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Post Info TOPIC: Fukushima radiation - Isn't this the REAL crisis facing the world?


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Fukushima radiation - Isn't this the REAL crisis facing the world?

SELLC wrote:



LOL !!!

If only it worked like that SELLC !!! The Bermuda triangle is only one of many triangulated magnetic fields that are around the earth. Since the US-of-A has a lot of traffic in that area, in both the the air & sea, compasses were effected, & both vessels & craft disappeared, since there was no way of knowing where they went, back in the days before sat-nav & EPIRB's etc etc.

Here you go, check it out yo !





-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 30th of April 2020 02:57:18 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I was pulling your chain Rastus, but you managed to teach me something new anyway! 

Very interesting!



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well there is something you don't see every day!

Radioactive wild boar-pig hybrid emerges in nuclear wasteland of Fukushima


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Yes...Lot's of dodgy nuke realities settling in now.

Notice how they don't report on the likely 4-500,000 deaths have happened due to the radiation ?...

A quick update from the "Nuclear proctologist" saw up to 738 drone-photographs released, but many were redacted & pixilated...None-the-less, they were taken around about a week after the event happened, & reveal that it's likely that reactors 5 & 6 went kerboom too.

There's many other updates on this site, but they're mostly You-tube videos, & hard to reduce into a written post here. That said, I'll post something soon after i research some more.

A bacon & egg roll anyone ?


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yo people,

I've been promising to update this thread for a while now, & finally I manged to siff through all the Covid bollox at "simply" to find a 10-year anniversary report on all things Fukushima & its nuke plant holocaust...

The report is lengthy, & I haven't had a chance to power-point information just yet, but here's a link to the report for yourselves to peruse through, & by all means, post away here !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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So here's the end-of-year update on the Fukushima holocaust, the most diabolical industrial accident ever, that we hear nothing about ;) !...And it's not looking good for most people around the world, since as expected, the world gov'ts have decided that money is more important than peoples health, & are simply increasing the legal radioactive limits on food products, so that the Fukushima perfecture farmers can get some cash-for-a-crop....

Y'all must follow your own nose folks, as keeping safe & healthy is now your responsibility. The Governments arount the world are totally dysfunctional, & operate from Wall street perspectives only...So don't forget to take daily, your multivitamins, or more suitably, calcium & magnesium tablets, to help keep the ultra-super-duper-diabolically-toxic-radionuclides out of your system...

So here's the latest...

* The frozen wall scheme introduced years ago continues to fail around Unit-4...Failure typically occurs during the summer & autumn months...And this of course allows countless more toxic water to invade our Pacific ocean, on top of the already daily 4-500 tonnes experienced for the last 10-years & counting.

* Some "difficult to return zone" areas ( read never to return for over 10-million years ) are slated to be reopened by the Japanese gov't.

* Some confusion also exists with the above decision, since in places, "you & your house is OK, but the person across the street is not safe"...

* EU regulators have dropped all screening on bamboo-shoots & mushrooms grown in the Fukushima perfecture...

* The US-of-A has lifted bans / restrictions on over 100 agricultural products grown in Fukushima & surrounding areas...( Let's go Brandon !!! )...

* The kevlar tarp that's been assembled over the remains of Unit-1 is near completion...

* The remaining fuel-rods in Unit-3 fuel-pool are set to be removed beginning sometime in 2022...

* On a positive note however, the number of Geo-thermal-power-plants has quadrupled in Japan, since the holocaust in 2011...

Should you like more in-depth articles, & I suggest that you read & follow-them-up, check out these places for a start...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Sounds like it's still a very big mess Rastus!

Thanks for letting us all know to be on the lookout for items from the Fukushima prefecture! It's madness that the USA is going to allow this stuff into the country, LET'S GO BRANDON for real!

Radioactive mushrooms? Really that's kind of sick because a nuclear bomb creates a "mushroom cloud" as well... 

Wonder if all this radioactivity spewing thru our oceans is the real reason for this sickness (COVID) going around.

People want electricity, and they don't care what they have to do to get it. Glad to hear Japan is moving to Geo-Thermal...


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.Sounds like it's still a very big mess Rastus!

2.Thanks for letting us all know to be on the lookout for items from the Fukushima prefecture! It's madness that the USA is going to allow this stuff into the country, LET'S GO BRANDON for real!

3.Radioactive mushrooms? Really that's kind of sick because a nuclear bomb creates a "mushroom cloud" as well... 

4.Wonder if all this radioactivity spewing thru our oceans is the real reason for this sickness (COVID) going around.

5.People want electricity, and they don't care what they have to do to get it. Glad to hear Japan is moving to Geo-Thermal...



R1. Oh yes, that's for sure...Spare a thought for all the elderly & homeless people that are actually doing the work at the plant via gov't orders. A great many would have died by now...And based on the ECRR calculations, that are derived from the real numbers of deaths from Chernobyl, 4-500,000 people are now likely to have died at the 10-year mark...But nothing is said except "Come to the Olympic games folks"...

R2. Madness is a massive understatement...There are cost effective Geiger-counters that can be bought for around 1-200 USD that will check-out food & water for you. Check-out GQ electronics for a GMC-600+ that has alpha-emmitting detection capabilities. Alpha-emitters are short-lived isotopes that are found often in food-stuffs, & this baby should pick-up anything that's still "hot" in your food...That said, lab results are far more superior & accurate, but do you think the gov't will release lab reports to you ?...Get the GMC-600+ ;) !

R3. Caesium 134 & 137 loves to live in mushrooms & berries...Just ask any of the children in the Ukraine...

R4. I would suggest that all the radioactivity lowers one's immune system quite-a-bit, especially over time as it bio-accumulates in your body, & the clock has been going for near 11-years since the start of the Fukushima holocaust...On this basis, & that COrona VIrus Disease actually exists, I say yes, you would contract it easier, & suffer more...That said, the Nuke industry claims that radiation kills the virus, hence, why I think its bollox...We can prove that the  Fukushima nuclear holocaust exists, but we can't prove that the virus exists. Remember that the IAEA & WHO have been in bed together since the late 1950's...

R5. Geo-thermal is a great step forward, but the release of the "Quantum Vacuum Energy Devices" would be much better. They're free, don't pollute, & already exist...


Also, I forgot to mention that the back-ground radiation levels here in Tasmania have increased from 17.0-CPM ( when I first got my GQ GMC-500+ ) to 18.3 CPM...

Here's a link to GQ electronics

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 22nd of December 2021 03:21:48 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I didn't think that I'd be updating this thread so soon, but a surprise article appeared in Counter-Punch indicating more woes at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuke-plant, this time with regards to the water-filtration-system, & its waste...Apparently what happens is that after "x"-amount-of-time, you have to change-out the filters that have been pulling-out some of the horrendous radionuclides, & measure the toxicity from the bottom of the container, where it's apparently most toxic. The people there have been measuring from the top of these containers, therefore decreasing the lifespan of the "holding containers" that these filters get placed-in.

This is the water that is stored on-site in those massive storage containers...(It's this water that they're "officially" releasing into our dying Pacific Ocean, (on top of the 4-500 tonnes of unfiltered ground-water that makes its way into the ocean every-day, & has done for 10-full-years, & that isn't talked about too much)).

It also appears that the folks at Counter-Punch haven't seen the 738 silently released photographs of the plant, taken by a drone about a week after it happened in 2011, as they're still reporting the plant as having 3 x China Syndrome Reactors, & not 6, as the evidence presents, as displayed from the "Nuclear Proctologist" web-site.

Here's a link to the story, its a good short read & update ;) !

-- Edited by Rastus on Tuesday 11th of January 2022 11:33:41 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yo people,

Here's a link to Dana Durnford's Nuclear proctologist news headlines, as it makes for a great update for this page, & as our Admin here indicated a little while ago, "that maybe this Covid-garbage, is actually a result of the Fukushima fallout being coverred-up"...

It seems that Dana thinks its possible too...Just read through the headlines from top to bottom for a quick update, & click on a story for the full report...

