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Post Info TOPIC: Coronavirus
How do you think the Coronavirus was started? [9 vote(s)]

Tainted Corona Beer from Mexico
Dirty snatch from a Wuhan hooker
It was man made
No idea


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RE: Coronavirus

The UK is saying they have found a new mutated form of the COVID19, some are calling it COVID20.

But we already knew that six months ago when they relesed the murder hornets!

Shit is really getting out of hand, starting to wonder if Governments aren't just spreading new shit because the Chinese version was like everything else from China, shit.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I been thinking more and more about these unconstitutional lock downs assosiated with the COVID-19 virus and the new reports of more contagious COVID-20 mutation and I can't help but to feel like the newer strain was probably born from the lockdowns! 

I mean, think about it! Normally a typical flu virus spreads quickly, everyone gets it who does not have ammunity and then it passes in a season, but not COVID-19! Why? Well a lot of it has to do with the politicizing of the original China COVID-19, but wouldn't it just be ironic if the thing the Government was doing to slow the spread only made it come back stronger and last longer? My mind is telling me this is exactly what has happend as the virus has almost been cultured and the spread delayed by almost unheard of lock-dows that have seen kids out of school for almost a year now and resturants and bars closed (mostly just in Democrat run cities however). 

It's clear that the action taken was way overblown and now we are looking at yet another year of this bullshit!? That is exactly what it is! BULLSHIT! Not even war has allowed Governments to get away with such blatant disregards for the rights of it's citizens! If you look at all we have sacraficed from the beggning until now it's very clear to see that they want to keep this COVID crisis going! Even though the first round of shut downs didn't work! We were told "two weeks to slow the spread" and as soon as we fell for that it was like they realized they had found a magic way to strip Americans of their rights and upend normal society. It's not like the lockdowns worked, in fact they did the exact opposite, giving us a much longer season of the coronavirus and even mutating it into even something more contagious! Even though they KNOW THESE LOCKDOWNS ARENT WORKING, they keep doing it! Some countries are even more caught up on the power trip than others but make no mistake it's a world wide effort to sell you masks and change the way you live! Perhaps the most sinister part is where the Government now wants to blame YOU for their shortcomings! Caught COVID? You didn't wash your hands, wear a mask and social distance - it's your fault! We see Governors all over the country trying to blame their consitutants for the increasing numbers, saying this is all the publics fault that it's spreading and now they will punish you with even more lockdowns so they can exend their over-reach in the name of COVID.

The whole thing stinks! And while I sympathize with everyone who has lost a loved one, or even had COVID it would seem that we're all going to pay one way or another. Things have just gone too far off the rails!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Just hope you don't find yourself needing an ICU bed in California. Or for that matter anywhere else in the near future. If this were truly a conspiracy to take away your freedoms for the purpose of hurting Trump, it would have stopped after the electoral college vote. In truth this is a once in a hundred year global pandemic, and once it's under control your freedoms will return... Even if Democrats are running the show. By the way, the faster we get the population 80-90% vaccinated, the faster your freedoms return.

Worth noting by the way, is one major reason MRNA vaccines were able to be developed and deployed so quickly, and with such high efficacy, is because Obama ordered a couple hundred million dollar investment in the development of that technology. It's called making an investment in the future. Not all such investments pay off, but if you only focus on Solyndra instead of all the good ones, you will become too jaded for your own good. Focus less on trying to abduct and murder your governor for enacting temporary life saving measures, and more on masks and social distancing please.



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Jaded? Have you looked at your profile photo lately? 

IIRC two Red Cross ships went un-used while all of the temporary hospitals set up never even seen a single patient! And the ventilators? LOL! Trump took the bait hook-line and sinker! But I knew he was inept early on when we visited his Hotel in Las Vegas. Sure, he is all about image and presentation but that is about as far as it goes. While many look to this as a reason Trump failed, I am able to see exactly what happend and who is responsible for all of these outlandish request and it was ALL Democrat leaders in big cities making them! All of them elected by morons like you. So once every 100 years someone in power gets the bright idea to incite panic to assert control and uses a naturally occurring virus to do it? If anything it just shows that once every 100 years a generation of gullible idiots are born.

