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Post Info TOPIC: Fukushima radiation - Isn't this the REAL crisis facing the world?


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RE: Fukushima radiation - Isn't this the REAL crisis facing the world?

If a bunch of Mexican's dug El Chapo out of jail, then these Asians could figure out something to dig down under the core and encapsulate the core with some kind of ceramic sphere. 

You mean to tell me they don't know how far it has sunk into the earth!? I'm not buying it! What's to stop it from burning clear thru to the other side of the earth!? The earths core!? And what happens when it's exposed to the earths molten magma core? 

These are pretty simple questions... The only thing we got out of there are these blurry photos of a hole that looks like something out of the movie Alien!?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.If a bunch of Mexican's dug El Chapo out of jail, then these Asians could figure out something to dig down under the core and encapsulate the core with some kind of ceramic sphere. 

2.You mean to tell me they don't know how far it has sunk into the earth!?

3. I'm not buying it! What's to stop it from burning clear thru to the other side of the earth!? The earths core!?

4.And what happens when it's exposed to the earths molten magma core? 

These are pretty simple questions... The only thing we got out of there are these blurry photos of a hole that looks like something out of the movie Alien!?


a1. They can't do this just yet, as readings taken near the site reveal the appearance of short-lived "xenon-radio-isotopes", & these babies are a tell-tale that a nuclear reaction is still taking place. It's also because of the presence of these isotopes ( & others ) that we know that the Japanese gov't & even the US-of-A gov't have been bullshitting everyone since day-1. ( The US-of-A has an embassy in Tokyo with detectors mounted on its roof, it has known all along what's going on, but decided as usual to bullshit everyone, in defense of the  nuclear industry ).

If you encase the fuel while it's still fissioning, expect another, likely even worse explosion...

a2. They have no idea. It's impossible to get close to observe anything. Without knowing how much fuel is present, how do you know how deep it's sunk ?

a3. If it made it to the center of the earth, that's where it would stop. (Gravity attracts, it does not repel).

a4. I guess the radioactivity then gets evenly distributed, & the whole world gets even doses through the ground. Just like stirring your sugar around in your coffee.

a5. It is what it is, & we're lucky to even have these photos.

People have to understand that Nukes is a technology well beyond man's grasp, & it should be left well alone, as it really has no use except for killing everything for millions of years as a result of its use.

Man's ego, & desire to rule the world, is the only reason it's still in play today. It's old dinosaur technology. And the consequences of what happens when thing go wrong are devastating to say the least.

It takes over 35-years for the peak readings of some of these isotopes to start to reduce. This means that were still reading the fall-out from atmospheric testing in the 1980's ( & the 1950's too ) as it finally falls to earth. Great...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I'm still not buying it... You can't tell me there isn't something out there that puts out such fissioning. I'm also at a loss when it comes to people claiming that they don't know how much of this material is in the earth! They don't know how much they put in the reactors originally? Seriously? I think it's safe to assume that something stinks there!

They burn this $hit in reactors all the time that insulate it and control it... Something is seriously wrong here and I am shocked places like China or Russia aren't threatening invading Japan just to fix the issue before it gets worse, which it appears to be doing!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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a1. Yes there are, the Sun, & other nuclear reactors.

a2. From memory from one of my posts, each reactor had around 1,533 fuel rods, that weighed in at 2:0 Tonnes each...( You only need 10-kg of this stuff for a thermo-nuclear-device ). Within the confines of a Nuke-plant, the nuclear reaction is controlled via cooling water. You lose the cooling water, & "ker-boom", which is what's happened here...- An out-of-control-nuclear-reaction. So it's pretty difficult to know how many fuels rods went "ker-boom", or where to find them, since you can't go near the thing. However, since Xenon-isotopes are still being registered / recorded, this is one of a few tell-tale that fissioning / a nuclear reaction is still taking place.

a3. Most people are smart enough not to go near the place, as they know how bad it is, & how much death it's going cause. Why don't you go there & have a look for yourself ?...I just got an email from Qantas offering flights to Japan for $59:00...

No Nukes is Good Nukes !!!



NEWS FLASH....The Japanese have donated to the victims of the USS Ronald Reagan 200-million Yen, as compensation for their illnesses, that the US-of-A government refuses to acknowledge, & has doctors insisting that their sickness is not radiation-related. (I love the US-of-A....Yeah right...)

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 5th of February 2017 10:03:18 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Each reactor had 1500+ Fuel rods that weigh two tons each!? Is that what you're telling us? And how many reactors were there?

4500 two ton rods possibly in play here? Is that what you're telling us?

My gawd man, tell me I am way off... PLEASE!

How many fuel rods does each reactor burn at a time!? Can't they store the other rods elsewhere? I mean wouldn't that make sense? Even before something like this happened you would think they would store the unused fuel rods at least in another building that was designed to be safe in the event of a reactor problem!

Something isn't adding up here Rastus!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I mean... 1500 rods... What happen if they all end up touching and lighting each other off? Kind of like them Snake fireworks is how I imagine it..

Could this be a reason we are getting readings now that are higher than when it first happened? Is it possible the lack of action while they were still relatively close to the surface has allowed them to start lighting one another off? If that's the case it could go thru the roof!

Looking at the photo you posted it sure doesn't look like 5 two ton rods could fit in that hole let alone 1500! Are you sure they aren't dropping a few more down the hole just to p1ss everyone off? It's just not making sense and that's what bothers me the most.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Rastus wrote:


Containment vessel hole.jpg


It's hard to get an idea of the size of that hole Rastus, really nothing there to scale it to size. Looks more or less like someone bagged one of Ripley's bad guys.

^^ From the movie Aliens ^^

Well I guess this is what the storage area looks like...

From my understanding this is where they store them.... I wonder if that photo you posted is where they burn them?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.I mean... 1500 rods... What happen if they all end up touching and lighting each other off? Kind of like them Snake fireworks is how I imagine it..

