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Post Info TOPIC: My religious rant about Jew’s being God’s “Chosen People”.
Are the Jew's God's chosen people? [2 vote(s)]

I don't know


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My religious rant about Jew’s being God’s “Chosen People”.

Ill be quite honest with you all... I used to support the Jews... But anymore after my experiences with them personally lying to me, many of them claiming to be "Russian"
rather than Jewish, and the fact that if you look at the Federal Court system and how they have infiltrated many of the highest positions, I'm stating to understand why the Nazi's were throwing these people in ovens and prison camps.

They truly seem to be a dishonest people without any other care but for their own, and trust me they swim in schools like sharks! It's time for Christians to be dolphins and "loop it".

I'm not against people making something of themselves, in fact I encourage it regardless of race or religion. I used to be the biggest Jew advocate on this planet until I seen first hand how
sneaky and low down these people are. Anymore, I cant help but to hope god wipes Israel off the map... And that the people of this nation start to understand what these people are doing
to our country.

Like I said, check the facts... Just a few short months ago I defended the Jews tooth and nail. And this silly notion that the Jews are gods chosen people that I have been hearing more and
more is nothing short of a rewriting of the bible to suit their needs. Nowhere in the bible does it state that the Jews are god chosen people, in fact, if anything Jesus was a Palestinian who
was hung on the cross by a Jew! Prior to the U.N. creating Israel in 1947 there was no damn Israel! The only reason Israel even exist today is because the British got tired of paying for

I'd really like to believe that what I am saying isnt true, but I don't any longer. The lies told by these people are such that it means NOTHING for them to lie... Absolutely NOTHING!

Tell me something, do you know of at least 1 person personally that is a Christian living in Israel? Didn't the U.N. take land from the Palestinians and form Israel in 1947? Did Israel even
exist prior to the 1940's? Isn't it true that the majority of people that live in Israel practice Judaism for their religion, rather than Christianity? I am sure there is a very small percentage of
people living in Israel that practice a different religion, but again I am positive that percentage is VERY SMALL and it is only tolerated because Israel needs the USA to even survive.
Meanwhile they infiltrate our country with impunity because they hijacked the Holy Bible and Jesus from the Palestinians. You and I know that Israel did not exist back in biblical times.
We created Israel.

That said, I'd like to believe that they are mostly decent people, but in my experience that's not the case. I'm not advocating for the Muslims... Or the Nazis! I am simply saying that I am
starting to understand why they hate the Jews and why Nazi Germany wanted to exterminate them.

As a self proclaimed Christian I can understand your feelings right now OMG WTF is Rex on about now!? I don't feel that my religion should have any bearing on what anyone chooses to do,
or not do in life. My relationship with God is mine and mine alone. I feel no need to influence you or anyone else in any way as to what is right for you - except to say that you should do
right by the people that do right by you, regardless of their beliefs.


Feel free to comment as you see fit. If you think I am wrong, then say so. If not, dont say anything. I just had to get this off my chest.


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Your historical facts above are likely correct. Your personal experiences with these people are your own too ! And who has the right to challenge anyone about their preferred religion, or religion they're born into ? I also don't understand how we're made to never forget about the holocaust where the Nazi's killed over 6-million Jews, but no-one recalls the approx. 60-million Russians that Stalin their leader killed...

Some things just aren't meant to make sense ! And their are no answers to.

Highly recommended you check-out the "Zeitgeist" films, particularly the first one, as it puts a lot of things about a lot of religions into perspective.

Enough said.



"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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No, don't be afraid Rastus!

Let us keep talking of this subject. I have a question that maybe you can answer, have you ever heard of a Jew being married to a Muslim? Or is that highly frowned upon?

By the way, I really appreciate your honesty in the other thread. I really do!

-- Edited by SELLC on Saturday 17th of October 2015 04:36:51 AM


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No, I can't say I've ever heard of a Muslim being married to a Jew.

I do believe however that we've all been conned to a certain degree with regards to Religion, & the submission to a blind faith in something...And that "those in the know" use it as a tool to manipulate people & create war etc etc, using religion as a basis of reasoning, very much so in the past !

