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Post Info TOPIC: Tried to lurk the Zoom Web Crawlers live broadcast last night!


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Tried to lurk the Zoom Web Crawlers live broadcast last night!

Yes folks, things sure have changed since the good old days of dial up, AOL and Yahoo chat! LOL

It's no secret in this forum that I have had what many would call a "celebrity" crush on Melissa Stetten and as many of you probably already know, I been following her every since. I have written about her extensively on the forum,

But anyway, my crush aside, Melissa has joined up with fellow host Alison Segel and producer Maria Blasucci to make a interesting podcast called "Web Crawlers" and they have been regularly making more podcast through the entire COVID pandemic. 

I really admire their dedication, and while most everything is taken on the lighter side it's a refreshing change from the seriousness of day to day life and what can I say, I got sucked in.

Anyway, after a long time listening I decided to lurk in on one of their "Live" Zoom broadcasts at the last minute. Having never used Zoom before I had to download the application and install it at the last minute, may I remind you I haven't ever had a microphone or camera hooked to my desktop Macintosh, in fact I haven't had a camera or microphone hooked to any desktop since the AOL and Yahoo days to be honest (security reasons of course). That being said, I figured I could lurk in the Zoom broadcast un-noticed much like you could back in the AOL and Yahoo days and just follow along. 


Upon entery, without any microphone or camera hooked up they called me out! Frantically I was throwing shit around looking for my headset and old camera before ultimately I either got disconnected or they cut me from the feed. Not sure, lol 

They call me out at exactly the 3:50 mark, which I thought was cool since I am a Small Block Chevy 350 guy lol

Guess it just goes to show I am a little rusty on my internet game, here I am trying to be all stealth and low key and I end up getting called out the moment I joined the Zoom thing. And I don't even know how Zoom had my handle Stellar007 unless they pulled it from my computer because I don't recall ever putting that handle in! lol

Anyway, it reminded me of that scene from One Crazy Summer

Only I wasn't expecting to get called.

So that was the highlight of my Friday night. Next time I'll be ready with some Rick Astley "never gonna give you up".




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Missed your chance!

Drive it like you stole it


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I totally fumbled... crash and burn... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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See that boy rubbing his bone on that little girl? Must be a Biden spawn.

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:

See that boy rubbing his bone on that little girl? Must be a Biden spawn.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So my most favorite internet woman, and her "bimbo's" as they call themselves did a little thing about NFT's

Sorry guys, they might be bimbo's but they aren't dumb and they aren't cheap so you'll have to subscribe to see the video (kinda like the V8 cafe but I don't charge nobody cuz I'm just a post whore anyway).

Anyway they talk about these things called NFT's or Non-Fungible tokens.. what are they? Well some have a better grasp on it than others, but it's like having the rights to something... digital of course.

Think about all the early .gif's and such back before "social media" aka Facebook, Twitter and such... you could own the original and said "ownership" would be recorded in a blockchain (read that as all the rave today). 

While I am a super big fan of Melissa Stetten's, I am going to have to agree with Ali on this one, I'm probably won't be buying any... although I might make an exception for the webcrawlers ones, or anything Melissa Stetten. lol

I guess the best way to end this thread is saying an NFT is just like they say in their video... Sure you can download and buy copies of the Mona Lisa, but only ONE person can actually own the original. So basically we're taking about a form of record that may allow for interaction on a digital level, along with the record itself. If that helps.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, I'd like to think people here would be surprised... but I doubt that highly...




I'm almost 100% positive it was Melissa Stetten who blocked me as apparently she was most ungrateful for the gifts I sent them to their new PO Box.

Sent them a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch (Family Size inside joke), Two cans of bumblebee tiny shrimp, a pack of Gillette Venus white tea womans razors (Because one of them posted hairy Biden leg photo) , an "ask the alien"

magic 8 ball style toy, along with a pair of Whoopee cusions.  



All that in addition to the near $32 a month for their top of the line membership, the "Hercule Poiroit" level (and yes I know they don't even know how to fucking spell it proper).

And over time I had even purchased some merch from their Patti Lapel company. They did send me a Yeti colored Big Foot with Alien lapel pin, and I have been enjoying the podcast for the past several months

but honestly I never did get my signed photo of Melissa's butthole, or whatever photo they advertise. I also didn't get the promised complementary investigation into a topic of my choosing or the follow by WebCrawlers on Twitter,

so I guess the complemenary block pushed me over the edge and I cut off their money. Boo-Hoo.


The Patreon platform they use is pretty solid however, never any quality issues with the videos and the mailing list always let me know the moment new content was available. They also timley took payments at the promised amount

and allowed me to cancel without any issues or trouble! Kind of unwise of the WebCrawlers to block me two days away from pay day but I won't be complaining when I spend their $30 a month on DOGE coin. So while Patreon is a 

professional company that can be trusted, do yourself a favor and just pay month to month rather than annually when it comes to the Web Crawlers, that way you're not SOL when they decide to kick you to the curb three months in. 

I was very tempted to just pay it all in one lump sum but something told me to keep em' on a leash. Glad I listened to myself for once.


Meanwhile, I think Melissa really fucking hates me. She claimes to have cashed in all her DOGE coin to buy cat food! LOL

For the life of me I can't understand why everyone in LA seeks fame when they just lose their shit whenever people take notice and give them attention. 