Don't forget that this is a world-wide extinction level event, so it's worth your time to stay up-to-date...And don't forget your multi-vitamins, or more specifically, your Calcium & Magnesium tablets, to help your body flush the radioactive crap through...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yo people,

So the 11th anniversary of the world most horrific & ongoing industrial disaster went-by without even a whisper of any news or update...Until now...This is all I could find !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yes it does seem they just sweep it under the rug anymore... or should I say just slowly dump all the toxic waste in the sea.

You really should find them Dana videos on YouTube and embed them... 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, well, well...

Thankfully, Dana is OK, & there's an 11th anniversary Fukushima update available...Watch below !



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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What if they nuke a nuke plant? What then Rastus?

-- Edited by SELLC on Wednesday 16th of March 2022 01:46:29 AM


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Oh nothing really...

Too many "maybe's" to consider, like where the nuke-fuel has landed ??? Which way was the wind blowing & how fast ???...

And it woudn't matter, since our totally corrupted media likely wouldn't tell-us about it !!!

You'd be hearing it from me, stating that the CPM's on my Geiger Counter have jumped-up suddenly...

Have you bought yourself one yet ???

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 16th of March 2022 05:21:09 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I have not yet purchased one Rastus... Buying a Geiger Counter or iodine pills right now would be just as crazy as buying a new or used car! High demand brought on by panic...

I live next to several nuclear reactors... one of the waste dumps a town over is rumored to have accepted low level radioative waste from Canada... and of course, I swam in lake Erie more than once... 

In fact, here I am at a local camp ground in Monroe...





If Russia thinks anyone in Michigan or Ohio is worried... well, I got news for them... we aren't! In fact, some of the material used in the bombs we would nuke them with probably came from one of our Fermi reactors! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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4 dead after 7.4-magnitude earthquake hits coast off Japan's Fukushima prefecture


Every time something new comes along, everyone wants a bite.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hey folks,

Please don't think that I haven't been checking on news here, but there's been very little anywhere about this issue...Even the Nuclear Proctologist hasn't posted anything for a while, & Dana is like a canary-in-a-coalmine for us all, as when he stops posting, well...

That said, some news has come to light, & no doubt worth reporting / updating here...

* It's been announced that the stored onsite contaminated water is now being released in "controlled amounts" over the next several decades, into our Pacific ocean. Apparently it has been filtered(?), as you all know that have read previous posts here.

* A US-of-A investigation has revealed how licence-fraud may be used to sell toxic nuclear waste / materials on the black-market...

* A volcano has erupted in Japan, alert-level-5, in the SW part of the country, causing evacuations yesterday...There are nuke-plants in the vicinity, but no-news from this avenue should be for now considered good news imo.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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We were starting to wonder if they snuffed you out the other night! Glad to see you pulled thru!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Also a little curious why anyone would build a nuclear reactor in close proximity to a volcano... or is Japan itself a volcano like Hawaii? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

We were starting to wonder if they snuffed you out the other night! Glad to see you pulled thru!


Oh yeah, I know this deal well & truly now-days, since the "stuff" is generally always around my place. I don't say much about it, because I really, really like it lol ! But every-now-&-then, I guess they pour / sprinkle / spray a little too much...

I washed the bed-sheets etc etc, & managed a good 12-hr rest...And then I placed my face in my tea-towl, took a deep breath, & wha-la, high-as-a-kite in a really nice way...( eg, BP is a more manageable 180 / 110 @ 100 bpm ...And it usually peaks & hangs around for 15-20 minutes or so. The thing with it on your bed-sheets, is that you're exposed to it for as long as you can handle it. It's not just a quick passing, contact.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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SELLC wrote:

Also a little curious why anyone would build a nuclear reactor in close proximity to a volcano... or is Japan itself a volcano like Hawaii? 


LOL !!!  Our entire earth is made-up of molten-magma that through shifting of solidified & cooled "plates", releases this magma that then cools, & a new land-mass is created. Volcaoes are naturally-made "vents" from this activity...

Here's the deal with Japan's land-mass since you asked...



Japan, constitutional monarchy in East Asia, comprising four large islands, as well as the Ryukyu Islands and more than 1,000 lesser adjacent islands. It is bounded on the north by the Sea of Okhotsk, on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea, and on the west by the Korea Strait and the Sea of Japan (East Sea). In Japanese the countrys name is Dai (great) Nihon or Nippon (origin of the Sun), hence, Land of the Rising Sun. The Japanese islands extend in an irregular crescent from the island of Sakhalin (Russia) to the island of Taiwan (Formosa). Japan proper consists of the large islands of Hokkaido, the northernmost; Honshu, the largest, called the mainland; Shikoku; and Kyushu, the southernmost. The combined area of these islands is about 362,000 sq km (140,000 sq mi). The total area of Japan is 377,837 sq km (145,884 sq mi). Tokyo is Japans capital and largest city.

The Kuril Islands, north of Hokkaido and formerly included in Japan proper as Chishimaretto, were occupied by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) at the conclusion of World War II under an agreement reached at the Yalta Conference in 1945. However, Japan claims the southernmost part of the island chain. Until the unconditional surrender of Japan to the Allied powers on September 2, 1945, the Japanese Empire controlled, in addition to present-day Japan and the Kuril Islands, an area of about 1,651,100 sq km (637,500 sq mi), including Korea, Formosa, Dongbei, the leased territory of Guangdong (Kwangtung), the Pescadores (now P'enghu Islands), Karafuto (the southern half of Sakhalin), and the South Sea Mandated Territories, comprising the Marshall, Mariana (except Guam, a United States possession), and Caroline islands, which were made a Japanese mandate by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, after World War I.


The islands of Japan are the projecting summits of a huge chain of mountains originally a part of the continent of Asia, from which they were detached in the Cenozoic era. The long and narrow main island, Honshu, measures less than 322 km (200 mi) at its greatest breadth. The coastline of Japan is exceedingly long in proportion to the area of the islands, and totals, with the many bays and indentations, about 24,950 km (15,500 mi). The greatest amount of indentation is on the Pacific coast, the result of the erosive action of the tides and severe coastal storms. The western coast of Kyushu, on the East China Sea, is the most irregular portion of the Japanese coast. Few navigable inlets are found on the eastern coast above Tokyo, but south of Tokyo Bay are many of the best bays and harbours in Japan. Between Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu is the Inland Sea, dotted with islands and connected with the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan by three narrow straits through which oceanic storms rarely pass. The western coast of the islands of Japan, on the almost tideless Sea of Japan, is relatively straight and measures less than 4,830 km (3,000 mi); the only conspicuous indentations in the coastline are Wakasa and Toyama bays in Honshu.

Topographically, Japan is a rugged land of high mountains and deep valleys, with many small plains. Because of the alternating sequence of mountain and valley, and the rocky soil, only an estimated 11 per cent of Japan is arable land.

The Japanese plains lie chiefly along the lower courses of the principal rivers, on plateaux along the lowest slopes of mountain ranges, and on lowlands along the sea coast. The most extensive plains are in Hokkaido: along the Ishikari River in the western part of the island, along the Tokachi River in the south-east, and around the cities of Nemuro and Kushiro on the east-central shore. Honshu has several large plains. The Osaka plain contains the cities of Kbe, Kyoto, and Osaka; the Kant plain is the site of Tokyo; and Nagoya is the main city of the plain of Nobi. The Tsukushi plain is the most important level area in Kyushu.