2.Could this be a reason we are getting readings now that are higher than when it first happened?

3.Is it possible the lack of action while they were still relatively close to the surface has allowed them to start lighting one another off?

4.If that's the case it could go thru the roof!

5.Looking at the photo you posted it sure doesn't look like 5 two ton rods could fit in that hole let alone 1500! Are you sure they aren't dropping a few more down the hole just to p1ss everyone off?

6.It's just not making sense and that's what bothers me the most.


a1. Well, since there's no-where to store the old "spent-fuel-rods", they store them directly above the nuclear reactors themselves, in cooling water. Those 3-explosions that happened on March 11, 2011, from each reactor, are effectively all of the fuel, & old fuel rods going "kerboom", which is why we're all likely to die sooner than later from this event, & the toxins that we've inhaled, drank, & eaten.

a2. You're getting reading higher now because they've opened up sealed buildings to get a glimpse of what remains. The first thing they tried was to build short-term enclosures to reduce radiation pollution. The next step was to remove existing fuel rods from the differing pools on-site. Now they have managed to create stuff that doesn't fail from the radiation levels, so that photo's can be taken. Don't you follow or understand what I've been posting about all these years, because I can simplify it all further if you like.

a3. Yes. The Japanese acted too slowly. The minister of the Nuclear Power Sector in their gov't has a degree in Economics, not nukes.

a4. They already did on March 11, 2011 SELLC, that's why we're all going to die !

a5. I doubt it. No one can get close enough. Whats fallen through aren't necessarily fuel rods, but rather a molten cesspool of toxic nuclear fission activity, that's continues to fission.

a6. You haven't been paying enough attention, that's the fault here my friend. I suggest re-reading from the start of this thread, as at some point, I did provide summaries of events, usually at the end or start of a New Year. Apparently, up to this point in time, the worst of the pollution was spread within the first 3-weeks of the event happening.



-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 5th of February 2017 10:44:41 PM

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 5th of February 2017 10:47:06 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I have been following the thread Rastus... $hit mate, I made it in honor of you!

I just still can't believe it.

Glad to see it's getting more traction, although it shouldn't have had to come to a 530 sieverts reading to get attention.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I didn't mean to sound so horrible, it wasn't my intent. I just reread what I posted, & I must apologize for what seems like an attack, but it is not. It would be nice to be honored with other deeds other than this thread, but so be it LOL.

I admit that many of the posts here are incoherent, up-to-a point, but that's all the information that's been given !!! So there's not much really to post except the headlines of enenews, that while simplistic, remain self-explanitory too. Plus I also wanted for people to do their own searching, & add more credible insight.

There are a great number of other sites too posting the doom & gloom stories & prophecies, but I've tried my best to steer clear of posting that stuff.

The list of sites I've used, have kept the scientific mojo down to simple English, so we all can grasp the situation better without being saturated with scientific speech.

* WNN = World Nuclear News = The extreme right / corporate over view of the Industry.

* Enenews = Independent & mainstream news reports of the on-going events, from sources world-wide.

* Fairewinds Energy Education = The pitstop place for all people to learn about Nukes, the industry, radiation, causes & effects, in simple-English.

* = Excellent world-wide coverage & information about all nuclear industry activity. As with Fairewinds Energy Education, this is the place where normal people give up there lives to bring out the real truth about all matters concerning the Nuclear Industry, Government, lies & debates. Excellent information exists here, & with its links.

Believe it folks, this is a huge catastrophic on going mess, & we're all going to suffer from it, & other nuclear related illnesses, that our governments hide from us.

Whether this thread gains traction or not is not its purpose IMO ( for me at least ). I just know that it's very important for people to not only be informed, but stay informed about not only this event, but all the past & future events that our governments, ( who have sworn to protect us ) have failed us in, & only succeeded in making a minority of people ( cartel ) more wealthy & powerful, at our lives, children's, & those yet to come's expense. Not to mention the planet itself, & all the plants, animals, & other living organisms.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Well Rastus, President Trump says were going to stand behind Japan 100%!

So perhaps this will pave the way for innovative ways to resolve and handle situations like this. Only time will tell.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hello all !!!

That is good news SELLC. And don't take this the wrong way, but it's quite possible that Mr.Trump has agreed to take a few million Japanese into the US-of-A as refugees...There's about 50-million I believe in Tokyo alone, that will need to be evacuated somewhere, when these reactors & their buildings collapse....


* The lost fuel has not been located, & is still in an active state of fission / uncontrolled nuclear reaction....

* Whilst the buildings stand, it has been possible to flood the enclosure with a neutral gas, to avoid further explosions, & cool with with sea-water, of which leaks back into the ocean.

* To stop the contaminated cooling water entering the ocean, two methods have been emloyed, one being to pump & store the contaminated water on-site, within huge containers, & the other method has been by building a wall in the ocean, the length of the plant, whilst attempting to freeze the water.

* The issue today, is that the buildings have been sinking around 2-feet each year from all the water needed for cooling, & the structures are now ready to fall, as exposed by brief camera footage, before the cameras failed again, from high radiation levels ( 530-Seiverts ).

* Since the fuel is still in a state of uncontrolled fission, a sarcophogus cannot as yet be built, to contain the contents of what remains, like Chernobyl.

A more complete update will follow soon folks, I'm still putting it all together, though what's above speaks for itself I think...



NB. Worth mentioning here & now, is that even after all this mess, (& more to come), both President Abe & Trump, are pro-nuclear people...In other words, these folks are still prepared to sell our lives out, for power & glory, - not to mention money...So even if we get through this mess, some things will never change, & our doom remains the same...Now how stupid is that ?

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 12th of February 2017 06:06:35 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I think you're allowing your negative opinion of Trump cloud the real positives here.

It obvious the world is not getting away from nuclear power, heck I have two in a close proximity to me here in Michigan. I have also been to lakes with hydroelectric plants and I can tell you that heats up the water and results in a fair amount of carnage on the fishes.

