I got my youngest son a new laptop for Christmas this year and dispite my telling him that Windows was a waste of life he still wanted a Windows based computer.
I purchased a brand new unit on-sale at Best Buy. Pretty good specs for a kid thats not even 12 yet -- in fact the unit is way better than the outdated single core Pentium that I use for the business. The laptop come pre-installed with Windows 8.1 and to be quite honest the entire layout of the new OS is an absolute joke. Its not that I have any problems navigating the system -- its just that its so un organized and ugly that I really cant understand how anyone could like it.
Then there is the sad truth about Microsoft -- at it's core. So the kid manages to infect this brand new unit within just one day -- countless open connections, pop-ups out the ying-yang. As I spend about two hours removing all the maleware I cant help but think back to all the days I wasted my life dealing with Microsoft and Windows... Pure rage takes over my mind as I think to myself -- here I am, almost 40 and still Microsoft can not make an OS that is not even able to perform for more than a single day without total infultration and loss of control. To be quite honest I really dont even care why -- but the fact remains that Windows IS A JOKE and Microsoft will no longer consume my life installing, debugging and updating all of their BS. Enough is enough!
There is no excuse for Windows -- NONE! Sure my kid is young, and not totally computer smart when it comes to going online and getting a virus -- but he is not the only one who gets tricked by these hackers and scammers. Even YOU know what its like -- to have to re-install or roll back windows because some program embeded itself into your system and simpily can not be removed.
It's clear to me that any investment into Microsoft of Windows would be a bad investment... Both in dollars and most importantly TIME. Windows has taken from me the very last minute that I am going to give them with their BS and to think Microsoft really thinks this kind of life sucking is accepable is what bothers me the most. I have better things to do then sit and fiddle with an OS all the time. It's clear to me that I am sticking with Apple 100% which means that even my business system is on its way out to pasture -- in its place will sit a Mac and I wont look back.
Sure I have some issues with Apple, but most of them are related to trying to import and export NON Apple files. Outside of that it works awesome! Never spend any time having to deal with the silly things known as Microsoft of Windows! I am just done with Windows and Microsoft! THAT'S IT! I feel like such a fool for giving them so much time in my life and to pretty much be doing the exact same life draining processes that I did almost 20 years ago with Windows 95! Nothing has changed -- no effort to improve their software known as Windows! NOTHING! Still the exact same problems with nothing but hours of fixing and NOTHING to show for it in return!
I know EVERYONE reading this knows what I am talking about - regardless if they want to admit it or not. It comes down to this -- How much of your life do you want to waste with Microsoft?
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
I should mention that my desktop PC that I use for business is a single core Pentium 4 that runs Windows XP Professional -- it runs flawlessly but only because --
1) I spent days re-installing the O/S and downloading countless updates
2) I NEVER use internet explorer or surf the internet with it! Currently I am typing this from my Bluetooth keyboard on my iPhone 6 plus
3) I ONLY have one program installed - my accounting and invoice program.
So while a Windows system can be reliable and stable - it can only be that way by using it with "kid" gloves. I wouldnt dream of buying a new Windows PC any more -- because lets be honest, your main computer should be able to do everything you want -- including surfing the net. You should not have to spend hours updating, installing or removing unwanted programs that wiggle there way onto your system.
I feel bad for the kid -- as this will be my last time saving his computer and he is on his own from there. Im shocked that Microsoft has not done a SINGLE thing to ensure their opperating systems are secure -- without having to buy add on virus prorams that only work half the time and slow down your system. It's just a way for Microsoft to displace blame when the OS gets infected.
That said -- I'm glad that my kid got a Windows PC, because it has proven to me that Windows can not be trusted and only drains hours -- days even, from your life. You wont get these days and hours back and you wont have nothing to show for them except the ability to use Windows until the next big re-install. That my friends is the TRUTH!
What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl
I couldn't agree more with you, though I'm sure you read my complaints here somewhere about "8.1" when I needed a new lap-top last year. You're not the only one LOL that's had to spend a few days turning a lap-top computer back into a computer....Or should I say a specialized E-Bay shopping device back into a computer...
It has settled down though, but honestly doesn't work anywhere near as well as even Vista once did... If it's of any use to you, I've found that Mozilla Firefox, Avira antivirus (free), & the old Spybot- search & destroy have so far kept the computer running quite well, if a little slower...Even the good free antivirus software can slow Windows down a heap, but I haven't caught any infections just yet.
You can also set Firefox up to reject cookies, adds, delete search data etc etc etc. It's pretty well flexible in how you can set up your privacy. This does help keep them running, though no doubt you know the deal.
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.