Your right to wear a mask are as guaranteed as your right to buttfuck your same sex best friend, however that is where they end - with you! My right to not wear a mask and determine the level of risk I want to take by eating at a resturant are MY RIGHTS! People smoke, drink, do drugs and have unprotected sex, all of which can be hazardous to your health but people have the right to make that determination without some socialist Nazi like you telling them otherwise. There are inherent risk to things we do every day, if you're an American 18 years or older you can make your own choices, it's called freedom and maybe you should look it up!

With regards to the Governor and your attempts to stereotype people, you should know the people who hatched that plan were not big fans of Trump. But youre from MN, the land of retards... I wouldn't expect you to know the difference between someone who was Jaded and someone who was just tired of the bullshit. It used to be people could just ignore idiots until the idiots locked everything down. Of course you are a big fan of lockdowns and socialisim, because people would just ignore your nonsense otherwise.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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PowerStroker wrote:

Just hope you don't find yourself needing an ICU bed in California. Or for that matter anywhere else in the near future.


Just an FYI that prior to COVID-19 and COVID-20 the lines for Emergency care and ICU beds were long and painful. In fact your party pushed on that narrative HARD in passing Obamacare. 

People seem to forget that, or they are just omitting it. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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If the only person who was at risk by your behavior was you, that would be one thing. This is not the situation here. An asymptomatic person can be lethal to someone else, and never even know that their unwillingness to take basic precautions was the cause of someone else dying. In fact, that is exactly how most people end up dying from this - a close contact with someone who didn't even show symptoms of anything.

For someone who spends so much time and effort putting people on the Supreme Court over the alleged right of the unborn to live, I would expect more enthusiasm for protecting the rights of already born people to continue living. But that's just me I guess.



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If your mask works then you should have nothing to worry about!

By your rationale people should not fly, drive, skydive or anything that has risks! If you drive and get in an accident you could hurt someone else! 

They used this same style of bullshit to ban smoking in restaurants! If a restaurant want's to allow smoking and someone does not like smoke, they should not go there! Same with any other private business! 

The absolute last straw for me was when they suggested people start wearing masks in their own home, even wearing a mask during sex! LOL, ya'll can fuck off with that BS!

COVID has nothing to do with these so called "safety" measures and EVERYTHING to do with controlling people and changing commerce. But you have always been a jackass, don't imagine you're going to change anytime soon.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Don't smoke dude, it's bad for those around you and even worse for you.

While I agree that within your own home you are free to do pretty much whatever you want so long as it doesn't harm others. So too is the government within its right to regulate businesses in a manner that serves the public. Now if you want to buy a private island that isn't under the jurisdiction of any state or federal government and build a business there, and you want to build and maintain the roads that lead to your business, and you want to provide education for your employees, and you provide your own police and fire service, and you provide your own utilities, and postal service, and your own healthcare, and your own national defense, and your own infrastructure, and your own currency, and everything else a government does... Then and only then may you be as truly free as you seem to desire. Personally I'm ok staying right here where We The People ARE the government, and can modify it to suit our needs simply by voting.

Again, I might suggest Somalia as a great place to start such a business without the big government regulations you and Reagan so despise. And my offer to pay you 40 cents for each day you stay there stands.



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Isn't Omar from Somalia? Really I only need move to MN to get the Somalian experence! Just look at how businesses are thriving in her district! LOL

I don't need to buy a private island, I pay taxes for ALL of the services you mention above! Paying taxes for these services and for local government as well does not mean the tax payers cede their rights, it just means it's public domain. 

And while I appreciate your concern for my health I'd just rather do what feels right for me! The people around me are welcome to request a "non-smoking" table, room or section just as they did prior to the ban. If a business does not want to allow smoking that is their right! But if a business does want to cater to smokers they shouldn't be forced not to by regulation! That is just wrong! Lots of resturants and bars lost a LOT of business because some people would just stay home. Ironic they are just all flat out CLOSED down now due to COVID using much the same framework as they did for smoking. No longer can a business or the people decide what level of risk they want to take! That is not American! Sounds like you are trying to turn America into Somalia anyway!

Let me ask you this, do you think prostitution should be legal? We already know you're an advocate of late term abortion and harvesting fetal parts, so what are your thoughts on prostitution? 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Prostitution is the oldest profession and like abortion, making it illegal won't stop it. It's best to regulate it like they do in Vegas.