As far as I know however, the Jews have their Holy Book called the Torah, ( they have a couple actually ), & from it, essentially the whole "OLD TESTAMENT" in the Christian Holy Bible is basically the same group of books, except that the Christians have also the "NEW TESTAMENT" added, that comprises more or less the holy books written about the Christ Jesus. The Muslims however, have made up their own compilation, the Koran, that's kind of a mixture of the Christian Holy Bible, & stories / lectures as apparently passed down from God through the prophet Mohammed, the night he had an upset stomach & it started glowing...So even the Muslim Holy book is primarily Jewish / Christian / + BS from the outset...

We have to remember that Christianity was used as a weapon in politics & war for Centuries, & I think that Islam came about as a religion to fight against its oppression, approximately 650 years after the time of Christ Jesus. It's a religion specifically designed to meet the needs of the warrior prepared to die for Mohammed, - as you can see everyday on TV.....

It seems that the reality of the "real" facts have been "doctored" even since ancient times, where leaders picked & chose stories & modified them to suit their purpose, of that time, to control people for their own benefit. So where is the truth ? What is the truth ?....

It appears that the real ancient folks that go back many thousands of years, had a better grasp on things & saw the whole universe as their home, & lived their lives in accord & peaceful harmony with universal laws. They were much better people in every-way possible than the way folks are today I think, & they were far more intelligent too. Look at how some of them built the pyramids for example, all in accordance with the stars, the sun, & the seasons...Try doing that yourself !!!

The key to all the answers for our purpose here, remains with a knowledge of the Zodiac, & it's symbols, & how they've been used & interpreted over our historical past. I'm quite happy to explain what I know, but I'm tired LOL, & it's time for bed. And the next post will be a long one to explain the Zodiac, so I'd rather be fresh in the mind to type it all out !!!

Later, if necessary,


-- Edited by Rastus on Saturday 17th of October 2015 06:41:51 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Get some sleep Rastus, then tell me all about it tomorrow if you feel up to it.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Oh, and by the way... The reason I was asking about a Jew marrying a Muslim is because it would seem Hillary Clinton's right hand woman, Huma Abedin, who was recently called to testify before the congressional Benghazi committee, appears to be listed as a Muslim, according to Wikipedia.

Her husband, Anthony Weiner, whos religion is Judaism - used to be a member of the N.Y. house of representatives for the 9th district. They are married.

Is it just me, or is this really fuck@d up? I mean, I have just never heard of it.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Oh, and by the way... The reason I was asking about a Jew marrying a Muslim is because it would seem Hillary Clinton's right hand woman, Huma Abedin, who was recently called to testify before the congressional Benghazi committee, appears to be listed as a Muslim, according to Wikipedia.

Her husband, Anthony Weiner, whos religion is Judaism - used to be a member of the N.Y. house of representatives for the 9th district. They are married.

Is it just me, or is this really fuck@d up? I mean, I have just never heard of it.

            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Maybe this marriage is a sign of peace & hope ?...


Hello folks,

Pagan = For our purposes, any form of religion or worship of people(s) before Judaism.....

As mentioned in the last post of mine, I was going to try & place the Zodiac that we're all aware of, into some sort of perspective where we gain a little insight as to it's meaning to the folks that actually went to the trouble of inventing it, & to shed some light into how we've been misled for a long while as to regards of it's meaning etc etc.


* The Sun...The ancients recognized it's significance & power to enlighten the world, & respected the fact that everything that grows in nature, is dependent upon it shining.

* The Stars...They also watched the stars, & learned over many years, that there were repeating patterns of them, or constellations of them, that they recognized year after year.

* The Constellations...The ancients associated both names & figures to these 12 constellations, & eventually made mystical stories that associated with each constellation.

* The Pagans also realized, that not only every month is a new Constellation prominent in the sky, but that after every approx. 2160-years, our sun (& it's solar system) appeared to move backwards in a procession through these various Constellations.

* The Egyptians recognized this also ( as with many other civilizations in the world ), & their earliest "drawings", it could be said, depict the "twins", or GEMINI as being the prominent phase of the Zodiac that the sun was passing through.

* The Jews associate Moses condemning the people of his time for worshiping a "golden cow", a false idol, or TAURUS the bull, since the Zodiac had also then moved on to the time of...