The mountains of Japan are the most conspicuous feature of the topography. Mountain ranges extend across the islands from north to south, the main chains sending off smaller ranges that branch out laterally or run parallel to the parent range, and frequently descend to the coast, where they form bays and harbours. In the north, the island of Hokkaido is marked by a volcanic range that descends from the Kurils and merges in the south-western part of the island with a chain branching from Point Soya in the north-western tip. These mountains branch into two lines near Uchiura Bay, on the south-western coast, and reappear on the island of Honshu in two parallel ranges. The minor range, situated entirely in the north-east, separates the valley of the Kitakami River from the Pacific Ocean. The main range continues towards the south-west until it meets a mass of intersecting ridges that enclose the plateau of the Shinano River and forms a belt of mountains, the highest in Japan, across the widest part of the island. The highest peak, at 3,776 m (12,389 ft), is Fuji, an extinct volcano near Yokohama, which, because of its unique height and shape, and exceptional beauty, is one of the favourite themes of Japanese art. One of the subsidiary chains in the central mountain mass is called the Japanese Alps because of the grandeur of the landscape; the highest elevation in the chain is Mount Yariga (3,180 m/10,433 ft). Farther south is another chain of high peaks of which Mount Shirane (3,192 m/10,472 ft) is the highest. The islands of Shikoku and Kyushu are dotted with mountain ranges, although none contains any peak higher than Ishizuchi (1,981 m/6,500 ft) on the island of Shikoku. Volcanoes are common in the Japanese mountains; some 200 volcanoes are known, about 50 of which are still active. Thermal springs and volcanic areas emitting gases are exceedingly numerous.

A Rivers and Lakes

Although Japan is abundantly wateredalmost every valley has a streamno long navigable rivers exist. The larger Japanese rivers vary in size from swollen freshets during the spring thaw or the summer rainy season to small streams during dry weather. Successions of rapids and shallows are so common that only boats of extremely shallow draught can navigate. The longest river in Japan is the Shinano, on Honshu, which is about 370 km (230 mi) long; other large rivers on Honshu are the Tone, Kitakami, Tenryu, and Mogami. The important rivers of Hokkaido include the second-largest river of Japan, the Ishikari, and the Teshio and Tokachi. The Yoshino is the longest river in Shikoku. The many Japanese lakes are noted for their scenic beauty. Some are located in the river valleys, but the majority are mountain lakes, and many are summer resorts. The largest lake in Japan is Biwa, on Honshu, which covers about 685 sq km (265 sq mi).

B Earthquakes

Earthquakes are frequent in Japan. A survey showed that seismic disturbances, mostly of a minor nature, occurred more than three times a day. Geological research has shown that, possibly under the continuous impact of these disturbances, the western coast of the Japanese islands is settling, while the Pacific coast is rising. The eastern coast is subject to earthquakes affecting large areas and usually accompanied by great tidal waves; these shocks seem to begin at the bottom of the ocean near the north-eastern coast of Honshu, where a gigantic crater is thought to exist more than 8 km (5 mi) below the surface. The most disastrous earthquake in Japanese history occurred in 1923. It was centred in Sagami Bay and damaged Tokyo and Yokohama; about 150,000 people were killed by the earthquake and its aftermath. The most damaging post-war earthquake was the Great Hashin Earthquake of 1995, which struck the port of Kbe and killed some 5,000 people; its magnitude was roughly 7 on the Richter scale.

C Climate

The Japanese islands extend through approximately 17° of latitude, and Japans climatic conditions vary widely. Average mean temperatures range from about 5° C (41° F) in Nemuro (Hokkaido) to about 16° C (61° F) on Okinawa. Short summers and severe long winters characterize Hokkaido and the northern part of Honshu. The severity of the winters is caused in great part by the north-western winds blowing from Siberia and the cold Okhotsk (or Oyashio) Current, which flows south into the Sea of Japan. To the south and east of this region the winters are considerably moderated by the influence of the warm Kuroshio (or Japan) Current. In Shikoku, Kyushu, and southern Honshu the summers are hot and humid, almost subtropical, and the winters are mild with comparatively little snow. Japan lies in the path of the south-eastern monsoons, which add considerably to the oppressive humidity of the summers. Yearly precipitation ranges from about 1,015 mm (40 in) on Hokkaido to 3,810 mm (150 in) in the mountains of central Honshu. From June to October tropical cyclones, also called typhoons, occur: they can cause great damage, especially to shipping.

D Natural Resources

The most important natural resources of Japan are primarily agricultural. Although arable land is limited, Japan has some of the highest crop yields per land area sown in the world, and the country produces about 71 per cent of its food. Japans large hydroelectric power potential has been extensively developed, but mineral resources are limited. The country is obliged to import most of its mineral requirements. Geothermal power is a potentially great, as yet unexploited, resource.









B Political Divisions

Japan is divided into 47 prefectures. The prefectures include Okinawa, which was occupied by the United States after World War II and returned to Japan in 1972.















In recent decades the Japanese economy has expanded rapidly. The industrial base of Japan has shifted from light industries to heavy industries, chemicals, and electronics, which together constitute at least two-thirds of the total value of yearly exports. In 2000, the annual gross national product of Japan was US$4,519 billion (World Bank figure), one of the largest in the world, yielding a per capita income of US$35,620. The national budget for 1993 included revenues of US$893 billion and expenditures of US$1,013 billion.

Before and during World War II much of the Japanese economy was controlled by about a dozen wealthy families, collectively called the zaibatsu (wealth cliques). The greatest of these families were the Mitsui, Iwasaki (operating under the company name Mitsubishi), Sumitomo, and Yasuda; they controlled most of the coal, iron, pulp, and aluminium industries. In 1945 and 1946 family ownership of these immense trusts was dissolved by the Allied occupation authorities. The business organizations remained intact, however, and have since acquired even greater economic power by expanding into shipping, banking, and other industries.

Following the bursting of the so-called bubble economy in the early 1990s, Japan entered a prolonged period of relative economic stagnation. Chief causes were heavy corporate debts (partly concealed by Japanese accounting practices), aggravated by a collapse in property prices and a slump in share values. These factors combined to devalue the assets of both companies and individuals, leading to low consumer confidence, poor sales, and very cautious investment. Japan was not directly affected by the Asian economic crisis of the mid-1990s, as its own crisis was already under way, with many banks and companies technically insolvent. Politicians and bureaucrats attempted to tackle Japans various interlocking economic problems with various methods, including market-opening reforms and public spending boosts, but with little effect. By the end of the decade, the Japanese economic model once held up as an example to the world had clearly run its course and was badly in need of complete restructuring.







E Energy

Japan is among the worlds leading countries in the annual production of electricity. About 59 per cent of the electricity is generated in thermal plants using coal or petroleum products; hydroelectric facilities account for about 8 per cent, and nuclear power plants around 30 per cent. In 1993 Japan had an installed electricity-generating capacity of 213 million kW, and the output of electricity in 1999 was some 1,018 billion kWh.

Lacking adequate domestic energy resources, Japan depends on fuel imports to meet its energy needs. Because of improvements in energy efficiency and conservation, Japans annual growth in energy consumption decreased from 6.1 per cent during the period from 1965 to 1980 to 1.9 per cent during the period from 1980 to 1988, while the share of annual merchandise imports represented by imported fuels dropped from 19 per cent to 14 per cent.

































































"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

We were starting to wonder if they snuffed you out the other night! Glad to see you pulled thru!


Oh yeah, I know this deal well & truly now-days, since the "stuff" is generally always around my place. I don't say much about it, because I really, really like it lol ! But every-now-&-then, I guess they pour / sprinkle / spray a little too much...

I washed the bed-sheets etc etc, & managed a good 12-hr rest...And then I placed my face in my tea-towl, took a deep breath, & wha-la, high-as-a-kite in a really nice way...( eg, BP is a more manageable 180 / 110 @ 100 bpm ...And it usually peaks & hangs around for 15-20 minutes or so. The thing with it on your bed-sheets, is that you're exposed to it for as long as you can handle it. It's not just a quick passing, contact.


Are you suggesting someone is sprinking cocaine around on your bed? Because, eh... that's something that will constrict your arteries and cause high blood pressure.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:
Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

We were starting to wonder if they snuffed you out the other night! Glad to see you pulled thru!


Oh yeah, I know this deal well & truly now-days, since the "stuff" is generally always around my place. I don't say much about it, because I really, really like it lol ! But every-now-&-then, I guess they pour / sprinkle / spray a little too much...

