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Post Info TOPIC: 2023 Tesla Model 3 - Week long road test / review 1,000 miles in Texas 107 F heat


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2023 Tesla Model 3 - Week long road test / review 1,000 miles in Texas 107 F heat

As some long time members of the forum know, I recently went to visit my son in College Station, Texas... I got really good ticket prices of $180 for two people (Brandee and I) for both departure and return on Spirit Airlines! No kidding, I was just messing around on Google/Spirit one night and found REALLY good deals on Spirit Airlines tickets! But keep in mind, the REALLY good deals come when you can schedual for about at LEAST a month or more in advance - and this is at the time of this writing! But $180 for TWO PEOPLE to Houston Texas for a week and then return flight home was pretty much a STEAL! 

I'm documenting the cost and logistics because I think it's important -- something a lot of people testing cars NEVER does... why? Because someone is paying them, usually the manufacture of said car if we're being honest! But that's not the case with my reviews, I rent them and then share MY HONEST REVIEW here... I like Hertz, a company LONG trusted for reliable rentals and no-nonsense (to date) business -- Hertz was running specials on Tesla Model 3 -- 2023 model years, for only $280 for a week! And why the heck not? This was HOUSTON Texas! The blood of oil and everything else that is Texas tea, right? But the truth is they must have some deal with Tesla and the super cheap prices right now are to warm you up to electric vehicles -- mind you, I tried to order a Shelby GT-500H or Mercedes Benz High-Line originaly but no such options were available to me on at the time I made my reservation online -- over a MONTH in advance! So screw it, I just made the reservation for the cheapest 260 mile standard range, single motor 2003 Tesla Model 3! But I did so thinking that was all Hertz had, and for only $280 (FOR A WEEK W/ UNLIMITED MILES) it was FAR less than just regular or economy offerings! So imagine my shock when I'm walking up to pick-up my Tesla Model 3 at the airport -- when there is several convertible Mustang GT-H's and even a Mercedes Benz high-line sitting in the parking spots where I would pick up my Tesla Model 3! confuse

I went to the Hertz desk to inquire about the high end vehicles and Hertz representatives told me that they were "Upgrades!"... like really? How much is that upgrade? Well, let's just say it's more than any reasonable person would pay ($300-$500 per day) -- probably because you would be voiding three prior and lesser promised reservations! But when you arrive at a retal car lot, and they don't have your high end vehicle, it means they rented it to someone who WAY OVERPAID! LOL, but anyway... as fate would have it -- I'd be given THREE 2023 Tesla Model 3's! The first one was a "blue" model three -- maybe the cleanest of all three.... but this one did not have a key, which on a 2003 Tesla looks exactly like a plastic credit card... so after taking very few photos of this car I was given another "Black" 2023 Model 3... only this one had the interior door trim falling off of it! I mean -- I'd get in the car and the entire plastic molding around the door would fall in on me! LOL!


So finally they gave me a "Metallic Silver" 2023 that had some rough around the edges damage to the rims and body... upon approaching the lady at the exit window I asked her for a slip to document "damages" (as I always do and recommend in my other reviews) and she said, "This is Houston -- we have cameras -- no need for any slips"... somewhat beside myself -- I was just like, okay -- you don't have any! Just say so! And we left...


Getting into the Tesla and seeing the 98% battery charge on my car's single monitor that is centrally mounted in the middle of the dash -- it reminded me exactly like what my iPhone battery indicator icon at 98% looks like -- I cannot lie, at first you think it's just your cell phone battery being displayed, but then you realize you haven't even synced your phone yet! The term "range anxiety" had set in at that very moment, as you realize this isn't no gasoline vehicle... although I was able to overcome it by telling myself it was only 120 miles from Houston to Galveston Island, I thought -- well I'd prolly have to make it there with a little over 50% right? So I blasted the air conditioning, the stereo and even goosed it several times all the way to Galveston Island (from Houston IAH airport).... 


(Photo taken at HEB / Tesla Suoercharging center in College Station Texas later in the trip - but you can see the battery level icon I was discribing above)

This was my first time driving a Tesla more than "around the block"... I was stuck with this car for an entire week because I would not pay Hertz's "upgrade" charge for cars that sat on their lots in secret! In fact it just pissed me off and made me consider flying into Dallas next time where they offer premium rentals without the last minute gotcha "upgrade" charges! But whatever, I flew into Houston for a good deal, I'd deal with a Tesla for a week for a good deal and make a review out of it -- right?

