DECEMBER 19, 2018 6:40 PM  

(Gateway Pundit) Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee Air Force veteran who is behind the #GoFundTheWall effort on GoFundMe, told The Gateway Pundit that he believes the crowdfunding site has begun censoring the fund to build the wall along our southern border.

In an update to supporters of the campaign, which is barrelling towards $700k in the first 48 hours, he alleges that it is becoming increasingly harder to find the #GoFundTheWall page through the search tool on GoFundMe. Kolfage is urging people to share the direct link on social media and with prospective donors in order to avoid confusion.

GoFundMe removed our Trump Wall campaign from their top list. We are the top fundraiser right now and they removed it from the list. We were front and center on their homepage. Do they not want us to succeed?

Why are they suppressing us? Just like Facebook & Twitter have done, now GoFundme?

NOTE: They havent stopped us from fundraising. They just made it difficult for people to find us.

Jacob Engels@JacobEngels

GoFundMe has removed the #GoFundTheWall campaign from the trending page for no reason & are making it difficult for users to find using the search tool, as per organizer / veteran @BrianKolfage. Read about the effort, which has raised close to $700k --> 

Veteran Launches Border Wall GoFundMe

A Florida-based triple amputee veteran has created a GoFundMe push to fund President Trumps border wall through donations from the public. Brian Kolfage, who launched the GoFundMe, has also been an...
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