As far as harvesting fetal parts, I'm not the one who took the magic covid medicine that was developed with them, Trump did.



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You are aware that Obama was President FOUR years ago, right? And that his "investments" were probably long since spent before Trump ever set foot in office, right?

So saying that some FOUR year old action by Obama somehow fixed the COVID of 2020 for Trump is like saying that everyone who drives a car supports the primate way of life since the wheel was invented in the stone age. 

Got it!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I'm saying had a Democrat not made an investment in MRNA vaccine research, the investment never would have been made at all. It's far too sciency for you folks and would get in the way of your tax cuts for billionaires.



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PowerStroker wrote:

I'm saying had a Democrat not made an investment in MRNA vaccine research, the investment never would have been made at all. It's far too sciency for you folks and would get in the way of your tax cuts for billionaires.


You really are quite warped PowerStroker! LOL, and I just love that whole "far too sciency" line you're running too! 

But here is the reality, first off it's not a Democrat investment! It's an investment by the TAX PAYERS regardless who green lights it. Second, this money or "investment" as you call it is probably to some private big pharma lab that you complain about getting massive tax breaks all the time! Yet you will try and skew that reality to your advantage with some BS "far too sciency" line of BS when really it's just "far too inconvenient" for you to admit the Democrats had little but anything to do with it, outside of taking bribes from big pharma lobbyist and then dolling out tax payer money. 

But nice try! Better luck next time! biggrin


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, blue states by FAR pay more in to federal coffers than red states, but that is a topic for another day. I never said that only Democrats funded the research. Obviously it was taxpayer dollars. I'm saying that those taxpayer dollars would have never been directed toward said research if it were up to Republicans. And actually, Trump himself has a record of cutting funding for pandemic response not too long before the outbreak of covid 19. I wonder what he directed that money toward... Oh yeah, that's right, permanent tax breaks for corporations, and a tiny temporary one for regular folks to help grease the skids to make it happen. What a guy!

The entire idea of acknowledging that Obama did ANYTHING good just doesn't compute in your brain. That's really unfortunate.



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That is just not true PowerStroker!

I credit Obama for ending the most screwed up checking account rules to where people could "opt-out" of their posting and overdraft scheme. I opted out the very minute he signed that with my bank before the ink was even dry and I haven't had an issue since!

I credit Obama and Pelosi for our familys healthcare, and while I don't dare test it's actual coverage it's nice to know if I was hit by a bus that I'd at least get into "some" hospitals. Perhaps the best and most important part is the fact my kids have insurance, including my oldest who just turned 19. So thanks Obama and Pelosi, I think... and they said politics was a thankless job... lol



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It's just like I been saying all along, COVID served it's purpose to change election rules at the last minute and now that the election is over it will come to resemble the common cold!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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A very long time ago the common cold was a novel virus for which humans had no immunity, and it too was lethal to some people. This was thousands of years ago, so there's no way to know what the fatality percentage was. Now that humans have been dealing with it for thousands of years, our immune systems are very well aware of its existence, and we have antibodies to fight it off. Eventually Covid 19 will hopefully get to that point too, and it may become a nuisance rather than a serious threat - at least to people who aren't immunocompromised. We have a long way to go before it gets to that point, and it has nothing to do with any elections. Not all viruses work that way though, AIDS for example isn't something we are likely to develop immunity to.

Not everything bad that happens is some conspiracy to help the Democratic party in this country. This is a GLOBAL pandemic, and another one could happen just as easily when it is politically inconvenient for my party. We all need to be able to differentiate political issues from public health issues.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Tuesday 12th of January 2021 08:25:22 PM



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PowerStroker wrote:

 We all need to be able to differentiate political issues from public health issues.

-- Edited by PowerStroker on Tuesday 12th of January 2021 08:25:22 PM

 Yeah? And how is that done, listen to CNN and govt propaganda and schemes?

Drive it like you stole it


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Well, I would avoid all propaganda wherever it comes from. As far as news sources go, I would choose one with a long history of multiple source verification before publishing anything.

If you find a source that has an entire tab on their homepage dedicated to Benghazi, that's probably not a good sign.