I washed the bed-sheets etc etc, & managed a good 12-hr rest...And then I placed my face in my tea-towl, took a deep breath, & wha-la, high-as-a-kite in a really nice way...( eg, BP is a more manageable 180 / 110 @ 100 bpm ...And it usually peaks & hangs around for 15-20 minutes or so. The thing with it on your bed-sheets, is that you're exposed to it for as long as you can handle it. It's not just a quick passing, contact.


Are you suggesting someone is sprinking cocaine around on your bed ? Because, eh... that's something that will constrict your arteries and cause high blood pressure.



I honestly don't know what it is, I've only ever smoked sheeba earlier in my life, & on the rare occasion that it presents itself for purchase now-days...So I have no idea of comparison, as I don't know what the effects are.

I suggest that around $250:00 per gram for Coke, they're not going to give it away to me LOL ! ( At least this was the whispered price of the shyte around 20-years ago )...

* Sheeba also stays in your system / body fat for up-tp 6-months...Since I'm an internationally qualified marine engineer officer, drug tests are-the-go all-the-time when accepting & working on a contract, so it pays to keep your system clean.

Also, this stuff leaves no chemical signature, since after around 20-minutes away from a source-of-contamination, you're fine. This also means that when "Murder Inc." comes knocking on your door, you can have heart-failure & die, whilst the evidence simply evaporates away with your body-heat whilst the ambulance is traveling down the road to try & save your sorry-ass.

The above reality makes one wonder why the authorities created COrona VIrus Disease 2019, when all they have to do is spray-this-shit into an elderly persons vicinity, & you know the rest...

To be quite honest, I'm glad that "things are back to normal", where "everyone" is monitoring my movements, from the truckies, to cab-drivers, to the average Joe-blow on the street. So I'm perfectly safe, likely even more so than your POTUS. And all this exposure means nothing will happen will it ???...

They've made me too popular, so I'm a celebrity of some-sort LOL !


-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 27th of July 2022 01:56:23 AM


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Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:
Rastus wrote:
SELLC wrote:

We were starting to wonder if they snuffed you out the other night! Glad to see you pulled thru!


Oh yeah, I know this deal well & truly now-days, since the "stuff" is generally always around my place. I don't say much about it, because I really, really like it lol ! But every-now-&-then, I guess they pour / sprinkle / spray a little too much...

I washed the bed-sheets etc etc, & managed a good 12-hr rest...And then I placed my face in my tea-towl, took a deep breath, & wha-la, high-as-a-kite in a really nice way...( eg, BP is a more manageable 180 / 110 @ 100 bpm ...And it usually peaks & hangs around for 15-20 minutes or so. The thing with it on your bed-sheets, is that you're exposed to it for as long as you can handle it. It's not just a quick passing, contact.


Are you suggesting someone is sprinking cocaine around on your bed ? Because, eh... that's something that will constrict your arteries and cause high blood pressure.



I honestly don't know what it is, I've only ever smoked sheeba earlier in my life, & on the rare occasion that it presents itself for purchase now-days...So I have no idea of comparison, as I don't know what the effects are.

I suggest that around $250:00 per gram for Coke, they're not going to give it away to me LOL ! ( At least this was the whispered price of the shyte around 20-years ago )...

* Sheeba also stays in your system / body fat for up-tp 6-months...Since I'm an internationally qualified marine engineer officer, drug tests are-the-go all-the-time when accepting & working on a contract, so it pays to keep your system clean.

Also, this stuff leaves no chemical signature, since after around 20-minutes away from a source-of-contamination, you're fine. This also means that when "Murder Inc." comes knocking on your door, you can have heart-failure & die, whilst the evidence simply evaporates away with your body-heat whilst the ambulance is traveling down the road to try & save your sorry-ass.

The above reality makes one wonder why the authorities created COrona VIrus Disease 2019, when all they have to do is spray-this-shit into an elderly persons vicinity, & you know the rest...

To be quite honest, I'm glad that "things are back to normal", where "everyone" is monitoring my movements, from the truckies, to cab-drivers, to the average Joe-blow on the street. So I'm perfectly safe, likely even more so than your POTUS. And all this exposure means nothing will happen will it ???...

They've made me too popular, so I'm a celebrity of some-sort LOL !



I don't normally re-re-quote like this, but WOW!

This is some of your best work yet Rastus! It's dripping with everything all of your Best Selling Novelist have... We have been turning the chapters for many years here too, and it's getting better and better! Not the part about the high BP though, but you can't have a good story without a little danger! This should not be taken in any-way outside of my total and utter disbelief that things are as you suggest... in fact I applaud you for coming out with it! We can only watch and see, but I been hearing that Fentanyl is killing a lot of people, and down your way with such close proximity to where it's made (China), I bet it's a whole lot cheaper! Perhaps you should read into the Fentanyl crisis we have ongoing here in the USA and maybe this is what's somehow doing this to you? They say it's so powerful that if someone used a bank note (dollar) to package a small amount that later if you handled the bill it could absorb into your skin and even deliver a lethal dose from 2nd, even 3rd hand contact! The fact that you seem to like it makes me think it's the same reason many people are making fake drugs with nothing more than Fentanyl because it gives the user a high at VERY LOSE doses... I think anything over 2mg can be lethal in some people? 

Just so you don't start feeling TOO special, everyone in the USA has to worry about that Fentanyl... I don't see why it's not banned like anthrax or any other poison! It's just crazy and it's needlessly KILLING a lot of Americans! A lot of young kids that never even really messed around with drugs are getting killed, because someone slipped them something, usually by false pretexts... So my advice to you Rastus, get you some Narcan and keep it at the house and wherever you go! Don't feel ashamed, even the Police have fallen victim to OD's just trying to secure a Fentanyl crime scene! You read about it all the time here in the US... so do yourself a favor and keep some Narcan next to your Geiger Counter!

This is for you Rastus!


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Thanks mate, I'll check that out.

Perhaps the difference here with me & the folks Stateside, is that people are breaking into my home, & sprinkling the shyte around.

And as far as I can tell, it's day-4 now, & the shyte is still as strong as ever ;) !


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Here you go...

And according to this article, the "shyte" isn't fentanyl that I'm ingesting, as my BP goes through-the-roof, not the other way around.


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You make a good point...

Well I guess people working in energy can spare $250 a gram to make it look like you're a coke-head! 

That's all I can come up with... what is the name of the shit they give people OD'ing on Coke? Has to be in that family then... 

Or perhaps you're just trying to tell us you have a serious coke problem and throw it around on your sheets like in the movie "Departed"?


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Yo folks,

It's been a long while since I updated this thread, & you know what ?...There is no news that's "current news" at all available about the goings-on at the China Syndrome State Nuclear Reactors at Fukushima Daiichi...

Isn't that extraordinary ???!!! Here we have the most diabolical nuclear accident ever, involving all the reactors, & no news at all can be found anywhere about this event, at least since the middle of this year....

* Beyond Nuclear, Green Audit, Fairewinds, Simply Info / Fuku-Leaks have no new news...

* Dana Durnham, The "Nuclear Proctologist" has had his You-Tube channel shut down, though he's reopened again elsewhere...

* Even the diabolical World Nuclear News has no current update available...All they're doing is signing new deals via the IAEA to the poorer countries of the world, such as Japan is doing with Poland at the moment...

* From here in Northern Tasmania, I can at least let you know that the Radiation Counts-Per-Minute have reduced a little-bit, & they average 18.32 CPM at the time of posting, with the regular high sweep up to 42-CPM being recorded.

Who is doing this ??? We have a right to know what's going on...

Anyhow, find attached a picture of the demolished Reactor - 4 building at Fukushima on the left, with the Fake News reporting from the "Hollywood stage buildings" on the right, just so we remenber the reality of this event, & the bullshyte the media is feeding us.





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With great power comes great responsibility.