I mean, I have had to put up with Stoma and PowerStroker for nearing a decade now! 


Yeah, yeah, I know... fuck me if I can't take a joke, right? lol


Oh and by the way, they called me a "coward" because when I sent them gifts from WalMart they apparently didn't put my name on the boxes, although I would think they would have included a receipt? Same thing

with the toys I sent them from eBay... I guess it doesn't matter really, it was the thought that counted and it looks like they had a good time at my expense - as usual. LOL

-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 29th of April 2021 09:57:10 PM


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Well it didn't take long for Ali to give me her thoughts about canceling my membership...

 aliblock copy.jpg


And you know what? That's totally cool with me!

Wish them the best of luck in their endeavors! If anything the pleasure was all mine and perhaps I had the most fun, at their expense! 

Having said that, I hope they enjoy the gifts! It would be big of them to donate all the gifts to the homeless there in LA. It does bother me that my joke gifts were labeled "sinister" and "nefarious" but 

that just tells me these girls might be overly cynical and need a little time to grow up.


I'll miss them.




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So it's been a month, wonder if they have grown up enough?

Honestly though, I did break down and get my webcrawlers fix last night on Apple Podcast, for FREE...

They must miss my $30 a month because they now have THREE commercials, two of them appear to be AI powered ad's that offered me Michigan Business Financing thru the state of Michigan, the other one so way off I don't even remember it, and then their classic "Feels CBD" commercial. 

You can tell they all miss me, and it was suggested in an under-over way that I send them an apology letter... although I could just be misinterpreting an around the way reply from one of her around the way friends of a friend... you never can be too sure when it comes to Twitter peeps. I am most positive they find me hideous, like some dark overlord of the galaxy or something. 

But I will not give up on Melissa! EVER! I think she might just have some mental issues like Prince Harry, so I can't cut her off. lol

I have even explained to my family that a day might come that I am given the signal, and I might have to drop everything and move to California for 18 years... the sad part is the family said they wouldn't mind so long as I left them the house and kept paying for everything.

And before anyone starts saying I'm obsessed, 


All I know is my ear-pods from the 2000's start hurting my ears after about 60 minutes... so it will be a slow process catching back up.

Since I'm obviously not welcome in their reindeer games on Twitter and Instagram anymore I guess I'll have to stick with this thread. I am sure they will be glad to hear that Apple is sticking it to them once more by letting me listen to their stuff for free! LOL

That is what they get for picking on Apple... yeah, I can talk bad about Apple but don't talk bad about Apple around me! I feel the same about Melissa, so while I might tease her, I won't find it funny if you do. FYI - LOL, I won't mention any names *cough* clarity *cough*

I am also going to undelete my previous post in the V8 cafe, because honestly... this chick has some kind of lasting hold on me! I almost wished I could meet her and not like her in person so I can get over it already!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I just listened to the Webcrawlers Pod where they investigate the once named 666 highway. It was pretty interesting and it seems like they are in much better spirts... could be the LA Clippers are doing well in basketball there, or who knows...

Anyway, Rastus, this thread is for you because I know you're a big music guy and a lover of long highways... towards the end of the episode Melissa makes the claim that the band AC/DC is actually Australian, and that the "highway to hell" is a real road there in Austrialia that one of the band members traveled freequently. I was just figured I would run that past our resident Australian and Rock-Band expert to see if it's all true because I could have sworn AC/DC was British... 

Maybe I was too hard on the girls, I do seem to enjoy their shows and sometimes I might even learn something new. Look forward to your fact finding on the AC/DC front.

Thanks in advance!


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The two founding members of AC/DC. Malcolm (RIP) & Angus Young ( Rhythm & solo guitars ) were brothers that were originally born in Scotland, & the family landed in Australia when they were kids.

From what I recall, they grew-up in Sydney, put the band together in Melbourne, & kicked ass all around the country through the mid-1970's on-wards...And whilst just on the verge of international fame & fortune, their original singer Bon Scott died from alcohol abuse around 1979...

But as luck would have it, they found a solid replacement singer in Brian Johnson ( U.K. I think ), & have stayed rock-solid for all this time, & still going strong with a new album released late last year...But like everyone else, they're awaiting the Covid-bollox to pass, so that people have a green-light to see a live concert again.

Technically, I wouldn't call them Australian, though they did climb the rock ladder from this part-of-the-world...And if you ever get a chance to hear either Malcolm or Angus speak in an interview, it's an all Australian accent through & through, have no doubt. No Scottish in there that I can hear.

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 22nd of June 2021 06:53:41 AM


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Very good information! Thank you! 

Have you ever opened up the Hayabusa on the Canning Highway in Perth? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1. Very good information! Thank you! 

2. Have you ever opened up the Hayabusa on the Canning Highway in Perth? 


R1. You're welcome !

R2. No, the lack of work & Covid has stopped me from traveling-around on the mainland...But I did give the old-girl WOT a little while ago, & she would still, no-doubt at all, reach her speed-limited 300-kmph, or if you rather 186-mph...I had to back-off the throttle at around 280-kmph due to running-out-of-road, & she spooled-up to that speed effortlessly in top-gear, from around 70-mph in around 1-km distance :) !