Turned out the Tesla made it to Galveston Island some 120 miles away with some 40% battery left with me blasting the AC, Stereo and goosing it like it was a lease! Upon arriving at the Hilton Galveston Island Resorts I was pleased to find that there was a FREE Tesla charger at the Hilton Hotel! Hilton must pay because these charges never showed up on my bill. The first ones always free, right? We arrived in the early afternoon and plugged in for a FREE charge to near 100% in what was about a four or five hour nap while I slept! I had been up for over 24 hours at this point. 





If I had to discribe the experince from IAH to the Hilton -- I'd have to discribe it as over-all enjoyable -- except for the learning curve on the centural touch screen monitor placed in the center of the dash! No kidding, that is really the entire control panel for the entire car except for the turn signal and drive selector stalks! The good news is if you were born anytime after 1980 you could more or less quickly adapt to the new technology -- but the Tesla Maps, in eight lane traffic going thru Houston -- could not handle the quick on's and off's for a first time driver of these VERY COMPLEX roadways. Sorry. it's just the truth! But none the less, after missing one exit the system was quick to let us know we had to turn around and spend another five to ten minutes back - tracking because again -- we're talking about literally EIGHT LANE traffic in Downtown Houston! Very eleaborate sky-ways if you will in Downtown Houston... I'm not knocking it because again, this was my first time navigating "Houston"... and keep in mind -- I NEVER seen another Tesla on the Houston roads until I got on to Galveston Island! But that only added to the "exclusivity" of the little metallic silver vehicle... This car really did have a personality! And dispite what may be considered to be a GPS error at the end, the Tesla Model 3 turned out to be the hero of the entire vacation -- traversing almost 1,000 miles at only $100 worth of billable recharges!


It gets better -- just read on... So we're getting free charging at the Hilton Galveston Island -- and the view is spectacular! 


As you can see it's a very sunny and hot climate down there on Galveston Island in Texas! Top temp seen on the Tesla outside temp monitor was 107 F!

I was very impressed with the Tesla's air conditioning system, which still runs fans at the front of the car to cool the condenser - the same way that is done in ICE vehicles... so you'll hear that fan when the AC is in operation - but not much else unless you are going in reverse and it will project this audible almost floating space rover noise... that is the best way I can discribe it, but it's played to let people know the vehicle is in reverse and moving because otherwise it would be near silent. Driving the car was not too hard for me, but for someone who has never driven one before, it takes some getting used to! And I could see some older folks (Mostly the 80's up crowd) being completly unwilling to try and figure it out -- with people in their 60's and 70's being able to figure it out, but not digging it at all, learing a new trick... 

One of the biggest differences is the very small stalk on the right side of the stearing wheel that shifts the car from Park, Reverse, Nuteral and Drive. The button on the center of it puts it in park. Pushing down (IIRC) put's it into drive, and pushing up into reverse. You can tell what gear it's in by looking at the monitor in the center of the dash. Speaking of the monitor in the center of the dash, outside of the turn signals -- which thankfuly still have the stalk on the left side of the steering wheel with traditional operation -- EVERYTHING GOES THRU THE CENTER MOUNTED LCD MONITOR SCREEN -- or TV if you're older. We're talking the miles, speed, maps, music, HVAC, EVEN THE WIPERS AND HEADLIGHTS! I think as time went on you would get used to it and more familar with all the controls -- but in just a week, or even worse a short one or two day rental -- it would be a lot for an older first time driver to take in -- in fact it would be a lot for a youger person to take in also, but I had younger kids driving the car and they just seem to enjoy the novelty with more finesse. 

Driving the car is feels VERY SOLID! I was very impressed with the handling of this lower model 3, it wasn't sports car steering mind you -- but it was well road mannered for what it was. Being the low level single motor it still had some pep, but it wasn't quite what the dual motor I drove last year had to offer... suprisingly the single motor 2023 Tesla Model 3 is actually rear wheel drive! I broke them free on a wet section of road with a hard acceloration and I was shocked! Until then I had assumed it was front wheel drive! But it was quick, especially out of the hole and up to about 80 MPH... maybe more, I just didn't want to push it in Texas. The faster models have two, three and even four motors and are usually all wheel drive... base model single motor Tesle Model 3 has one motor, and is rear wheel drive (with traction control).

So we drove this thing up and down the main ocean drive for two days for free, because we were using the free Hilton Telsa charger they offered. I have read somewhere that Hilton is going to be installing even MORE Tesla chargers at their Hotels, but no word on if they will still be free... The free part was nice because even if you used 1/4 or half tank (Charge) it was still like free to fill it back up! Another nice thing was we hadn't seen another Tesla until we got on the island! The first night we were the ONLY Tesla in the parking lot. Just plugged it in when we returned to the hotel and it was as easy as that! 

