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Streamlight Stinger 2020 Flashlight Review

Recently I purcahsed the new Streamlight Stinger 2020 flashlight on eBay for an unheard of $119 brand new... or so they say.

But it was sealed in a brand new box and looked brand new so I charged it up.

WOW! This thing was SUPER BRIGHT! 2000 Lumens! 

But I noticed this ultra-blue bright light only lasted what seemed like 10 uses before it turned somewhat yellow with a blue dot in the middle!

Not only that, the charger flashes rapidly, indicating a problem with the battery! All of this in under a week! 

I still been using the darn thing because it's still bright as heck, but I wonder if perhaps the "smart" batteries are not "new" or perhaps they a "dumb?"

Whatever the reason, it's somewhat of a bummer when you pay over $100 for a flashlight, and streamlight has always had a good reputation in the auto world... lot of people swear by them.

On the Stinger 2020, if the damn thing would just maintain a blue spectrum and not flash rapid on the charger, I wouldn't have any complaints.

The flashlight gets pretty hot on high brightness, because it also has a medium and low... High (2000 lumens) is stated that it will run for two hours, although I have my doubts. They don't state lumen ratings for medium and low settings but the low setting is supposed to stay lit for 24 hours. If my batteries were good I could almost see that being true.

I like the design of the unit, as it's flat so it doesnt roll off as easy as the traditional round ones. I like the on off switch on the side and bottom, both feel like a quality switch. The body of this unit is also very nice and solid and it's pretty light weight for the light it gives off. High setting is more like a flood light, which I like for lighting up an area. You could shine racoons in the trees at night with this thing! Usually use medium or low for close up situations or the reflection blinds you. 

Anyone else have any experiences with Streamlight? This is my first one. Seems like everything I buy with a battery on eBay comes to me with a bad battery, even if it's a battery that I'm buying! I guess the light retails for $175, so I got a good deal... but it was advertised as brand new... but again, it could just have a bad smart battery... these light have like jumbo long AA batteries (2) that fit into a holder. They are smart batteries because they can be charged up with the small USB cable, or as a pair in the light on the charger.

I'll keep everyone posted and even get some photos to update the thread... if you have had a streamlight, or have another brand that has worked well for you in the past with amazing performance be sure to share!



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I don't mind the LED flash-lights, as I bought a couple over-the-years, but these were the very-small $05:00 gas-station models that sell next to the candy lol ! ( I only bought these for ship-use, & air-travel means light luggage, so I could travel / fly with them in my pocket, yadda-yadda )...

Anyhow, these babies don't last too long, as they don't like being dropped or knocked around, as there's a circuit-board that the LED's attach into, & it will crap-out. And the batteries were regular "AAA" type...That said, they're also corrosion prone on the terminals too which doesn't help, but cleaning them up gets some life back.

All this said, I've gone back to a simple regular "incandescent bulb" type torch, & much prefer it to be honest. The light itself is softer, easier on the eye, & doesn't reflect back as harshly...You'll know what I mean when the time comes.

All the best with the new torch however, the LiIrO4 battery "should" be fine & last a long time once you get a good one. And don't ever drop it LOL !


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I use 2 Streamlights at work. A LED Strion, which is smaller than a Stinger, And a Stinger Switchblade LED light bar. They have been great. They have a lifetime warranty so you can send it back to them for free repairs. They actually replaced my Stinger Switchblade once after so much abuse that it was beyond repair.



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PowerStroker wrote:

I use 2 Streamlights at work. A LED Strion, which is smaller than a Stinger, And a Stinger Switchblade LED light bar. They have been great. They have a lifetime warranty so you can send it back to them for free repairs. They actually replaced my Stinger Switchblade once after so much abuse that it was beyond repair.


This is a good review imo.

*I should point-out that with the "little" LED torches I grabbed for myself, that they were "o"-ringed ( meaning intrinsically safe ), made out of metal, & worked OK, & that it was likely a lack-of day-to-day use that they crapped-out.