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Sweet... I used to open up my Katana, but it would have never reached close to them speeds! But there is almost a magical feeling when you're clipping along at them speeds, until a big bug hits your helmits wind screen! LOL, at them kinds of speeds I think a helmet, or at least a small windshield you can put your face in front of is best because when you catch a bug in the face over 60MPH that hurts! 

Top speed on my bike back then was something like 129 MPH where it would run out of gear... I got up to them speeds all the time as the bike did a 12.2 in the quarter mile at 107MPH so it was pretty quick... nowhere near Hayabusa quick but not bad for a 19 year old kid at the time.

From what I understand Canning road (and I don't even know if I am spelling that right) was called the highway to hell because so many people died on it... maybe it's for the best you are not on the mainland with your lead throttle wrist.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.Sweet... I used to open up my Katana, but it would have never reached close to them speeds! But there is almost a magical feeling when you're clipping along at them speeds, until a big bug hits your helmets wind screen! LOL, at them kinds of speeds I think a helmet, or at least a small windshield you can put your face in front of is best because when you catch a bug in the face over 60MPH that hurts! 

2.Top speed on my bike back then was something like 129 MPH where it would run out of gear... I got up to them speeds all the time as the bike did a 12.2 in the quarter mile at 107MPH so it was pretty quick... nowhere near Hayabusa quick but not bad for a 19 year old kid at the time.

3.From what I understand Canning road (and I don't even know if I am spelling that right) was called the highway to hell because so many people died on it... maybe it's for the best you are not on the mainland with your lead throttle wrist.


R1. Very true, bugs do hurt when they hit you ! One of the Hayabusa's features is great aerodynamics, & even on rainy-days, my body doesn't see any water except for my knees, & helmet. 200-kmph is a pretty-good speed for your 600 to have managed. And that's really about all you need to go imo, the rest is really for the nuts, & maybe the race-track. You do get used to traveling at high speeds, but 240-50 has always been about "my" safe-feeling-threshold. Beyond that, I've never settled into an easy-going groove. But I hardly ever go there these days, as Tasmania hasn't got roads long enough to allow you to explore these regions, & it has heaps of animals to beware of.

R2. 12.2 is an awesome result. Most std 1000-cc bikes will get into the mid-10's or possibly lower, & have done for decades. In the 1/4 mile, you can only accelerate so fast before the front wheel lifts & you have to back-off the power.

R3. LOL, I've always been pretty cruisey, & learned my "comfort-zone" limits on my favorite roads on all of the bikes I've had. And there's always someone out there that can & does like to go quicker, so that's cool too.

The main reasons for having the 1000-cc's plus bikes that I've had are simply because I grew-up on dirt-bikes. And even 750's struggle to match the throttle response of a 250-cc dirt bike, though they have the top-speeds that you legally can't use...A 1000-cc bike nears the throttle response of the dirt-bikes I used to ride.

And the 1000-cc bikes also offer comfort that the smaller bikes can't.

* The Canning Hwy I'm pretty sure is the main highway into Perth WA from the Eastern states. All 3 x main cities from the southern eastern states will have roads that will intersect at a place called Port Augusta in South Australia. ( Sydney, Melbourne & Adelaide ). From Port Augusta you have 3,000-odd km's to travel across the Nullarbor Plain, with only fuel stations & small settlements along that way to stop at. There's plenty of Emu's & Kangaroo's that are massive in size that you may hit on your journey, with probably more closer to Perth, which is why they may have called it "highway to hell" at some point. Throw in massive trucks that travel on the road too, & it's a recipe for disaster. It's only a 2-lane-road also. Especially dangerous at sunrise & sunset.

What happens is you generally see a trucks headlights coming the opposite way. The animals are intrigued by the high-pitch-whine of the trucks supercharger that they can hear from miles away, so they come to investigate. As the truck finally goes passed you, an animal will jump-on-the-road, that you can't see because you've been temporarily blinded by the trucks lights & whamo...

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 22nd of June 2021 10:25:39 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Great post Rastus! Lots of very good information there! I appreciate you taking the time to share your expertise on this matter is such a descriptive way, almost felt like I was crusing down the Canning Highway myself there while reading!

Don't think I could ever get used to a seeing a Roo, even if I lived in Austraila. You guys do have some of the most dangers animals and insects on the planet there - save for perhaps the Amazon rain forest.


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The Emu's are big birds, but they don't fly. And some of the big Kangaroos are 6-ft or more, & that's sitting down...I'll post some pictures for reference. But generally speaking, on the mainland at least, the coastal roads are pretty safe, & most of the eastern side of Australia doesn't see too much animal activity, since a lot of the populations have been sadly wiped-out by us, & introduced animals like foxes etc etc.

Both animals are now available as food for humans, & pet food...

roos emus & humans.jpg

Here's some medium sized animals with some humans as yard-sticks.


emu & roo fight.jpg

Kangaroo (red) & Emu ready to get-it-on...


emu eating roo nullabor plain.jpg


Nullabor Plain road-kill, with Emu dining on unlucky Kangaroo.

