texas senator who also spoke at Dallas has 40 co-sponsors. While the Senate proposal is currently just favored by Republicans, with mid-term elections in just over six months and polling showing that a number of Democratic Senate held seats in states that went Trump in 2016 could be in danger, its safe to say that some Dems may cross the aisle to support the bill in some form.

Hudsons legislation allows law-abiding citizens to carry concealed only if they are not federally prohibited from possessing a firearm, are carrying a valid government-issued photo ID, and are lawfully licensed or entitled to carry a concealed handgun. As such it would circumvent the complex series of state and territorial reciprocity agreements that vary from one area to another, sometimes even within the same states. An improvement from the 2015 proposal that failed to move on Capitol Hill, it also provides protections for residents of a dozen or more constitutional carry states as they travel.

The measure is supported by the attorneys general of 24 states and a variety of Second Amendment organizations. Gun control groups along with Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey are among attorneys general from 15 states and the District of Columbia opposed to national reciprocity.


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Oklahoma gov vetoes bill allowing adults to carry guns without a permit Oklahoma gov vetoes bill allowing adults to carry guns without a permit BY JOHN BOWDEN 5,533 TWEET SHARE MORE Oklahoma's Republican Gov. Mary Fallin on Friday vetoed a bill supported by the National Rifle Association (NRA) that would have allowed state residents to carry a firearm without a permit or training. "I believe the firearms laws we currently have in place are effective, appropriate and minimal," Fallin said in announcing her veto of Senate Bill 1212, which would have removed the requirement for Oklahoma residents to complete a training course and demonstrate competency with a firearm before carrying in public. The governor argued that the bill would have taken away the ability of the state's law enforcement personnel to distinguish between someone trained to use a firearm and someone who is not. ADVERTISEMENT Oklahoma is a state that respects the Second Amendment. As governor, I have signed both concealed-carry and open-carry legislation. I support the right to bear arms and own a pistol, a rifle, and a shotgun," Fallin said in her statement. "Senate Bill 1212 eliminates the training requirements for persons carrying a firearms in Oklahoma. It reduces the level of the background check necessary to carry a gun," she continued. SB 1212 eliminates the current ability of Oklahoma law enforcement to distinguish between those carrying guns who have been trained and vetted, and those who have not." The bill was supported by the NRA and several GOP candidates in the state, Fox News reported. ADVERTISEMENT Gun rights advocates in the state reacted with disappointment after Fallin's announcement, calling it a blemish on her conservative legacy. "She had a great opportunity to defend our liberty and leave a wonderful legacy and she chose not to," said Oklahoma Second Amendment Association president Don Spencer, whose organization wrote the bill, according to Spencer added that he was "disappointed that Oklahoma rights were not respected."

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!

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New York Democrats Want To BAN Shooting Sports Because It Spreads Gun Culture [VIDEO]

Photo of Anders Hagstrom
Justice Reporter




New York Democrat Linda Rosenthal introduced legislation to ban shooting sports from New York schools Friday, claiming the sports spread gun culture.

If the legislation is passed, high school shooting teams, including air rifle and even archery clubs, would be disbanded, Time magazine reported on Thursday. These programs can lead to violence, Rosenthal claimed, citing the Parkland shooters involvement in the Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) program before executing his mass killing.


Schools should not be supporting the spread of gun culture in society, Rosenthal told reporters. If parents want their children to have shooting instruction, there are opportunities that have nothing to do with the school.

Assemblyman Will Barclay, a Republican, derided the legislation as nonsensical.

I am unaware of any evidence that links gun violence to these programs; and the student athletes in my district who are involved in these teams are great, responsible kids, he said in a statement.

Other members of the Parkland JROTC were stellar examples of how the program trains high schoolers to be leaders. Zackary Walls and Colton Haab saved countless lives with quick thinking and a little bit of kevlar during the horrific attack.


While leading a group of roughly 60 students outside in response to a fire alarm suspected shooter Nikolaus Cruz pulled, Walls realized the students fire zone was exactly where the shooter was, the JROTC company commander explained.

I heard the first two or three shots; I knew it was gunshots, and I look back at all the kids behind me. Theres 60 kids looking at me, Walls continued. What do I do? Where do I go? and I just yell, get back in the classroom!'