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So yet another year & anniversary passes since the Fukushima disaster occurred, & everyone that I've quoted or led links to in the past has been silenced...The only people offering anything at all, is, & they once claimed that "x" amount of fuel-rods had been removed from building No.4 fuel storage facility...And the problem with that statement, is that building No.4 doesn't exist, much less any fuel-rods when looking at the photograph a few posts above, so the information is....

Anyhow, this is the latest available information from them, from their non-downloadable, current anniversary report...

* Progress has slowed-down even further, now that we're in year 12 since the disaster.

* A new phase of slower work is expected, since remaining structures of buildings are suffering from corrosion, & likely failure of structure stability & other operating systems.

* A claimed 82 Billlion US-of-A dollars & counting have so far been spent on clean-up & compensation.

* It's claimed that only Unit 2 has a recovery plan for removing expelled fuel remains.

* A new Netflix drama is expected for viewing in June this year...

And that it folks !




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Finally, some news re Fukushima that's current...

And unusually, they're still holding-on to all that stored toxic water in the tanks on-site, though plans to release it in the next few days are planned...


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So this article just appeared in my in-box, but for a limited time only lol, so I thought I'd better post-it-up quickly, since we hear nothing about this holocaust these days...

And they're calling this a "near-miss"...*(Be warned, may contain bullshyte)...

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 18th of May 2023 07:12:39 PM


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Clearly, when looking through the bollox, & gauging by the final paragraph of the above article, we have not learned a thing, & would rather put money before life itself...

qt."Balancing pragmatism with public trust"...

"If the Fukushima experience is to act as a near-miss, a warning that society heeds, so as to avoid a repeat catastrophe, Japans nuclear industry will need to redeem its reputation by revamping itself and regaining the publics trust. The aftermath of the Fukushima disaster is strong in the public memory, but given the energy needs of the country, the number of Japanese in favor of restarting nuclear reactors is slowly growing. Even with public support, though, the economic viability of nuclear energy will remain an issue. Both public and private sector actors need to pave a path for regulations to be adequate and for compliance to be economically feasible. A framework to improve and update technology and safety is a necessary first step, but efforts to revamp regulation of the nuclear industry should also include a sufficient cost-benefit analysis to determine which possible risks to prioritize. Whether or not there is another Fukushima will depend on the ability of both regulators and the industry to pursue measures for crisis planning that sufficiently address public security and are economically feasible in the long-term".

What a crock-'o"-bollox...Gluttons for punishment it seems.

No nukes is good nukes.

-- Edited by Rastus on Friday 19th of May 2023 04:37:19 AM


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You know it's Friday... I sure could go for a basket of freshly caught wild cod Fish-N-Chips!

Sorry, I'm a glutton!

And so is the rest of the world! We are thursty for that raw energy power! BIG-BIG Money! Regulated Monopoly... We're talking Nukes here pal! Did you think the openening scene of the Simpsons cartoon was a joke?




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Stellar007 wrote:

You know it's Friday... I sure could go for a basket of freshly caught wild cod Fish-N-Chips !

Sorry, I'm a glutton !

And so is the rest of the world ! We are thirsty for that raw energy power ! BIG-BIG Money ! Regulated Monopoly... We're talking Nukes here pal ! Did you think the opening scene of the Simpsons cartoon was a joke ?...



Heck no, we've known about this stuff for decades yo !













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So here's an interesting article relaying Japan's dramatic decline in birth-rates, & yet doesn't mention the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear holocaust, only the need to spend more money on military needs, to keep China away lol !

You can't make this shyte up folks...

I'll post this in here out of respect & memory to the many people in Japan & around the world that have suffered from this mess, & as a reminder of how diabolical the nuke industry is...

Disgraceful...( It wouldn't let me link, so I just cut & pasted the short article ).

qt."TOKYO (AP) Japans birth rate declined for a seventh consecutive year in 2022 to a record low of 1.26, the Health Ministry said Friday, adding to a sense of urgency in a country where the government is seen as too slow to take measures to address its rapidly shrinking and aging population.

The average number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime fell to 1.26 in 2022 from 1.30 a year earlier, tying the record low from 2005, according to the annual population statistics. The fertility rate is far below the rate of 2.06 -2.07 considered to be needed to maintain a population.

Japans population of more than 125 million has been declining for 16 years and is projected to fall to 87 million by 2070. A shrinking and aging population has huge implications for the economy and for national security as Japan fortifies its military to counter Chinas increasingly assertive territorial ambitions".


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I'd be more than willing to help Japan re-poupulate!

Just let them know to have their woman send me a photo and a short letter (in English) giving me some details about themselves...

But seriously Rastus, what else could you or I even do about this? It seems widespread... not just limited to Japan! Which by the way runs something like a 240+% of GDP deficit. 

Some people say the Jab is causing sterilizations or whatnot... and some say that other toxic materials are also prevalent....

I might remind you Rastus,

They just turned on the THIRD of FOUR reactors in Gerogia... Gotta have that power! Right?



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Stellar007 wrote:

1. I'd be more than willing to help Japan re-populate!

2. Just let them know to have their woman send me a photo and a short letter (in English) giving me some details about themselves...

3. But seriously Rastus, what else could you or I even do about this? It seems widespread... not just limited to Japan! Which by the way runs something like a 240+% of GDP deficit. 

4. Some people say the Jab is causing sterilizations or whatnot... and some say that other toxic materials are also prevalent....

5. I might remind you Rastus,

6. They just turned on the THIRD of FOUR reactors in Gerogia... Gotta have that power! Right?



R1. No doubt...But all the radioactive-shyte from Fukushima Daiichi floated over, & mostly landed on the US-of-A Stellar...Go to the start of this thread for reminders, especially the one about Mr.Obama flying around in AF-1 until the dust settled...( Whoops )...

R2. It's likely that both sexes have issues Stellar, no eggses, & no spermzes yo ! And likely plenty of abortions since the fetuses would be deformed yo ! We can't have any Children like in Chernobyl or Iraq right ?...

R3. No nukes is good nukes, & let the Quantum banking system do its thing...

R4. In 2012-13, the US-of-A Supreme court declared that any gene altering pharmaceutical used on humans, becomes the property of that company, as it's been patented...So those people that have been vaxxed, are owned by the company that supplied the vaxx...And we know that means "Vanguard, State Street & Black Rock", or if you rather, Bill gates, Soros, plus Bill & Hillary Clinton etc etc....Haven't you been following ?...

R5. We can sell you some coal if you like !

R6. Air-conditioning comes with a price.




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So it appears that the worlds most evil entity, the IAEA has given the "green-light" for Japan to dump all the accumulated toxic water stored on site, out into the Pacific...That said, as I've questioned over the years, there remains to this day, 4-500 tonnes of unfiltered toxic radioactive water freely flowing into the Pacific...This means what has been stored-on-site, is about 4-5 months worth of water, based on my calculations, over the last 12-years since the disaster.

Interestingly, CounterPunch has provided a most excellent update, so see link below, & I thought it strange that the "Bulletin" has not mentioned a thing...


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I seen this the other day in circulation on the MSM.

That is an incredible amount of toxic waste! When you see things like this it really makes you wonder -- WTF is going to happen?

Anyone you know have the math skills to break all that down to see how much the actual dilution will be by the time it makes its way around our way? Because Canada recently had some wildfires that pretty much smoked us out over here in Michigan for a few days with air quality that was regestered as the worst in the WORLD at one time! Then we see these sands from Africa landing in South America... The winds of change? Well what about wrath of tides? How long and far is this sheat going to float about and when and where will it settle?

I can't help but to feel there is a sick irony to Japan nuking the rest of the costal world with their toxic radioactive waste... after WWII we helped to build Japan back up and if you look at the areas now they are VERY fancy and dense! Is Japan going to do something simlar to offset these radioactive dumps? It's for sure very unsettling as a fish eater! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.I seen this the other day in circulation on the MSM.

2.That is an incredible amount of toxic waste ! When you see things like this it really makes you wonder -- WTF is going to happen?