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 23rd of June 2021 04:12:26 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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WebCrawlers just dropped another new espisode, this time dealing with the "Free Britney" topic... and while I know this topic is completely outside any serious issues right now, I did make almost $2k on DOGECOIN, thanks to Melissa... So as she would say, "Take the good gifts with the bad"...

I haven't listened to it yet, but I wanted to weigh in on this topic prior to my indoctrination by the girls... if I happen to feel differently, or I feel they feel about the same I'll not even bother responding until the next episode... but here it goes,

I'm not sure why Britney Spears is under a conservatorship, all I know is she was flaking out awhile back with K-Fed and had gone Tucan Sam on us... spending a lot of time in hospitals and IIRC, I think there was even talk about suicide.

Now she wants her money and wants to have babies, and who can blame her for that? I'd say she should be free to fuck up her own life as she see's fit! But I just don't want to be one of them people five years from now when she Tucan Sam's on us again and is in trouble... because you know that is what will happen... but who are we to stop that? 

It's a total big government scenario and I see a lot of liberals getting caught up in it... people quiting, removing themselves as conservators... even some family mud being slung around! Something is bound to happen and it's amazing to see liberals act this way, but be totally cool with the kind of big government they all promote. Classic comedy and tragedy, IRL. 

Best I can say is, and I don't know who said it, but "Not my animal, not my zoo"... But hell, I just asked Brandee what she thought about the Free Britney movement and she said,

"Hell-Ya! I used to buy her CD's! Free Britney! It was her parents who fucked her up anyway!"

So now I just sit here in amazement and wonder... What's next? I'm afaid I'm about to find out tonight when I tune in... I'm such a sucker for that Stetten. aww



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I didn't get to listen to WebCrawlers or watch Dr. Grere last night... Brandee was honrny and I had to eat her pussy and fuck her brains out all night.

Perhaps tonight I'll have some free time!

To be honest, if I ever run into a lot of money I'm going to buy something like the Spahn ranch and get fucked to death by a wolfpack of feral California women.


Just hope one of you guys will at least drop in and check on me! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well I finally caught up... Although that Sleuthing episode was a little rough, I was able to get it all down. lol

It will be interesting to see what happens with Spears over time but one thing is for sure, the Webcrawlers aren't in any hurry to get a new PO Box! 

And to think I was missing out on all these quality advertisements on the Patreon membership! I think I counted five advertisements in a 45 minute time span. I like the ones where they make Melissa and Ali personally narrate them... From Feels to Magic Spoon, Hello Fresh, and even discounts for Dermatology appointments I feel like the only one I can relate to is the corporate level AI advertiesement for the State of Michigan small business development assistance. Keep meaning to check that out but somehow I know it's going to be just as big as a disappointment as the SBA.

I'm not dissing on their Ads, if I thought I was welcome I'd gladly pay them for another membership... but that just can't be tolerated... I heard they raised the fines in LA if they find Democrats mixing with Republicans! LOL, so I guess all I got is the free Ad supported Apple Podcast and this here thread to talk about the episodes. 

Prolly finish off Rastus' Alex Jones video on the Bohemian Grove secrets since everyone is currently in Sun Valley for a similar cause. Wonder if Webcrawlers will get any dirt on that little event?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Tonights Web Crawlers episode is about the Olympic "Sex Games"...

You can tell these girls weren't around in the 80's when the Commodore 64 "sex games" was released, around the same time as Winter and Summer games too... lol


The world has always been fascinated with breeding the best genetics... They don't shack them all together for nothing! Everybody knows...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well the first thing I did this morning when I woke up was listen to my LA byatches... I don't know if that's like eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes in the morning, or having a shot of bourbon but honestly I haven't had a drink since Fathers Day morning on account of my poisoning myself to a small degree and never wanting to be that sick for what amounts to an hours worth of fun... now if only I could apply that logic to another person who lives rent free in my head...

All told, the althletes having sex at the olympics is nothing but sweet music to my breeder ears! The fact that two atheletes in their prime who have been at the top of their game in their respective sports breeding is a pretty good idea if you ask me! Only thing that bothered me was learning that 20 of the olympians had abortions after getting prego at the games! What a waste! But you can bet planned parenthood made BANK on that leftover placenta and stem fluid! Who knows, the Government could have kept them alive and raised them on a tropical paradise island like in the movie "Twins" lol

To my regular forum users this thread is probably a huge annoyance, a disturbance if you will... because quite honestly it's kinda fucked-up that I have these feelings, let alone express them in open forum. But the other night I put the movie "Let him go" on with Kevin Costner and all thru the movie I had to listen to the wife brag about how Kevin isn't like all the other vane Hollywood actors and ages gracefully, unlike, and I quote "John Travolta, who looks like he had his skin streached too far and all them other puffy faced botox Hollywood types..." Yes, she said that, and just like Kevin Costner in the movie "Let Him Go" I had to just sit there and take it... Ultimatly it decended to a point where I just turned and looked at my oldest son and said, "This is the reason we have a Melissa Stetten"... It didn't seem to change his opinion though, as I am sure that he sees Melissa as a high risk of losing a percentage of his inheritance, and thus will in no way support any idea of my procreating with anyone else from this point until the day I'm dead!