By the second night, a Thursday getting closer to the weekend, the Teslas had converged on the free charger in the Hilton parking lot. 


The cord at the free charger would reach all four spots... three regular and one handicapped. The charging port is under a little door located on the drivers side rear which is best distribed as the left rear side marker light area. The door can be manually opened, or closed and also be opened and closed by command of the car itself. Using a Tesla charging station is plug and play and there is a little indicator light on the charging wand that indicates when the vehicles battery is full. In this situation photoed above, I had fallen asleep and someone else needed a charge, so they were able to tell that my car was full - and could transfer it to their vehicle. I guess this is a sort of "Tesla" code, as I suppose you could be a jerk and just take the power wand at any time -- not sure if it magnetically locks in until it's full, or if the button will allow an emergency disconnect by anyone - regardless if the transponder card was not near... but all is well that ends well because when I took this photo my car was at 100% and I sort of felt bad I didn't catch it sooner... but again, up until this point we were the only Tesla in the parking lot. From this point on I'd be watching it closer and moving my car out of the charging spots once it was full -- which is probably a good idea all the time. Since I was on vacation, and only working when I was with the car -- everything was sort of relaxed, and it went a long way in learning the nuances of an electric vehicle. It was less frustrating because I wasn't in a hurry to get anywhere.

I'm not going to lie, at this point I was starting to think "Hey, this ain't half bad!"... I actually started to warm up to the Tesla! It was a cute little car that handled itself well, felt solid and had a whole lot of personality! And it was only $280 for the week (Including taxes).

The next morning we would head to College Station to see the kid... From Galveston Island to College station Texas it would be about 150 miles... this would be a good test since it was going to be one of the hottest days, driving into an even hotter area. I knew that the AC would be used quite a bit and I wasn't sure what kind of charging options would be available once I got there -- nor did I know how long it would take to re-charge! So I did a little research and found the HEB (gas station and supermarket) had a Tesla "Supercharger" installed for almost 10 cars to charge at one time -- up to 280 Kwh!

The drive to College Station was excellent! I even reach speeds in excess of 100MPH as some of the country roads out there really get moving at certian times of the day! Blasted the AC and stereo the entire way and entered College Station with 30% battery remaining after 150 miles... and that was hot-dogging it the last 40 miles. I pulled up to the Tesla charging station at HEB and there it was... bunch of red Tesla chargers literally 40 feet directly across from the gas pumps! I backed the car in and installed the wand. I got back in the car and registered my highest Kwh draw the entire trip @ 187 Kwh! The Tesla would be charged from 30% to 100% in LESS than 15 minutes according to the screen! Then it started to dawn on me... How the hell do I pay for this! LOL! There was no card reader at the charger -- and I plugged it in and it started charging without me giving any credit card information or anything! However unlike the charger at the Hilton that did not display a "charge" the screen while plugged into the supercharger was indicating I was being charged per Kwh -- and the running total as it sucked up more and more juice. As it got over 10 bucks I asked the woman to go ask the HEB gas station attendant if we paid her for the charge -- I did this because I hate looking stupid. The wife needed to pee and wanted to buy some stuff so she agreed to ask. When she returned she said the lady at the counter said "They just put those in, I don't know anything about them"... At this point I'm wondering if they are billing the previous renters credit card because I hadn't given it any card information -- nor had I gone to any Tesla website. So I said, "screw it"... I'm sure it will get figured out... but as you can see from the bill above, it was already all figured out and would be billed to my credit card on file with Hertz... So it was a pretty slick setup that seemed to cut out all the middlemen! Including the gas stations it was located! We put almost 1,000 miles on the Tesla the entire trip and only paid a few dollars over $100 for the electricity... although all the private charges for electricity on Galviston Island were free -- although they took HOURS, not minutes.

Knowing that I had a Tesla Super Charger close by in College Station that could fill up my battery in less than 15 minutes put my range anxiety at ease... we would now go meet the kid and turn over the vehicle once we got ourselves situated in a nearby Hotel... and I have to be honest, up until then Texas seemed pretty urban... but when the kid got in control of the Tesla he took us out on the back roads where Texas started to look a lot like -- well, Texas!

(You can hear the AC fans going full speed in this video)

After this he drove us to a local burger spot that was, how shall we say -- off the beaten path... as we pulled into the dusty - unpaved Texas burger joint that looked like an old wild-wild West saloon it felt kind of stange being there. For starters he parked right at the front door where people were eating on picnic tables  -- all of them Texan Cowboys and Cowgirls in traditional dress... as the dust settled you could see everyone looking at us like city slickers in our electric car... I started to feel really out of place in my grey suit and matching gray Tesla... but we hadn't seen the kid in awhile and if this is where he wanted to eat, so be it... As we went in the place had horse saddles and deep-South Texas flair for decoration. No computers, hand written tickets and you guessed it -- everyone inside was a Cowboy/girl too... We placed our order and sat down in the back, where the locals sort of cleared out once we sat down... it was rather funny -- but I understood, it was a small town and COVID was on the rise in the cities. It was a family place, and when our food came out it was actually one of the best burgers I've had! HUGE TOO! As we scarfed down the food complementing it at every bite the mood started to mellow and I could tell the locals at least knew we had good taste in burgers! 

We left there and drove around a bunch more looking for hotels in College Station, which also has a strong Texas flair, but nothing like that first trip "down the road" outside of campus. Worth mentioning however, there were no free chargers there in College Station like there was on the resort Island... but I was stil impressed by that less than 15 minute charge at the Super Charger earlier. We elected for a Wyndham hotel (no free charger) that was in walking distance of the kid... and that would be saying something since after we got dropped off, the kids took the Tesla and we got Texas drunk all night at the Hotel! LOL! Since my kids roomate would have to work until later in the afternoon on Saturday, we really didn't need a car and we didn't want to impose on a work day getting wasted all night.

We checked into our room, and wouldn't you know it... This photo was hanging on the wall



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The following day the kid picked us up at checkout and we did a lot of sight seeing and driving around in the Tesla Model 3. It almost like it was part of the gang! But it felt like since we had extra weight in the car and the fact that the kid was driving (like Mario Andretti) we were charging up quite often -- maybe like four times in a day at one point... it was almost a novelty, and since we felt like it was free we kept on charging that little Tesla 3 up every time it got low... cost to charge it up varied anywhere from $10 - $16 as you can see on the bill above, so it wasn't bad at all! Much less than what it would have cost with gas being close to $5 a gallon down there.

Soon my Son's roommate would be off work and we would drive the Tesla back down to Galveston Island with two extra people and a bunch more luggage. We bought new clothes that were more in keeping with the Texas dress. We didn't go all out, but between the four of us the car was pretty packed! We even used the "frunk" (trunk where the engine used to go) for the first time! I'd guess all in all, maybe about 500 extra pounds max. This time, with the kids driving and us in the back seat we didn't even make on the Island before we had to pull off at another slower super charging station that took a little over 20 minutes to get us charged back up. There were a lot of variables that had changed since I drove up a few days earlier -- first the weight had drastically increased (500lb) as there was now FOUR passengers instead of two. Second, we were driving into the wind, instead of with the wind at our backs... and finally there was a youthful driver who couldn't keep his foot out of the pedal. Driving a Tesla is a balancing act with the accelerator pedal, whenever you let off the accelerator, a clutch kicks in and you can feel the electric generator pulling the car slower - almost like you had the brakes partially engaged... this would show on the LCD sceen as "charging"... you could feather the accelerator so that going down hills, or slowing down -- it would charge the car! After awhile I got used to it, but I could clearly tell the kid was more interested in the quick acceleration as the rocking back and fourth put me to sleep in the back seat and I woke up at a charging station 20 minutes outside of Galveston Island! LOL, apparently we had gotten down under 19% battery and the computer screen was saying we weren't going to make it to our GPS programed destination. 

A little over 20 minutes charging we were back on the road with high a high 90% battery charge with only 20 mintues drive time to our destination. The range anxiety was begenning to fade once again. Upon reaching the main drag on the Island it was clear -- weekends were PACKED! There was no parking, and the Hilton where we had stayed was sold out! The parking lot in the back of the Hilton was also FULL of Tesla's everywhere! Thankfully American Express found us a room at the San Luis Resort -- which was uber expensive because it was last minute on the weekend -- but what an amazing place!


The place was so exclusive you had to wear digital wrist bands that also unlocked your hotel room door!


Even the damn bathroom was so fancy I had to take a photo!

But it was getting dark and the kids wanted to take the Tesla up and down the strip. Our room was finally ready for check in and we unloaded the Tesla. We didn't valet because I think the kids were just too cheap to give a tip... and they had plans of immediatly taking the car back out once they dumped us and their luggage off... I figured they could worry about charging the damn thing at this point! I could walk to get pretty much anything I needed or wanted on the resort Island! 

So we checked into the room and -- WOW!



The San Luis was even more pimp than the Hilton we had stayed in!

So I made the wife and the kids come in for one photo on the balcony so they could forever cherish this moment as the one and only time they got my cheap ass to spring for something "fancy" -- if only because there was nothing else but to sleep on the beach! 


(Past and Present Stellar Enterprises LLC crew)

So at this time I had considered the trip to be nothing short of amazing, with the rooms and the Tesla exceeding ALL of my expectations! 

I handed over the Tesla Key Card and lord knows what that car got into that night after the kids took it! LOL, what I do know is there are cameras ALL OVER this car -- in the side pillars, in the rear, in the front, in the car -- everywhere! You don't think about it as much after time but trust me -- they are there and they are watching! The way the Tesla works is that it has it's own cell-network connection that it uses for all sorts of things from over the air updates, to the GPS Maps you use for directions! The car is connected with lots of camera's and a MASSIVE battery. Who knows what could be done in terms of eavesdropping -- but the reality is, it's just a bigger and badder version of what could go on with your cell phone. It's all digital and behind the scenes! But you could be sure that if Elon Musk wanted to know, see and hear anything going on in one of his "connected" Teslas -- he could! Not that he would, but things being as they are -- he COULD! Same goes with anyone with a warrant... But just something to think about when you're driving a Tesla.

By the next morning the kids had found the free Tesla charger at the Hotel and were getting free power once again. Brandee and I ate at the hotel for breakfast and the kids took the car back out for an entire day of driving it around up and down the Gulf of Mexico coast. No complaints from them either... they were changing all kinds of settings -- digging around in all the little icons, and even showing me the prices of what these cars cost now days. They aren't cheap, that's for sure... but there are hit and miss tax incentives up to $7,500 currently. And while I'm not sure if Tesla is subsidizing the cost of electricity to keep charging cost, but a complete re-charge seems to run about $16 bucks -- free if you're in some areas (but much slower charge times). 

Still I can't escape the thought that I could really see myself owning one of these things! No, I'm probably not going to pay $40k for a brand new one -- but if I found an older one at a good price, would I buy it? You betcha! It's a fun little car and if you had a charger at your home and charged every night, providing you had similar rates as I was seeing in Texas -- then you would save a lot of money in gas and would never have to visit a gas station again! You'd just plug in when you got home and use it the next day when it was fully charged! Of course, all of that stuff is extra money, but if you're going to have an electric car long term, or a few of them -- then it would be worth it.

In terms of long haul cross country trips... I'm not so sure -- it would require a level of planning and the presumption of working charging stations -- sometimes out in the middle of nowhere. One thing Tesla does have on the competition is their charging network and standard. I had a guy pull up next to me at HEB while Brandee was using the bathroom in a Hyundai electric car. His charging port was on the passengers side, instead of the drivers side! Plus it was a completly different kind of plug! I asked him why didn't he just get a Tesla and he said "I just wanted something different"... lol, well there you go pal! It's different alright! Take your ass to a Hyundai dealership and charge up! That is one thing, if I did buy an electric car I'd buy a Tesla -- for that exact reason. But that might not always be the case! Seeing that supercharger center sharing a lot with a gas station has got me to wondering how long before they are all dual use like that? And that is just it, I don't hate electric cars -- and I don't hate gasoline cars! So if they keep both options open EVERYONE wins! They don't have to kill the ICE cars to bring about electric cars! Having the option is whats important! But all things told, I was impressed with this little Tesla Model 3!

I would however recommend that Hertz properly map the exact GPS Data to their return centers at both the IAH (Houston TX) and BUR (Burbank CA) airport locations! Currently they try and direct you to private enterances, and sometimes the signs are not easy to find unless you backtrack pretty far! It's VERY FRUSTRATING, and it's something that is VERY EASY to fix. I wonder if they don't do this on purpose so people running late will be stuck paying extra, but even when I was trying to return the car to Hertz it was frustrating and I was well over an hour early for my return flight home. Hertz needs to fix that ASAP!

And if everyone remembers when I picked up the car they didn't have any slips for notating damages -- well when I returned the car they sure enough had slips for their inspectors to write up! Only I took photos and complained about not being given the oppertunity to notate damages when I picked up the car! Plus I had a witness!


But here they are all of a sudden, with slips to write on and a hand-held computer even! I took complete photos after I dropped it off too! Even made notations on her notations form because I wasn't given one on check out, dispite asking for one from the attendant. All I can say is TAKE PICTURES! Ask to fill out the damages form if there is ANY KIND of damage -- big or small (if they will give you one) and now I recommend taking pictures after you drop it off in the lot. It doesn't take long, and really does come in handy!