* Abraham, & he was considered the "Father of the Jews" when the Zodiac sign of ARIES was prominent in the night sky & the Jews still to this stay celebrate feast days with the blowing of rams-horns in his honor.

* Hence, as the Zodiac & movement of the Sun continued for another 2160 years, the Christ Jesus is symbolized with the fish, or PISCES, as we've come to know it.

* This leaves us with the coming of the next age, the age of AQUARIUS, & the gospel of Luke makes reference to this coming in the next age, after the time of Christ Jesus.


At this point, I hope you can see where our ancient fore-fathers drew their wisdom from, & where others "of the time" may have been born as visionaries, or prophets, & had the ability to teach this & other great wisdom, such that they were honored very highly, & are also now-days noted as being the "Sun Gods" or if you rather the "Sun of God"......

That's enough food for thought for one day I think ! Make your own minds up.





-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 18th of October 2015 02:00:51 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus wrote:

SELLC wrote:

Oh, and by the way... The reason I was asking about a Jew marrying a Muslim is because it would
seem Hillary Clinton's right hand woman, Huma Abedin, who was recently called to testify before the congressional Benghazi committee, appears to be listed as a Muslim, according to Wikipedia.

Her husband, Anthony Weiner, whos religion is Judaism - used to be a member of the N.Y. house of representatives for the 9th district. They are married.

Is it just me, or is this really fuck@d up? I mean, I have just never heard of it.

            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Maybe this marriage is a sign of peace & hope ?...


Well Rastus, I'd like to address these two things separately, since naturally they have nothing in common and I don't want the point to be mixed up in the addressing of these two separate yet
very important issues. In keeping with that narrative, let's start with your response that perhaps "Maybe this marriage is a sign of peace and hope" as it relates to a Muslim Woman getting
married to a Jewish Man.

1st off, as you may or may not know, it goes against the Muslim religion for a Muslim woman to marry a Jewish man. Don't ask me why, it just is according to their prophet Mohammad.
Now the same is NOT true as it pertains to a Muslim man, as they can marry a set number of women (read this as MORE THAN ONE) of any faith. Often times these woman will convert,
but not always. I have been told that Mohammad, when captured, had several wives and all but one had converted. Now this does not really address your optimistic "hope and peace"
suggestion, but it does put in perspective the insanity of such an idea. Obviously these Muslim folks are quite passionate about their religion, and such a union - if not made and maintained
here in the USA would be considered highly offensive in Muslim nations that adhere to Sharia law, so much in fact that such a couple would run a serious risk of being killed. Of course this is
the USA, and Sharia law isn't the "law of the land" here. But it does not change the fact that just as you and I both agree, such a union is very odd and not something you would typically see.

Now, let us bring into focus the scope of this union between Hillary Clinton's right hand woman, Huma Abedin (a Muslim) and her Husband, Anthony Weiner (whos religion is Judaism).
Both are Democrats, both connected to Hillary Clinton. My point here, Rastus, is that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have an extremely bad habit of making up fictitious scenarios that
almost seem to break the traditional mold so to speak. We have seen it with the changing of laws that allow homosexuals to marry and have the same rights as "traditional" Man and Woman
unions, despite of it's total lack of advancing man kind and most defiantly a disrespect to tradition. If you are a Democrat, tradition really means nothing outside of staying in power by any
means necessary, people's long held and sacred traditions be damned.

Now it's one thing to just speculate, it another to prove it. Obviously, as a Republican I can see this as plain as day. But, this behavior by the Democrats is nothing new, in fact it was used
to bring about the election of President Obama and is often times prevalent in any Democratic effort - be it gun control, or whatever. It's there, trust me. Yet some (Democrats) will not settle
for that, and yet even after I offer up proof, a Democrat will still deny the truth - because that's just the way they are.

Take a look at this photo,

In this photo she doesn't look like any Muslim woman I ever saw before... I don't think she is a Muslim, and if she is, it's got to be either telling of some secret exception to deceive or an outright
fraud of the Muslim faith... I'm not Muslim, and given the fact that even I can see this should indicate that most Democrats are, by and large, ignorant.

But tet's just focus on the facts here... Okay...


