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Post Info TOPIC: RIP former POTUS Carter
Was POTUS Carter to yours, & the US-of-I(UK)'s liking ??? [4 vote(s)]

He was a schmuck.
He was great.
He was honest.
He got shafted just like POTUS Nixon.
He loved peanuts.
He had a great smile.
He had a great suntan.
We will miss him.
He accomplished a great deal during his term.
He accomplished sweet FA.
His philanthropical work post presidency is to be commended.
He told the world that he was a mall fish in a pond with bigger fish, so that deserves respect.
He told the world that he ws not the most powerful man in the world, so that deserves respect.
He broke the meet the new boss, same as the old boss mold.
POTUS who ???...
I was too young to remember him.
Was he a Donkey or an Elephant ???...
He helped bring peace to the world during his term.
I couldn't give a rats-ass.
I'll send some flowers.


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RIP former POTUS Carter


POTUS Carter has moved-on ! Many say he was a good POTUS, & just as many say he was a poor one.


What are your thoughts ???...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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He is an example of a life very well lived. Rest in peace Mr. President.



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No shock here that PowerStroker is more than willing to suck off any Democrat President... even a very poor one like Carter, however I cannot speak to Carter's early years as President as I was simpily too young...

All that I can go on for his SINGLE TERM as President is what I have been told by other people prior to the internet -- and that is he was a horrible President that had no business in office. Nobody I know ever suggested he did anything good for the American people in his term, and many think he set us back. I'm glad President Reagan defeated him, and I think in what I have seen from Carter in his later years with my own eyes -- that people were right about him prior to the internet.

Carter publicly tried to suggest that Trump was an illegitimate President installed by Russia of all countries... this was prior to his turning into a vegetable and voting for perhaps the WORST candidate for POTUS in the history of EVER -- Kamala Harris.

Generally people say you shouldn't speak poorly of the dead, however I think that tradition only serves to allow people to not care much about their legacy -- and in that respect I think it's a bad idea... then again this one of them selective traditions as you don't find many people talking highly of Hitler... Was Jimmy Carter Hitler? No, but you don't have to be Hitler to be a partisan hack.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Did Reagan really defeat him, or did he win by engaging in a conspiracy to have Iran hold the hostages until just after the election?

There is plenty of evidence to suggest Reagan was engaged in espionage here.



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SELLC wrote:

1.No shock here that PowerStroker is more than willing to suck off any Democrat President... even a very poor one like Carter, however I cannot speak to Carter's early years as President as I was simply too young...

2.All that I can go on for his SINGLE TERM as President is what I have been told by other people prior to the internet -- and that is he was a horrible President that had no business in office. Nobody I know ever suggested he did anything good for the American people in his term, and many think he set us back. I'm glad President Reagan defeated him, and I think in what I have seen from Carter in his later years with my own eyes -- that people were right about him prior to the internet.

3.He publicly tried to suggest that Trump was an illegitimate President installed by Russia of all countries... this was prior to his turning into a vegetable and voting for perhaps the WORST candidate for POTUS in the history of EVER -- Kamala Harris.

4.Generally people say you shouldn't speak poorly of the dead, however I think that tradition only serves to allow people to not care much about their legacy -- and in that respect I think it's a bad idea... then again this one of them selective traditions as you don't find many people talking highly of Hitler... Was Jimmy Carter Hitler? No, but you don't have to be Hitler to be a partisan hack.




R1. Mr.Carter was seen as a saving light after the media & CIA messed-up Mr.Nixon's presidency, as both were wanting to disclose the facts about the UFO phenomena...And the American people weren't so wanting to elect Mr.Ford officially, since he was placed into both the Vice-President role, followed by the POTUS role without being elected by the public. Add-in the fact that Mr.Nixon was rightfully pardoned by Mr.Ford, it was inevitable that Jimmy was going to win, since the corruption within your gov't was exposed once again, as displayed by the JFK assassination. The 4th Reich that infiltrated your gov't via "Operation Paper-clip" ensured their hidden power remained & agenda secret.

R2. Mr.Carter learned & disclosed that the gov't is corrupt, & is secretly ran by people higher than himself. There was nothing he could do that wasn't countered by the Secret gov't, as assisted by Mr.Bush snr, the then head of the CIA. One of POTUS Carter's election promises was to disclose what the gov't knew about the UFO phenomena, but was told to "-uck-off" by Mr.Bush.