But all it all, I'd rent from Hertz again! I'd drive a Tesla again -- and Tesla is doing a good job with their cars and charging network.



Put almost 1,000 miles on the car in the hot sun and heat of Texas... 



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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BUMP !!!


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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This is an over-the-air update... 

I don't even feel like over-the-air updates should be classified as a re-call, rather a re-program. 

But yeah...Tesla is going to re-program over 200 million vehicles without a single one of them rolling into a repair shop! 

Better luck next time Mayor Pete! Now why doesn't Mayor Pete get on Fords to make right to all the people Fords has FU@KED with that scam known as the DPS6 transmission -- or the 1.6 - 1.8 and 2.0 EcoBoost engines that are blowing up left and right?

I've already come to the conclusion that Fords is doing this $hit on purpose to ensure engineered obsoletion forces it's customers to buy new every five to seven years. I'm not saying Tesla is any better -- but at least their vehicles are making it five to seven years without four clutches or a complete engine replacement! And BTW, these arent isolated events -- these issues with Fords are well known and established MECHANICAL deficiencies baked in at the manufacture level! You can't say it's accidental anymore because it's just too rampant! Not to mention US regulators looking the other way.

I think my next car that I buy will be a Tesla. I have seven gassers -- and I love them! But I was impressed with my week long Tesla 3 rental! That little thing took everything me and the kid could trow at it and asked for more! That little car had personality and spunk! Could have been the fact that it was a rental, and thus everyone just drove it like they stole it -- but the thing was so stealth and nimble it didn't even attract the attention of the law! Now that was a BONUS!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I guess you could always add some trickle-charge dash-pads to keep her charged-up...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Looks like Hertz is getting in the electric car sales business! Currently you can scoop up a used 2020-up Tesla for as little as $15,000 -- and with the rumored $4,000 used electric car tax credit that number could be down to $11,000!!

Not only that, Hertz has figured out a way to let people "rent to own" them! Pretty crazy, eh? Seems like a pretty good idea if you ask me! They will rent you the car for a special low rate for three days and if you like it they can arrange financing and will sell it to you!

As of the time of this writing they have 661 used Teslas from 2020-2023 that you can buy!

One has to wonder about how hard these rentals have been treated in their 12,000-50,000 mile rental car miles... especially the electric cars because everyone knows how much a new battery is going to cost should that crap the bed!

But still... I've been keeping my eye on their inventory and should the right deal come along I may just buy an $11,000 used one just to study it while my youngest goes to college... that way I can take his Focus and drive it off a cliff before the DPS6's 3rd clutch rears it's ugly head! LOL, but look -- case in point, FORDS did this to themselves! They really thought selling people sh!t that required MAJOR work in less than 30,000 miles would work out to their financial bennifit by FORCING them to buy new more frequently... Well guess what -- THEY WERE WRONG! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Oh Stellar...

Why would you want to invest in a Tesla, when you know full-well that the day will come, that you will have a shyte-fight on your hands regarding the battery ?...

Clearly the idea of the Rental people involvement is to share-the-load, & ease the costs when problems occur ( they will have to sell with a warranty remember ), & they also remove the middle-man at a 2nd-hand car yard, so that market prices overall can be controlled better, & more predictably.

I'd rather have you start a thread about the 454 or 510 V-8 engine & transmission transplant into your truck... A far better investment, that may even go up in value rather than turn-to-shyte before your very eyes...

Look at the massive success of PowerStrokers 460-V-8 thread !!! Now that's what people want to hear about yo !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Um... what are you talking about?

This is a Tesla thread -- you know... It kinda implies "electric car"

I'm sure PowerStroker will do a fine job on his 460 rebuild -- and truth be known, he will spend more than would have by buying a used Tesla 3! He might not want to admit it, but these are just facts. Another fact would be that he hasn't bothered to include a single photo of his so-called "build"... I'm sure he's taking photos of the process, but even still -- he's doing this job for himself! It's a hobby for him, it's not customer pay. It's more of a vanity project if you will. If you wanted to see something real, stop on by the Ford Truck forum -- where he most certainly did not post his Ford Truck thread. While you're there, check out all the non-vanity work threads... You know, "customer pay work" -- and you never know, you might learn something! Like why rebuild using speed density will only amount in "stock" output... What is so impressive about that? Or maybe he just wants to show off on how fast he gets it done? I dunno! What I do know is I could care less what you think people want to hear about! lol

What I want to talk about is this electric car for $10k! I'm giving it serious thought! You can be a cave man and put on horse blinders when it comes to new tech in the automotive world, but for me I'd be interested in getting a deeper look into these machines! I hope it doesn't offend you -- however a Cybertruck recently out pulled an F-350 and many other trucks! That same Cybertruck beat a Porsche in a drag race -- WHILE PULLING ANOTHER PORSCHE ON A TRAILER! You can deny it all you want! Regardless if it's the top of the line $100k Cyber Beast, or a $10k used Hertz rental -- both would blow the doors off PowerStrokers F250 speed density truck in a race regadless WHAT he did to it within the same spend! Does that bother you Rastus?

It doesn't bother me one bit! And as someone who plans on working in this industry for another 30 years, I don't have the luxury of having a closed mind. But you do you!


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Stellar said....

qt.1."I'm sure PowerStroker will do a fine job on his 460 rebuild -- and truth be known, he will spend more than would have by buying a used Tesla 3 !

2. He might not want to admit it, but these are just facts. Another fact would be that he hasn't bothered to include a single photo of his so-called "build"... I'm sure he's taking photos of the process, but even still -- he's doing this job for himself ! It's a hobby for him, it's not customer pay. It's more of a vanity project if you will.

3. If you wanted to see something real, stop on by the Ford Truck forum -- where he most certainly did not post his Ford Truck thread. While you're there, check out all the non-vanity work threads... You know, "customer pay work" -- and you never know, you might learn something !

4. Like why rebuild using speed density will only amount in "stock" output... What is so impressive about that ?

5. Or maybe he just wants to show off on how fast he gets it done ? I dunno ! What I do know is I could care less what you think people want to hear about ! lol..."

R1. Who knows ??? We'll have to wait until it's finished...He still has options, & it's possible to get out-of-it really cheap, & retain countless years of reliable performance. It was only a crapped-out thrust bearing that was likely caused by some-one knocking-the-hammer too hard trying to remove the damper, to possibly replace a leaking front-crank-seal or whatever.

R2. Vanity project ??? It's friggin' hard work, paid for out of his own pocket !!! He only wants the best for his truck, & the fact that it's blessed with such a massive & beautiful 460 V-8 warrants careful considerations.

R3. You can learn something from everything you participate in if you want to.

R4. A port-job & big valves will see significant gains in HP-output & Torque, whilst retaining OEM EFI set-up & mileage...The factory must have spent millions developing the system to keep the engine a viable option for a number of more years. There is & remains a market for it, as once you have tasted the big-engine-qualities, everything else becomes simply less.

R5. PowerStroker is hardly a show-off. I'm surprised he bought a 460 V-8 monster-motor truck, but it's obvious that the big-engines-qualities are worth investing in...There's nothing like V-8 power delivery, especially when it arrives in 460 cube packages...But you know this, as 350 cubes in a tiny Corvette offers a similar smile factor.

It's likely PowerStroker is spending-up a little, so as to demonstrate efficiency in repair, & wanting a better than OEM result for the effort, & dollars spent. But we all know that he could simply re-ring it, place new bearings in there, reseat the valves, fit a new oil-pump & the motor would happily chug along for countless thousands of more miles effortlessly...

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 14th of January 2024 05:17:28 PM


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"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Don't get snooty with me Rastus, you're the one that brought up PowerStroker and his Ford 460 truck in a Tesla thread... but then again, that's just your MO.

I got some new t-shits in stock that I'd like to send you and PowerStroker -- I think you guys would look great in them!



You can stuff that 460 F250 in your pipe and smoke it Rastus! 



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Memories...I recall, when once-upon-a-time, our host....

1. Hated Elon with a passion, & now...

2. Did all he could to down-play Elons cars, & now...

3. Has bitched & moaned on & off, over & over again about twitter, & now...

4. Loved Mr.trumpdt with a passion, & now...

5. Agreed that COrona VIrus Disease 2019 was a fraud, but then got vaxxed, & now...

I wont go on & on, since I tend to think that you're becoming aware of just how messed-up your country is. And that you're hardly a free citizen, & that you don't know what to do, since you're enslaved at almost every avenue...And to escape, you spend much time living in Virtual reality...Which is exactly where they want you...

But don't worry, change for the better is in process !

Now, PowerStroker's truck is blessed with a beautiful, massive, 460-V-8, that will easily provide countless years of further service, after already serving 30-years without issue or complaint, except for when an idiot likely damaged the thrust-bearing by using a hammer where he shouldn't have...Otherwise, I'm sure PowerStroker didn't want to have to inspect & invest his time & money if not needed.