All my regulars are well aware of the private version of this thread in the V8 cafe, so this must be like PG for them and just a distraction in the way of their automotive, political and or interstellar asperations. It is with great pleasure to announce to them that I was going to create a new thread about the digital women of LA and the Twitter Wolfpack of girls that I would come to follow as a result of my obsession. But I have decided that such a thing would only be stupid, as really I am just an internet post whore, not a real life whore... So as interesting as they may be, I'd just assume keep my focus on Melissa and the Web Crawlers.

I wonder if the Web Crawlers even know what a Web Crawler is? They are a little young, but it was a catchy name in that a web crawler is what is used to make up the search results of almost ALL search engines. They go around crawling the web for this very purpose, and in fact, a web crawler will probably be along shortly to examine this very thread to identify key words and topics and then analize the metrics to make them availiable to people searching on the web for key words found within this thread. It's like I have said, I been around on the interenet before it was even called the internet! Back then there were BBS systems, which are a lot like the interent today except there was no groups on a system, in other words it was one user at a time and if the line was busy you put it on auto-dial until you got thru. Once connected, much like AOL worked, but again ONE ON ONE, then you would log in, download some stuff, visit the bulletin boards - which were a lot like a web forum today, and chat with people and respond to messages and other members. It was a lot of fun too! Even ran my own BBS for awhile! 

So pretty much I been dreaming in digital (or analog) since the early 1980's...

Since 300 BAUD BABY!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You know what ?...

I'm starting to think this "Melissa"-fascination is healthy for you SELLC...She's bringing the Bill Clinton out of your system !


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I want you to listen to me, I'm going to say this again


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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You do know that Bill Clinton is NOT lying in the above post don't you....

He did not do it " a single time "...

He was doing it " all the time " LOL :) !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Don't encourage me Rastus, this Stetten situation is most likely a distraction, made worse by over a year of pandemic lockdown and a lack of options.

That didn't stop me from listening to the most recent "mail bag" espisode called "Bimbo Casual" where Melissa Stetten admits to luring cats into her backyard, capturing them and then having them neutered! I'm telling you it's a Democrat thing! It makes me wonder if this is how PowerStroker lost his balls? Did Princess Putz lure him into her backyard and have him clipped?

It won't be long before Liberals neuter themselves from existence! That means no legacy for them, so I just don't understand it. I wonder who Melissa will have neutered next?


** commercial break ** 

Ladies, do you have problems with acne and are thinking about seeing a dermatologist? Sometimes acne can be caused by many other things such as stress, hormones, greasy work environment (restaurants), and even kissing!

It's also worth mentioning, and I don't know who needs to hear this... but if your partner has a beard like that of the ZigZag guy, then it goes without saying that could cause zits if you like to suck face, or other parts of the body... So if you're having problems with zits you need not do anything but give your man a razor and ask him to shave! He could even use one of the Venus razors they were gifted from Mr. WalMart! LOL...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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That's illegal what she's doing, even if it's for the better good of the natural habitat.

I'd be linking those posts up to the RSPCA...

She has NO authority to do this to other peoples animals. What a biaaatch !

I nearly think she's brainwashed herself with too much Quenton...



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm no Narc, so I'd never rat on my girl Melissa! Unless of course she neutered me in my sleep. LOL

She's also not a biaaatch, I think she is just wonderful and if she lived at my house I'd let her cut off the balls of all the intruding animals if she wanted to!

But you're right, she does not have the right to neuter someone elses animal, however if said animal is untaged and clearly to the point it's feral then she is doing a service since this is exactly what the animal shelter would do when they caught it. I'd like to think Melissa being the cat expert she is can tell the difference. In other words, I'd trust her with my genitalia. aww

I finally made a "Famous quotes from our friend Rastus" thread... I know you been wanting one as you are always posting to mine and PowerStrokers, lol, I got your first one dissing on my internet digital girl in public... You know we have a private thread for such things... But since it's already public, what the fuck is Quenton? I looked it up and can not find any relatable definition that fits! Is that an inside Australian or Tasmanian word? I don't even know how to feel about it because I don't even know what it is! LOL

But you should know, according to MANY celebrity websites our Melissa Stetten is LOADED... Her net worth is advertised to be between $1-5 Million bucks!








That's not bad Rastus! I just realized this today! She's a damn good actor too because all this time she had me thinking she was a poor cat herder who had to dip into her DOGE coin fund to buy cat food!

I don't know, this kind of changes things honestly... maybe she is the one who wears the pants over there in the household? Maybe we got her pegged all wrong! I thought she almost come off as regal, very elegant and bitchy in a sexy way.

It's been raining cats and dogs all day here... sucks because the cars are dripping on me and I can't seem to stay dry from running back and fourth. 

Anyway, I look forward to the next episode. 


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Then again, it also says she weighs $1 million dollars and refers to her as a "his" in another... not finding that attractive on her... Says "Melissa Stetten keeps his personal and love life private"...


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Rastus wrote:


That's illegal what she's doing, even if it's for the better good of the natural habitat.

I'd be linking those posts up to the RSPCA...

She has NO authority to do this to other peoples animals. What a biaaatch !

I nearly think she's brainwashed herself with too much Quenton...



And I should also note that she isn't cutting these cats balls off herself or anything... it's not like she has a bracelet that she collects male balls on or anything...