I also bought a large "regular - torch - sized" plastic model that used either C or D sized batteries, made by Duracell, that didn't like being dropped at all. It lasted around 2-weeks at work, & that's when I went back to a regular globe type, that still works fine to this day.

Like most mechanics years ago, I also bought a very expensive "Mag" torch, that ran a pair of "AA" batteries...It lasted fine, had a super bright light, but would blow-out globes at an astonishing rate...The torch back in 1988 cost me about $50:00 from the Snap-On man, & replacement globes were around $20:00 that came in a pair...And sooner or later, other issues started with it, but the Snap-On man wouldn't replace it, as it wasn't a Snap-On made item, just something he sold from his truck LOL !

Be careful with what you buy is the lesson here imo.

When I was at the Maritme College, a young fellow bought a mini-suitcase full of 5-LED torches of varying sizes & light strength, & they worked well too, for a while...Cost him a fortune...

There's something good & dependable in the old lead-light, that plugs into the wall imo, where all you need is a globe with your required wattage that can be bought anywhere, from the local drug-store / supermarket, right through to the gas-station, with no battery required.

And the problem with LED use on ship ( & likely other industries ), is that often you're checking tank-levels via a gauge-glass, & an LED throws too-much light, so that you can't see shadows or levels since the light is too bright, especially regarding fuel-tank-levels when clean / clear / yellow died fuel is used, aka what I used to call Chevron Gold lol...Most machinery spaces are painted white, so I hope you get the pictutre...

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 27th of September 2022 08:39:55 PM


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PowerStroker wrote:

I use 2 Streamlights at work. A LED Strion, which is smaller than a Stinger, And a Stinger Switchblade LED light bar. They have been great. They have a lifetime warranty so you can send it back to them for free repairs. They actually replaced my Stinger Switchblade once after so much abuse that it was beyond repair.


When you say that you sent it back to "them", do you really mean that you handed it to your Snap-On guy and said "What's up?"

Just curious, as I'm pretty sure you got yours off the truck, no?



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Nope, I bought it on Amazon, and sent it back to Streamlight for repair.



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Sweet! This is good news to me.

I think I may have found out what the wonky flashing light is from... it's currently pluged into one of the only original 1950's sockets that does not have the newer grounded three wire... basiclly old 2 wire.

I think the flashlight is fine, I just don't care for the yellow tint on high... I figure the blue dot in the center is just because it's too close to whatever I'm shining it on... because when used as a flood light on high it's pretty darn good.

Keeping my fingers crossed that when I plug the charger into a newer three wire outlet with ground that the infrequent wonky flashing issue will go away. 

I'm actually very happy with it other than these few things... and even they aren't deal breakers because I plan on keeping the liight... it's a hell of a light! 

Hearing you got yours warrantied without issue and without the help of the Snap On truck also puts me at ease! Thank you for sharing.



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Stellar007 wrote:

Sweet! This is good news to me.

I think I may have found out what the wonky flashing light is from... it's currently pluged into one of the only original 1950's sockets that does not have the newer grounded three wire... basiclly old 2 wire.

I think the flashlight is fine, I just don't care for the yellow tint on high... I figure the blue dot in the center is just because it's too close to whatever I'm shining it on... because when used as a flood light on high it's pretty darn good.

Keeping my fingers crossed that when I plug the charger into a newer three wire outlet with ground that the infrequent wonky flashing issue will go away. 

I'm actually very happy with it other than these few things... and even they aren't deal breakers because I plan on keeping the liight... it's a hell of a light! 

Hearing you got yours warrantied without issue and without the help of the Snap On truck also puts me at ease! Thank you for sharing.



Should the charger have only 2 x pins, it won't matter whether the plug it plugs into is 2 or 3 pin.

And what is known as "earth" in these 3-pin power-points, is actually a neutral...


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I understand what you're saying, and it's true that a ground and a neutral go to the same bar on a fuse panel... however I have noticed that some newer electronics don't like the older two wire. 