3.Anyone you know have the math skills to break all that down to see how much the actual dilution will be by the time it makes its way around our way ? (b) Because Canada recently had some wildfires that pretty much smoked us out over here in Michigan for a few days with air quality that was registered as the worst in the WORLD at one time ! (c) Then we see these sands from Africa landing in South America...(d) The winds of change ? (e) Well what about wrath of tides ? (f) How long and far is this shyte going to float about and when and where will it settle ?

4.I can't help but to feel there is a sick irony to Japan nuking the rest of the coastal world with their toxic radioactive waste... (b)After WWII we helped to build Japan back up and if you look at the areas now they are VERY fancy and dense ! (c) Is Japan going to do something similar to offset these radioactive dumps ? (d) It's for sure very unsettling as a fish eater! 


R1. Cool.


R2. Over 2,000 diseases is what's happening to animals & humans, plus over 4-million of the 8-million species are extinct already. This is why some ET's have space-arks ready to repopulate the globe, should we perish. The ET's, & the cabal already have these technologies to repair the globe with. The cabal want the planet for themselves, & world population down to 500,000,000 max. That's what Agenda 21 was all about, & other things like COrona VIrus Disease...


R3.(a) The maths is easy, the problem is facts from TEPCO to calculate with. Different fish migrate to different places ( if they make it ). It's the lucky-dip & chance you take Stellar.

     (b) The smoke would have been radioactive Stellar, since most of the fallout from Fukushima landed on Canada & the US-of-A. Florida got the most of it apparently.

     (c) It makes you wonder how much DU from the Ukraine has landed on you too.

     (d) Yes, mother nature.

     (e) Yes, mother nature again.

     (f) Whilst there are nuclear power-plants in operation, the shyte will always be produced...Look-out down-winders.


R4.(a) The US-of-A via the IAEA gave it to them. And Japans engineers at the time warned Westinghouse about tsunamis, but they built on low-ground regardless, to save money.

     (b) And now they're paying you back.

     (c) Stellar, in the Fuku-thread, I calculated out years ago, that there was only about 4-months worth of toxic water stored on-site. Everyday, over 400-tonnes of toxic water    flow into the Pacific, & continues to this day. That's about 1,753,200 tonnes of toxic water up to the 12-year mark, 3-months ago & counting.

     (d) The whole world got nuked Stellar. We are living in the aftermath...


*  The best thing to offset the radionuclides is to take a Magnesium & Calcium tablets daily.

** You also pointed out years ago, that the earthquake was deliberately set-off. I reckon you are correct in this assessment, especially after watching Eric J Hecker's videos / testimony in the UFO thread. Remember that when Raytheon fired-up the directional-weapon-system in Antarctica, that it miss-fired, & Christchurch in NZ had an earthquake. Back round 2011, the world economic crisis hit Japan the hardest, & it's likely they told the US-of-A to go *uck themselves, with the result being the tsunami & Fukushima...

Look at the devastation caused...And even today, they have a gun-to-their-head, & are firing up their nuke-plants. The US-of-A's cabal / secret government is a woeful SOB. It's going down, & the ET's are helping liberate us from this evil.

Too bad you're too blind to see or understand my friend. I'll keep trying however.

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 9th of July 2023 05:39:49 AM


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Here you go Stellar, a picture says 1,000 words.


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So as we now pass into the 13th year since the worlds most devastating & ongoing nuclear catastrophe, there remains no news about the event...


One can only assume that matters are the same, likely worse, since the article posted recently (elsewhere) indicated Japans intentions of starting another 11 reactors, whilst decommissioning a further 24 reactors out of the 65 available, after the opening paragraph of the story indicated a positive outlook needed on nukes...

Even the Nuclear Proctologist has been silenced, with no update since before Christmas, where he revealed the mass-die-off's of many animals around the world.

Anyhow, since Dana resides in Canada, & the Aussie Juice Media has revealed how Canada treats its natives & heritage lands, perhaps this article leads us to the answer of our woes...

The headline says it all...


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Beyond Nuclear just sent an update on Fukushima that you can read below, but it's more of a financial statement than anything else...But something is better than nothing lol !

qt. The Japan Times...

"The government expects that victim compensation and other costs related to the 2011 nuclear accident at the Fukushima No. 1 power plant will rise ¥1.9 trillion from its current projection, it was learned Friday.

The growth reflected a revision in December last year of government criteria for compensation to people affected by the unprecedented triple meltdown at the plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings in northeastern Japan.

Another factor is an increase in compensation to fishery operators due to the releases into the ocean of tritium-containing treated wastewater from the plant, which began in August this year.

As a result, the total amount of government compensation bonds to be utilized to support Tepco's compensation payments is expected to reach ¥15.4 trillion.

The estimates were unveiled at a meeting of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's headquarters for accelerating reconstruction of areas hit by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Of the expected increase, ¥1.3 trillion will go to compensation to victims affected by the nuclear accident, and ¥600 billion will be used for an interim facility to store contaminated soil from decontamination work and other radioactive waste.

Separately, decommissioning work for the damaged reactors is expected to cost ¥8 trillion, boosting the total expenses to deal with the aftermath of the nuclear accident to ¥23.4 trillion.

The compensation costs are also shouldered by nuclear power plant operators other than Tepco".


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It's only been about 4-months, but I did find an update about the destroyed nuclear power-plants...It's worth posting since it reveals the words being used by the press to cover-up the disaster & make it look less dangerous, even though nuke activity has already wiped-out 4 of the 8 million different species of life on the planet, & counting...

Anyhow, be warned in advance, that the report states "fuel-pools", but doesn't indicate what building...Building No.4 was blown to pieces, with nothing but a skeletal shell remaining on the lower levels of a once 10-story building. See attached photo for edification, & treat all of this report as suspicious...But it's all they're leaking lol ! ( Bad choice of words )

Anyhow, remember that Fukushima "is" climate change, & that no nukes is good nukes...

July 5, 2024
Fukushimas Forever Quagmire of Radiation Hazards
by John Laforge

The Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant after the 2011 Thoku earthquake and tsunami.

Earthquakes routinely threaten reactor site

The dumping of radioactive wastewater from the rubbished Fukushima nuclear reactor site in Japan was suspended for a day last March, after a 5.98-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of the site, the Malaysia Star and Arab News Japan report. Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) said through a spokesperson that it halted operation of its liquid waste filtering system (APLS), but that no abnormalities were detected, and no leak of radiation was detected. The comic choice of words implies that dumping radiation-emitting liquid waste into the Pacific Ocean is not abnormal and that the wastes radioactive tritium, strontium, carbon, and cesium cant be detected. The filtering system was restarted later the same day after Japans Meteorological Agency said there was no threat of a tsunami. The shutdown was the first time Tepcos waste dispersal was interrupted by earthquake activity.

Radioactive wastewater leaks lead to promises of improvement

On Feb. 7, 2024, Tepcos faulty wastewater filtering system leaked over 1.5 tons of highly radioactive cooling water which spread across the ground. The worker-caused spill forced Tepco to promise in April that it would install piping and ventilation intended to make any future spewing of wastewater fall inside the building. The plan puts workers in danger, and the vent ports would release radioactive gases to the open air. Last October, an accident at the same liquid processing site sprayed five workers, directly exposing them to radioactive materials likely including tritium, carbon-14, strontium, cesium, iodine, cobalt, and other deadly radionuclides. Chinas Xinhjua News Agency reported: Amid raging credibility and safety concerns among the Japanese public following a series of accidents at the crippled plant, [Tepco] and the Japanese government have been frequently challenged for the ocean discharge as the decommissioning process remains ambiguous.

