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Post Info TOPIC: Los Angeles California Wildfires 2025
How did the fires happen? [3 vote(s)]

Poor planning
Freak accident -- all five of them
Mountian DEW
No eye deer


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Los Angeles California Wildfires 2025

Having visited Los Angeles California a number of times to vaction it hurts to see it burn... I was always treated well and felt safe in Hollywood! But that is only because I stuck to the high dollar areas -- because even the tourist trap places were rather unsafe, dangerous even if you went at night. Most of the times while in LA, I was either with a woman or going to meet a woman. It's worth noting that I have never actually met any women from LA that I went to meet.

That said, there is some serious issues in California -- namely Los Angeles and the surrounding areas... they are DEMOCRAT controlled and run! Also worth noting, NONE of these higher end areas like Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Burbank have been touched by these fires... Yes, once there was a little flare up in the Hollywood Hills, which was probably arson -- just to prove the point that: THEY HAD THAT FIRE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS OUT IN AN HOUR!

That being said, I think what we are seeing in California is class warfare.... I say this because these fires are nothing new! When Brandee and I drove out there in 2017 to drive the grapevine and enjoy some vinyard-vine-fresh wine -- The Grapevine was on fire! Couldn't go! All blocked off and on fire... every year since there have been fires in California! A state that half of it's coastline borders the OCEAN! Yes, that is right! Literally a limitless supply of water to put out the entire state of California and not even make a dent in the oceans water level!

Here we have Liberal California wasting all this money on illegals, DEI and gender reasignment -- and they can't even figure out how to install massive pumps to all the major metropolitan areas for emergency! Their pumps for water pressure failed when they shut down the electric grid in California -- because they didn't have generators running this critical infrastructure! What kind of POOR PLANNING IS THAT!? Where does all the money it cost to build anything in California go? Well it has become CLEAR that it's kicked back up to the big guys. It wouldn't cost much to install emergency pipes that are only used in such emergencies that are backed up by generator at each major city... It's been happening every year from Fall to Spring!

Depending on how much longer it rages on it will start to have an effect on our insurance companies and even our economy! These houses that are burning up are some of the most expensive in the WORLD! You can't tell me that this isn't going to break the bank! And now Biden has stepped in with Federal support, which means we all get a bite of this sh!t sandwich! But why? It's because of POOR Democrat leadership -- yeah, they may be poor in the planning department but it's not ironic that they are very rich in the kickback and net worth Department! Most of them having politics as their career! Yes, that is right! They have become FILTHY RICH because of politics! I'm not saying Politics shouldn't pay well, but here in the Private Sector we expect RESULTS! I think it should be the same in Poltics!

No more money for other countries -- we been saying this since the 1980's! All the money that the Government has given (LOANED) to me, has to be paid back WITH INTEREST! And when I finally do get things balanced out, I'll be paying big taxes! Then of course, not much later, I'll be dead... because the good life for Gen X doesn't seem to jive with the term "retirement" until WELL AFTER 75 years old... which according to Google and the current life expectancy for a male at 77.43 years -- I'll get to enjoy two and a half years of retirement before I kick the bucket... and from everything else I have seen -- it looks like anything after about 80 is normally spent unable to do anything but get pissed of watching the news as you fight some sort of age related aliment. Thing is, most illegals won't even been in this country in another 10 years! Most of them will commit crimes and be deported in less than FIVE! So why are we spending so much money on them? I know that California spends a TON of money on illegals! And I know I was talking about the Wildfires in LA, but it all sort of goes hand in hand -- and the irony is, it's probably the illegals who are setting these fires! 

That's right! MANY of these fires look to have been the result of arson! I could be wrong, but it just feels/looks a lot like arson!

All the poltics and other after the fact stuff asside, I feel bad for the people who have lost their homes -- some of them even victims of the fire! I think the total is up to 11 dead and increasing at the time of writing.

I'm not from California, nor have I ever lived there -- but I do enjoy the occasional visit from time to time. It's taken me YEARS to gut even a single day there, but over time I have built up a tolerance and have even made it for four whole days on my last visit! But like I've said above, I've never really gone for the verdant as fuck landscape -- and the one time that I did -- the woman HATED IT! I can only imagine the loss and heartbreak of all the people who lived there and had their entire lives just burnt thru in what amounts to a days worth of fire.

Nobody wants to discount the loss of the people who were directly impacted by this tragedy! But going forward, I have been a 1st hand witness to this fire phenomena since 2017! That is EIGHT YEARS now! No wonder insurance companies are pulling out! We have a state where 50% of it's border is OCEAN! Yet they burn down from Fall to Spring because they don't have any water? C'mon! That is a management problem and anyone saying otherwise isn't serious about living in major population centers/cities in California! 

 Godspeed, California.

-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 11th of January 2025 07:24:25 PM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I couldn't vote, not enough options...

But James of ECETI fore-warned about all this in his news-letters as posted in the UFO thread, countless times...

