And to keep the good-times rolling, & all of us confused from our hosts flip-flopping, here's a few quotes to remember...
Stellar quotes.
"I broke with Trump years before he got fired"...
"I think that the Government and the media are convinced that Americans are absolutely idiots who will believe anything they are spoon fed".
"As we go into 2022 with our Politicians and their friends fist fucking the Federal Reserve, who in turn fist fucks ALL OF US to pay for it, just know that I am not fooled by the media"!
"I am totally disgusted with the waste and incompetence, at the upper levels of our Government ! And the arrogance is putrid" !
"It's been set aside for me, I WANT MY FUCKING MONEY !... PERIOD" !!!...
"Go fuck yourself with that partisan shit you're pedeling, Black lives matter, like you give a fuck about any black man! You're just a partisan HACK ! Well I got news for you Jack, keep your hands off my stack"!
"If I was a pensioner I'd be pissed that my pension was being used for Russian stock purchases! Especially considering all these pensioners are teachers, cops and other city workers" !
"This reminds me of the time Trumpdt went to church...I think the people are only in shock because neither of them burst into flames "...
"We deal in realities here Rastus, what we do not deal in is deception".
"They ( Biden & Trumpdt ) are two complete failures with assholes large enough for the arm of their puppeteer to control without you even knowing"!
"This time around Trump wont have my money, because I will not donate to political campaigns anymore, due to current small business lending practices"...
"Only an alert & knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial & military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods & goals, so that security & liberty may prosper together". Dwight D.Eisenhower.