I just hope they can get something done soon! It's hard to imagine it getting any higher than 530 sieverts, but I guess it's entirely possible! I am told that 4 sieverts is almost certain death, and we are talking about 530! I mean how is that even possible!?

I highly doubt Trump has agreed to take in a few million Japanese refugees, and it would be great if you could provide a link to back up them claims, or at least something indicating that such a high number of people would need to be moved out of the country other than just having them relocated within safe areas of Japan.

Still it's good to hear the updates, keep them coming!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.I think you're allowing your negative opinion of Trump cloud the real positives here.

2.It obvious the world is not getting away from nuclear power, heck I have two in a close proximity to me here in Michigan. I have also been to lakes with hydroelectric plants and I can tell you that heats up the water and results in a fair amount of carnage on the fishes.

3.I just hope they can get something done soon! It's hard to imagine it getting any higher than 530 sieverts, but I guess it's entirely possible! I am told that 4 sieverts is almost certain death, and we are talking about 530! I mean how is that even possible!?

4.I highly doubt Trump has agreed to take in a few million Japanese refugees, and it would be great if you could provide a link to back up them claims, or at least something indicating that such a high number of people would need to be moved out of the country other than just having them relocated within safe areas of Japan.

5.Still it's good to hear the updates, keep them coming!


a1. I don't really know the guy, this is true. But if at his age, he hasn't realized that everything we eat, drink, & make etc comes from the planet we live on, & that it's time to start looking at ways to protect this, then I'm sorry SELLC, I consider this as backwards & foolish, all for the sake of making easy $$$ on old, dangerous, & toxic technologies.

a2. Nuclear Power, even in the US-of-A, accounts for only 20% of your total energy supply...And that's inclusive of all your 140 or so reactors. It has no benefit at all to Co2 emissions, & costs approximately $00:16 per Kw to deliver power, when say solar energy is now $00:02 per Kw, & without any greenhouse gases or waste issues or World Extinction events when things blow up...Nukes, once again, are primarily for weapons manufacturing, period.

a3. I don't know how equipment is even made that can measure, yet alone withstand such radioactivity. I suggest the numbers are incomprehensible at the actual core while it's fissioning. Nasty, nasty technology, & generally good for nothing, except killing people, plus the ego-status of having the stuff.

a4. I was joking about that, but I'd expect a few of the wealthier Japanese making the trip over for permanent residency for sure. I'd guess their discussion had to do with the arms battle going on there to maintain peace, with threat-of-use, for countries like Russia, China, Nth Korea etc. I'd guess that Mr.Abe was seeking the confirmation / assurance of the old secret alliance between you two nuclear-partners, & to keep the media out of Fukushima as much as possible, so as to promote the Olympic games...

Have no doubt that Japan is paying dearly for the crisis, as even my motorcycle parts, though always pricey, have gone up further again...They're often more than OEM Mercedes parts $05:00 each for fairing fasteners / bolts, & $20:00 for fairing rubber fasteners...

a5. Yes, I'll try to up-date once a month as usual, if there's news of course, & emergencies will be posted immediately.



-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 15th of February 2017 10:53:44 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 15th of February 2017 09:21:25 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hello folks,

Well, it seems that as we approach the 6-th year of this ongoing holocaust, our governments are taking less & less interest in this matter, even though it is a World Wide Extinction event...There have also been a number of accidents around the world at nuclear plants, the most notable that's been revealed at the moment was from around 10-odd-days ago, when parts of a Nuclear Power Plant went "Kerboom" in France....Officials have declined any radioactive releases....And now, a mysterious radioactive cloud containing Iodine-131 has engulfed all of Europe, & is making its way Stateside...The source of the pollution remains unknown at this stage...But it has been confirmed, that it is not from a Russian Nuclear Test...

So where did it come from ?...And where is it going to finally land ?....

I recently received my quarterly Water Bill, & within its envelope, was an advertisement stating how great & pure the water is, & how proud Tas-Water is of its quality, bla, bla, bla...So this naturally urged me to e-mail them with questions about what they actually test for, what they're finding, & how they feel about the EPA in the US-of-A raising the safe level of radioactive contaminants by over 200-times the normal level. I also suggested that if they were already filtering known nuclear contaminants out of the water, how could I do this at my taps in my house-hold, & how would I dispose of the used radioactive filters (?)....

Here's the response I received....( I'm surprised I even got one lol !)...

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 27th of February 2017 01:46:23 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 27th of February 2017 01:59:18 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Monday 27th of February 2017 06:24:16 AM

IMG.pdf (456.5 kb)
IMG_0001.pdf (1,288.0 kb)
IMG_0002.pdf (573.9 kb)

"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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After reading & laughing ( or crying ) at the above, I would like to make a few points...

* They're hand-balling their responsibility to another Gov't dept....After advertising how great their water is...
* The report as submitted by attachment from ARPANSA is dated March, 2015...
* Within the report, it stated that small quantities of Xenon particulates were identified in the air samples taken from Darwin....Xenon isotopes are very short-lived & very nasty isotopes that indicate that a nuclear reaction is taking place...To find these here in Darwin, is actually quite a scary reality, when they're only supposed to appear locally, on site, at Fukushima Daiichi...

As you can see, since Australia supplies the world with Uranium, a back-seat, all-is-well approach has been adopted, where the solution to the public is "If they don't ask about it, we won't say anything about it"...

There have also been other nuclear incidences, that I'll update shortly, likely around the anniversary in a weeks or so's time...

Be disgusted in your governments folks, they are selling your health out in the name of money. Yes, this most definitely includes Mr.Trump, who possibly hasn't got a clue...




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Good for you Rastus!

I'd imagine if a lot more people also did what you have done, they may actually start performing more test! Plus with these documents you can always remind them to re-test as the amount of time they estimate it to reach your shores is nearing and they can not deny the fact that it's coming! Thus further test need to be made in regular intervals.