She is obviously taking them to the vet or the shelter and they are doing it. Perhaps she had intentions to keep the cat, but being a feral outdoor cat it eventually got away and never came back... ah, the one that got away... but not his balls... nope, them are gone. 


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I tried to post up / link "Kill Bill" from You Tube, figuring your Melissa has been watching these flicks. ( She looks good as a blonde btw ).

Quentin Tarantino directed / made the film, & a whole heap of weirded-out flicks. "Kill Bill" starts-off OK, but turns into a gory, over-the-top comedy imo, a lot like Melissa seems to lol !


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Funny you should mention that, I just recently watched Kill Bill before it left HBO MAX, both actually! I thought it was pretty good! Good enough to warrant watching the second at least! I do enjoy Tarantino films!

She does look good with the yellow blonde, now she seems to be sporting a more whiteish blonde, but I got photos somewhere with her in blue hair! Maybe I'll dig them up for the Cafe!

I myself like it best the more natural dishwater color it is in this photo


She looks more feral, like in her earlier work... it only took a year and a half of lockdown! LOL

On an unrelated note, while I have decided not to make a seperate "Wolfpack" thread, I'm still going to trott out her pack in this thread. Keep in mind, all of her "Wolfpack" are suggestions made by Twitter for me to follow after having followed Melissa for a few years. Some of them or more interesting characters than others, but make no mistake... if you're a Tarantino fan, this clip best depicts the sort of vibe you get trying to approach them on social media


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While I wasn't as into the last few episodes of WebCrawlers, PowerStroker might have been... He is into all that Witch stuff, he's always in here making comparisons to drowning witches to drive home whatever liberal talking point he's trying to make.

But I did get called and trotted out by Rachel Fisher... It was an Instagram ribbing that later turned into a good old fashioned Twitter style Salem Witch trial... the entire wolfpack took a peice of my ass! 

And there I am... stuck standing there with my dick in my hand, unable to defend myself on account of my Twitter Ban / Boycott. 

These girls are for sure fucking with me... I thought I was fucking with them for awhile, but now they are starting to get smart... Melissa even pet named me "That Guy", as she bragged to the Wolfpack how she has had to put up with me for "YEARS"... total cock-block, don't waste your time he loved me first kinda stuff...

I'd like to thank Rachel Fisher by sending her and Desi Jed each a case of Rice A Roni, which everyone knows is "the Sanfransico treat"... if only they had a PO Box...





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I thought a foursome would be right-up-your alley ?...

All will be fine when they officially let you know that they're dykes LOL !

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 26th of July 2021 05:47:29 AM


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They might not be breeders like me, but I am pretty sure they are not lesbian... that much I am positive of! 

Not everyone from Los Angeles is homosexual, Rastus, although the place is crawling with them (no pun intended). The whole LA / Hollywood lifestyle seems like living in elementary school, little cliques of valley girls... IMHO

No doubt a foursome would probably end up killing me... although they say it's not tragic to die doing what you love! Like for example if you were greeting an ET and they ate you for supper, that wouldn't be tragic because you're a big alien fan, right?

They must have already gone thru the homo stage because they are for sure old enough to know better, but still too young to care.

Either way, if we ever get to LA I'd like to take them all out for drinks and dinner as they only seem to come out at night...

-- Edited by SELLC on Monday 26th of July 2021 07:56:20 PM


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SELLC said

"Like for example, if you were greeting an ET and they ate you for supper, that wouldn't be tragic because you're a big alien fan, right" ?


Now "that's" Hollywood !


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You know Rastus, you hit the nail right on the head... This whole Los Angeles California culture is really something else, it's really no wonder so many people there are so, how should we say... different?  

I know that every time I reach out to them they probably look at my messages like,

You know, because of that whole cancel culture thing they got going there... plus in Hollywood it's all a popularity contest, everyone trying to protect and control their fame.  I get it, they're vested in that LA culture, not just "another tourist passing thru" like Leo says in the movie Once Upon a time in Hollywood. 

It's hard for me to get angry with them because their needs and desires are so simple... they want to be famous and they will do ANYTHING to get it! They obsess over fame every second of the day much like I do cars... they live for that shit! I'm telling you, there is nothing more they like doing than reading about themselves or being the talk of the town. They are very interesting, perhaps to me the most interesting in all of Los Angeles, which is to say if anyone ever asked me what stars I'd want to see when I was visiting Hollywood it would be the "Wolfpack of Los Angeles" as follwed and in order,


2. DESI JEDEIKIN AND RACHEL FISHER - Hollywood Crime Scene Podcast

These are probably the most gritty girl players in the LA game right now, accoding to this old man who doesn't give two shits about fame. That puts me in a class worse than the "Friend Zone"... it put's me in the "Fan Zone"... which they know means only one thing, they got me, much like how Hollywood has got them, and I'm sure they take much comfort in that! And they should, they have done very well for themselves without the big studios and massive Hollywood budgets. They did it by being as real as possible in a land where everything is but a fairy tale right out of the movies.

I will say this though, Melissa Stetten is a model / actress... and not the other way around (LOL Zoolander)... that being said she REALLY put herself out there! Her early work and her blogs about her travels in search of fame are really the catalyst for all of this. The culture, the game and all the salty stuff in between are classic real life tales about trying to make it in California and the crazy shit that is just another day in the life of Los Angeles. My only hope is that one day she will pick up where she left off and give us a new chapter!

