I thought with all post made by PowerStroker why not have a thread to polarize his crazy wild eyed statements without having to hi-jack the original posters thread. While we do appreciate all the hard work PowerStroker gives this forum, this one is for fun and all for PowerStroker.
It's sort of like Where's Waldo the book worm geek, but with a flair. We dont want people to think were trying to re-invent the wheel, but at the same time at least PowerStroker will have the upper hand as all of these quotes were from his keyboard.
Lets see if you can find the threads that he made these famous quotes.
Here it goes-
#1 - I used to work with a gay mechanic. I'm pretty sure he's a better tech than you too... not because he's gay, but because he's smart.
#2 - Using a Roloc is now universally understood to be an unacceptable way of cleaning gasket material from a deck surface
#3 - Eventually you will realize that I hide in the bushes and wait for you to step on your dick.
#4 - Powerstroke Diesel customers however, are generally classier folk, than the average Mercedes customer. LOL - Slight modification from author to polarize the moment.
#5 - Those were my favorite because I could just "fluff" them and take them for an hour road test around Lake Calhoun to make sure everything was ok (and look at boobies).
#6 - Believe it or not, Ford isn't the only company that buys back vehicles #7 - I want a picture of you holding the tool.
#8 - I've actually successfully diagnosed and replaced common rail injectors
#9 - You won't win Rex, I only pick fights I can win.
#10 - A political dispute with PowerStroker is a recipe for your own intellectual development.
#11 - A technical dispute with PowerStroker is a recipe to make you look bad on your own website.
#12 - Pogo isn't exactly small change when it comes to technical knowledge either.
#13 - I may not be the cheapest mechanic in town Rex... I don't need to be.
#14 - I triple dawg dare you
#15 - "might be some truth"
#16 - Better check the blinker fluid and muffler bearings while you're in there
#17- Maybe you could teach me something.
#18 - better load the parts cannon
#19 - Hey Rex, my customer is still interested in your quote to do bedplate gaskets in an 05 6.0 E-Series Ambulance
#20 - Ding Ding Ding... More extra credit points for Hillbilly.
#21 - All Rav's are broomed via auction after I finished them.
#23 - Toe will never be the cause of a pull to either direction.
#24 - At least Hillbilly can fix a modern short bus.
#25 - Tell you what Rex, If we have any questions about Pontiac big blocks from the 70's we'll come to you.
#26 - It shouldn't be difficult for a genius like you.
#27 - Ding Ding Ding... Hillbilly Wins with a 100% score and 20 extra credit points for knowing about the headlight removal.
#28 - If you get Mesothelioma call the Law offices of James Sokolove
#29 - If your junky old Mercedes takes a shit, call the ambulance chasers at Auto Trend
#30 - I'm glad we see eye to eye on something
#31 - Old Mercedes were full of Asbestos
#32 - OOOH sign me up, there's nothing I need more than a Powerstroke photo cd from REX
#33 - Is it working???
#34 - Hmmm, Doesn't FORD own Volvo?
#35 - Pogo is todays boobie prize winner.
#36 - This was never in dispute.
#37 - Your obsession with grinding heads and blocks with roloc discs is only one example of your hackery
#38 - Have you learned your lesson yet Rex? #39 - Fine, show me what you would use then.
#40 - I am always willing to explain any repairs I do.
#41 - Hell Rex, maybe I'm totally wrong about you.
#42 - Geez, I'm just trying to improve your grammar. As professional technicians, we have an image to maintain.
#43 - It didn't say ROAD CROWN Conditions did it?
#44 - I may not be able to fix your $6 haircut, but I'm pretty sure I can fix your $6 Alignment
#45 - 6.0's don't leak oil from the head gaskets Rex
#46 - Ah suck it up and scrape it like a man.
#47 - The Mafia can arrange for such things.
#48 - There is some truth in what you say, but here's the thing.
#49 - Different strokes for different folks I guess.
#50 - This coming from a guy who uses roloc discs to clean heads and deck surfaces.
#51 - As I said, I don't even offer the customer the "economy" option.
#52 - How the fuck am I supposed to know otherwise?
Ill dig up some more later, but I until then enjoy!
P.S. I was going to post this in the AFR, however I figured since all the quotes were taken from this forum, we could all enjoy them here. If it is offencive it's only because PowerStroker said it, and I will move it to the AFR.
-- Edited by SELLC on Thursday 25th of February 2010 05:21:31 AM
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
LIKE A PHOENIX RISING FROM THE ASHES.................... HERE TO SHIT ON REX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#53 - "Nice truck though, for those with a tiny penis anyway."