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PowerStroker wrote:

A very long time ago the common cold was a novel virus for which humans had no immunity, and it too was lethal to some people. This was thousands of years ago, so there's no way to know what the fatality percentage was. Now that humans have been dealing with it for thousands of years, our immune systems are very well aware of its existence, and we have antibodies to fight it off. Eventually Covid 19 will hopefully get to that point too, and it may become a nuisance rather than a serious threat - at least to people who aren't immunocompromised. We have a long way to go before it gets to that point, and it has nothing to do with any elections. Not all viruses work that way though, AIDS for example isn't something we are likely to develop immunity to.

Not everything bad that happens is some conspiracy to help the Democratic party in this country. This is a GLOBAL pandemic, and another one could happen just as easily when it is politically inconvenient for my party. We all need to be able to differentiate political issues from public health issues.


Who was it that said, "Don't ever let a good crisis go to waste?"

That was a Democrat, right?


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Well, the common cold existed thousands of years before the Democratic party ever did, so how do you explain that one?



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What needs to be explained about the common cold? We all know the Democrat party is a mutation of some virus out there.

The better question would be, why did the Democrat run states feel the need to lockdown over the common cold? Could it have been because they needed to cheat the elections in some swing states and the idea of getting a bunch of people on one of George Soro's rented buses seemed highly unlikley? It really is fitting that your party be responsible for cleaning up this mess! 2022 is right around the corner, your people better get to work or it could be real ugly in the mid-terms.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Extending voting times and allowing mail in ballots helps ALL citizens, not just Democrats.



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I feel that allowing people to mail in ballots lacks the privacy that an election requires.

Lots of uneducated, poor or otherwise retarded people will have ballots filled out and sent in on their behalf.

It does not help ALL citizens, it helps Democrats because they claim to be the champions of the poor and uneducated. People that would normally sit out an election because they can't read or fill in a bubble properly now have the luxury of having their ballots filled out by someone else who can. You can bet that person will be whoever is taking care of said voter.

Coronavirus has been the biggest scam in history and the fact that Trump did little to stop Democratic governors from locking down and trampling peoples rights makes me think he may have been in on it. Trump failed and the American people fired his ass. 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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DEMOCRATS: Hurry up and get your COVID-19 shots that are two years out of date!


How in the hell can our Government be so crooked? Do they know the year is 2021 and that the COVID-2019 shot is too little, two years too late?

I am getting real sick of this COVID bullshit!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

DEMOCRATS: Hurry up and get your COVID-19 shots that are two years out of date!


How in the hell can our Government be so crooked? Do they know the year is 2021 and that the COVID-2019 shot is too little, two years too late?

I am getting real sick of this COVID bullshit!


Amen !

With all the "narratives" going around about bogus vaccines, I wouldn't want the shot anyway !

And I'm not going to get one unless forced into it.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That is their aim! 

Sadly Trump is just as guilty as Biden! They are all sold and beholden to big pharma...

They want to make it to where every year you are FORCED to get a shot... not because you need it, rather because they need the revenue. It's sick and it's sad!

For 45 years I have lived on this earth without needing a flu shot, and that is ALL the COVID vaccine is. 

Once they get you trained to getting your shot they will just insist you start getting several every year (aka boosters).

Again, FUCK THEM! There is something we are not being told! No virus last over two years like this! And if it did, it was only because the worlds Governments incubated it with mandatory lockdowns!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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I start to think that these injections, apart from generating revenue in the present time, will at some point in your life, be the actual cause of your death, so that everyone doesn't make it past 80 years of age or so.

If there is such a thing as freedom & democracy in your republic, you should have a choice here on this matter.


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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That is a VERY GOOD point Rastus! Most of the cost for the Government and Medical industry comes from people over 65 years old as they retire and take on retirement benefits. It only makes sense because I just know the medical insurance industry has to have their hands into the  hospitals and patient care business as well, and we already know they have complete control of the Government.

Freedoms here in America can be circumvented by agencies that regulate business... for instance, they aren't forcing you to get a shot (yet) here in America, however if you work for a big company or want to use the services of big companies they can FORCE the businesses to comply, which in effect forces EVERYONE who works for or seeks services from them to get a vaccine to remain in compliance. In America it's so free that we have end-runs around things like freedom. 