Oh, by the way! I thought I'd mention that Ali Segel is single again! So all you eligible bachelors out there who are Pisces compatable,



Get it while it's still hot! 


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Hello Detroit! LA WOMEN!


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Tonight was the big Hollywood Crime Scene episode but I had a hard time accessing it...

I like that Rachel Fisher chick, maybe not as much as Melissa, but I'd seriously consider settling... both Aries fire!



-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 18th of August 2021 04:13:08 AM


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I suppose it's time to trot out Desi... the Red head...




Probably the most dangerous of the entire Wolfpack, she has a serious air of mystery surrounding her since very little information is known about her.

What we do know is she's a red head and has a serious cat fetish. 

I'd watch out for this one...

This Desi is a little different from the rest... she's one of them do whatever it takes journalist...

-- Edited by SELLC on Sunday 29th of August 2021 04:07:29 AM


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SELLC wrote:

And I should also note that she isn't cutting these cats balls off herself or anything... it's not like she has a bracelet that she collects male balls on or anything...



Ok.... So after reading her most recent Tweet I could have been wrong... you can never be too sure about these things!



Martin Gero breaking records


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LOL !!!

Reminds me of this one....


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That video is hilarious! AND A CLASSIC!

You can't get more LA than that! 

I've been staying quite busy so I haven't been able to keep up with podcasts but winter is coming and soon I'll be able to catch up... I might have to pay for an entire year of their basic patrion membership just so I can see how Melissa is looking these days.

I'm also trying to figure out the best way to trot out the "B-list" which I have now offically pet named "The Rat Pack"... all four of them interesting women in their own rights, and all of them very attractive! Who doesn't love a good story thread about hot women?




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I watched the Web Crawlers live YouTube show last night where they had a guest on who did a seance.

You can see Melissa Stetten's incredible body at exactly the 12:00 minute mark as she lets her cat in and out of the room... It was a mistake watching this video because it seems she's just getting hotter and hotter with age!

The rest of the show was entertaining... That John Tenney guy (the one who does the seance) reminds me a lot of Rastus... I think these two would hit it off at a CE5 session as they have very similar energy.

Ali was looking good as always, but Maria was really looking unusually wild and feral! It's a good look on her... but by far, Melissa...Melissa...Melissa... 


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This B1TCh is living rent free in my head!



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OK...I'll help you out...

Who's this with Melissa ?....

bill & melissa.jpg



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There is a lot of rumors circulating that Chealse is not Bill's biological child. There are some convincing photos to this end... much like how the former Prince Harry does not look at ALL like the rest of his family.

So at least in this situation, Bill Clinton would be a bad example since he is just looking for a quick blow-job or a smash.

Rastus, I must admit that in studying this culture, while not as deep as your nuke reports, I'm actually able to at times feel how these folks live their lives. That being said, it really flows like a roller coaster at Cedar Point! Up and down, round and round and upside down. I understand why a vast amount of people in LA are involved with some sort of counseling and I think my only safety is that I have no desire to seek out fame. The ironic part is, in studying them I have freely given them information that could very well make me infamous when I ultimatly become bored with them and they seek their pound of flesh. Could be some silly ass movie, publication of the private messages sent to them, who knows. But you know I have never been one to shy from a good old fashioned flame war! LOL

I think maybe this lust for fame is what fucks them in the head. Take for example internet web forums, most people use a handle or an alias. That is not the way social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter work and it's very interesting because this generation is so willing to share so much with complete strangers under their real name! Why? Because they want to be famous! That is the bottom line here. The social media companies listed above actually do not like anonymous accounts because they are very much interested in selling your information. Whenever we want to learn about someone we will type their name into a search engine who will then direct us to some social media site. If they have the goods they will get a click, if not then we just look elsewhere. Everyone is famous to someone and some people are more nosey than others but at the end of the day this desire to seek fame is the only reason someone freely shares information. These are the "fame seekers"

I myself only want to be famous to people I find interesting, while others want to be the next Elvis Presley. And that's cool and all but look at how young he died? And on the shitter no less! I guess many would argue that whirlwind lifestyle he lived was more than 100 people could muster that lived to be 100 years old... These types are your bonified "celebrities" and they have reached a point where they need not do anything to attract attention because they are the center of it. 

In the end I guess it does not really matter of course, but your legacy could live on for a very long time after your death. I think maybe this is why people seek out fame and fortune, because they want to still be relevant after death, even though it does them no good at that point.

With the exception of Melissa, with whom I wished I had never met, the rest of the people in this real life study are pretty much entertainment... given the absolute cold shoulder I have been given by ALL of them, it's rather a form of self entertainment that manifests itself from information they share that I find interesting. Let's face it, COVID and the lockdowns were a bitch! None of that garbage Martin Gero and NBC was putting out at the time was any good. Anymore with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV and the countless other content or media providers it would be IMPOSSIBLE to keep up... IMPOSSIBLE! We used to all follow along with shows on a limited number of networks but now days it's the wild-wild west. I have no doubts this satuaration of media is to limit people from ever becoming "Elvis" famous again. It seems everything has become disposable, and while different it's still entertaining. 