The idea of having a std car with this massive engine, is that you don't need more power...It's an awesome package as-is...Combined with EFI, I'm sure that 14-16 Mpg is possible on the Hwy in your scale, & likely 10-Mpg in the city pulling heavy loads. This means its an affordable & viable long-term owner friendly work-horse.

The Tesla is by design a throw away item after so-many years, where the battery & or electric motors wont be available, & the market depreciation will see them too expensive to keep going, so don't buy one Stellar would be my suggestion...

As for the T-shirt, whatever man !


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1. I had my doubts about Elon -- but since driving a Tesla for a week I decided to give him some credit... so what?

2. I was not impressed with the look of the early cars -- but now I have driven a later 2023 model 3 and I was impressed... Have you driven a Tesla, Rastus?

3. Twitter is no longer Twitter -- it was bought by Elon Musk and is now called X! I still don't care for that guy Jack Dorsey who used to own/run Twitter.

4. Twards the end of Trumps tenure I was getting a little tired of being punished for supporting him. It didn't change my vote though. 

5. I got vaxxed? News to me.

I'm not sure what's up your ass tonight, but you're sure doing a lot of hating on the USA! 

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts -- The USA is great!

I am finished going round and round about PowerStrokers old pickup in a Tesla thread... say whatever you want -- what PowerStroker invest his time and money into is his business.

I'd argue that a reasoably priced battery from the aftermarket will become available, keeping these Teslas on the road for many more years after their OEM batteries die. Might be a few years though, but trust that the aftermarket will start making them -- if not Tesla themselves making lower dollar battery replacements. Furthermore I think the motors will last a good long time too -- not hearing much about them failing outside of people driving them into lakes. Sure, a few burn up -- but regardless what you say people are still migrating to electric cars and to have one would no doubt bring in electric car business. If you can see that, well... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Re-the batteries...

1. They're more toxic to the environment, both before manufacture in mining the shyte, & after, with no-where to dispose of the shyte safely.

2. My bike battery claims 3,000 full-discharge cycles before death...On that basis, that equals about 8.21 years life expectancy...So on the basis of them costing 8K for OEM replacement, you are paying $02:75 USD each day for that replacement battery, or if you rather, a little under $20:00 per week, once you buy one.

3. You will also find, just like lap-top batteries, that even though reading fully charged, the time to full discharge shortens & shortens, even though it reads in "good condition" & "battery OK"...This means you can't plan trips, or plan ahead.

4. This is simply a "band-aid" experiment imo. The real solution lays in a free energy device fitted into a regular car, that separates the hydrogen & oxygen from water. This way, all the car companies can keep going strong, as you simply fill-up with water.

5. The technology already exists, so ask why isn't it being used, & why do we have to deal with Elon & his useless un-recyclable, throw-away crap, that's more toxic in the long-run ?

6. I know that I would love to be cruising around in a 460 ci V-8 coupe, that's powered by water, wouldn't you ?

What disgraceful way to simply keep the Military Industrial Complex going, & evil people in some power via the DoE, & their nuclear bullshyte.

Time to read the attachment folks, I'll post it in here too...


1991.pdf (269.7 kb)

"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I understand all that, Rastus... Re-the batteries.

But I was renting the car... and everyone knows a "rental" is much more "in the moment" than a purchase...

That being said, it didn't skip a beat -- the entire time during my rental! In terms of drivability...



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SELLC wrote:

I handed over the Tesla Key Card and lord knows what that car got into that night after the kids took it! LOL, what I do know is there are cameras ALL OVER this car -- in the side pillars, in the rear, in the front, in the car -- everywhere! You don't think about it as much after time but trust me -- they are there and they are watching! The way the Tesla works is that it has it's own cell-network connection that it uses for all sorts of things from over the air updates, to the GPS Maps you use for directions! The car is connected with lots of camera's and a MASSIVE battery. Who knows what could be done in terms of eavesdropping -- but the reality is, it's just a bigger and badder version of what could go on with your cell phone. It's all digital and behind the scenes! But you could be sure that if Elon Musk wanted to know, see and hear anything going on in one of his "connected" Teslas -- he could! Not that he would, but things being as they are -- he COULD! Same goes with anyone with a warrant... But just something to think about when you're driving a Tesla. 


Can't say I didn't anticipate this. 

Police Are Getting Warrants To Seize Teslas For Camera Recordings



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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So when do we read your review of Toyota's Water Powered Car ?...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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