Even on the two plug connectors one of the pins is bigger to ensure the load goes to the load and neutral to neutral. On older 2 wire homes with many branches off a single circut this can and is a common issue.

It won't be an issue for long however, since that entire wall is next to the utility room and is getting re-done with new three wire. 



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I can't really comment too much here as we use 240-volts @ 50-60 hz, with 3-pin plugs in Oz, & I know that matters are different State-side where 110-Volts is the norm, & generally more amperage is provided to power a load than Voltage...This actually makes your system a little-more dangerous, as it's amperage that will kill someone, not voltage...

None-the-less, V=I/R is as good today as it was yesterday LOL !

( That said, 2-phase connexions with a neutral makes for smoother electrical transmission, & less source noise / dirty power ).


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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With the power having gone out since Wednesday (today is Saturday) I have gotten a whole lot of use out of the Stinger 2020... and let me just say, it might not be a true blue light but it's been VERY handy! The flood light feature has come in handy more times than I can count! It seems to be a nice light for everything... The charger is working good now that it's hooked to a modern grounded outlet. 



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Good news !

*Candles work OK too btw. Keep some in the cupboard for next-time...Cheaper than buying another torch or batteries lol !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yeah, I'm not sure I want to use a candle when staring down into the gas-tank of anything...



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Stellar007 wrote:

Yeah, I'm not sure I want to use a candle when staring down into the gas-tank of anything...


A gas-tank is a Confined-Space, with hazardous & flammable gasses & liquids...You want / need certified "intrinsically-safe" lighting to go looking in there Stellar...


Everyone knows that lol


You'll get what you deserve using candles looking in a fuel-tk...But having a candle means that when everything else goes to shyte, you'll get an 1-2 hours of cheap natural light, with no pollution, so you won't break-your-neck getting back inside the house because there's no electricity...

And a lap-top is only good for an hour or so before battery runs-out-of-gas...And there's only so-much life with your i-phone battery...

But wait, you have a generator now, so all you need is the gas out of a gas-tk lol !

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 11th of June 2023 07:01:54 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Funny you should mention that Rastus! The power went out yesterday and I had to use the Generator for a few hours!

It was a good oppertunity to let it warm up real good and change the oil! The oil she was a very dirty-dirty after a weeks worth of use!

I put in some good ole' Mobil1 5W30 100% Syntetic oil and that is what I'll be using from here on out. Seemed to actually run quieter although there was hardly the same load on her as in the winter... just a few lamps, fans, computer, TV and fridge. I also took the oppertunity to start installation of the back-feed socket... and I had a successful run with it! I'll post more details when I get the DeWalt Generator thread up, as I was waiting so I could give a quality review with some hours under my belt.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Welp... ole trusty went down last weekend.

I sent it back to Streamlight with a repair ticket that I set up online. Hoping that it will be warranty!

It started with the bottom button going sort of wonky, then I'd have to tap the side to get it to turn on... then one day I went to turn it on and that was it... nothing!

I've used the hell out of that light, but nothing ever really bad happened to it -- so I'd think it would be warranty. Had it not cost me about $130, I'd just buy another one! But at $130, I sure hope I'm only out the shipping. I kind of formed a bond with my flashlight, so I hope they fix the one I sent them... sure the paint is worn off in areas from use -- but you know how these things go... 

Anyway, I'll report back once I know more. It's been a good light! I miss having it already!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Got my flashlight back from Streamlight today! They fixed it good as new and everything was under warranty and they didn't charge me a dime -- not even for return shipping!

It works great now, and they even fixed my original flashlight that I sent them -- so it's still the same trusty flashlight. It's great to have it back, and it almost seems like it shines brighter than before if thats even possible.

Considering getting me some magnetic blade type wireless LED lights to stick on the cars when I'm working on them. I'll for sure be getting Streamlights.

So all is well that ends well I guess! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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