Look at this photo! How many cell phones do you see? I count THREE.
What looks to be several government binders.
I also see an Apple Laptop.
And... A bottle of water as if to imply this woman is working
Does it REALLY look like she is dressed to be doing paperwork?

And what is that off to the left?


Anyone who doesn't see what I see is just ignorant! This photo is staged!

I made a valid point here about how the Democrats want to portray this false image - and they are doing a damn good job! Every
Muslim woman in the world will look at that photo and think Americans do paperwork in evening gowns, with flawless hair and crystal clear water...
That the Muslim women marry Jews and have grand piano's and Berber carpet.. That if you're a Democrat you will live the good life basking in the sunlight...

It's all bullshit! Much like these two being married... It's the typical Democrat falsehood and it's FAKE!

It's this misleading falsehood with the Democrats that ultimately breeds this frustration.

So in response to your idea that "Maybe this marriage is a sign of peace & hope", I conclude that such an idea is FAKE, manufactured by the Democrats
and Hillary Clinton to further their agenda. After all, it was the Democrats who tried to use the excuse that an anti-Muslim YouTube video was the reason
behind the Benghazi attack that occurred on 9/11 2012, but that was quickly debunked as the Democrats had to walk that statement (lie) back. It's also
the reason Hillary is in such hot water right now. Let us not forget the lies that Hillary's husband Bill Clinton told back when he was caught cheating on his wife
with Monica Lewinski.

It's quite obvious Bill Clinton was lying, and he was brought up on impeachment for it. It's quite obvious Bill and Hillary's marriage is also FAKE.
The "traditional" vows of marriage are quite clear, yet they meant nothing to Bill, and Hillary certainly didn't seem to mind because she is still with him.
Now I ask you, are these people the kind of people you think should be running the USA?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Now in addressing your Zodiac response, yes I am will aware of the Zodiac.

There are however other forms of the Zodiac, such as the Chinese Zodiac and the likes. All based on the constellations of stars.
Naturally, these constellations are very symbolic of the solar system we live, and they are for the most part consistent, meaning you can count on them to be the same,
like clockwork if you will. That said, there is a whole lot more to the solar system than just horoscopes, but the fact that whatever religion you are it's going to be the same
sky when you look up. If anything it's the only consistent between all religions because obviously, these things do not change.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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And for what it's worth, I didn't like having to insert such a large photo in my response above. It really threw out the formatting.

I felt it necessary though, so I went ahead and inserted it to tie in my point. I hope you and the readers understand, and don't mind.

Wish this site had better provisions for scaling such images, but I guess you get what you pay for. LOL


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Hello folks,

Regretfully, the only way to determine the absolute truth ( & even then it's still not concrete ) about the religions here, regarding this odd marriage, is this....We need a Doctor to investigate since .....

1. All Muslim women as children have their clitoris removed / circumsized, & their vagina's sewn-up. Let's take a look shall we ?....

2. All Jewish men will have had a "Bahmitsva" & had their foreskin removed from their penis's...( Though regular folks have this done too ).

I have no doubt that it's a crock-of-bollox either SELLC, but Hillary is a known Bilderberger, & have no doubt she's going to win the election, like Bill before her. ( Yes, even Bill was at a few Bilderberg meeting too)...

I agree with the bulk of your post SELLC, the problem is though, who do you vote for ? They're all pretty fake my friend, if not corrupted & pre-selected by the folks that are keeping that "agenda" you mentioned.

The big picture is that the same miss-fortunes are going to happen regardless of who's in power. And if Hillary doesn't tow-the-line, I'm sure she'll fall ill & her replacement is already waiting.

Also SELLC, if it's possible for you to follow the "money trail", you'll see that the vast majority of wealth is possessed by the Jewish folk. Even the Rothschild's are Jewish. It's just that they don't give a **** about being Jews, they only want money & power. Also the worlds most elaborate & modern army is Israels...Where'd the money come from ?...They've always possessed it !



P.S. I'm glad that the Zodiac topic is finished for the moment ! That could have gone anywhere to be honest !

-- Edited by Rastus on Sunday 18th of October 2015 06:30:02 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Rastus, I'm afraid Hillary Clinton may be going to jail. The only reason they are dragging it out is so that Obama can't pardon her.

I could be wrong, however, but I doubt that blacks and Mexicans are going to get behind Hillary. Any married couple worth their salts certainly
aren't going to support a cheating husband and a spouse who condones it. Voting for Hillary would ultimately be saying "Go ahead and cheat" it's okay!

You ought not get yourself all worked up about this Bilderberger nonsense. It didn't help Bill when he was facing impeachment. And this idea of the
illuminati is also something you need not worry about. The names, or groups, if you will; probably exist, but take solace in knowing the future is not written in
stone, and nobody knows what the future will hold. Don't let it hold you back! I know it's easier said than done, I myself have my moments, obviously, given
the thread I am responding to. LOL!

If you want my personal thoughts on who is going to win the election, I'd have to say it's going to be Bush. The climate in which we live today is ultimately leading
to war, and everyone knows that the Democrats are not about looking after this nation, rather they only look out for themselves. When I say that they look out for
themselves, I don't mean as a collective group... I say that in the sense that they look out for themselves individually - the cheating and lying lot that they are. LOL

You can't deny that Obama and the Democrats have left all our longtime allies high and dry. The only way to win them back would be a Republican ticket.

Sure, all the third world nations are happy with Obama and the Democrats but they bring very little to the table and are often times just a means for these crooks
to syphon off American money and pad their pockets. Our nation is an absolute mess at the moment, and it's probably going to take a war to settle the debts that
our Democrats have racked up. To put it in perspective, Dear Leader has racked up more debt in his 7 years in office than all of our past Presidents combined.

Anyway, don't get the wrong idea about this thread Rastus. I posted an exact duplicate on my Myspace page too. Some people were a little overwhelmed but I felt it
necessary to openly shame these Jew's. I understand you "think" they have all the money, but to the Illuminati money is not as important as skill, honor and determination.
Unfortunately for the Jew's they lack the numbers to make their dreams a reality, and it will soon come to pass that a great deal of them, if not the whole state of Israel will
perish due to their past arrogance and actions. They are already under attack from all sides, and it's clear Obama does not much care for them either. Given the fact Obama
still has a year in office Israel is treading very lightly. One thing is for sure, they lost a good friend and ally by lying and cheating me.

Anyway, this should conclude my Jew thread. I'm not like the Democrats or the Jew's who will outright lie to your face and deceptively try and take advantage of someone.
No, I want to look you in the eye and make clear my feelings. That's part of the reason I'm a Republican. What you see is what you get! You'll always know where you stand
with someone like me.


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So maybe this thread about the Jews wasnt the right way to voice my dismay with situations profoundly affecting my family for the past 7 years. I been getting calls and such with people
concerned that such a post on facebook could result in the Jew bear being sent out, or in a worse case scenario a Jewish person reading my post and feeling my thoughts might borderline
hatred. I guess perhaps, maybe, the post was a little over the top for people unfamiliar with exactly what my family has been dealing with and for that I apologize.

This doesnt mean Im taking my post down, nor does it mean Ive gone off the rails. Its merely an interlude to a story about my real life dealings that drove me to research the players
involved in what may be this biggest crock of $hit Ive ever been witness to and a 7 year battle that would see me in a court battle suing Community Financial Credit Union at the local 35th
District Court house here in Plymouth, all the way on up to the United States District court for the Eastern District of Michigan in Detroit, to the Sixth Circuit Federal Court of appeals in
Cincinnati Ohio.

Obviously all of these courts and proceedings amount to a paperwork stack that is nearly as tall as I am. Having pushed this matter all this way by myself (Pro-Se), Im a little frustrated.
For seven long years I have been suing Community Financial Credit Union in what many would consider a David vs. Goliath scenario that literally has me at my wits end so some CEOs and
Bankers can enjoy 130% LTV mortgages while my family goes without. Obviously this particular post isnt the place for names and exact details but I fully intend to break it down in another
separate posting which is forthcoming.

Having said that I appreciate everyones concern, and no, I dont hate Jews nor do I wish them any misfortune. I do feel that my frustration with them as a whole is completely unfair, but
exactly how was I supposed to react when realizing that the person responsible for putting an end to this seven year battle felt compelled to make light of their heritage as if it had any
bearing on their Judicial duties? When I write biographies about myself and my profession I dont feel the need to mention the fact that I am white nor do I feel it necessary to mention my
familys heritage or my religion. Maybe because I was not brought up to expect, nor give preferential treatment based on hereditary characteristics. In other words, Im not racist, but I have
seen a lot of it within the Federal Courts and it sickens me to the point that I could no longer keep it packed in. For that I apologize and I promise to explain in painstaking detail my
journeys that lead me to researching the Jewish heritage dating back to biblical times. It sounds crazy because it is crazy. No judicial or legal professional should ever advertise their faith,
nationality or beliefs because ultimately this is where such foolishness will end up.

That said, Im going to post up my little 7 year battle with the Credit Union and the courts in a new posting, and hopefully anyone reading this will come to the conclusion that here in
America its not a good idea to brag about your heritage, because you are not special, nor should you expect or give preferential treatment to others just because you or someone else are
Jewish, African, Asian, Arab, Indian, Italian, European, or any other race or creed. If you are living and working here in America you are AMERICAN, your race, religion and nationality has
no business being intertwined in your professional duty to serve everyone you meet exactly the same as anyone else. So there really is no need to mention it as if to seek and or expect
preferential treatment because of it.

*End of Rant* Thank you for reading, and I apologize for any misunderstanding that my original post may have caused anyone.

There are many biographies in the Federal courts website that reference the Jewish faith, but I have yet to see one that allows someone to say they are Christian
or any other faith. WHY?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Sell up, & move here to Oz !!! You'll find you'll be welcomed, all your current assets at sale will be worth near, double because of the poor exchange rate, & I'm sure you'll be able to open-up a shop, & run a successful business, if you wanted too.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Thanks Rastus, if only it were that easy... Kids are dug in like tics with their school and friends, plus all the family is here. It would be a hard sell.

I can't help but to feel the "fix" has/is been in. It's just flipping crazy!
I been pretty bent out of shape the past few days - feel like opportunity is passing me by.
These Judges don't seem to give a fuck about anything but sitting on their asses, despite them probably being paid 10-20 X what I am paid.
All this over a measly fucking $12k which is ultimately what I offered to settle for - an hell, the credit union juiced me for $10k back in 2008 anyway!
It's just an absolute and total sham these courts here in the USA! How in world they can take away someone's right to a trial is just beyond me!
It would be one thing if they let the damn case run it's course and a Jury was permitted to hear the case but these fucking Judges are so corrupt and I have
totally lost any and all faith in the Courts!

I mean these Courts have got me so worked up that I am blaming an entire ethnic group (Jews). Obviously these courts have tweeked my mental state just a tad.
I have had my share of disagreements in the past (BenzWorld) but never have I had the sort of deep rooted anger and animosity that I am feeling about all of this.
Just looking at the photo after a day has me wondering how in the hell a court could even allow something like this to drag out!
It would have been far easier to give me my day in court 6 years ago, but look at what it's come to?
I've filed 4 judicial complaints on each and every Judge that has presided over the case - and the law states that a pro-se litigant is supposed to not
be held to a higher standard of reading as an attorney. It's like it doesn't even matter if you are right, these corrupt Judges will side with the attorney every time!
They think they are so damn smart and for every rule they have tried to use to cheat me out of a trial I have come back with 3 more LAWS that entitle me to the right to trial.

I guess the boiling point is when I realized that a lawyer friend, at least I thought he was a friend, turned out to be jerking me around.
The lawyer friend also drives a W126 Mercedes too and he was the one who told me the Judge was a Jew...
Now that I have put it all together I am realizing that he too is a Jew, and not in the sense that he is cheap (although he is LOL)
but you wouldn't think many Jews would be driving Mercedes. I honestly think he has been the one all along that has been behind some of this.
Now that I think about it he called me with some kind of an offer back in 2008 even though he wasn't even officially my attorney, so he's been in this all along.
The irony here is that he lost to a Pro-Se small claims case that horse traded for some Mercedes parts back then.
I'm just so disgusted with the guy and everything else that I find myself not giving a shit about people anymore. For example today some guy
came in needing his tire plugged and I was in the middle of doing an intake manifold on a King Ranch F150 and I basically told him to piss off and go somewhere else.
I'd never have done that before, I've always made it a point to help people - even if they needed something simple.

The amount of time I have into this, and the fact that these attorneys and Judges think the law is their own personal business is just insane.
You would think these people would respect the law more than anyone, and the amount of money these Judges get paid only to act like working with a self
represented party is beneath them makes me lose all respect for the law.
At one time in the beginning I seriously considered going to school to take my BAR (test needed to be an attorney) but I soon learned that the legal system has
absolutely nothing to do with the law! Why spend all that time and money on a craft that is basically corrupt at it's core?
I decided right then and there that while being a mechanic was a dirty job, it was a respectable job that required skill and demanded respect for the craft because
lets face it, to cant sway a car to like you, and even if the car you are working on is from the same country as you it's not
going to give you any special consideration when you're fixing it.

I guess the biggest thing is that opportunity IS passing me by. I need to get a shop going to pass down to my boys, one of which is a pretty damn good mechanic for only 13.
Even if not for him, at least for the family! It can't be good for the overall economy to be keeping me down in what is considered poverty level income because I am working
like a cave man. I could be turning number like $200-$300,000 a year easy with the right shop! I'm lucky to turn a little over $30k working on my back in a two and
a half car garage - and when you take out the expenses it's more like $15k! I mean I literally just make enough to pay the bills and keep food on the table.
I could be hiring people, paying taxes instead of getting credits for being poor with a bunch of dependents.
There is just no logic whatsoever for what is going on! I got maybe 10-15 good years left in me to undertake such a massive effort as opening up a shop and
the time just seems to be flying by as I just cracked the big 40 this year!

Anyway... I just try to keep my head up and my nose to the grind stone! Whatever it takes to keep running it up these corrupt peoples asses! I will never stop!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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This is what I'd consider doing myself...And after looking at your facts that are documented...

* Consult with a well known lawyer, that you've heard through the grape-vine that gets results.
* Or find yourself ( if they even exist anymore ) a lawyer that won't charge you anything unless there's a win, in which case his fees will be paid for by the bank.
* Take all your "stuff" in to them, & discuss the issue, as typically, the first consultation is free.
* You may not need to have someone represent you, but you might just get the right advise, if not the best lawyer.
* It's well known that lawyers are greedy folk that make a living out of peoples misery ( like our government officials ), but if one's prepared to take your case on, there's a good chance of winning.
* You've obviously been screwed by error from the Bank, so let a greedy vampire parasite lawyer find his / her fill from the bank that's screwed you !

All the best,


PS I like the new-look avatar you've got LOL, but I keep forgetting to mention it. Maybe if you appeared in court wearing a "Jewish Black Cap" on your head, you might find some respect...

-- Edited by Rastus on Wednesday 21st of October 2015 01:23:09 AM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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lol... That was funny about the Jewish cap.. Thanks.

Truth is American lawyers pride themselves on having no morals and doing as little work as possible. It's the truth.

When I first submitted my case to Federal Court I had a law firm reach out to me, when they seen all the paperwork they told me it was too "muddy" for them to get involved.
They are all just looking for the easy gravy. As I mentioned above I thought I had a guy, I actually thought he was a friend with a common interest in the W126. Even he turned out to be a

Thanks for the complement, my new avatar photo was taken at a family members wedding. I though I was giving a "rock on" sign but turns out people are telling me it's a devils
sign!? Guess that's what I get for being a funny guy wearing a sailors cap. I like that new avatar photo you got too - is that your new wheels? Pretty sharp!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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If the Jewish caps a bit too much, you could always wear a necklace with the "Star of David" hanging off it. It will get the same result ! There's lot's of ways to interpret the hand-sign your doing in your avatar, I was of the understanding that it's used to "Ward off the Evil Eye" according to R.J.Dio & Ozzy LOL !

Too bad about the lazy lawyers, I'd still keep searching though...Quite a few will answer to an e-mail, & they'll only answer if they think they can win, or if it's easy money ! I wouldn't give up on them just yet. Maybe your Dad will know a trusted lawyer who could recommend the "right" one for the job ?...

I answered about the avatar in the other thread, but no, I've had this bike since around 2008 that I bought whilst at college. I still have it, though she is born back in 1991-2. It has truly amazing throttle response & power that all the other bikes out there don't have...There's something about the older 1127cc air / oil cooled Suzuki engines that I can't explain.




"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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I look back at some of the bad experences I had back in 2015, and my thoughts on Jewish people at that time, and it's really ironic that I've now gotten myself mixed up with a Jewish chick...

Or maybe not? Technically she hasn't said a single word to me directly -- via Text or Voice... but she won't kick me to the curb? But instead keeps me coming back for more! Why? For the money?

Maybe I'm the bad guy... seeings how I'm married and all! But why doesn't she just say that?

The money only came about because early on I was trying to get her attention... the more I sent, the more I thought she would either send it back -- or at least tell me to piss off... In my mind I figured maybe she just had me on ignore -- but how the hell do you ignore thousands of dollars of money being sent to you? So I'm still quite baffled... deep down I don't want to believe it's true, but what if I was right?

Reading this thread from nine years ago was pretty tough... and at the time back in 2015, I was dealing with a lot of lawyers and courts! Naturally that meant I was dealing with a lot of Jewish people. 

I just don't know how the hell I let this happen? Either of us could just walk away at any time -- but in my case I feel invested now. I suppose in her case she probably feels -- hell, I don't know how the hell she feels.

Is it her desire that she drives me crazy and into the ground? I just don't know! The curiosity is really driving me nuts! She wont disassociate -- which would hurt, but much less than the past two years that she has had me in her spider web.

I'd like to say I'm not taking it personally -- but the absence of any communication at all is leaving me to think I'm giving up on her if I walk away. I've already written the money off, but I can't seem to do the same with her!

My views have changed drastically about Jewish people since 2015... but only in the sense that I handled my business and hadn't had to deal with any since then... 

If this is what all Jewish women are like -- I think I can better understand why Jewish men are always so cynical. biggrin 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

Oh, and by the way... The reason I was asking about a Jew marrying a Muslim is because it would seem Hillary Clinton's right hand woman, Huma Abedin, who was recently called to testify before the congressional Benghazi committee, appears to be listed as a Muslim, according to Wikipedia.

Her husband, Anthony Weiner, whos religion is Judaism - used to be a member of the N.Y. house of representatives for the 9th district. They are married.

Is it just me, or is this really fuck@d up? I mean, I have just never heard of it.


I would also like to mention that Huma Abedin has recently gotten engaged to George Soros' son, Alex

This to me is REALLY spooky... especially considering Huma is almost 10 years older than Alex!

Is it possible that Jewish people could be Muslim? Or at least they are more chummy/compatible than they would like to lead on?

Soros gives HUGE sums of money to Democrats -- and many say that it was Soros who bankrolled all the riots while Trump was President -- paying for pallets of bricks to be dropped off near areas they planned to protest/riot.

Some REALLY strange bed-fellows this Huma / Alex couple makes! Especially since everything I am reading claims that Alex was/is a homosexual.

Anyone have any thoughts?



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Who cares ???

If you're that concerned, send them some flowers or something.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Who cares? You do know who Soros is, right? He might as well be a part of your RKM!

And Huma? She was pretty much Hillary (Democrats) right hand woman! It's spooky to see who she's shacking up with now! You'll care soon enough when we have to deal with it!

As far as things go with E... that's just something I have done to myself -- and thus, "who cares" is appropriate. lol


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

1.Who cares? You do know who Soros is, right? He might as well be a part of your RKM!

2.And Huma? She was pretty much Hillary (Democrats) right hand woman! It's spooky to see who she's shacking up with now! You'll care soon enough when we have to deal with it!

3.As far as things go with E... that's just something I have done to myself -- and thus, "who cares" is appropriate. lol


R1. Stellar, Soros "is" the face of Vanguard, State Street & Black Rock, along with Bill & Hillary Clinton, plus Bill Gates... And yes, they either have some pull with the RKM perhaps, or they have their strings pulled by the RKM...Does it matter ??? They're going down yo !!! - But of course, not without a fight lol !

R2. Who gives a Stoma-ass-wipe ???

R3. Good !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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There's Jews then there are Jews. Not all are the same as the few shithed Jews.

Drive it like you stole it


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Yes... this seems to be the case with humanity in general.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl



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