R3. The Deep-State / elite / illuminati always run their agenda by the same methods, since they keep-on working with success ! Simply baffle the public with bullshyte constantly, & then offer the solutions to the problems they created in the first place...It's very-much along-the-lines of the "finance, build, destroy then repeat" methodology.

R4. Everyone has the right to say what they want, at least in the short-term...I doubt the dead give-a-rats-ass about what you have to say about them, as they've moved-on to better things.

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 31st of December 2024 07:35:13 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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RIP peanut man. He lived long enough to see he would not go down in history as the worst president ever, Biden has that spot.

Drive it like you stole it


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Here's a short cut & paste read implying that the former POTUS Carter did very-much have everyone's sorry-asses in his consideration...I give him a huge thumbs-up for this effort below yo !!!

JIMMY CARTER: Nuke Watchdog Commemorations

January 2, 2025

Given his very extensive involvement in key nuclear issues, president Jimmy Carters death, at age 100, on December 29, 2024, elicited response from nuclear watchdogs.

Tom Clements, Savannah River Site (SRS) Watch director, published a tribute: Thank you, Jimmy Carter, for your monumental environmental and non-proliferation decision in 1977! South Carolina and the nation owe you a debt of gratitude.

Clements focused on Carters decision to halt commercial reprocessing in the U.S., which led to the cancellation of the Barnwell, South Carolina reprocessing facility near the border with Georgia, in the same town as a leaking low-level radioactive waste dump serving several dozen states for decades on end. Rural Barnwell, South Carolina is majority African American, with low-income challenges. It is also the birthplace of musician James Brown. It is nearby not only the SRS nuclear weapons complex, but also the Vogtle nuclear power plant on the Georgia side of the Savannah River, the largest in the country by both number of reactors (four), as well as nuclear mega-wattage-electric (more than 4,000).

Bob Alvarez of Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), former senior advisor to the Energy Secretary during the Clinton administration, added that Carter, as Governor of [Georgia], stopped the [Atomic Energy Commission] plan to dig a 15-foot diameter shaft and dispose of 80 million gallons of high-level radioactive wastes at the Savannah River Plant beneath the regions primary ground water supply.

Glenn Carroll, Nuclear Watch South coordinator, celebrated Carters appointment of Tennessee Valley Authority chair S. David Freeman (pictured above, with the president in the Oval Office), who cancelled nine proposed atomic reactors.

As Carroll pointed out, Jimmy Carters stand against [commercial] reprocessing not only halted the U.S. reprocessing endeavor but largely chilled the technology globally.

This came at a crucial time. Argentina and Brazil, as well as South Korea and Taiwan, followed Carters lead and banned commercial radioactive waste reprocessing. Each country was a military dictatorship at the time, embroiled in cross-border tensions with their geopolitical neighbors, and were flirting with the idea of becoming nuclear weapons powers. Commercial irradiated nuclear fuel reprocessing would have provided them with a pathway to obtaining weapons-usable Plutonium-239.

In 1974, India followed just such a pathway to nuclear weapons status, using a Canadian CANDU research reactor, and U.S. reprocessing technology. This sparked a nuclear arms race with rival Pakistan.

As previously mentioned above, Carroll also shared that:

Dave Freeman and Arjun Makhijanis Time to Choose report on renewable energy inspired Carter to appoint Dave to the TVA board where Dave distinguished himself by cancelling nine reactors on order and launched a public power career in which he saw goals of the [1974] report becoming real. Despite nuclear industry hype we see the present day colossal success of wind and solar energy as nuclear continues to lose momentum.

Freeman, nicknamed The Green Cowboy, headed up the Ford Foundations Energy Policy Project in the early 1970s. Freeman hired Makhijani to co-author the A Time to Choose: Americas Energy Future report.

Makhijani went on to found the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER), where he serves as president. In August, 2007, Makhijani authored Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy, which he dedicated to Freeman, as well as to Beyond Nuclears founding president, Helen Caldicott.

Carroll also commented that: Jimmy Carter cast a long shadow! His example of wearing a sweater and turning down the thermostat resulted in flat energy demand growth for at least two decades.

Carroll also shared a Mother Jones article, by Kai Bird, published on Dec. 29, 2024, The Bold Environmental Vision of President Jimmy Carter: He protected Alaskas wilderness and promoted solar energy before it was cool.