Extracting melted fuel and wreckage from radioactive hellscape

Destroyed reactors 1, 2, and 3 at Fukushima wrecked by the 2011earthquake, a devastating tsunami, and a string of explosions have about 880 tons of melted fuel which has burned into or through the reactors foundations. Tepco and Japans government intend to remove this fiercely radioactive wreckage and abandon it somewhere else. According to the Arab News in Japan, the melted fuel and the surrounding structures are so ferociously hot and radioactive that remote-controlled robots have repeatedly broken down in the harsh, underwater environment. (Water is continually poured over the melted fuel to keep it from overheating further.) Last March, Japans Nuclear Damage Compensation and Decommissioning Facilitation Corp. came forward with a few ideas for removing the wrecked fuel, etc., something never before attempted at a site devastated by the worlds first-ever earthquake-tsunami-meltdown. This government wrecking crew has recommended: 1) removing the lethal debris while exposing it in the air, and 2) solidifying the wreckage in place using a filler like concrete. The government also suggested a plan to submerge entire reactor facilities under water after constructing a giant pool-like structure around them. Theoretically, robots would then approach, grasp, and withdraw the deadly debris while the surrounding water partially shielded workers from radiation.

G-7 Leaders Offer Political Cover for Japans ocean dumping

In an off-agenda move widely seen as a winking promise to protect the nuclear reactor industry, the Group of Seven corporate capitalist states (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US) endorsed Japans dumping of radioactive wastewater into the ocean at its summit in Italy June 15, the Nippon News Agency reported. We support Japans safe, transparent and science-based process to responsibly manage the discharge, the G-7 statement said. Millions of people and more than 20 countries on the Pacific Rim and beyond have objected to Japans dumping set to last another 40 years of over 1.3-million tonnes of radioactive wastewater into the global commons. The discharge is so patently unsafe, so shrouded in long-term unknowns, and so clearly in violation of the International Atomic Energy Agencys own scientific guidelines (which the IAEA itself is ignoring), that the G-7s nod can be seen as industrial push-back against dumping protests in Japan, China, Russia, South Korea, and the Pacific Island Forum of 17 states.

Landslide Threat Endangers Cooling Pool

Earthquakes routinely strike the Fukushima area of northeast Japan, threatening 1,000 large tanks holding 1.3 million tons of contaminated wastewater, and endangering the structural integrity of cooling pools holding extremely radioactive used fuel rods (often called spent fuel). In January 2024 alone, there were over 18 earthquakes in the region with magnitudes of between 2.8 and 3.7. In February there were at least 23, with one measuring magnitude 6.1.

Quakes pose another threat to the six-reactor site. According to Nuclear Engineering International for April 17, a possible landslide off of massive mountain slope could shut down the large waste fuel cooling pond next to the slope. The pool holds 5,197 waste fuel assemblies the article notes, and Akira Ishiwatari, a geologist and federal Nuclear Regulation Authority commissioner, told the magazine, A landslide could occur on the slope in the event of a minor earthquake or even without any tremor. The authority is concerned that if sediment from a landside flowed into the pool, the nuclear fuel would no longer be cooled and, in the worst-case scenario, could eventually melt, the magazine said.

Tepco has said a landslide would not affect the cooling pond, but to avert the danger its announced plans to excavate 100,000 cubic meters from the slope over the next ten years.

Ibaraki prefecture wants halt of edible tree shoot shipments after radioactive cesium found

Another prefecture in Japan has asked for a halt to shipments of a popular edible wild food after it was found contaminated with high levels of cesium-137, a radioactive toxin dispersed in large quantities by the triple Fukushima meltdowns of March 2011. Cesium-137 stays in the environment for 300 years and was spread long distances from the disaster site, Mainichi Japan reported April 13. Kitaibaraki town in Ibaraki prefecture is 134 miles from Fukushima, and the government found cesium contamination in angelica tree shoots at twice the level allowed by Japanese authorities. Restrictions on shipping wild mushrooms and koshiabura, a species of edible flowering plant, are still enforced across wide areas of Ibaraki. Cesium testing began after the meltdowns that followed the record-breaking 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami which left 19,000 dead or missing. In our Spring 2024 Quarterly, Nukewatch reported that edible foods up to 292 miles from Fukushima were still being found highly tainted with cesium-137, which emits beta and gamma radiation and accumulates in muscle and reproductive organs.


-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 11th of July 2024 08:13:53 PM


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This bleak out-look report just in...Cut & Paste from my mailbox...

July 19, 2024
Fukushima Toxic Dumping
by Robert Hunziker

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is the worlds leading epicenter of toxic radioactive water released into the ocean. Yet, these activities are no longer closely monitored by mainstream media. As it happens, Tokyo Electric Power Company is the electric utility that manages the decommissioning of the collapsed nuclear reactors. This controversial ongoing release of radioactive water is mostly unopposed by the nations of the world. No problem, dump it!

But there is another side to this story.

This is a time bomb. (Robert Richmond, Ph.D. Kewalo Marine Laboratory)

A nationwide symposium on Zoom entitled: Radioactive Contamination of US Food and Water and What Congress Can Do About It, August 15, 2024, discussed several aspects of Fukushimas dumping scheme. The details are disturbing and maybe horrifying.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) with the blessing of the government of Japan commenced dumping treated radioactive water into the ocean August 24th, 2023. Since 2011, TEPCO has been wrestling with one of the most recognizable industrial accidents in human history, three nuclear power plants still in a difficult to define meltdown thirteen (13) years after the initial meltdown.

Its important to note that subsequent to the meltdown in March 2021 five ex-Japan prime ministers called for an end to nuclear power. In sharp contrast to those five former PMs opposition, as of August 2022, current PM Fumio Kishida (2021 -) went all-in for nuclear power reactors, build, build, build.

Beginning in 2023 TEPCO commenced dumping treated radioactive water used to cool sizzling hot highly radioactive corium within the core of the crumpled reactors into the Pacific Ocean. Essentially, TEPCO unofficially christened the ocean an open sewer. Its free! Yes, its free but not free for abuse. And why would anyone authorize broken-down crippled nuclear power plants to release toxic radioactive wastewater into the ocean?

According to TEPCO and several experts quoted in a BBC article, the low level of tritium radiation released is acceptable risk. One expert said hed drink it. Well, can somebody please arrange for him to receive a supply of TEPCOs radioactive wastewater to drink for one year. Thatd be comparable to the oceans experience of one year. According to Emily Hammond, Ph. D., an expert in energy and environmental law with George Washington University: The challenge with radionuclides (such as tritium) is that they present a question that science cannot fully answer; that is, at very low levels of exposure, what can be counted as safe? (Source: The Science Behind the Fukushima Waste Water Release, BBC, August 25, 2023)

But seriously, are there really, truly tolerable levels? According to the National Academy of Sciences, there are no safe doses of radiation. Decades of research show clearly that any dose of radiation increases an individuals risk for the development of cancer.

TEPCOs dumping is a testament to human frailty, not strength, endangering its own, and its difficult to stomach. Theres nothing positive about it, not one positive. Instead, its a boldfaced insult and slap in the face. Intuitively, logically, ethically, its impossible to justify turning the worlds oceans into open sewers. Oh, please!

The International Atomic Energy Administration (IAEA) greeted the TEPCO/Japan government dumping scheme with open arms, as did the G7. But, in the process, IAEA violated its own stated principles, see: TEPCOs ALPS-Treated Radioactive Water Dumping Plan Violated Essential Provisions of IAEAs General Safety Guide N0. 8.

Indeed, IAEAs endorsement begs a critical question of whom the public can trust when the IAEA overstates well-known facts about the dangers of tritium while violating its own policies for nuclear safety.

The July 15th symposium discusses the risks of Fukushima that are generally ignored by society at large. Some highlights of that exposé follow:

Arjun Makhijani, Ph.D. Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. Focus on tritium, Exploring Tritium Dangers to Protect Future Generations and Ecosystems, Congressional Briefing, 2024-07-15:

Tritium found in Fukushimas wastewater, when exposed in humans is detrimental to the basic core of a persons internal energy system, aka: the mitochondrial DNA, a bodily function that allows people to walk to talk to blink to process food, etc. This significant aspect of human DNA is very susceptible to damage by tritium. And the risk is identical for plants and animals.