Sleepy Joe Biden tried to justify his "end runs" around the 1st Amendment by saying "No Amendment is absolute" and he tried to justify it by using the logic that it's illegal to yell FIRE in a crowded movie theater. What he and many others failed to get their mush mind around was the fact that while yelling FIRE in a crowed movie theater can be punishable by law, your right to be that asshole and try it was your god given freedom! Under Biden he would rather make that end-run around the 1st Amendment by gagging everyone at a movie theater... 

Same goes with the vaccine, you don't have to get it... but if your job requires it because of some government regulatory rule you'll get one or find another job... same thing if you want to get on an airplane... You wear a mask or you can walk/drive. 

It started with the "two weeks to flatten the curve" under Trump. Putting a self absorbed little prick like Fauci in front of Americans during a period of influence like that, asking Americans to self quarantine for two weeks back in March is 100% Trumps fault. He took the Wuhan-Flu bate hook-line-and-sinker! Fucking idiot... I may never forgive him for that, and I had long overlooked his arrogant and pompous ways in hopes that he really was something! Turns out he lost his courage soon as he heard about a virus, because China knew Trump was a germaphobe and they played him like a fiddle! 

Biden on the other hand, we all know his family is bought lock-stock-and-barrel by China. So he is just doing what he is told and really isn't all there in the head to care much. Just as long as he is the center of attention and can hug, touch and sniff on women again he really don't give a shit! Sadly, being a horney old codger myself, I respect that! LOL




What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Why don't you just go storm the Capitol then? There is clearly no convincing you about anything that you don't already have a predisposition to disbelieve.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Why don't you just go storm the Capitol then? There is clearly no convincing you about anything that you don't already have a predisposition to disbelieve.


Hey PowerStroker,

LOL ! Surely you must admit that there's a lot of good reason to doubt the validity of the vaccines being distributed, yet alone being "forced" to take them ?...

Your new avatar, is that the actor Javier Bardem who played the bad-guy in the James Bond film "Skyfall" from 2012 ?...He's a pretty-good bad-guy lol !

-- Edited by Rastus on Thursday 13th of May 2021 08:55:26 PM


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Yup, that's the actor, but the picture of him is from his role as Anton Chigurh in No Country For Old Men.

And yes, he plays one hell of a bad guy in that movie too.

I've had my two shots of the Pfizer vaccine and glad I did.



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PowerStroker wrote:

I've had my two shots of the Pfizer vaccine and glad I did.


Hey I'm sure a Junkie is glad they got their last fix too.

Freedom is not a one way street though.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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There are two ways to develop immunity to this disease. The easy way of getting the vaccine, or the hard way of getting the virus.

I realize that as a conservative, you believe in a sense of "rugged individualism," and I can assure you that absolutely nobody is impressed by your choosing the hard way on this or any other public health issue.

But at least you feel "rugged" I guess.



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Truth be told I'd like to blame it all on Democrats, but it happend on Trumps watch!

I self identify with the Republican party because their values better align with mine. That is not to say it's gospel, and I will speak up when their values don't, which is more than I can say for you. Sadly it's all a big game.

You know I don't worry about trying to impress people... I am not trying to appear anything but free to make my own choices! 

If your mask and vaccine work then don't worry about what I do or don't do!


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

I am not trying to appear anything but free to make my own choices!


Agreed...In a "free & democratic society", this is exactly what "free" stands for IMO. Freedom of choice.

What sleepy-Joe has said is unconstitutional, & I would suggest illegal. However, Mr.GW Bush jr. did make amendments to the presidents range-of-power whilst in office, & should this Covid-scam be looked at as an act of terrorism ( remember that word lol ), sleepy-Joe may well be able to implement  the injections...

However, why not just continue the Covid test where considered needed / mandatory, rather than enforce such a fascistic decision because he's POTUS ?...

Might have to "flip-a-coin" on this decision !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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People also overlook the right to medical privacy is being totally trampled on as well!

Might as well just put everyones medical records online for the whole world to see... wait, Obama already did that with Obamacare's electronic records mandate.