I'd suggest replying and seeing when they plan to run more test... They say most of that radioactive waste out of Japan is already at out Western coast, some northern areas I think got it sooner. At the rate they keep pumping it into the ocean you would think it's just going to be a non-stop steady tide of radioactive waste!

I find it odd though, that they figure it will take 15 years for it to reach your coast, whereas it's already hit our West coast here in the USA.

I have always heard that Australia is the best place to be if there ever were a nuclear war, since if not stuck by a direct hit, it would take the longest for the fallout to reach! Not sure how much truth in that there is... But I have heard more than one person say it.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Thanks SELLC,

I have full intentions to become a pain-in-the-ass with the political folk here, on the basis of their negligence in this matter, & the typical pass-the-blame-on tactics used.

Where I did fail, was not grabbing a CRM-100 Gieger-Counter at the time when the exchange rate allowed me a great deal for all of $250:00...But at that time, they were sold out, & by the time the new model came out, I was up for over $600:00, around 6-12-months later, & that's harder to find as splash cash...But now of course, with the censorship of all local up-to-date fall-out readings, I'm blind to it all, just like you folks...

There is also an opportunity for me to acquire local Gieger counters that are actually used at our Uranium mine-sites, but though not too pricey, they are only available to persons in that industry, & must be returned for analysis to the manufacturer. So this is no good either.

I honestly believe without doubt that the Fukushima Sewage is here already, & has been for well over 12-months. I remember telling my sister that nothing at all will be said about it, but one day, in the news, there will appear a story that "The Great Barrier Reef" is suffering from an unknown virus etc, & is bleaching, & dying....That happened around 18-months ago now...Even in New Zealand, thousands of dolphins & whales had been beaching themselves to die, for no known reason.

Animals are quite intelligent, & they know we're fucking them up. I believe this is their most distressed method of saying so, by beaching themselves, as the water's now too toxic for them.

Shame on us.

Whether Australia is the first or last to get the shit, what's it matter ?... Except that the suffering will end quicker, or take longer, depending on where you live...It may well be better to go quickly, than watch the whole world decay.

Anyhow, that's enough doom & gloom from me...Hopefully the leaders of the future will have a healthier outlook on the planet than they have now, since they find it necessary to find over 610-Billion dollars a year on weapons manufacture, than even 1-Billion dollars for ecological repair work. And that's the bottom-line as far as dollars & cents go apparently.

Perhaps this is also just the passing scenes, as screen-played by the elite & Illuminati, & as written on the Georgia Guide Stones, to reduce the worlds population down to 500,000,000 people maximum...



-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 1st of March 2017 07:44:44 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hello folks,

Happy 6th anniversary !!!...And counting...

There's actually not much to reveal with this belated anniversary post, except that people & governments keep putting this on the back-burner, quite simply so that the Japanese can promote the up-coming Olympic Games, ( true, they still want your holiday money ), & to pay for "new technology" to maybe fix(?) this issue...Anyhow, here's how it "stands" as we speak...


* The failing Ice-wall is still considered the best method to attempt controlling contaminated water entering the Pacific. Better than nothing perhaps...

* The North Pacific ocean is dying. Results are washing up on US-of-A & Canada coastlines. Once the ocean dies...

* With cameras managing around 20-minutes before being radioactively fried, scientists have only confirmed that the worst has happened, China Syndrome, & are still wondering what to do.

* Apparently, there's around 600 fuel rods to be found, between the 3 x reactors, that has led to 3 x balls of atomic inferno's settling themselves somewhere in the earths crust, with no way of knowing where at this stage.

* Some scientists say that this condition will remain forever, as it's out-of-control, & an unnatural event.

* The next expected tragedy will be the nuclear-plant-structures themselves failing. This possibility will become reality from either 3-differing causes, these being...
1. An earthquake greater than 7.0.
2. Collapse from soft ground caused by sea-water to cool contents.
3. Structural damage caused by uncontrolled nuclear reaction to the concrete & steel etc, that the recent cameras revealed.

* When the plant was built, a small river was redirected around the plant by man. This is also a source of ongoing pollution into the Pacific, as the molten fuel is in direct contact with this water somewhere under the plant.

The US-of-A

* The Fukushima sewage continues to deposit its results on the coast-line.

* There was apparently no salmon to catch this year.

* Whatever fishes have been located & studied, have all had cancerous growths & are not only dying, but starving too, as there's no food.

* The Government lies, since it has no solution. But denial of the obvious truth stinks IMO.

* More Nuclear Power Stations are on the agenda to be built. But the truth is however, they are a dying industry, & hopefully will be no more in the near future.

* News just in, has a fire & explosion occurred at Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant in Florida...Officials suggest that "toxic steam releases" may be necessary for investigation & repair...Check out enenews for further updates & links for more information.


* A toxic cloud of nuclear fallout known as Iodine -131, that engulfed all of Europe last months source, still remains a mystery, & the story has just vanished...( I'd say it was France, as the Government there, is even more disturbed than the corrupted US-of-A's ).

* The United Nations will convene in a few days, in NYC, to discuss a world free of any Nuclear Weapons, & ban their manufacture, use, testing, & development. (Thank God there's sanity somewhere existing).

Until next time, enjoy the time that is left,


-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 23rd of March 2017 10:07:54 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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The UN is a worthless organization that is about to see it's only real financial backer dry up like a river in California in the middle of summer.... And for good reason.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The UN = Rockefellers = World bank / Rothschilds = Federal Reserve...

The US-of-A has always needed the UN, as a table for the Worlds nations leaders to gather, so that they can create the illusion of progress & unification of peaceful resolutions to conflict...When in fact, it's been used by folks like Henry Kissinger to manipulate like a game of chess, the successes of the "New World Order" being instigated.

