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Well folks, as I have already mentioned in the Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 Billion thread, Jack Dorsey (one of the orginal creators of Twitter) has just rolled out with his next Social media idea


Currently it's being Beta tested by select members... which makes you sort of wonder, are blue check Twitter users going to be the first allowed on the site?

Is it possible Jack kept a user list from Twitter and is reaching out to these members to get them in before the general public?

I will be most anxious to see as I have tossed my hat in the ring to give this new "Protocol" a try... Yes folks, it's going to be a protocol although I am not quite sure how that will work... there will still need to be a central hub I'm sure, so I am very interested in what Jack is talking about or if it's just some hyped up BS that is not really any different than what social media is today... most browsers use a great many protocols, so I'm not real sure what the big deal about this is... but again, I'm very interested to find out.



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Who cares LOL !!! ???


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That's what we about you Rastus! 

BUT... you all know how I have a fetish for all things internet and web forum/platform... so I am very interested to see what Jack rolls out!

Even if you don't care for it, at least you'll be in the know when I explore it!

My question is, will I be put off for an account because my email is on an inside twitter black-ball list? These are the real questions I'm looking to answer! Because if that is how Jack, Bluesky, Twitter and Elon are going to roll then it's clear this new Bluesky is just going to be another liberal pin cushion. 

What kind of odds you giving me in terms of active membership before I'm banned Rastus? 



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Stellar007 wrote:

That's what we about you Rastus! 

BUT... you all know how I have a fetish for all things internet and web forum/platform... so I am very interested to see what Jack rolls out!

Even if you don't care for it, at least you'll be in the know when I explore it!

1. My question is, will I be put off for an account because my email is on an inside twitter black-ball list? These are the real questions I'm looking to answer! Because if that is how Jack, Bluesky, Twitter and Elon are going to roll then it's clear this new Bluesky is just going to be another liberal pin cushion. 

2. What kind of odds you giving me in terms of active membership before I'm banned Rastus? 


R1. I'd doubt it. With so many platforms wanting to open-up, they'll allow who-ever-in I'd expect, until some rule is broken...

R2. Odds that you'll be banned ???...There are no odds, as it's a 100% guarantee...How much time is the real question here, & that depends on what you say to who-ever to pee-them-off & complain...

Why don't you start a thread / conversation with them asking "why is it that Mr.Trumpdt, is banned from all social media in a so-called free-country" ???...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That's a very good point about Trump, Rastus! 

But I've never thought of Facebook or Twitter as a country, let alone a country as great as the USA.

Trump was free to open his own Truth Social... it was Parlor that was forced to open their own "internet" when AWS blocked them at the root.



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Stellar007 wrote:

That's a very good point about Trump, Rastus! 

But I've never thought of Facebook or Twitter as a country, let alone a country as great as the USA.

Trump was free to open his own Truth Social... it was Parlor that was forced to open their own "internet" when AWS blocked them at the root.


 Are you referring to USA Inc.? See congressional records (publicly available) from 1871. Then have a look at Senate document 43, 73rd congress. Then, there is an IRS document

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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I like USA PLLC better myself... although it does seem we're dolling out shares like an S-Corp.

What would I be looking for in these documents? Is it like a Rastus thing where I'll have to read a few hundred pages? Or has this theory been condensed down to a "short" one hour YouTube video?



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Stellar007 wrote:

I like USA PLLC better myself... although it does seem we're dolling out shares like an S-Corp.

1.What would I be looking for in these documents?

2.Is it like a Rastus thing where I'll have to read a few hundred pages?

3.Or has this theory been condensed down to a "short" one hour YouTube video?


R1. Information.

R2. Are you afraid of reading a book Stellar ?...Books are far better tools for entertainment purposes, as they may well contain facts, imagination, education, truth, history & a whole range of good stuff !

R3. The short 1-hour video is aimed specifically for people with short attention spans, & / or time constraints...It's intent was / is to snap people out of the brainwashing synopsis that plagues the "West", & hopefully offer a better "RESET" in your mind, than what our masters intend.

Together we stand, divided we fall.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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The "West"?

What are you hanging out with Vlad Putin or something?

Wasn't that you saying in another thread something about Putin trying to save the world?

Seems like you don't care much for the West, Rastus... why?



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Stellar007 wrote:

1.The "West"?

2.What are you hanging out with Vlad Putin or something?

3.Wasn't that you saying in another thread something about Putin trying to save the world?

4.Seems like you don't care much for the West, Rastus... why?


Here we go again lol !!! I'll click-bait myself here for the fun of it. But brainwashing is just that, so I'll try & wash some shyte off someone's brain lol !

R1. Yes...The "West"...The term coined by "someone" indicating that we're not the evil one's, & it's the other folks that are...This means that we have to give-them our-way-of-life, such as pollution, money, greed,mind-games, deception, tanks & bombs etc etc, so that they can prosper in freedom & peace, & have a happy life...All for a price of course...

R2. Vlad is doing fine, up to a certain extent. Stopping the "New World Order" ( at least its meant to look that way ) is a good thing imo.

R3. Vlad is playing a game sadly. He, as with your leaders, still have a chance at perpetual peace & freedom, but they're corrupted to the core, with Vlad perhaps less so in this instance. Remember that it was US-of-A banks that made Russia after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution...qt, "We've made the best enemy money can buy"...

R4. The "West" is simply full-of-shyte, at least politically speaking. Look at all the treaties & agreements made in the UN that the US-of-A then uses as toilet-paper when it wants to. It's only the "elite / Illuminati" that prosper Stellar, you know, the 00.01% that have over 40% of all the world's wealth at their disposal...And for some reason, when they hit their "Reset button" with the COVID-scam world-wide, you were happy to get a loan from them for your survival...

Confusedt ???...

Better re-watch that 1-hour video again that the Jagoff made, so as to "Reset" the facts my friend...


-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 1st of November 2022 10:34:29 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
Stellar007 wrote:

1.The "West"?

2.What are you hanging out with Vlad Putin or something?

3.Wasn't that you saying in another thread something about Putin trying to save the world?

4.Seems like you don't care much for the West, Rastus... why?


Here we go again lol !!! I'll click-bait myself here for the fun of it. But brainwashing is just that, so I'll try & wash some shyte off someone's brain lol !

R1. Yes...The "West"...The term coined by "someone" indicating that we're not the evil one's, & it's the other folks that are...This means that we have to give-them our-way-of-life, such as pollution, money, greed,mind-games, deception, tanks & bombs etc etc, so that they can prosper in freedom & peace, & have a happy life...All for a price of course...

Excuse me? Why don't you tell that to Ukraine! What you say above sounds just like what Putin would say as he takes their land and kills their people! What will you say about this arrogant mentality when it's China who is slaughtering your people and taking over your land? Who will you run to? Iran? They won't help... You better wake up friend! 

R2. Vlad is doing fine, up to a certain extent. Stopping the "New World Order" ( at least its meant to look that way ) is a good thing imo.

Up to a certian extent? WTF is wrong with you! His New World Order involves taking over his neighbors entire country, nuking them into submission if need be! What the hell is wrong with you? What do you have to gain by Russia taking over another country!?

R3. Vlad is playing a game sadly. He, as with your leaders, still have a chance at perpetual peace & freedom, but they're corrupted to the core, with Vlad perhaps less so in this instance. Remember that it was US-of-A banks that made Russia after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution...qt, "We've made the best enemy money can buy"...

Vlad is not playing a game! He is a war criminal and a tyrant. Name one other country that has taken soverign land from another country since WWII! None of us were around in 1917, but I am sure you were there! LOL

R4. The "West" is simply full-of-shyte, at least politically speaking. Look at all the treaties & agreements made in the UN that the US-of-A then uses as toilet-paper when it wants to. It's only the "elite / Illuminati" that prosper Stellar, you know, the 00.01% that have over 40% of all the world's wealth at their disposal...And for some reason, when they hit their "Reset button" with the COVID-scam world-wide, you were happy to get a loan from them for your survival...

Confusedt ???...

Better re-watch that 1-hour video again that the Jagoff made, so as to "Reset" the facts my friend...


No Rastus... the West is not full of shyte! We have a system of Government that would NEVER allow for someone like Putin or Xi to become as insane with power as they are! Both Xi and Putin are the same in that they changed laws and killed to stay in power longer than their people wanted! The people of China and Russia KNOW that their leaders have been in charge for too long, way past the established limits! Agreements made in the UN are used as toilet paper when the other side does not live up to their promises. Other countries doing business with the United States have to know when they make a deal it's only good for four, MAYBE eight years... when the next President come in, anything can change! This is how we avoid dicatorships like in China, Russia, Iran and North Korea... The only Elite and Illuminati are these lifetime dictators, many of them part of long family dynasties that have seen them opress and take advantage of their people for generations!

