This sure isnt your grandfathers Monopoly.
For one thing, dont expect to find the iron or the thimble game pieces.
For another, theres a significant change in the rules.
The front of the box says Forget real estate. You cant afford it anyway.
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Day-um. That slogan went straight for the jugular, didnt it?
If you look closely, their mascot is wearing a participation ribbon
Money doesnt always buy a great time, but experiences, whether theyre good or weird last forever, reads the games description. So rather than collect cash and real estate, as in traditional versions, players collect experiences such as dining at a vegan bistro or doing a meditation retreator simply staying in their parents basement.
Adulting is hard. You deserve a break from the rat race! the blurb adds. Game pieces include a crying emoji and a hashtag.
But the game has drawn mixed reactions. Many millennials are offended while others find it hilarious and jeer at any negative reaction as a classic instance of millennials being coddled.
Source: ABC
Parents basement. No kidding, they went there.
We werent kidding when we told you the rules were different.
Another example? Apparently, the person with the highest student debt loan goes first.
Game pieces include a hashtag and an emoji.
Think theyll get people outraged? Of course.
They already have
Can such an offensive game sell?
Sure looks that way Hasbro is already sold out.
Remember how freaked out the Libs got after seeing Trump in his trademark red-and-white hat? Just wait until they see him in THIS one!
In a playful tribute to the sackful of goodies Trumps leadership has been to our nation in taking the brakes off our economy, slashing regulation, cutting taxes, and putting a stop to judicial activism here is another one of Doug Giless MAGA Masterpieces
we give you Santa Trump. Sorry to say, the original is sold. But prints are available for those who want one either for themselves or as a gift.