Carter was also famous for installing solar panels on the White House. The New York Times has published an article entitled What Happened to Carters White House Solar Panels? They Lived On. The panels, removed under Ronald Reagan, found new homes from Maine to China. And their legacy still reverberates.

(In a later presidential administration, Steven Strong of Solar Design Associates was hired to install solar panels in the White House swimming pool area. After Ronald Reagans solar sabotage decades earlier, Strong joked he installed the solar panels extra well, so they would be very difficult to remove. Steven Strong, and his wife Marilyn Strong, were Beyond Nuclear Launch Partners in 2007 when we were founded, and continued to serve and support us for years thereafter.)

Jimmy Carter also established a key radioactive waste policy task force during his administration. Its final report laid much of the groundwork for the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as Amended.

Carter, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, also attempted to hammer out a key nuclear arms reduction treaty SALT II, Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II with the Soviet Union. He effectively succeeded, even though the U.S. Senate never ratified the treaty. As reported by the U.S. State Department:

On June 17, 1979, Carter and [Soviet leader] Brezhnev signed the SALT II Treaty in Vienna. SALT II limited the total of both nations nuclear forces to 2,250 delivery vehicles and placed a variety of other restrictions on deployed strategic nuclear forces, including MIRVs [Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles].

However, a broad coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats grew increasingly skeptical of the Soviet Unions crackdown on internal dissent, its increasingly interventionist foreign policies, and the verification process delineated in the Treaty. On December 17, 1979, 19 Senators wrote Carter that Ratification of a SALT II Treaty will not reverse trends in the military balance adverse to the United States. On December 25, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, and on January 3, 1980, Carter asked the Senate not to consider SALT II for its advice and consent, and it was never ratified. Both Washington and Moscow subsequently pledged to adhere to the agreements terms despite its failure to enter into force. Carters successor Ronald Reagan, a vehement critic of SALT II during the 1980 presidential campaign, agreed to abide by SALT II until its expiration on December 31, 1985, while he pursued the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and argued that research into the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) adhered to the 1972 ABM [Anti-Ballistic Missile] Treaty.

Jimmy Carters Nobel Peace Prize had to do with his use of the Office of the President of the United States as a mere stepping stone. Carter, a skilled carpenter himself, made Habitat for Humanity a household name, thanks to his decades of volunteer home-building for low-income families. The Carter Center in Atlanta, under the former presidents leadership, pursued such noble causes as international peace negotiations, overseas election observation, and disease eradication.

The First Lady served as his co-equal partner is many of these pursuits, just as she had done in the White House years. At the time of her death, Eleanor Rosalynn (née Smith) Carter, also born and raised in Plains, GA, had been married to Jimmy Carter for 77 years. She trail-blazed her own advocacy path as First Lady, including on mental health issues, promoting childhood reading, etc.

Despite Jimmy Carters positive and praiseworthy record summarized above, throughout his career, including while president of the United States, some of his actions re: nuclear power and weaponry were more troubling.

Of course, as president and commander in chief, Carter oversaw the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal. This included full-scale nuclear weapons testing on Western Shoshone land, at the Nevada Test Site, from 1977 to 1981. Although such testing was conducted underground during that time period, under the requirements of the Atmospheric Test Ban Treaty, an estimated one-third of underground tests in the U.S. were vented to the atmosphere anyway, either accidentally, or intentionally.

Along with First Lady Rosalynn Carter ((August 18, 1927 November 19, 2023), Jimmy Carter toured the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant, just days after Unit 2 had a 50% core meltdown. An element of the staff at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) was, at that moment, still concerned a dangerous hydrogen explosion could occur.

The Carters TMI-2 tour was an attempt to downplay concerns about the worst reactor meltdown in U.S. history. Its significance still unfolds to this day. (See, for example, Beyond Nuclears coverage at the 35th annual commemoration in 2014. Also see Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) coverage at the 25th annual commemoration in 2004.)

The Carters tour of TMI led to a spoof by Saturday Night Live entitled The Coca-Cola Syndrome.

However, TMI-2 was not Jimmy Carters first close encounter with a serious reactor disaster. In 1952, as a young U.S. Nuclear Navy officer, Carter was sent to Chalk River, Ontario, Canada, to help deal with the aftermath of the first known reactor disaster in world history.

Jimmy Carter, a Naval Academy graduate (Class of 1946), also served in high posts in Admiral Hyman Rickovers Nuclear Navy, including commanding a nuclear submarine.