You should also know, Rastus... I didn't get a loan from "them"... THE COMPANY DID! And yes, I was very happy to see the Government give a resonable rate for a loan to a small business like mine! You should also respect the fact it's a "LOAN"... it was not a hand out! It has to be paid back, with interest! I didn't need a loan to survive Rastus! I just needed to be treated fairly as a person who paid their bills on time with interest for decades! The Government didn't give us a loan because we had a history of losing money, or not paying bills on time! They gave the loan because the BANKS were unable to handle it! Hell, one of them couldn't even handle the SIZE of the loan for a deposit, and as you remember that caused a lot of stress and delay in of itself!

So for the next 30 years the company will be paying for all this COVID business with interest! That is not a hand out! That is a hand up, with 30 years of payments! But this is what ALL companies do! Even companies like Apple, Tesla, SpaceX and just about every other one out there! Don't try and make me feel bad for taking advantage of the program! Had we not gotten the loan things would have been tight, and things could have gotten ugly - but we would have survived! The re-struturing helped a LOT! But none of the money changed the WORK that is required.





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Oh Stellar...

You don't have a Gov't...Nelson Rockefeller made sure of that during his stint through-the-ranks, that effectively gave you 2 x gov'ts, the one you see on TV featuring the latest schmuck Mr.Biden, & the other one that lives underground...

And even these 2 x gov'ts are "controlled" via "secret-society" folks, who we call the Cabal, Illuminati, Elite, or whatever you want to call them...These folks operate trans-nationally, know no borders, & are in the eugenics business, & who's grand-plans are revealed to us little-by-little via people like Alex Jones, & the Jagoff who you like so much...

They own & control via majority share-holdings, all the money-flow throughout the world, which make anyone's perception of a democratic & free society a crock-'o-shyte...They are the boss...

But things are changing...We are multidimensional beings, & there are persons in other worlds, who have now returned, & are essentially clearing-out the "dark force over-lords" that these mofo's & families have worshiped for millennia...

We're about 1/2-way through the "shift", choices will need to be made by each individual, & hopefully we'll all ascend into a better world, as originally designed.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Here we go again...




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Still no word from BLUESKY... but if it's anything like Mastodon, it's gonna suck.

Getting to the Thanksgiving / Christmas season... we all need a good platform to hang out on!



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* chirping crickets *



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* tumble weed rolls thru *

* maybe a little dust and the sound of the wind *



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Looks like Bluesky is getting a little traction on Twitter tonight... Amazing that we signed up for the beta back in November of 2022 and have not gotten anything...

Clearly Bluesky is probably working off old user databases of it's former "bluecheck" members to issue these accounts... not only that Bluesky seems to be offering invites to the people it allows in, feeling that such invites would churn up some new traffic...

So far I can't even get a look at how the setup works, but as I have said before -- if it's anything like Mastodon it's basically like paying a company to host your own website in ways! It's really false advertising on it's face because it's not decentralized. There is still one main server that has to resolve your "site" or "account"... much like how the web's DNS server resolves website addresses when you type in for example, or anything else with the DOT extension... It takes that name and translates it to an IP address so that your browser can access whatever website you are viewing using simple domain names... 

Looking at some of the pricing for hosting your own "site" or "account" and it appears they are VERY expensive and really you don't get "Jack Shit" for services! In fact, there are only a handful of companies that are offering the type of services needed to run these accounts... It's really quite messed up, but I am very interested in getting a look at it...

Let's face it, Jack Dorsey is a bitch... the entire time I have ever dealt with his companies it's always been some BS with this guy! He's a vindictive little shit the likes of which I have never seen before! I don't understand how this guy is allowed to dable in finance with his credit card processing company "Block" aka "Square" but they still have us blocked on Twitter and have not given us a single loan offer since their POS wanna-be shadow banking accounts could not handle a large Treasury deposit. I've only kept square on for processing cards because of money I have spent on their hardware to process cards, and also because there is no montly fee... but they sure take a nice chunk every time they process a large transaction. 