It's way far out of hand, and it's only going to get worse I fear.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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They haven't implemented the mandatory injections here in Oz just yet, but our "Medicare" website has a ready-to-print "injection history page" should your future employer request it...


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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More Covid bollox happening here in Oz, but I won't get into that lol ! ... But whilst scrolling through the news headlines, we're already preparing for the next "Flu-thingy" to keep the money rolling in...

Check it out...( I haven't read it myself just yet, but its always good to get a heads-up lol ).


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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Very interesting Rastus, I didn't read it all yet either because it's quite large but it seems to identify the next big term "Disease X"...

Here in the USA the MSM is all up on the "Delta" version of the 'Rona coming from India. Some outlets are even starting to suggest that the vaccine may not be effective against this strain and there are even reports of some people going all out and getting all three vaccine shots! I know that sounds crazy but they let one guy do it! He said his reactions were much worse the 3rd time around too. 

I have no doubt this pandemic is like gold to Governments and world leaders and they will keep it going as long as they can... I just worry at some point they might let out a REAL deadly one just to re-inforce the grip on power. This whole COVID thing could have just been a test run for the real thing and that's the sad part. People been dying of the flu for ages now, they can't even cure the common cold but they are going to fix the COVID-2019 even if it takes them until 2030, or however many more elections before they feel comfortable with their grasp on power. If all else fails there is always good old fashioned war! Sad really.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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SELLC wrote:

 I just worry at some point they might let out a REAL deadly one just to re-enforce their grip on power.


Amen !

Get into CE5, learn the truth, & leave it all behind.

A far better world for everyone is on its way !


"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together".    Dwight D.Eisenhower.


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If we even make it that long!

Sometimes I worry that we took action WAY TOO EARLY and by the time it has really set in the Government will just be like, oh well... we told you!

A lot of good hunkering down a year ago and shutting down the country did if the virus needed to mutate to become it's most deadly.

Too much about this seems like it was an engineered virus that was let out... never seen nothing like this in my lifetime.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Notice though how your freedoms were taken away under a Republican administration, and they are being returned under a Democratic one.



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PowerStroker wrote:

Notice though how your freedoms were taken away under a Republican administration, and they are being returned under a Democratic one.


No... actually it was only DEMOCRAT run states that shut down during the Republican Administration. Now they are opening back up because it looks bad on Democrats and come October 2022 I wouldn't be shocked if Democrats pulled some more BS to cheat the vote.

I think a lot of Democrats are going to lose seats in 2022... 

I'm only pissed at Trump because he didn't have the Justice Department arrest these Democrat governors who were taking away freedoms! In Texas and Florida there was none of this BS like in the Democrat run cities. 

In fact, I am curious if you were even able to type that statement above with a straight face.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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The fact that you think that a president of either party should ever direct the justice department to arrest anyone speaks volumes.



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PowerStroker wrote:

The fact that you think that a president of either party should ever direct the justice department to arrest anyone speaks volumes.


Don't take that tone with me young man! lol!

The fact here is that BOTH Democrat AND Republican DO! And you know it!

Of course that draws away from the REAL issue here, which is why the hell the DOJ didn't go after these Governors without having to be asked! 


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Who did Obama or Biden ever direct the Justice Department to prosecute?



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Well there was this private meeting between Bill Clinton and then AG Lynch while Obama was President, perhaps you heard about it? Happend right about the time they were grilling Hillary.

Of course the person who broke that story killed himself, you know... sort of how they found McAffe and Epstine...  

Think AG Holder got kicked to the curb for similar kinds of things.



What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Posts: 16416

Might I also add spying on the Trump Campaign to the list?

Funny how they are always blind when it comes to Democrats... short memory too, just like you.


What is to give light must endure burning -- Viktor Frankl




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Posts: 6532

Neither of those are examples of an Executive branch directing the Justice Department to prosecute anybody. And to my knowledge, the surveillance of Trumps calls with Russia weren't even ordered by any partisan either. He was simply picked up because all calls to foreign adversaries are subject to NSA monitoring.

"Hey guys, you'll never believe who just called the Kremlin"

^^^ Obama had nothing to do with this, Trump was picked up legitimately through his own behavior. If you want to blame somebody for that, you can blame George W Bush for the Patriot Act which put that whole program in place.


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