The UN is here to stay IMO. What surprises me, is the World Wide Nuclear Ban being considered.

That's true progress.



-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 23rd of March 2017 08:55:08 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yo people,

SELLC asked a little while ago about some information about Geiger Counters, so I found an article that I'll attach that should answer all questions !!!

Also, there's been another registered amount of Iodine-131 recorded in Denmark...Iodine -131 is short-lived, & has a 1/2-life of only 8-days, so the issue of its release remains an important mystery in determining the source, in an official sense...Unofficially, a civilian has filmed a huge explosion going off on its own accord in Yemen...The explosion is thought to be a stockpile of Uranium Enriched Weapons, that have passed their used-by-dates, & exploded on their own accord...

I'll also attach what seems to be a credible unofficial version of the events at Fukushima Daiichi, from March 2011, to bring our brains into accord, so that greater understanding is gained from these posts.

News flash is over & cheers,


NB. AGR news service seems to be "the" independent news source to find out the facts from.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 30th of March 2017 08:30:04 AM


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News Flash !!!

Some fantastic news here folks...Westinghouse, who has built over 1/2 of the Nuclear Power Plants world-wide, is filing for bankruptcy !!!!!! Yes, the start of the decline of Nukes is happening right now !!! It claims the cost of Solar & Wind-power make Nukes by-far, an uneconomical way to make electricity.

Of course, with no money, the US-of-A taxpayer will be funding the clean-up costs of this shyte forever, but that was always going to be anyhow.

Hip Hip Hooray !!!! Let the Big Bands Play !!! Nukes are dying !!! Yes !!!




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Nukes aren't dying... They use them to power most all big machinery and to be honest I think you will find someone will be along soon to pick up where they left off for pennies on the dollar.

I think the full impact of wind and solar have yet to be ascertained. That's not to say I feel like wind or solar harder to recycle, just that we are paying a price and just don't know it yet. Is that price bigger than nuclear? That just depends if the sun is shining or the wind is blowing! LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Maybe in the US-of-A considerations vary a little, but you still have around 40 unfinished Nuclear Power Plants sitting idle around the country. And some of these are from around the 1980's when building first started...

You also have to remember, that these Nukes have to be inspected at least once a year...And this means huge amounts of toxic radiation are realeased into the environment, when they're opened up. So depending on where the wind blows, is who cops the huge doses of radiation. The way the DOE gets away with this, is that they divide the dose released by 365, ( the number of days in the year ), so that the amounts released come into accord with regulations. But this still means that you, your wife & kids, at least once a year come into contact with a dose of radiation thousands of times greater than allowed...Sneaky ****ers on how they word the regulations...No bullshit.

Possibly the only downside with wind or solar power, is that a battery hasn't been created yet to store the excess energy.

The use of transformers is not costly, & would power this large machinery that you speak of.

Everything on the planet benefits from wind & solar usage, & there's no toxic waste to worry about for millions of years. And there's no Nuclear weapons either YAY !!!




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Hey people,

Here's a very interesting video that everyone should watch, as it indirectly explains why the Nuclear Industry will quietly die away, to avoid financial ruin, among other matters. These are real scientists discussing real issues, trying to save our lives, & the planets.

Check it out !!!!



-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 25th of April 2017 01:45:30 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 25th of April 2017 01:47:12 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Hello folks,

A quick up-date is warranted here, as some developments have presented themselves, not least of which, how your President & government are going to wash their hands on the nuclear waste issue that the US-of-A faces, by making you the tax-payer make wealthy people even more rich, whist they pollute your water-ways, & effectively kill you in the process... Watch the attached video link for your own edification. I spoke about this in the very first post of this thread. Unbelievable...Watch & learn how criminals work...


* A huge forest fire adjacent to the nuclear power plant has been sending countess amounts of radioactive smoke to anywhere the wind blows. And this will happen for centuries, & the shit will spread everywhere.

* The Government remains tight lipped about any thing concerning radiation contamination, & refuses to acknowledge the massive increases in suicides, abortions & mental health issues of its general public.

* Speculation as always reveals that the fuel contents are in China Syndrome State & breached their containment vessels. As yet, no empiracle evidence has been presented from the Government or TEPCO.


* For those that watched the link in my last post, will already know that the mysterious cloud of Radioactivity that engulfed the bulk of Europe in February, is now thought to have stemmed from Fukushima Daiichi all along.


* A huge mass of toxic radioactive water is on the verge of touching down in San Francisco. This mass of water contains the highest amount of Cesium-137 yet, at 10 Bqm3 of water.

* Massive wash-ups of dead sea-life continue to plague the Californian coastline, with scientists considering global warming, & too much local fresh water insurgence the cause...

* Great White Sharks have also been washing-up dead on shore. These are apex predators folks...The very top of the food chain...And your government wants you to believe that fresh water from heavy rainfall has created an unknown bacteria that has decimated the brains & other internal organs into pulp of most of the thousands of dead animals found....

Shame on you Mr.Trump, & the other stupid MoFo's that call themselves government from around the world.

We're being ****ed people, & no one is doing anything about it.

Watch this please, for your own edification....



-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 4th of May 2017 10:13:08 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 4th of May 2017 10:15:07 AM


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Yo people,

It's been a little-while now, & some developments have been going on in Japan, though few & far between to warrant posting more often. As you can guess, there's been a huge downturn in interest in this event, though our doomsday potentially comes closer each passing day...Here's the latest news from Japan, & elsewhere around the globe...


* Around 770,000,000 litres of the stored-toxic-cooling water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant has been released into the Pacific oean, for what is now the second huge release of contaminated water...

* An underwater camera has finally been able to reveal what remains in the containment vessel of No.1 reactor...Check out enenews for pics & general report.

* Officials are saying that the technology can now start to be developed, for the removal of the remaining contents in No1 reactors containment vessel.

* There was no suggestion of a time-frame for this process to be able to start, so the 100-year possibility remains just that, with the contents / remains being too-hot-to-handle.

* Needless to say, fisherman & locals are disappointed with this new pollution release, as they're the ones who will ultimately suffer the fate of the ingestion of toxins.


* All remains quiet on the big front...Refer to previous posts for on-going disasters...

* Some good news has seen the UN ban the use of all Nuclear weapons..


* Many species of animals continue wash ashore dead along the California coast-line, including Great White Sharks...

Until next time, remember that no news is good news !!!




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Hello people,

Just a quick up-date......You're not going to believe this, as it's almost funny, but TEPCO workers whilst working within the car-park of reactor No.1, have discovered what looks like to be an unexploded bomb, likely from WW-II...

The Military has been called-in to asses & hopefully dis-arm the device...

Needless to say, if this bomb goes "kerboom", everything suddenly looks very much worse than it already is...

I'll keep you posted as news appears, though I dare say we'll know about this one if it goes off. Id suggest most news services would bring it to light.




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Oh I wouldn't worry about that right now... 

From the looks of things we might have a little more nuclear fall out when we nuke North Korea. I'm sure the Chinese are anxious to get back to a depressed and otherwise worthless existence, as it was pre-Obama Administration... Because let's be honest, and I have been saying it all along - The North Koreans are but a Chinese proxy. 


Some Allies in the region are a little sketchy. Vietnam, Japan.... I guess we will find out.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'll vote for MOAB over nukes any-day thanks...

It does seem like Nth Korea enjoys burning it's fingers with fire. MOAB should be more than enough to scratch that itch I hope...

Too bad it's proving difficult to have the leader eliminated. Tragic it will be to have so many innocent people killed in the name of a madman.

MOAB I'm hoping will keep other involved neighbors at peace, & provide some education too, for all of us.


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Hello folks,

Apologies for the late up-date here, but news has been slow gathering, & only in the last couple of weeks have reports of events been increasing, so here comes the latest ! There's also been discussion of Nukes etc in other threads, so I'll keep those stories limited here, just to keep it all clear.


* Fukushima reactor core material is still "floating around", particularly in Japan itself, where over 1-Quadrillion Bq's/kg of radionuclides are being regularly detected. Namely Uranium, Polonium, Americium & the 2,000+ other wonderfull goodies that the Nuke Industry continues to generously give us all for free...

* Beaches at over 60-miles away from Fukushima have been discovered to contain radioactive sand & water at over 10-times the amount found in the water directly off-the-coast of the reactors. Concerns have been raised as to the distribution of the pollution...

* Plant workers at Fukushima say that this event needs to be rated at 10 on the INES scale, where the maximum is 7...( Each step is a logarithmic one )...


* Scientists that survey the NW Pacific Ocean for yearly study are NOT finding any fishes. The nets are empty.

* Over 1/2 of the fish caught in Hawaii are registering Fukushima pollution in their bodies at an average rate of 95% above "Confidence Levels"...

* There's been a fire at McGuire Nuclear Station in Huntersville. A transformer is believed to be the cause.

* Dying Navy sailors from the Ronald Reagan are pushing for trial on the Fukushima meltdowns. 9 have now died, & the remaining heroes are all dying, suffering from Cancers, Paralysis, Amputations, & bodily discharges of blood. (The US-of-A military doctors deny radiation as the cause)....(Disgraceful, I'm so glad I'm NOT a US-of-A citizen).


* Massive Solar Flares have had scientists & Nuke operators worried since mid-September. These have the potential to cause black-outs etc etc, meaning no power to keep things cool in the Nuke-Plants, aka, Fukushima once again...

* North Korea has had a tunnel collapse at their Nuclear Test sight killing at least 200-people. Radionuclide releases must be severe to have Japan declaring "It's not us"...

* A nuclear accident has occured in either Russia or Kazakhstan in late September, with a highly toxic radio-active-plume engulfing all of Europe. Over 100-trillion Bq's of radionuclides have been detected. Ruthium-106 is the isotope that suggests the accident happened where it has, as it's properties are the same as Chernobyl..

All the best,


-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 11th of November 2017 09:45:24 PM


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Here is one for Rastus to sink his teeth into...

Japan has still not come to a consensus on what to do with a million tons of nuclear water six years after their primary nuclear power plant in Fukushima was rocked by a tsunami.

The water stored in 900 large, dense, packed tanks on site could spill if another major natural disaster should strike, The Japan Times reported.



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Thanks SELLC, & Fonzi too, for contributing to this horrible thread, that everyone sadly "has" to know about....

I won't give myself a tooth-ache here by sinking my teeth in there LOL, but it does bring out the "miss-information" element ( read lies ) about what to believe, & from who....This said, I'm sure I've posted a couple of times about the release of 770,000 tons of water that has already been released, so with regards to that article, & other statements within it, who do you believe ?...The evidence used to wash-up on the US-of-A shoreline in the form of death, & now there are no more fishes or animals to wash up it would seem.

(And the US-of-A government wants you to believe that too much fresh water from rainfall caused a mysterious & unknown virus ?...This isn't even laughable sadly)...

Here in Oz, Sky News Australia has a story about a sharp increase in lung cancer in us Aussies...Apparently women have seen a 36% increase, & men a 30% increase within the last 5-years. ( Fukushima Nuke Plants have been polluting us for nearly 7-years now ). The Government is blaming cigarettes & advertising from the 1980's for this result...

My Dad has recently acquired leukemia, & this disease doesn't run in his family blood line...

The article above also said qt"partial meltdowns" of the 3-reactors, so I guess this speaks for itself when for the last 4-odd years, I've been posting with facts where possible, about a likely China Syndrome Condition...And the pictures that you've even posted yourself SELLC show clearly the breach in the containment vessels...

But the good thing about the article, is it displays the bollox being fed to us all...