All that said, Jack Dorsey claims this is "open source" yet getting on to the system is by invite only? This guy Jack Dorsey is the biggest bullshitter to have ever walked the earth. I'd like to know how you can call something "open source" when it requires an invite in order to even check out the system! Anyway, we shall see..



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I should mention that Bluesky does seem to be gaining traction, and from what I am seeing it's pretty much a direct knock off of Twitter except you can't share videos, and there is no verification method... It's more or less a wild-wild-West sitiation, with everything Bluesky running thru and resolving at ole' Jack Dorsey's Bluesky server... 

We all have the ability with the internet to link up and host our own content... only the big .com thing was more or less a way to block people from doing that, because remembering an IP, much less a phone number now days is so pre 1990's! But that is exactly what we have here, a culture of people that need that intermediary... If I could still buy a telephone number and have modern day speeds and otherwise basic formats for videos, formats and whatnot - would there even be a need for this intermediary? No, there would not be!

Too often I find that I'm just as guilty as everyone else, only I have seen what fun actual peer-to-peer private systems (BBS) were like... then AOL and the likes come around where you could be online with multiple people, and that is when they started ensuring that everyone would become reliant on websites, be it social media platforms or even web forums... 

Still, I can't shake this feeling that Elon paying $44 Billion for Twitter was more or less a way to make BitCoin money real, and then transfer a large sum of money to fellow "friends" of the coin... There can be no other explanation, outside of being retarded, that the lawyers working for Elon Musk, SpaceX and Tesla could be so shortsighted as to not reqire a non-compete clause from Jack Dorsey and all others higher up in the company.

Just like the other new APPS out there such as TikTok, WhatsApp, and now even BlueSky -- I have no intentions of investing my life in these new-comers... I'm just really tired of this old played out format... I want to see what's next and from the looks of Bluesky screen shots, Bluesky is not it. Why the HELL would I want to join a forum where the owner had me unfairly banned for over a year?  



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It's blue! Means I gotta mow again, this is the 4th this year, 5th maybe!

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It is the start of lawncare season! The wife handles the lawn care, I don't fight it... I tried to get her a tractor but she insist it's good exercise and she likes the cut of pull mower better... I say, FINE! But when she gets too old to walk behind that mower I'm getting me a tractor! LOL

I assume being in Kentucky, your grass is Kentucky Blue Grass?

In another turn of events for Bluesky, it would seem that Rolling Stone is even taking notice... which usually means something is in the works, or the "fix" is in... I'd imagine it would take a long time for Jack to build up another army of click-farm accounts to control his narrative, and I'm sure there is going to be a lot of kickbacks, payouts and favors called in to make it seem like Bluesky is an exclusive forum... the fact it's only working on invitation and referrals sets a tone, but does Jack Dorsey have the money to pull it off? Well let's put it this way, Bluesky doesn't even own the domain name! Rather it's domain name is ""... I dunno, it's kind of hard to take Jack serious anymore... but the same could be said about Elon at times!

I guess we wait and see... while the bluegrass grows! You know Shawnee, Jack Dorsey claims to hail from Missouri... Being a close neighbor, what can you tell us about people from Missouri? Are they really the "Show me State"?



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Ah yes, good-old Kentucky Blue yo !




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Stellar007 wrote:


It is the start of lawncare season! The wife handles the lawn care, I don't fight it... I tried to get her a tractor but she insist it's good exercise and she likes the cut of pull mower better... I say, FINE! But when she gets too old to walk behind that mower I'm getting me a tractor! LOL

I assume being in Kentucky, your grass is Kentucky Blue Grass?

In another turn of events for Bluesky, it would seem that Rolling Stone is even taking notice... which usually means something is in the works, or the "fix" is in... I'd imagine it would take a long time for Jack to build up another army of click-farm accounts to control his narrative, and I'm sure there is going to be a lot of kickbacks, payouts and favors called in to make it seem like Bluesky is an exclusive forum... the fact it's only working on invitation and referrals sets a tone, but does Jack Dorsey have the money to pull it off? Well let's put it this way, Bluesky doesn't even own the domain name! Rather it's domain name is ""... I dunno, it's kind of hard to take Jack serious anymore... but the same could be said about Elon at times!

I guess we wait and see... while the bluegrass grows! You know Shawnee, Jack Dorsey claims to hail from Missouri... Being a close neighbor, what can you tell us about people from Missouri? Are they really the "Show me State"?

 I have many tractors. My 54" cut zero turn Hustler will cut some grass! I mow 6-8 acres. Take 2 of us on tractors about 9hr total. Push mower? not me

Yup, bluegrass, quack, anything one may find in a filled reclaimed farmland!

I don't think Dorsey will be around much longer if not already gone and a mask. Masks are phenomenal now. 30 years ago CIA had masks that in a face to face one couldn't tell. Remember planet of the apes, pretty good masks?  Imagine now. However they are making so many they can't keep up. Too many obvious mask fails, Joe, Kamel, Jill...

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I find it funny that slowly, one by one -- Jack Dorsey seems to be bringing in his old "blue check" crowd into this new bluesky forum...

Jack's problem is he's full of shit... he's bragging about running an open source platform, yet making it invitation only? LOL

Honestly I have not gotten any invite and I was one of the first to get in line when the announcement was made... but we have always known that Jack is a little information pilfering, behind the scenes actor who is trying to rebuild the platform that he lost to Wall Street and then to Elon Musk... I don't necessary want to join another forum, but I find it VERY odd that invites are being made on a past blue-check basis from what I can tell... that means he has some access to records and or is conspiring with past empoyees to recruit certain people. 

Does that sound like a cult or what?

And even though they ALL have been sold out once already by Jack Dorsey, they keep going back for more! They're all a bunch of fucking idiots! They're all a bunch of slaves! And they LOVE IT!



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Stellar007 wrote:

Well folks, as I have already mentioned in the Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 Billion thread, Jack Dorsey (one of the orginal creators of Twitter) has just rolled out with his next Social media idea


Currently it's being Beta tested by select members... which makes you sort of wonder, are blue check Twitter users going to be the first allowed on the site?

Is it possible Jack kept a user list from Twitter and is reaching out to these members to get them in before the general public?

I will be most anxious to see as I have tossed my hat in the ring to give this new "Protocol" a try... Yes folks, it's going to be a protocol although I am not quite sure how that will work... there will still need to be a central hub I'm sure, so I am very interested in what Jack is talking about or if it's just some hyped up BS that is not really any different than what social media is today... most browsers use a great many protocols, so I'm not real sure what the big deal about this is... but again, I'm very interested to find out.


It would seem that I was right all along... either Jack Dorsey kept a list of the former bluecheck members, OR Elon Musk is a complete fool... 

I am now convinced the buyout of Twitter by Elon Musk was nothing more than cover to disburse $44 Billion to his crypto bros... furthermore, the proliferation of Bluesky on Twitter only proves that Elon Musk:

a.) Has an incompetent legal team that does not know how to spell out anti-compete contracts. How Space X and Tesla have managed to hang on is anyones guess.

b.) Used Twitter as a tool for extracting BILLIONS from various Crypto currencies tax free, while enriching people under the cloak of said deal... said people were all placed there, just like the membership of BlueSky is being built now right in front of Elon's own eyes.

c.) Is complicit - and driving Twitter into the ground to even further fist fuck the tax code with massive losses that will show up on his 2023 taxes as a result of him running Twitter into the ground. 

I'd say Elon was a smart guy, but if someone like me has figured this out... it becomes VERY clear why Elon Musk is allowing Jack Dorsey to promote his BlueSky on Twitter, while running it into the ground...

Yes, I paid $84 to Twitter... Was it worth it? Sure was! But what I am seeing now makes me feel like my money might be better spent elsewhere come time for next years renewal.  


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Bluesky just cracked 10 million users! 

All the liberal prudes who lost the 2024 election have moved over there...

Meanwhile, Musk is oblivious to the flight -- and seems to be well distracted by his new title as D.O.G.E. -- nevermind the name seems to allude to a certian meme-coin.

It's gonna be an interesting four years -- that much we can all be sure of!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Be 1000% better than the last 4, easy.

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Ya'll checked what Bluesky is now? Funny really. The left felt prosecuted on X so they went to Bluesky, a liberal haven now. However once there they began eating each other. It was so bad Meathead aka Rob Riener said "no more social media a while" and checked himself into a nut ward to recuperate!!

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I have given BlueSky NOTHING! Not even a real name!

It is fun watching them eat each other... I've been around the block, I ain't falling for no banana in the tailpipe. 

But you know how them types be, Shawnee...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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