After leaving office, former President Carter spoke at the dedication of a nuclear powered, and armed, attack submarine named after him.

Although Rickover had offered Carter a very high-ranking command position in the Nuclear Navy, Carter instead chose to return to his tiny hometown of Plains, Georgia to carry on the familys peanut farming, after his fathers death. (Carters father had also served in the Georgia state legislature.) Jimmy Carter then later won election to the Sumter County school board, the Georgia state legislature, the Georgia governorship, and the U.S. presidency.

While campaigning for president in New Hampshire in 1976, Jimmy Carter got in hot water with the groundbreaking anti-nuclear power movement there, which was battling against the Seabrook nuclear power plant. As documented by Green Mountain Post Films in the 1978 documentary film The Last Resort, Carter referred to nuclear power as just that:

Candidate Jimmy Carter comes to New Hampshire in 1976 and calls nuclear power the last resort; Tony and Louisa Santasuccl, angry Seabrook residents whose land borders the plant site: We dont need a monster like that!.

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 3rd of January 2025 08:03:56 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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May be an image of 4 people and text



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I will lower my flag for him on January 9th as a show of respect for the Presidency -- but no single man deserves to have 30 days at half staff!

Just typical Democrat BULLSHIT! I remember when Obama was in office and he abused the hell out of the half-staff orders, to the point the flag would be half-staff days -- weeks and even months at a time! NO MORE!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.I will lower my flag for him on January 9th as a show of respect for the Presidency -- but no single man deserves to have 30 days at half staff!

2.Just typical Democrat BULLSHIT! I remember when Obama was in office and he abused the hell out of the half-staff orders, to the point the flag would be half-staff days -- weeks and even months at a time! NO MORE!


R1. He was a good man, did his time in the Armed Forces within the Navy, served as best he could as POTUS with his hands tied, he was a peace-keeper, wanted to abolish nukes, reveal the truth about our ET friends, & managed to live to 100...And helped the underprivileged after his presidency...He deserves some respect.

R2.Jimmy was also I'm pretty-sure the last real POTUS you had, that actually served in the armed forces to defend the country. It appears that from this point onwards, Hollywood b-graders & TV show hosts became acceptable candidates...

Do you recognize a problem here ?


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Just because someone serves in the armed forces doesn't mean they are absolved of everything they do after. 

Carter was a partisan hack until his last dying days! Mostly because his party wheeled his lifeless body around putting words in his mouth -- heck, I'm willing to bet someone else filled out his ballot for him!

I'd say I'm only happy he lived to see Kamala lose to a landslide Trump victory -- but we both know he probably hasn't had any idea of anything going on around him for at least the past four years -- much like Biden.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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And I might add, Rastus, that politics in the USA has never been like this prior to Obama! The hate and division since that POS took office has been THRU THE ROOF!

It's a shame, really.

I liked it better when everyone got along and just left the vitriol to the politicians... but now everything has gotten political.

The only silver lining is that Obama has pretty much bankrupted the race card... as seen by this most recent election where "team Obama" (Obama, Biden and Harris) were kicked to the curb! People ain't buying that bullshit anymore.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yeah, white supremacy is a curse our country has lived with since its founding.



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You can just shut up about it pal... you don't even have a race card, whiteboy!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Odd that you would suddenly become offended at the mention of white supremacy.



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I'm not offended in the slightest, PowerStroker! I'm not sure how you got to that conclusion, but I was more or less embarassed for YOU -- and that is why I called you Pal... as if to say, speak for yourself, Pal.

Not sure why you would even make such a comment... Carter was white! If you want to express your grievances about being white to a group of suprematist -- then by all means, go to one of your local Klan meetings and speak your mind! Nobody stoping you!

Be sure to take a friend to hold the video camera though, I'd like to see how this plays out for you.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Carter was white !



What a great assessment ! I guess this means MrTrumpdt is orange then ???...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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No, he's "Golden".

"Non-Stick" if you will... does not oxidize or tarnish.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

Yeah, white supremacy is a curse our country has lived with since its founding.

 Biden has been a white supremist since his founding too. 

Drive it like you stole it


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Could you elaborate on that?



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I put my flag back up at full staff... President Carter got off easy, because what we are going to see come tomorrow is something so hell bent on making a mockery of our incoming President that I don't know what to think.

We should enjoy these next 10 days because come January 20th, I fear the worst is going to unfold. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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