Anyhow, life goes on ! Of course priority is to contain the reactors, & anymore pollution where possible. But whilst we still can, our real goal here IMO is to stop anymore of these Nuclear reactors being built. We have no other options IMHO if we want life to exist here.

The real tragedy here with the cover-ups, is that our governments signed a treaty back in 1952, being for pro-nuclear-bomb atmospheric testing, saying that 1 in 10,000 cancers in people is an acceptable amount....If that's not bad enough, evidence clearly shows that the number is really closer to 65 in 10,000 people, or if you rather 6,500 for every million citizens. Such is the success of "Atoms for Peace", & the qt"deaths of these silent unknown soldiers, fighting a war they didn't know about for peace"...Bollox.

All the best for the Festive season folks, & thanks a whole heap !




NB. Probably not the best for Christmas time viewing, but this remains a must watch, as it's a snap-shot of what's to come in the near future...


-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 26th of November 2017 12:38:03 AM


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Hello folks,

There's actually not much to report at this time with regards to the Nuclear holocaust in Japan, except that matters are worse, rather than better, with over 60mSv/hr measured outside reactor No.2 in recent days...Also, it appears that ENENews is under attack, & has been suspended from appearing on the net, & is under ICANN verification...

Hopefully, this issue will be resolved, as it's been a great source for updates on the situation, from sources all around the world. It is very much a life-line of real information, & would be a great & terrible loss if it's shut down for good. Such is the way-of-the-world, & the corrupt officials that mess-us-all-up.

Green Audit has sent me a copy of a new book, that I'll post below, titled Uranium Health 2017, that was released only a few weeks ago. It's a tough read, but take your time, & reread what you have to, to cement the facts in your head. It's written with scientific data as basis of fact, & will inform anyone who reads it as to our present state-of-affairs regarding the health of not only us humans, but everything on the planet.

I suggest printing it out, & sharing with everyone. This may well be the most important book you could ever read & share with friends & family, so make the effort for your own well-being, as understanding this subject is probably the most important thing you could do in your life-time.



Uraniumhealth2017.pdf (5,899.9 kb)

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Hello folks,

There hasn't been a lot of reporting of late regarding this holocaust, but thankfully, Enenews is back in-line again, all-be-it, without any updates at this stage...In the time since the last post, I have been looking around, & here comes the latest...


* TEPCO is aiming to now become an innovative global energy & technology company, & will be partnering-up with other global companies.

* TEPCO will continue to provide strong support for the restoration of Fukushima...

* As already mentioned previously, the spent fuel removal from units 1 & 2 are expected to start sometime this year ( 2018 ), along with the expected removal of fuel debrit by 2020...

* Japan Atomic Power Co. is seeking consent from 6 municipalities in the Ibiraki Perfecture, with regards to the restart of the Tokai No.2 nuclear plant.

* Spare a thought & thanks to the workers who have not only passed-away, but for those who continue to sacrifice their lives for our well being, in cleaning up this mess.


* The new START treaty has been in effect since the 2nd February of this year.

* The US-of-A Defense Department has an approximate stockpile of 4,000 nuclear warheads. Around 1,800 are currently deployed, with a further 150 deployed at European bases.


* The global Nuclear Industry has set a target of supplying 25% of the worlds electricity needs by 2050...

* According to WNN, the World Bank is NOT supporting the Nuclear Industry, & the World Nuclear Association is not happy.

* The World Bank will announce its own new commitments to its "Climate Action Plan", & targets will be announced for beyond 2020, at the COP24 to be held in Poland this year.

* France is now importing & selling food grown from the Fukushima Perfecture...(Be warned folks, watch & read carefully what you buy & eat. Read the labels well. Any doubts, don't buy)...

* Mr. George Monbiot ( a U.K. pro-nuclear spokesperson & author ) has been diagnosed with prostate cancer...Mr. Monbiot writes qt."that he's happy"..............

* Australians have been offered a surgical implant, to detect the presence of cancer, that will reveal itself as a mole upon detection...( Things "must" be getting bad for this to happen IMO...




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I am pretty sure we're all just fooked, Rastus...

I mean, the stuff has been pouring in the ocean for almost a decade now... no putting that back in the bottle!

There has been an awful lot of seismic activity here in the USA that I have been reading about, makes you wonder what else is going to pop next..


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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You know something is up when locals are selling cans of Pre-Fukushima tuna for a premium.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Fuku is going to fuku us all. Already radiation in fish off the west coast

Drive it like you stole it


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Stan_147 wrote:

You know something is up when locals are selling cans of Pre-Fukushima tuna for a premium.


You can tune a piano, but you can't tune-a-fish...

Seriously though, I have been eating Tuna the past few weeks... Even had some home made deep fried cod tonight that the woman prepared... Do you really mean to tell me this stuff is contaminated?

I buy only Albacore Tuna and I tell the wife only to buy Atlantic Cod or US farm raised cod... but I bet you she goes in there and says "I wan't that cod and tuna from the Pacific ocean please, but make sure my Salmon is from the Atlantic"... LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hey folks,

The last report about the radioactivity in the Pacific was a few years ago now, so I'd say that things aren't any better....( Without question, they're much worse, & Japan continues to pollute us every day )...

To update your minds however, pre-Fukushima, the radioactivity of our Pacific Oceans water was measured at around 1.8 Bq/m3, with the last reports measuring around 11.0 Bq/m3 off the coast of 'Frisco...

1 x Bq = 1 x atomic disintergration per second...( Bq = Bequerel ).

1 x m3 = 1 x meter cubed of seawater.

To prolong your life, you need to consume at least 1 x Calcium tablet per day, & a Magnesium tablet every other day...( Multi-vitamins will help too of course )...

The idea here is that the natural ingredients found in the vitamin tablets off-sets the mimicking radionuclides, therefore allowing your body to pass them through, with less of the inherent genetic, genomic, & DNA damage occurring.

So, the questions here are, how hot are your fish ?...And what isn't your government telling you ?...