Walls and Haab, a JROTC captain, eventually took shelter in the same classroom, where they decided to build a shield out of the kevlar curtains used for JROTC training exercises to protect the students.

I brought those curtains out because I knew exactly what they were made of, Haab added. I never thought that wed need them but after yesterday, Im glad that we had them.

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-- Edited by Stan_147 on Saturday 12th of May 2018 02:16:41 PM

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As an NRA member, it pleases me no end seeing Mossberg, Springfield, the NSSF, and others telling Dick's Sporting Goods to go fuck themselves.  It pleases me to see Ollie North taking over as President of the NRA.  It pleases me to see so many other people standing up for 2A and telling all these lefty, anti-gun freakazoids No, we're not gonna put up with your ideological bullshit.


Traveling at 45 rpm in an iPod world

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Quick release of gun data called trailblazing and troubling

Associated PressMay 13, 2018

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) Gun control advocates are hailing New Jersey's release of near-real-time firearms trafficking data as a trailblazing use of federal information, but Second Amendment advocates and skeptical Republicans question whether the report amounts to a way around a federal limitation on the release of some data.

Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy unveiled the data Tuesday as part of a campaign promise to strengthen New Jersey's already-tight gun laws. The colorful, four-page report uses what gun control supporters say is a novelty: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gun-trace data for the first quarter of 2018 to show that 77 percent of guns used in crimes in New Jersey come from out of state.

The publication appears to be the first time a state has taken advantage of the ATF data with such speed, according to experts at the gun safety Giffords organization and the Brady Campaign and Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Cities, most notably Chicago, have used the ATF data in reports, but those came out annually. New Jersey has pledged to post monthly data and quarterly data based on ATF reports.

"New Jersey stepped up, said we have this data, we get it from ATF and we're going do the work to gather, visualize and then publicize this," David Chipman, a former ATF agent and the senior policy adviser at Giffords, the organization named for gun-attack victim and former Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.

The data release comes amid a national conversation surrounding gun control in the aftermath of fatal shootings at a high school in Parkland, Florida, and as Democrats push for tighter gun laws while the Republican-led Congress has not passed any such measures.

In New Jersey, Murphy and the Democrat-led Legislature are pushing a package of six gun control bills.

The speed of the state's release of ATF data stands out particularly because the most current information the bureau has publicized is from 2016.

ATF Special Agent Joshua Jackson said the bureau won't comment on how a state could publicize data faster than the agency itself. He also said the bureau doesn't track state initiatives in response to questions about whether New Jersey was the first to publish the data this quickly.

Chipman and Kyleanne Hunter, the Brady Campaign's vice president for programs, said they believe ATF does not prioritize near-real-time release of data.

"It hasn't been a priority, even less so in this administration," Hunter said of President Donald Trump.

Speedy data reporting by ATF is also a political lightning rod. That's because the ATF's release of data is governed by an appropriations provision that prohibits it from releasing information from its firearms trace database to anyone other than a law enforcement agency or prosecutor in connection with a criminal investigation.

That has led Second Amendment advocates to raise concerns over the publicizing of such information.

The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, an affiliate of the National Rifle Association, said Murphy could be skirting the federal provision on gun data.

"This is part of a larger regional effort by Murphy's coalition of anti-gun states to circumvent federal restrictions on release of gun trace data, and to manipulate data for the purposes of influencing public policy in other states," the group said in a statement.

The group also worries that the data leaves out all the cases when guns are used to stop crimes.

Murphy spokesman Dan Bryan said the governor believes the data will encourage other states to strengthen their own gun laws, or to join the multistate regional gun safety coalition that Murphy helped establish.

Republicans say it's hardly a surprise that most of the crime-related guns recovered by law enforcement in New Jersey have come from out of state, saying it's a result of the state's tough gun laws. They also argue that the reports don't support the governor's push for the legislation, including measures to limit the size of magazines from 15 rounds to 10.

"He's just grandstanding," said Republican Assemblyman Erik Peterson. "There's nothing in the reports that anyone would have thought wasn't the case."

Gun control has been a major focus in Murphy's first year in office. Beyond the new reports, Murphy appointed a gun safety adviser whose role is focused on pursuing litigation and joined the multistate gun control coalition.


I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!

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Apple CEO Tim Cook lauds gun control (Bloomberg will not let me copy/paste)

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Ex-Senator who called for gun control gets 5 years in prison for weapons trafficking

Former California Sen. Leland Yee. (The Lip TV/YouTube)

Former California Sen. Leland Yee was sentenced to five years in prison on Wednesday for accepting bribes and trafficking in arms.

Throughout Yees political career, he was a staunch gun control advocate, the Washington Post reported.

Yee was arrested for his role in an FBI sting operation that was investigating organized crime in San Franciscos Chinatown, where he was recorded promising votes and guns to an undercover agent.

Yee had received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions in exchange for political favors.

Yee pleaded guilty in 2017 to avoid a trial.


In court, Yee begged mercy from U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer.

He said: I hope that in your sentencing of me, you will look at my entire life and not just these crimes I have committed. In the 67 years of my life, I have devoted much of it to the work of the community, to people here in San Francisco and in the state of California.

Two years before Yee was arrested, he told CBS: It is extremely important that individuals in the state of California do not own assault weapons. I mean that is just so crystal clear there is no debate, no discussion.

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Glock Honors Veterans With Law Enforcement Discount


Glock is probably the most popular handgun maker in the world these days. As a result, they probably dont need to do things to gin up excitement and spur sales all that often.

However, that makes Glocks recent announcement all the sweeter.




Glocks discount for law enforcement tends to run between $75 and $100, depending on the model. This on a firearm thats already pretty reasonably priced considering the quality. I dont care who you are, thats nothing to sneeze at.

That means any kind of discount represents some pretty solid savings for those who have volunteered to put their lives on the line. As a veteran, Ive never expected discounts on anything, but Im sure as hell appreciative of each and every one Ive ever received or even been offered. This one is no exception.

The fact that it also applies to one of the best firearms for their MSRP out there makes it a little better.

Now, this isnt universal good news. After all, this doesnt apply to all dealers. You need to go to one of Glocks LE Distributors or Sub D Dealers. Theres only a handful of locations available to purchase these guys at.

With the discount being offered, it might make sense for taking a road trip and picking up one of these bad boys. Its my understanding that theres a limit on how many pistols you can buy per year under the program, but, if youve got buddies who are veterans and want to take advantage of the discount, well


For those of you who live near qualifying dealers, well I hate you. I hate you all, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

As you may have noticed, I really want to take advantage of this deal myself. You never have too many guns, after all, and I really want a Glock 34 for competition purposes.

Regardless of any of that, Id like to take a moment and thank Glock for recognizing the many veterans who have served this country with pride and distinction. No, Im not talking about me, either. Im talking about the millions of others who served, many in the heat of Iraq or the temperature extremes of Afghanistan. Those deserve real credit and honor, and Im glad to see them get it.

Now, the question is, will anyone else step up and match Glocks generosity? Sig, H&K, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, or anyone else would do well to stand and offer a serious discount to veterans during the same period. After all, the firearm industry loves the military and, by extension, veterans. Why not make this offer as well?

Otherwise, expect a whole lot of veterans to look to Glock for their next firearm purchase, regardless of what they might have been shopping for in the first place. We wouldnt want Glock to get all that publicity and goodwill, as well as all that cash from people who buy discounted firearms and then pay for extra magazines and other accessories, now would we?

Cant blame a guy for suggesting it.

In the meantime, good on Glock.

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First they come for the guns, then the knives, then the crossbows.

It never ends.

DEADLY assault rifle-style crossbows are available on high streets and online without any need for a licence or background checks.



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clarity101 wrote:

I have no apologies for my graduation photos. As a woman, I refuse to be a victim & the second amendment ensures that I don't have to be.


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 A conservative woman who recently graduated from Kent State University has received threats after she took aim at her schools anti-gun policies in a photo shoot where she carried an AR-10 and wore a cap that said, Come and take it.

Kaitlin Bennett, a 22-year-old Second Amendment supporter from Zanesville, Ohio and founder of Liberty Hangout at Kent State, a student media outlet that promotes libertarian values, posed in front of the Kent Student Center for the tweet that has gone viral.  

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