A little tritium goes a long way. One teaspoon of tritiated water can contaminate 100 billion gallons of water (equivalent to 150,000 Olympic pools), a calculation that is based upon US drinking water standards. Tritium turns water radioactive, so our most crucial stuff of life becomes radioactive. How many teaspoons will Fukushima produce?

The risks of internal exposure to tritium: Theres clear evidence of neurological damage, according to the International Commission on Radiological Protection.

Congress needs to address tighter regulations of tritium exposure for both humans and ecosystems.

Robert Richmond, research professor Kewalo Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii, Achieving Healthier Oceans and People, Dumping of Nuclear Waste Undercuts Progress: A marine biologist viewpoint.

Already, the state of the ocean is in serious decline because of anthropogenic stressors. We need to reduce stressors, not add radionuclides to a very fragile marine ecosystem. Radionuclide effects are transboundary and transgenerational issues in addition to the complication of PFAS or forever chemicals starting to show up in alarming quantities. Compounding these dangers, the Fukushima discharge program will take 30+ years.

Fukushimas discharge, according to Richmond: This is a time bomb Once the radionuclides are detected in fish, it will be too late to act. Theres no way to put the genie back in the bottle.

The way the plumes of radionuclides are modeled for Fukushima dumping, theyll reside in major Pacific fishing grounds for 7-12 years at peak levels of impact. Tritium is not evenly distributed throughout the ocean. Statements that tritium will be widely dispersed/diluted do not hold up at all. Tritium ends up in fish that people eat, bio-accumulating within human bodies that have no defenses against organically bound tritium.

(Footnote: As tritium moves up the food chain it bioconcentrates and biomagnifies. Pro-nuclear advocates claim tritium passes thru the body within days, no harm done. This is not true. It bioaccumulates in living organisms. Numerous studies have proven this, e.g., Benedict C. Jaeschke, et al, Bioaccumulation of Tritiated Water and Trophic Transfer, etc. National Library of Medicine, January 2013.)

Additionally, the Fukushima discharges violate numerous international protocols and established principles (1) the Precautionary Principle, and IAEA GSG-8 (2) ALARA principle nobody should be exposed to radiation unless it is as treatment for cancer (3) UNCLOS (4) London Convention and Protocol (5) the newly passed High Seas Treaty (6) PIF 2050 Blue Continent Strategy (7) the spirit of the UN Ocean Decade. Fukushima dumping violates all seven of these internationally recognized principles against dumping toxic substances into the worlds oceans.

Why is Fukushima given a pass on seven (7) internationally recognized violations?

Accordingly, new approaches and alternatives and regulations for toxic ocean dumping must be researched and established. Congress needs to address this as soon as possible.

James Gormley Editor-in-Chief, Better Nutrition magazine, award-winning journalist, pioneer of science-centered coverage and a member of the US trade delegations in Paris and Rome for FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius.

A multinational approach is required for assessment and radioactivity mitigation. We need a whole-of-government approach in the US inclusive of EPA, NOA, DOE, FDA, and Fish and Wildlife Service all-in tackling issues such as Fukushimas radioactive ocean dumping. Congress needs to bring all federal assets together in unison to tackle this understudied and largely ignored risk to marine and human health.

Kimberly Roberson Founder and executive director Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network (FFAN) est. June 2011.

A citizens petition regarding the risks associated with Fukushima was filed with the FDA on behalf of FFAN in 2013. Even though the FDA is required to respond to a citizens petition, to date, 11 years later, the only response has been a letter stating: More time was needed.

Meanwhile, according to Roberson: TEPCO struggles to get Fukushima under control, and there is no end in sight. They say it will take 30 or 40 years, but nobody really knows for sure. In August of 2023, TEPCO began systematically dumping radioactive wastewater into the Pacific, but it is only partially filtered. TEPCO filled over 1,000 tanks with wastewater, and more water is added every day, and there are hundreds of thousands of gallons contained in each tank tritium is difficult to filter, and TEPCO is not currently attempting to filter it. Cesium is the radionuclide at the center of the FDA petition where one radionuclide is detected, others are found as well. (Footnote: High levels of radioactive cesium cause nausea, vomiting, bleeding, coma, and death.)

At present the US has the highest levels allowable for manmade radiation from nuclear accidents at 1200 Bq/kg for all citizens. By comparison, Japans allowable level for adults is 100 Bg/kg and 50 Bg/kg for children.

Food that is too radioactive for Japan can legally be exported to the US. It has been reported that food, including seafood, that Japan would ordinarily export to countries that have instituted food bans of Japans radioactive food products is now being sold and served to US military service members and their families in Japan. The National Academy for Sciences biologic effect of ionizing radiation states there is a linear relationship between ionizing radiation and the development of solid cancers. (Roberson)

(Footnote: Because ionizing radiation has enough energy to break an electron away from an atom, it certainly has enough umph to change the chemical composition of any material it connects with. A human body is defenseless.)

The FDA should monitor for cesium in foodstuff, as stated in the FFAN petition. Additionally, food imported from Japan should adhere, at the least, to Japans own standards of 100 Bg/kg for adults and 50 Bg/kg for young children before export to the United States.

The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in Germany suggest 8 Bg/kg for children and 16 Bg/kg for adults as safe tolerable levels.

Congress should start the process to establish adequate testing and establish a viable limit.and verification that food imported from Japan does not exceed Japans own restrictions. Other nations have banned Japans exports.

The public has a right to information. FFAN is asking Congress to direct the FDA to do its job. Its in the public interest to know what people are putting in their mouths. If imported foodstuff exceeds Bg/kg limits set by the exporter in Japan, the public should be informed that they are purchasing food from Japan that exceeds Japans allowable levels of radioactivity for its own people.

The myth is being perpetuated that discharges are necessary for decommissioning. But the Japanese government itself admits there is sufficient water storage space in Fukushima Daiichi. Long-term storage would expose the current government decommissioning roadmap as flawed, but that is exactly what needs to happen. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station is still in crisis, posing unique and severe hazards, and there is no credible plan for its decommissioning, Shaun Burnie, Senior Nuclear Specialist at Greenpeace East Asia.

As for Fukushima discharges, Greenpeace claims that the radiological risks have not been fully assessed, and the biological impacts of tritium, carbon-14, strontium-90 and iodine-129 to be released with the water have been ignored. (Source: Fukushima: Why is Japan Releasing water and is it Safe? Reuters, Aug. 24, 2023) That statement should be a gamechanger, but most likely it wont.

Robert Hunziker lives in Los Angeles and can be reached at

No nukes is good nukes...(Tick,tick,tick,tick)....


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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It's been nearly 6-months, but another article / update has appeared about the mess in Japan...This one has plenty of photo's & good information, so I'll link-it-up rather than cut & paste.

It's important that everyone reads & learns.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Though this cut & paste from 1440 headlines below doesn't actually state Fukushima, there's no denying that the bulk of the fallout landed on North America first...And since we know that nuke fallout essentially affects women & children first & foremost, it becomes interesting to how the facts may be twisted here...

Make your own minds-up...

Cancer Rates Fall

The American Cancer Society's latest report reveals a significant shift in cancer trends. The overall cancer mortality rate in the US declined by 34% from 1991 to 2022, preventing approximately 4.5 million deaths.

However, cancer rates are rising among women and younger adults, with women under 50 now having cancer rates 82% higher than men, up from 51% in 2002. Pancreatic cancer remains a concern, with increasing incidence and mortality rates and an 8% five-year survival rate for pancreatic exocrine tumors. Cancer incidence among children (ages 14 and younger) has declined after decades of increases but continues to rise among adolescents (ages 15 to 19). See all statistics here.

Cancer remains the second-leading cause of death in the US and the primary cause for those under 85. In 2025, the ACS estimates there will be 2,041,910 new cancer diagnoses in the US, with 618,120 cancer deaths. Researchers attribute these shifts to environmental influences, lifestyle changes, and potential genetic factors.

-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 25th of January 2025 05:13:57 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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