-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 1st of May 2018 04:03:16 AM

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 1st of May 2018 04:04:12 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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"On The Beach", by Nevil Shute (sp) Heck of a read. Read it in highschool.

Drive it like you stole it

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Shawnee_B wrote:

"On The Beach", by Nevil Shute (sp) Heck of a read. Read it in highschool.

 There was a mini series with Armand Asante and Rachael Ward from a decade or so ago, it was pretty good.

I am sorry, Senator. I have no clear recollection of the events in question!


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Stan_147 wrote:
Shawnee_B wrote:

"On The Beach", by Nevil Shute (sp) Heck of a read. Read it in highschool.

 There was a mini series with Armand Asante and Rachael Ward from a decade or so ago, it was pretty good.

 Never heard of it but damn good book! Mandatory reading in HS. Back when kids could read or have an attention span over 2 seconds.

Drive it like you stole it


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Hey folks,

The time has arrived once again to update this horrible reality-check thread...Sadly, as predicted by many folks years ago, the nuke-industry will hush-up this event as time goes by, & they're having some success, in respect to the holocaust in Japan, with little news at ground-level coming forth. Anyhow, here's the up-date, with some great industry movements occurring around the world.


*Scientists have now estimated that at the present moment in time, Fukushima's Nuke plants have released around 5.6 to 8.1 times the amount of radionuclides into the environment, when compared to Chernobyl, & the radionuclides released from that accident. With over 60,000,000 people suffering world-wide from Chernobyl, simple maths will tell us what we're likely in for, sooner than later from Japan...

* TEPCO ( Tokyo Electric Power Company ), has estimated that 900 Petabequerels of radiation have been released from Fukushima. Chernobyl released around 110 Petabequerels. A Petabequerel is a Quadrillion, or if you rather, a Thousand Trillion Bequerels...

*Professor Kamei Hosokawa has been quoted as saying "Almost everyday, new things happen, & there's sign that they'll control the situation in the next few months or years"...

*TEPCO has so far allocated in USD, 2.5 Billion dollars in its accounts for the decommissioning of Units 1-4, with the Japanese government so far allocating in USD 15-Billion dollars for the decontamination of the region. ( Of course, this has to happen every year for near-on eternity, as once the snow melts on the radioactive mountains, everything is contaminated once again )...


*The House of Representatives has passed a bill that would expidate licensing of the Yacca Mountain repository, & provide for an interim storage facility for the growing pile of the US-of-A's nuclear waste, that's scattered all over the country, in every state. The vote count was 340 to 70.

*The DOE is currently under fire for poor use of funds with regards to the clean-up operations at the Hanford site.

*Energy Secretary Mr. Rick Perry has scrapped the completion of a MOX facility at the Savannah River Site, in South Carolina. The facility was intended to to dispose of 34-tonnes of weapons-grade Plutonium, by turning it into fuel for commercial reactors. ( Perhaps the shit is now up-for-sale on the black market ) ?...

*The DOE has approved USD 228-million dollars, for the installation of a new ventilation system, at the failed Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico.


* Canada's Nuclear Waste Management Organization ( NWMO ) has signed for renewed cooperation agreements with counterparts in 5-countries, namely Belgium, France, Sweden, Switzerland, & the U.K.. Finland, Soth Korea, & Japan already have signed agreements with NWMO.

*The U.K. office for Nuclear Regulation ( ONR ) is developing new regulatory plans since its self-removal from Euratom, the European regulatory authority. ( Mr.Busby was winning too many cases in court for government violations / exposures of radionuclides on the general public it would appear )...

*France & Russia have signed an agreement together, on partnership in the peaceful use of Nuclear Energy.

So there you have it folks ! Just follow the big-money around, & you'll discover for yourself, what's really going on !



NB Check out WNN ( World Nuclear News ) for your own edification on most of this posting.

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 31st of May 2018 08:06:26 PM


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Oh $hit... now they are saying the radiation is already showing up in Napa Valley wine!

The wife will not be happy to hear this!

-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 21st of July 2018 10:58:56 PM


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Yes, the "stuff" is everywhere, & there's no escape, or anything that can be done about it...Don't forget that the EPA raised the "safe" limit for radioactive contamination in your water supply by 200-times its previous threshold...

A multi-vitamin tablet each day should help...More specifically, Calcium & Magnesium...

Keep away from Japan & the Olympic games is the best guidance for your health in this matter.

A fresh update coming soon, I'm just awaiting news from Fairewinds, as they've been on sabbatical recently, & ENE-News has not posted since February.

The reigns have been tightened by authorities both locally & in Japan on this matter. We have a new, internationally based "Plumbers" organization in place, to prevent news leaks, & to promote the Olympic games...

Sick, greedy people IMO





NB. Is that Alexandra D'Addario in that clip ?...Very pretty lady ! I've seen her in a few horror flicks over the years. Not a bad actress either.

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 22nd of July 2018 08:26:16 PM


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Hey folks,

There's still been absolutely zero to be heard about Fukushima in recent months...I was hoping that Farewinds would have up-dated by now, & even Enenews hasn't posted since February, & I thought that something would have appeared since Japan has a massive typhoon hit the main island in recent days...

World Nuclear News has only been reporting on legislative matters & new builds in recent times.

But I've taken the liberty of posting up Russia's answer to Nuclear meltdowns & accidents...

Russian Nuke Barge.jpg


And here's a photo of the wall-of-radioactive-death that washed up on your West-Coast...



Hopefully some real news will appear soon.





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There is news to report !!! But the website I just found prefers not to have me regurgitate it back here LOL !

There's some really good up-to-date, in-depth facts here, ( too many to re-post anyhow, as their essays, not head-lines per-se ), so just click on the link, & bring yourselves up-to-speed regarding the Nuke holocaust in Japan, & the day-to-day hassles that continue to plague us all.

(I'll always post up emergency head-lines of course, when they appear).




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.

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