Nothing new here, everyone was warned. Time to wake-up, get into CE-5 & change the course of your future.

James Gilliland qt."Nothing can stop what is coming. The planetary liberation is cosmic, multidimensional, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is unstoppable. The entire Universe is behind it. There are two choices. The upward spiral living in harmony with each other and nature living a spiritual life according to Universal Law. The other choice is to be self-serving, lust for power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth, the downward spiral ending in social, economic and environmental collapse. Karma is accelerating. Everything is being revealed nothing will remain hidden. Time to make a choice. For those who missed it Universal Law is Universal Peace. Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. When you step out of Universal Law you create Karma. In some cases, it will be Truckma. Time to Unite, release the past, forgive yourself and others, transcend all religious and cultural boundaries and work together to end the tyranny, the enslavers, the war and disease profiteers, those promoting the divisions, the keep them sick, poor and stupid agendas. The group that is at war with the Creator in all creation. They serve different gods that thrive on death and destruction. We are all in this together. It is time to unite under Universal Law. A whole new world is waiting for us. A quantum leap in consciousness, energy and evolution. A world where spiritual technologies will look like magic"...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Give us a fucking break with your cult recruitment, would ya?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Give us a fucking break with your cult recruitment, would ya?


LOL !!!

I herby declare, that I'm an Australian, & have nothing to do with Trumpdt enterprises, Trumpdt Golf-links, Trumpdt Platinum Club, Trumpdt Hotels, Trumpdt University or Trumpdt Library...Or the Republ....I mean Trumpdt politacal cult / party.

Do you reckon Mr.Trumpdt will salary acrifice again, & pay-back the students from his University scandal ?...He's such a great person after-all...

*All the best to those suffering through the fires. Everyday does come to an end.


-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 12th of January 2025 02:55:31 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

Give us a fucking break with your cult recruitment, would ya?


LOL !!!

I herby declare, that I'm an Australian, & have nothing to do with Trumpdt enterprises, Trumpdt Golf-links, Trumpdt Platinum Club, Trumpdt Hotels, Trumpdt University or Trumpdt Library...Or the Republ....I mean Trumpdt politacal cult / party.



-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 12th of January 2025 02:55:31 AM

 You will, he gonna own the dirt you sit on! bwahaha Putting a trump tower up right in the way of your view.

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee_B wrote:
Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

Give us a fucking break with your cult recruitment, would ya?


LOL !!!

I herby declare, that I'm an Australian, & have nothing to do with Trumpdt enterprises, Trumpdt Golf-links, Trumpdt Platinum Club, Trumpdt Hotels, Trumpdt University or Trumpdt Library...Or the Republ....I mean Trumpdt politacal cult / party.


 You will, he gonna own the dirt you sit on! bwahaha Putting a trump tower up right in the way of your view.


I doubt it...Though China owns some land, we are actually owned by King Charles, & he doesn't need any money...And he owns the US-of-A Corporation....So its a dead-end...

And there's nothing for Mr.Trumpdt to buy that doesn't already exist...Generally here in Australia, everyone lives within 150-miles of the coast, since the interior is arid-lands...All you find is a gas station every 150-miles, & abandoned mine-sites.

All that aside, the world is changing with the official arrival of the benevolent ET's. This is guaranteed. Greed & power won't be needed.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I think you better dust off your history books there my kiwi friend...

In 1776 the United States divorced your monarchy. We don't have a Union Jack on our flag.

And before you go on to your babbling about some old President taking us off the gold standard -- just know that was done to prevent other countries from trying to deplete our gold resevers, which might I add -- are the LARGEST IN THE WORLD! Even bigger than your King Charles stash and China combined.

Have a nice day, and enjoy your new island view



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.I think you better dust off your history books there my kiwi friend...

2.In 1776 the United States divorced your monarchy. We don't have a Union Jack on our flag.

3.And before you go on to your babbling about some old President taking us off the gold standard -- just know that was done to prevent other countries from trying to deplete our gold resevers, which might I add -- are the LARGEST IN THE WORLD! Even bigger than your King Charles stash and China combined.

4.Have a nice day, and enjoy your new island view




R1. Kiwi's are New Zealanders yo...

R2. Who gives a rats-ass ???...

R3. See R2...It's all ending as you know via the Quatum Banking initiative...

To repeat myself once again, the Star of David as used by the Jews, is also representative of the 7-families ( think 7-tribes from the Bible ) from Atlantis-times that actually do run the monetory system. This is what's changing, as the governace as decreed among themselves changes every 4-hundred years or so. The wealth may stay where it is, but the boss changes...

***It was Gearge Bush Snr that bowed before the Queen Stellar, not the other-way-around...Short memory...

R4. Everyday is awesome since I don't have to work, except on my own needs & development. And here's the view we've enjoyed for decades in Melbourne-town yo ! You should move over, much nicer to live here than freezing Michigan...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:


R1. Kiwi's are New Zealanders yo...

R2. Who gives a rats-ass ???...

R3. See R2...It's all ending as you know via the Quatum Banking initiative...

To repeat myself once again, the Star of David as used by the Jews, is also representative of the 7-families ( think 7-tribes from the Bible ) from Atlantis-times that actually do run the monetory system. This is what's changing, as the governace as decreed among themselves changes every 4-hundred years or so. The wealth may stay where it is, but the boss changes...

***It was Gearge Bush Snr that bowed before the Queen Stellar, not the other-way-around...Short memory...

R4. Everyday is awesome since I don't have to work, except on my own needs & development. And here's the view we've enjoyed for decades in Melbourne-town yo ! You should move over, much nicer to live here than freezing Michigan...




RR1 - Eh, ya'll look and sound the same! Close enough, LOL!

RR2 - Everyone not living under the thumb of the Monarchy. 

RR3 - See R2 -- nothing is ending, we are just dealing with numbers now that require quantum processing power.

*** Shhheeeeaaayyyyt... Obama Bowed to the Burger King! So what? He's old news now too! That is the beauty of 1776, Rastus.


RR4 - You act like you don't see winter down on that little island your parents dumped you on... this is the veiw I see when I want to feel like a king for a night


Just across the Detroit River there may be the next 51st State (Canada)... Maybe you will be the 52nd? That's if you haven't sold ALL your land to China by now. ;)


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:

I doubt it...Though China owns some land, we are actually owned by King Charles, & he doesn't need any money...And he owns the US-of-A Corporation....So its a dead-end...

And there's nothing for Mr.Trumpdt to buy that doesn't already exist...Generally here in Australia, everyone lives within 150-miles of the coast, since the interior is arid-lands...All you find is a gas station every 150-miles, & abandoned mine-sites.

All that aside, the world is changing with the official arrival of the benevolent ET's. This is guaranteed. Greed & power won't be needed.

 USA inc was finished Jan 1. 4 years ago they filed chapter 11 INVOLUNTRY bankruptcy in Florida, I have the case number. Charles is nothing anymore (if even alive), neither is the UK. They are done, Bank London done, Rothchilds done, Vatican done. 

Drive it like you stole it


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Shawnee said...


qt."USA inc was finished Jan 1. 4 years ago they filed chapter 11 INVOLUNTRY bankruptcy in Florida, I have the case number. Charles is nothing anymore (if even alive), neither is the UK. They are done, Bank London done, Rothchilds done, Vatican done".

The elite have no borders Shawnee. They govern via the sphere-of-influence that they have, typically the European Aristocracies. The United States has always been their biatch, since you've been their weapons manufacturer, & testing grounds facility.

***You don't test & use these weapons in your own back-yard, only a fool or someone who's told to / servant does, because they are so toxic.

Is your apparent gov't listening to common sense & decensy or Israel ???

The UK has over 60 countries that they own under their umbrella, known as the Commonwealth. And they have nukes along with 9 other countries. This is so they keep what they own.

Big changes coming, mamma & pappa are here to make us clean-up our mess, & get the house in order. Good times to come !


-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 14th of January 2025 06:24:34 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:


Shawnee said...


qt."USA inc was finished Jan 1. 4 years ago they filed chapter 11 INVOLUNTRY bankruptcy in Florida, I have the case number. Charles is nothing anymore (if even alive), neither is the UK. They are done, Bank London done, Rothchilds done, Vatican done".

The elite have no borders Shawnee. They govern via the sphere-of-influence that they have, typically the European Aristocracies. The United States has always been their biatch, since you've been their weapons manufacturer, & testing grounds facility.

***You don't test & use these weapons in your own back-yard, only a fool or someone who's told to / servant does, because they are so toxic.

Is your apparent gov't listening to common sense & decensy or Israel ???

The UK has over 60 countries that they own under their umbrella, known as the Commonwealth. And they have nukes along with 9 other countries. This is so they keep what they own.

Big changes coming, mamma & pappa are here to make us clean-up our mess, & get the house in order. Good times to come !


-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 14th of January 2025 06:24:34 PM

 The elite are almost finished. Ever watch Trumps 2016 "capitulation tour"? 

Elites "owned us" with US INC. BTW, liberals don't believe in 1871 US INC, CIA owned wiki says "it's all a conspiracy theory" and of course the left believes CIA and MSM.


My post was about US INC dissolved specifically. No one believes that either, look it up. They don't believe what Trump has accomplished already not even sworn in. Lets see, peace talks Ukraine, Israel & Hamas ceasefire and talks. Gas was $2.54 today, Bidung did not do that. World hates democrats, look at gas under the kenyan shit stain, worse than bideens. 

Trump did/filed it in 2020, BR of US INK and people who look found it 2020.

IS INK - Involuntary ch 11 bankruptcy - filed FLA, Oct 14 2020 - case #20-40375 (may be 40315, handwritting bad)

Drive it like you stole it


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Drive it like you stole it


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Drive it like you stole it
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