And lets face it... most things that are really fun, entertaining and make us feel alive are usually dangerous and or unhealthy! And if you look at it thru these rose colored lenses then it really goes a long way in nourishing your mental health. 

All that being said, I look forward to introducing the "Rat Pack" as followed-

Eden Dranger - LA writer

Gabrielle Williott - NY editor of things

Stephanie Mickus - LA something, not sure what.

Sarah Beattie - Hawaii, LA and now Michigan self made owner of big tits

These interesting women make up my social media "Rat Pack" whom I will trot out individually with images later in this thread. Again, all the people in this thread with the exception of Melissa were Twitter suggestions on who to follow, since I was following Melissa at that time. I don't have any idea if these women are friends in real life, but they represent the "B" list in my eyes... which means I keep up with them, but they aren't the first click in the morning.

I have reached out to all of them looking to better understand them outside the social media "front" but few of them have ever responded. So it's important to realize as I trot them out that my perception of them is only with what they have offered up on social media, where they are ALL most definitely seeking out fame.

Well, if it's fame they want it's fame we are going to give them! Like a show horse we're going to trot them out and show them, and give them the same love they have shown others. Move over, the RAT PACK has landed!

Word of the day "STAN"

Even though Eminem is a whiny little douchebag his song above did "coin" the internet term "WE STAN U"... if there were a male Rat-Pack he would for sure be on it...


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I don't understand why you're not following this lady ?...

Surely she has a better future :) !

Ivanka pic..jpg

Ivanka badge.jpg




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I have always said that Ivanka was super sexy! I don't care much for her hubby, Kush, but that's her problem.

I'm not really into politicians to be honest with you, sure the sexy ones are nice on the eyes but I don't think I could deal with that lifestyle.

Ironic I suppose that every single woman in the club claims to be Democrat, except #13... I don't know where the hell that comes from... Take for example PowerStroker, he's a Democrat and he rather irritates me quite often! LOL... maybe it's just because he has a penis?

All I know is that with the pack animals it doesn't seem to bother me so much, maybe because they all have vaginas? 

Either way, I don't have time for much TV... With the limitless amount of media streaming on television today I just don't have that kind of time to invest. My entertainment outside of the day to day circus at home and work is pretty much this forum here, a few news desks and these eight women. Soon I will add the "C" list and that will be 12 interesting women in total. They are pretty funny if you hang out on Twitter, Instagram or like Podcast and movies. I need to do a better job of troting them out going forward, so people reading can find them and see for themselves how interesting they are. For all intents and purposes, in my opinion, these are the 12 hottest and most interesting people on ALL of Twitter. If it werent for five of these women I probably would never feel any need to visit Twitter! And even still I no longer have an account so they are literally carrying Twitter like they do water for Democrats. I'd like to see them all super-famous so I could say,



"Look! I used to follow them on the internet before they became super famous"

But there is a #13 woman... she is more important to me than all twelve of the pack animals put together, regardless what you read in here and the V8 Cafe... She's known around these parts as "SweetPea", "Babe", and "My woman" 

She's also pretty hot too, maybe a little more on the cougar side compared to the pack animals, but let's face it, none of them are exactly spring chickens themselves.

So before I trot out any more pack animals, I'm going to trot out MY ANIMAL... #13 because I always save the best for last! Also because I don't want people reading this thinking I'm some slug who ain't getting any pussy.

So here she is, the hottest of the hot!


Just kidding! 




Okay, I photoshopped my womans head on that chick... but she is Mercedes Brandee, who drove a W126 560 SEL until she killed it in the middle of winter (took out SLS, Transmission, and Alternator on a single cold snowy/icy 6 inch ice rut Michigan morning, taking Rex Jr. to the school bus stop)... and thus a marked improvement of the original bimbo who didn't drive a W126 daily for a decade!

But thanks to the W126 fam for not calling me out sooner. (Edit 4-17-2022)



Clearly she has impecable taste in cars, wouldn't you agree Rastus?

Not only that she's an engineer! She manufatured these two great kids, Rex Jr and Skyler! She has also made quite a nice home and garden too!

Sometimes I wonder how the hell we ever put up with each other for twenty years, I'm sure she does too



But at the end of the day, regadless if I got one or all twelve of the pack women they would have to add a +1 because she is coming with me until the end... luck a Chucky doll, only a girl

They say it's possible to have multiple women, just as long as they never make direct eye contact.

Honestly I have told Brandee about Melissa and her little LA pack rats... she laughs and says go for it because she hates California almost as much as Melissa. We were only there for less than 48 hours and she couldn't stand the place!

Perhaps I just didn't take her to the right places? But do any such places exist in LA anymore?

I think in many ways some of these interesting women remind me of Brandee, or someone in my family... sort of like the movie "Wizard of Oz" only none of these women, mine included, are PG rated... ;p

And it's like I have always said, "I want a girl with a short skirt and a long jacket"



Clearly the fastest and most dangers of all the pack animals... probably the oldest too, she's a real classic!

Anyway, none of them LA or NY women have a thing on this Mitten Queen!

Edited to update broken YouTube link on 4-17-2022 

-- Edited by SELLC on Sunday 17th of April 2022 08:27:55 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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