#54 - "You do realize the term "American" doesn't necessarily refer to old, grumpy, WHITE, conservative motherfuckers don't you?"
#55 - "I dont think youre a bad person Rex, I just think your brain works differently from mine."
#56 - "Perhaps I aspire to be more than the the sum of my sensory experiences. Perhaps I find solace in the idea that feelings aren't the end goal, but rather a tool used in the quest for wisdom."
Until Next Time! Do or Do not... There is no try!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
#61 - "I have what's called "job power," My boss could be sitting in his office eating breakfast. I could barge right in, hop up on is desk, whip out my junk, pee in his Cheerios, and have him beg me to come back and do it again tomorrow."
Maybe we need some famous Rex quotes.... I'm sure we can find some on powerstroke.org
I am sure you wont find any post from me on PowerStroke.org, you can thank your friends at Vertical Scope for that Pogo. They pulled the plug because I was making a lot of their top members giving bad advice look like idiots. I was posting up detailed photos to support my claims and had I been permitted to finish 90% of that forum would have been exposed. Same with BenzWorld.org.
Get your head out of your ass Pogo. I never claimed to be god, but I hold myself to a higher standard than 90% of the people giving advice on them Advertisement forums.
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
#62 - Shit Rex, that was over 3000 pages. Nobody is actually going to read it. It wasn't until after it passed that I found out there was language in it that made the "mandate" non enforceable. Think of all the other good things we don't even know about it yet.
From now on I will give the link to PowerStrokers famous quotes. Should I ever get the time to link up the rest listed above; I will. But I wouldn't hold your breath.
People! We have ourselves a real "POSTER" here! Forget CLK Man! PowerStroker is our man!
I think I shall endorce PowerStroker in my signature for his 2010 poser award. Consider it done!
-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 15th of September 2010 06:38:16 PM
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
That's funny... I thought you were more full of shit, than old fashioned.
You hi-jack some dudes photo, you come in here asking for help removing your head from your ass all the while KNOWING you are a shit head!
Look, I don't normally do this, but in this case I think you would be more with "Your kind of people" by visiting this other site - http://www.benzworld.org You will be right as home over there.
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
Thank you PowerStroker... For so unselfishly suggesting "I thought the "lots of racists have a black president" line was among my best for example. "-PowerStroker
So there you go, PowerStroker ain't one bit racist.... Naw.... I mean I personally didn't want to go there, but he insisted. PowerStroker has a deck FULL of race cards issued by the Democratic National Convention and is often times seen trying to use this no-longer valid card with disastrous effects.
But word on the street is PowerStroker is all set to get his KKK embossed plate and has even been using Clorox bleach for his whites, rather than the traditional no-name brand.
And he swears that the Disney Channel being over-run by the big Zero's wife (dressed in proper African colors), and their new "Black awareness Anything is possible" which is dedicated solely to black A listers isn't one bit racist at all. I mean after all they have a black president too, yet he still insist that we need more awareness and play's his off trump race card and says "UAW Local baby!","Whats good for me is good for you".
This is when I have to wake PowerStroker up and say.... Look pal, there isn't one damn thing wrong with Disney, your whites still look like shit, and there is no way in hell you could afford a personalized plate. Furthermore the race card was paid to a ZERO BALANCE and closed the moment Americans elected a black President.
But nice try... .
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
#66 "Former senator Alan Simpson said 'Social Security is a milk cow with 300 Million tits.' All I want is two." Not on this site, but it just cracked up Princess Putz.
Don't forget this gem rex, I worked hard on it: #61 - "I have what's called "job power," My boss could be sitting in his office eating breakfast. I could barge right in, hop up on is desk, whip out my junk, pee in his Cheerios, and have him beg me to come back and do it again tomorrow."
It WAS Cheerios!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
On that day yes, but my boss doesn't eat the same thing every day, and I'm willing to pee on whatever it is he's eating... Except I have to be on my best behavior for the next 6 weeks until my raise kicks in, then it's back to being PowerStroker.
Sounds like PowerStrokers gone from peeing in the Cheerios, to peeing in his boss's pocket...At least for a little while...
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.
#73 - "You can tell that Bush really had Bin Laden running for his life... What with the living in a big house in downtown Abbottabad with multiple wives and a huge collection of porn and all."
Love that new avatar photo... They should make it a USA "Forever" stamp, since were doing things like Harry Potter stamps - I don't see the big deal... I know I'd buy a sheet for sure! LOL!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl